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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: longeyes on February 22, 2010, 01:02:57 PM

Title: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: longeyes on February 22, 2010, 01:02:57 PM
Meek and mild, stupid little lambs to the slaughter...

Boehner: President's Health Proposal Jeopardizes Summit, Doubles Down on Failed Approach
House.Gov ^ | 2/22/2010 | John Boeher

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement in response to the partisan health care proposal posted online by the White House for discussion at the upcoming bipartisan health care summit:

“The President has crippled the credibility of this week’s summit by proposing the same massive government takeover of health care based on a partisan bill the American people have already rejected. This new Democrats-only backroom deal doubles down on the same failed approach that will drive up premiums, destroy jobs, raise taxes, and slash Medicare benefits.

“This week’s summit clearly has all the makings of a Democratic infomercial for continuing on a partisan course that relies on more backroom deals and parliamentary tricks to circumvent the will of the American people and jam through a massive government takeover of health care.

“The best way to protect families and small businesses in this time of economic uncertainty is to start over with a step-by-step approach to health care reform focused on lowering costs, and that’s exactly what Republicans are fighting for. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that the Republican bill reduces premiums for families and small businesses by up to 10 percent. The Republican bill reduces premiums by implementing common-sense reforms such as allowing Americans to purchase insurance across state lines. Despite their rhetoric to the contrary, none of the Democrats’ proposals – including the President’s – provides this much-needed reform in a manner that can actually be effective.

“Republicans are also standing with the American people by calling for health care reform to protect human life and not use taxpayer money to fund abortion. The Republican bill would codify the Hyde Amendment and prohibit all authorized and appropriated federal funds from being used to pay for abortion, which the President’s proposal would allow. Pro-life Democrats in the House have already pledged to vote against this provision. Health care reform should be an opportunity to protect human life – not end it – and the American people agree.”
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on February 22, 2010, 01:08:07 PM
Meek and mild, stupid little lambs to the slaughter...

'Splayn, plz.

They'll be described as "obstructionist."

Until November comes around, that's a good thing that will earn them praise by what I see of the blogosphere and innernetz and coffee room chat.

People want Congress stopped cold.  They don't want bipartisan action.

However... failing to even attend and listen will earn them no end of criticism.  Dereliction of elected duty and so on.  They have ample opportunity to speak to us, and the new media juggernaut will get the message out while the MSM tries to skew it in favor of Obama/Pelosi.
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: longeyes on February 22, 2010, 01:18:44 PM
The problem is the format.

The GOP could easily buy an hour of TV time and lay out their plan, point by point by point, to lay to rest once and for all the canard that they have no initiatives of their own.

If there's going to be a debate, let us pick our best warrior and go head to head, one to one, with theirs (Obama or someone else), and make sure we have real questions posed by real people, not the same few talking heads.

The Republicans should not be worried about being called "obstructionists;" they are being called far, far worse.  They NEED to obstruct totalitarianism, and if they don't, won't, or can't, what good are they anyway?

Everyone knows this Thursday show is an ambush, and yet on they roll.
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: Waitone on February 22, 2010, 06:01:21 PM
I got no problem with showing up just as long as they are prepared to walk out just as soon as the mask of the confab's true purpose comes off.  Dick Morris suggests sending the 17 republican physicians in congress to the meeting and no one else.  Republicans could come out ahead but I seriously doubt it.
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: longeyes on February 23, 2010, 11:26:19 AM
The GOP should have walked out of Congress the first time Pelosi acted like Catherine the Great...
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: Scout26 on February 23, 2010, 09:09:52 PM
The GOP should have walked out of Congress the first time Pelosi acted like Catherine the Great...

That's a really bad visual, I didn't need.   Who's got the mind bleach....... :O :O
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: S. Williamson on February 23, 2010, 09:18:20 PM
That's a really bad visual, I didn't need.   Who's got the mind bleach....... :O :O  ;/
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: Scout26 on February 23, 2010, 10:07:31 PM
I got no problem with showing up just as long as they are prepared to walk out just as soon as the mask of the confab's true purpose comes off.  Dick Morris suggests sending the 17 republican physicians in congress to the meeting and no one else.  Republicans could come out ahead but I seriously doubt it.

If they don't send the 17 Dr's and then walk out when it becomes clear that this is a farce, then they truly are the Stupid party.
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: longeyes on February 23, 2010, 10:51:52 PM
I heard the format for the meeting today on a talk radio show.  This is a joke, and it's a joke that Republicans should have realized they were to be the butt of. 
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: Jim147 on February 25, 2010, 10:02:28 AM
"We'll have that meeting," said Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., who helped write the Senate bill. "But far more important, after that meeting, you can either join us or get out of the way."

I think it will go great. And did you see what the market thinks about it?

Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: longeyes on February 25, 2010, 11:37:46 AM
Well, it's begun, and the GOP was ballsy enough to begin with a request that reconciliation be dropped.  Obama sat there, looking pensive and professorial, and ignored the entreaty.  'Nuff said.  Five more hours of this?
Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: Jim147 on February 25, 2010, 12:35:59 PM
I only made it an hour and a half.

Title: Re: so, if it's an "infomercial," why in heck ARE THEY GOING???
Post by: Sergeant Bob on February 25, 2010, 10:04:11 PM
The "Republicans" in that room are a good start on who we should get rid of first.