Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: grampster on December 31, 2005, 10:18:31 AM

Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: grampster on December 31, 2005, 10:18:31 AM
Bored.  Curious.

Heading out for a GR Griffins hockey game with swmbo and the grandkids in about an hour.  Be back home by 10:30 or so.  Got to pick up oldest son's girlfriend's 14 year old on the way and then bring those 3 and ourselves back to Grampster's Keep.

Got a bottle of bubbly grape juice for 16 and two 14 year olds.  I'll have a glass of 50/50 Irish Cream and Bushmills.  (Couldn't find a bottle of Jameson)  SWMBO will have a cup of tea.  The kids will then promptly eat everything in the house.

Then I'll check this thread and see what's going on across the fruited plain.

Happy New Year to ya'll.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Guest on December 31, 2005, 10:24:24 AM
Doing web stuff right now and then will have kids coming over tonight. It's an annual tradition that they all come to Aunt Barb's for New Year's Eve but they're all growing up or moving away, so this year, I'm down to just 3.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: erik the bold on December 31, 2005, 10:25:51 AM
Watching the Red Wings at 7:00, and then probably falling asleep shortly thereafter.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: jefnvk on December 31, 2005, 10:26:50 AM
Since I'm not going to be around for my birthday, Grandma wants to do it tonite.  Started doing that back when tehy were in Arizona during my birthday.

Then, depending on how long that goes, maybe a fire at my friends house.

Oops, forgot about the Wings.  They'll probably get thrown in there too.  Gotta watch a real hockey team now and then, as Tech always finds a new way to lose.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Guest on December 31, 2005, 10:57:21 AM
Amateur Night.

Well even when I did inhib, I didn't go out.

I normally sleep thru all this, or find myself looking up from a book; something I am working on and it dawns on  me the calendar has changed.   *shrug*

I have DeMille's "Up Country" to read. Trying to get caught up on personal reading before Spring Semester starts.

Tomorrow is "dump the backpack and sort thru all the crap the Fall Semester deposited in it".

Have to go, about to finish "Atlas Shrugged" again. Lets see - seven days and 6 books read. I'm getting there...

I have managed to write 11 "works"  in the last 8 days- now to edit and figure out what to do with them...

Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Ben on December 31, 2005, 11:00:09 AM
Staying in my house to avoid the drunk drivers, doing my year end accounting, filing, and other tax prep, and probably spending the night babbling to myself because of that one thread I started....
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on December 31, 2005, 11:03:29 AM
Four grandkids (Wesley, Jonathan, Garrett and Lindsey) are staying with us as their parents go color pin bowling.  We'll just stay in as we always do.  Last time we stayed up until midnight was New Years Eve 1999.

We've found that the new year always gets here whether we wait up for it or not. Smiley
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: brimic on December 31, 2005, 11:13:03 AM
Going out to eat at with the wife, then a movie afterward- she wants to see the Johnny Cash movie. After that, we are going to the neighbors house for the rest of the night.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Lennyjoe on December 31, 2005, 11:13:33 AM
I have some venison stewing in the crock pot for dinner.  Gonna have dinner, watch a movie and head off to bed around 10.  Going out bowhunting again in the morning.  Got to within 80yds of a big 4X4 mulie before the 7 does he was shapparoning busted me.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Warren on December 31, 2005, 11:21:44 AM
A couple of mugs of black & tan and then off to bed so I can get up and watch the Bucs crush the Saints on The Lord's Day.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Justin on December 31, 2005, 11:35:46 AM
Backing up nearly a quarter Terabyte of 3d files, rendered stills, and video sequences to DVD.

This is taking forever.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: 280plus on December 31, 2005, 11:56:06 AM
280 not feel good... :barf:

So we were going to go out for an early dinner but now we're staying home and I just noticed mama getting the Margerita mix and the tequila out shocked

probably spending the night babbling to myself because of that one thread I started....
What thread might that be? Cheesy
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: bermbuster on December 31, 2005, 12:02:58 PM
Nothing different from any other night.  Eat dinner, check the internet, play Scrabble online, go to bed.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Warren on December 31, 2005, 12:14:03 PM
Excitement thy name is bermbuster!
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Jamisjockey on December 31, 2005, 01:04:42 PM
Huh, what, is it New Years already?
Having dinner with friends.  Likely in bed by 11pm.  
I did just crack my first beer (4pm)
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Phantom Warrior on December 31, 2005, 01:14:34 PM
Drinking some Crown and Coke (or just Crown) w/ Bakke while we watch "The Italian Job."  Yeah, and watching the insane firework around Schweinfurt.  Go Germany!!!!
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Paddy on December 31, 2005, 01:18:40 PM
I'm gonna get drunk and coked up then drive around town shooting my AK in the air.  Then it's on back home where I'll shoot up some horse, get a nice buzz going and fall asleep in front of the fireplace. Smiley
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Guest on December 31, 2005, 01:19:39 PM
Drinking chai tea and working on this goofy website. Wouldn't be so bad if I weren't incompetent, but that keeps getting in my way.

Also, updated on for my buddy who does advanced training.

Still have work to do on both of them but I'm done for today.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: French G. on December 31, 2005, 01:23:34 PM
Way ahead of you folks, already rang this one in here in Bahrain. I guess I can watch the ball drop over my morning coffee. Nothing exciting for me, just standing duty waiting for all of my drunken flock to wander back aboard.

Best wishes, may the New Year bring you all that you hope and work for. I suppose that since I am 2 hours into '06 I had better get moving on making some New Year's resolutions myself so I will have something to work for.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Fly320s on December 31, 2005, 01:33:22 PM
Sleeping; have an early flight in the morning.

Hopefully, I can find some tamales to eat tomorrow.  Tradition, dontcha know.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: SpookyPistolero on December 31, 2005, 01:36:11 PM
Absolutely nothing remarkable here, either. Been under the weather so just sitting here with tea and hot cider and oatmeal. Bleh. Not sure if I'll last until midnight.

Basically, I'm just thrilled to get this wretch of a year overwith. Lots and lots of very bad things happened, and most people I know seem to express the same sentiment. I hate new years because all it ever does is prompt me to uncontrollably take stock of those bad things. Who wants to remember all that crap, on with the now!

I hope '06 holds nothing but the best of what each of you hope for!
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Stickjockey on December 31, 2005, 01:46:24 PM
Eat dinner, watch some Britcoms on OPB, maybe have a beer. Nuttin much.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: 280plus on December 31, 2005, 01:57:27 PM
Nothing exciting for me, just standing duty waiting for all of my drunken flock to wander back aboard.
Been there, done that. 1976 Great lakes, Il.

Then in 1979 I recall being one of the drunken flock. But we stumbled more than wandered across the brow. My buddy "Rooter" fell over the "Subject to Search" sign and knocked it and himself over. I can still visualize that. I could go on for a while with stories of both evenings, but I won't.

Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Sylvilagus Aquaticus on December 31, 2005, 02:08:54 PM
It's 18:05 CST and I'm already contemplating a long nap.  SWMBO drug me to Target about 11 this morning, and I'm exhausted. Fortunately I picked up Serenity in widescreen so after my nap...maybe upon awakening sometime around 0300 local time, I'll watch it.

Happy New Year y'all.

Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on December 31, 2005, 02:18:29 PM
We sure are an exciting bunch...
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: MaterDei on December 31, 2005, 02:27:11 PM
I can think of 360 days that I'd rather go out an party (Christmas and the Easter Weekend are out).  

sm nailed it on the head.  Amateur night.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Preacherman on December 31, 2005, 02:29:03 PM
Quiet evening by myself at home.  Around 11.30 p.m., I'll tuck the cats up in the living-room with some milk and my company, so that they don't go insane when Bubba and his local buddies start shooting everything in the house into the air in celebration.  If anything hits my house, I'll return fire (any direction will do - there are Bubba's everywhere!).
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: garrettwc on December 31, 2005, 02:41:21 PM
Four grandkids (Wesley, Jonathan, Garrett and Lindsey) are staying with us as their parents go color pin bowling.
Great name on that third grandchild Wink

Spend the afternoon building a TV/Stereo cabinet for the parents and let the the grandkids run loose in great mamaw and papaws for a while. Then home to tuck them in bed. I'll probably be in bed before midnight since I have to get up at 4:30AM.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on December 31, 2005, 02:53:16 PM
I'm in a very large, very nice cabin in the woods, near Lake Arrowhead, California.
My grandparents bought this place so the family would have some place out of San Diego to spend holidays.  Just got done watching Denver slaughter San Diego (damn) and now dinner is being prepared.  We'll probably sit around, talk, and eat until midnight, just like last year, and the year before.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: The Rabbi on December 31, 2005, 02:53:49 PM
What's special about tonight again?
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Moondoggie on December 31, 2005, 03:03:06 PM
Coppin' a minor buzz behind some Captain Morgan, Coke, & Lime.

Watching Band of Brothers.

Wife & I took MIL out to dinner last nite to avoid the drunken mobs tonite.  18 oz Prime Rib & a spud.  Finished off the last half this afternoon.  Yum!

Wife & I spent all afternoon in the kitchen trying out a new pasta machine to make homemade egg noodles.  Got the family feast going on tomorrow.   Took several experiments to get it going right.  We made about 6 batches and totally trashed the kitchen.  It's way easier for SWMBO to do them by hand.  Good thing we got the machine at an auction for $3, otherwise it would really bother me when it gets used for target practice.

Probably spend a little time out in the hot tub and then early to bed.

Holiday, schmoliday!  BFD.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on December 31, 2005, 03:06:25 PM
Quote from: dasmi
watching Denver slaughter San Diego (damn)
You were expecting different maybe? Cheesy
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: esheato on December 31, 2005, 03:42:01 PM
Hmm...I'm having a midnight BBQ. I invited a good girl friend over and we're doing steaks and having a sixer of unfiltered wheat beer.

As long as I'm off the roads, I don't care about anything else.

Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Guest on December 31, 2005, 04:08:15 PM
Woohoo, my redneck brother just dropped by with a gallon jub of homemade applejack and poured me a big old glass. Of course, he also left me two kids, but they're big enough to take care of themselves and just come here to hang out with my kiddo.

Odds are if I finish 1/3 of this glass, I'll be sleeping before midnight. I'm not much of a drinker. Smiley
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: bermbuster on December 31, 2005, 04:45:40 PM
Quote from: here2learn
Excitement thy name is bermbuster!
Ain't that the truth?
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: bermbuster on December 31, 2005, 04:48:39 PM
Quote from: Moondoggie

Wife & I spent all afternoon in the kitchen trying out a new pasta machine to make homemade egg noodles.  Got the family feast going on tomorrow.   Took several experiments to get it going right.  We made about 6 batches and totally trashed the kitchen.  It's way easier for SWMBO to do them by hand.  Good thing we got the machine at an auction for $3, otherwise it would really bother me when it gets used for target practice....
You know you can buy that stuff already made, don't you?
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Azrael256 on December 31, 2005, 04:50:13 PM
We had stuffed crab...  thingies, tuna steaks, and swordfish steaks followed by chocolate pecan pie.  All washed down with a nice mix of rasberry vodka, cran/rasberry juice, and 7up.  It's effervescent and it gets you drunk.  'Course, I've been working on the scotch since about 1600.  A bunch of my 1911 parts came in today, but I think I had better wait until tomorrow lest I slip and put the recoil spring cap through the ceiling.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: bermbuster on December 31, 2005, 04:51:48 PM
Quote from: Barbara
Woohoo, my redneck brother just dropped by with a gallon jub of homemade applejack a.....
That just sounds wunnerful!
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Ben on December 31, 2005, 04:52:04 PM
280Plus wrote:
What thread might that be?
That one where everybody is sitting around, eating their popcorn and watching to see which explodes first, my head or my new TV. Cheesy Tongue
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Ben on December 31, 2005, 04:55:25 PM
Okay, I give up. What's Applejack? Cider? The only Applejack(s) I know involve milk.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: bermbuster on December 31, 2005, 04:57:01 PM
Quote from: BenW
Okay, I give up. What's Applejack? Cider? The only Applejack(s) I know involve milk.
In SC it's hard cider.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: garyk/nm on December 31, 2005, 04:59:28 PM
Finished off the rest of the Christmas mead while cooking dinner. Now for dessert, coffee and Baileys and  a cigar. Anybody heard of Plasencia? I hadn't, but got 2 boxes for Christmas; not bad.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Old Dog on December 31, 2005, 05:18:59 PM
Eh, wife's at the hospital workin' hard (she'll be busy tonight) ... just finished watching American Rifleman TV on OLN, checkin' out the football, started some Matchlight to grill a t-bone ... in the hopes my teenage daughter doesn't call me for a ride any time tonight, just cracked open a new bottle of Courvoisier for later and put some Samuel Adams on ice ... got the new Michael Connelly novel to start tonight ... life is good.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Ben on December 31, 2005, 05:46:24 PM
In SC it's hard cider.
Ah, thanks. Must be a Southern thing everywhere in the world. My folks are from Southern Germany, and when they and their friends that all immigrated here get together, nearly 50 years later they still talk about some of my Dad's escapades after drinking too much cider, or Mosst (how the heck do you make the big German S anyways?) as it's known over there. Cheesy
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: grampster on December 31, 2005, 07:18:01 PM
Old Dog,
Michael Connelly has a new one. A new Bosch story?  What's the title?

Just hit midnight, grandkids have eaten everything in the house, the Griffins got their ass beat by Chicago ( I really hate that team now), g'kids sucking up a bottle of sparkly grape juice, swmbo is in bed, I have a 50/50 Irish Cream and Bushmill as I promised.  (2nd one), tried to download HP photosmart to be able to e mail pics from swmbo's new E317 camera.  The software is a piece of crap that defies description.  Can't figure out how to attach for e mails.  I stopped playing with it else I start throwing .40 cal Federal hollow point around my office.  Aaaaaargh.

I think I'll go back to a novel I was reading cause I'm to geeked to go to bed.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: K Frame on December 31, 2005, 07:47:03 PM
Just got back from a small semi-formal dinner party at friends.

At least I didn't have to drag my tux out.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Guest on December 31, 2005, 08:03:23 PM
I will be making double-time and a half at work tonight. I did get murderously drunk last year, and I think its probably for the best that I do something more productive this time around. We do traditionally sneak in a bottle of whatever "sparkling white wine" happens to be on sale at 7-11.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Sylvilagus Aquaticus on December 31, 2005, 08:13:14 PM
Cheesy Yep. I woke up about 2300 local time, came in and watched Dick Clark for awhile with SWMBO. Looks like he's doing better than I expected after his stroke.  SWMBO went to bed a few minutes ago- I've got the back door open and there are a couple of the cats running in and out. The dogs are asleep. It's remarkably quiet outside. Usually I hard a fair number of fireworks going off around here on NYE, but with the burn bans and huge fire risk, even in town, folks seem to be taking it very seriously this year.

Happy New Year, y'all.  I may see if the indoor range is open tomorrow and we'll spend some time there getting a little trigger time in, as She wants to Cheesy .

Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Guest on January 01, 2006, 02:48:17 AM
Yep, hard apple cider. He left me 1/2 a large glass (not a mason jar, exactly, but close, heh.) I drank about 1/2 that and fell asleep about 10:30. Woke up at midnight for smooches from the kids and nodded back off. Woke up at 3:00 am to find them still up playing computer games and shooed them all to bed. I bet they sleep till noon.

This afternoon, I'm going hunting again. I'm the a very unsuccessful hunter, so we'll see.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: 280plus on January 01, 2006, 04:13:40 AM
Some old guys I knew once used to joke about going hunting for "two legged dear". If you get lucky, maybe you"ll catch one of those... Tongue

Me? Bed by 10 pm, woke up to my first driveway shoveling of the new year. woo hoo...


I'm just not the party animal I used to be.

Feel better today though. Wink
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Guest on January 01, 2006, 04:46:48 AM
I'd rather hunt the four legged kind. More fun to track and fewer headaches when you eventually kill one. Smiley
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: bermbuster on January 01, 2006, 05:40:12 AM
Quote from: BenW
In SC it's hard cider.
Ah, thanks. Must be a Southern thing everywhere in the world. My folks are from Southern Germany, and when they and their friends that all immigrated here get together, nearly 50 years later they still talk about some of my Dad's escapades after drinking too much cider, or Mosst (how the heck do you make the big German S anyways?) as it's known over there. Cheesy

alt + 0223
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: ...has left the building. on January 01, 2006, 07:49:26 AM
Last night was a few friends, more than a few shots of Jameson, and a digital camera. Fun times! Now I'm battling a skull splitting hangover before my wife's family Christmas today...
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Ben on January 01, 2006, 07:55:47 AM
alt + 0223
Danke Schoen!  Smiley
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Lennyjoe on January 01, 2006, 08:36:47 AM
I actually watched Band of Brothers on History channel and Lonesome Dove on the Hallmark channel until the wife came in.  Then we watched the dvd "The Island" until around 2330.  After that we sat out back and talked to the neighbors until 0030.  Bed shortly after that.  

All of my kids are home safe this morning.  That's a load off of my mind.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: bermbuster on January 01, 2006, 09:01:04 AM
Quote from: BenW
Danke Schoen!  Smiley
Bitte Schön
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: grampster on January 01, 2006, 11:22:21 AM
Well, I've broken my New Year's resolution to fast for 20 days.  So far a baloney sandwich, a bunch of corn chips and salso and swmbo has the BBQ on the stove.  Sigh....I think I picked up a couple of pies at the store.  I'm not too sure as the time in the store is ahh er sort of a blur.  Bushmills and Irish cream anyone?  Don't mind if I do.  Tongue
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: 280plus on January 01, 2006, 12:09:17 PM
More fun to track and fewer headaches when you eventually kill one.

you got THAT right!

Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Guest on January 01, 2006, 02:50:59 PM
Bah. I am the anti-deer. I may have to start dating or something.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Moondoggie on January 01, 2006, 03:50:27 PM

"Store-bought" noodles...surely you jest!

Homemade egg noodles cooked in broth are a holiday dinner family tradition in both my wife's and my families.  Must be our German ancestry.

Yum, Yum!

BTW, at dinner today the family firmly and unanimously rejected the use of the pasta machine.  The noodles were too thick, simply won't do.  Back to making them by hand as we have for our 25 yrs of marriage.
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Old Dog on January 02, 2006, 09:20:56 AM
Grampster, the "new" Connelly novel I mentioned was the (not a Bosch novel) one published last fall, "The Lincoln Lawyer."  Finished it; worth reading IMO (if one is a Connelly fan)>
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: Nathaniel Firethorn on January 02, 2006, 10:46:01 AM
Went to see Southside Johnny in Red Bank, followed by champagne at a hotel in town.

- NF
Title: OK, so what's everybody up to tonight to kiss aught five goodbye?
Post by: grampster on January 02, 2006, 12:17:05 PM
Old Dog,

     Been wondering about that story.  Had the book in my hands a couple times at Sam's Club.  Thought I'd wait for the paperback.  I love his Bosch character.  I'll pick the book up now on your recomendation.  Thanks.