Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: grampster on January 14, 2006, 08:58:19 PM

Title: Maunderings, Part whatever...
Post by: grampster on January 14, 2006, 08:58:19 PM
Yesterday, I got a confirmation.  You see, I'm a pessemist.  Definition:  The state of either being constantly proved right or pleasantly surprised.  I believe that life is a cloudy day into which a bright and effusive ray of sunshine occasionaly occurs.

Now, I don't think that everybody encounters paradigms.  But the possibility of it needs to be grasped and sought out.  I was pleasantly surprised yesterday.  I don't know the details yet; will have them by Wednesday.  I think I'm also going to be proved right.  What more could a pessimist ask for; Total Vindication.

I was about to retire from my profession on February 1st.  I told Uncle Sam my plans and he agreed to pay SWMBO and I a sum on a monthly basis till we croak.  The first of that lucre appears in March.  The 4th Monday I'm told.

In the meantime, the leaders with a plan; that would be the controling interests in my company; bumbled into a solution, they think, to a glitch that has appeared in their planning.  I deduced they were about to grasp the concept of divesting old employees.  They think making money comes from cutting costs.  They just never see the value, just the dollars. Sigh.......  

So I neglected to throw in my papers in December for a February departure.  I thought I'd wait a bit and see what happens...Could I be a Totaly Vindicated pessimist?  Time would tell.

Well an e-mail Friday tells of on offer for those over 60 (me, thank you Jesus) to mull over a "voluntary" separation, the offer of which may be "interesting' to those folks.  Ding, ding, ding.  grampster just won the lottery.  I can't wait till Wednesday.

PS:  SWMBO and I are about to embark on our yearly trek to Key West.  I think I'll charter a plane.  Anybody else want to go?
Title: Maunderings, Part whatever...
Post by: Guest on January 14, 2006, 09:28:29 PM
Steve's Luck-

grampster wins the lottery, Steve (me) is in the mood for shrimp, seafood, never tires of watching Key West Sunsets,the Cookie Lady, The Egg into the bottle trick, Hemingway's Home, Sloppy Joe's ( both of them) Clipper Ships rides, ...Mel Fisher's exhibit...

Spring Semester is starting. Some of us have all the Luck - huh?

You and the Wife have a good time. If you run across any Crab races, bet on #5, or any Crab name with "skitter" in the name.
Hey, I won $20 on Skitter-Getter, and I put my entry[him] in the fifth line on the blackboard.  Do I know how to party in Key West or what? Tongue
Title: Maunderings, Part whatever...
Post by: TarpleyG on January 15, 2006, 05:12:23 AM
Let me know when you'll be there.  Maybe we can drive down for the weekend.

Title: Maunderings, Part whatever...
Post by: 280plus on January 15, 2006, 05:35:52 AM
They just never see the value, just the dollars. Sigh.......
And there's so many out there like that too...
Wish I could join you but I spent all my Florida Keys vacation money on that lovely new septic system. It truly is a piece of art done by a true artisan. Unfortunately it is now buried. Actually I guess that's a good thing. Tongue