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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Ben on March 06, 2010, 10:05:14 AM

Title: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Ben on March 06, 2010, 10:05:14 AM
All praise Zambodia!

Underwear, Mountain Of Sand Angers Neighbors

Posted: 5:27 pm EST March 5,2010Updated: 6:46 pm EST March 5,2010
VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. -- A home in Volusia County is sparking outrage Friday. A homeowner has strung up women's underwear and built mountains of sand in the back and neighbors are desperate for help.

The house is located near Daytona Beach Shores on Venetian Way (see map). It turns out the homeowner has done it before in other states.

The owner is a minor celebrity of sorts in other cities. The homeowner, Robert Hodges, calls himself “Prince Mongo.” His home has women’s underwear hanging outside on a clothesline.

On his website, Hodges claims to be from the planet Zambodia and is 333 years old. Hodges says he is here to save the world, but he's ruining his neighbor’s world.

"I am really, really angered by it at this point," neighbor Pam Lucas.

Hodges’s neighbors said they really don’t want to draw more attention to him for fear of what he'll do next.

Hodges didn't have a permit for his deck last year and Volusia County found out. That's when the Prince Mongo began painting his home bright colors, including witch illustrations directed toward a neighbor.

In late January, a mountain of sand was delivered and then the underwear started flying. Neighbors said the display grows almost weekly.

"When you consider this is your home, you would want something more stable and this would seem to be a very unsafe situation," Lucas said.

WFTV discovered it isn't Hodges’s first redecorating job. He's owned homes in Ft. Lauderdale and Memphis, Tennessee, where he's run for mayor with bizarre campaign platform speeches.

"I have a spaceship coming that’s going to carry 333 spirits, 333,000 spirits from earth," Hodges stated.

He has enough money to fight code violations in court, even going to jail and letting battles drag on for months. Hodges has at least seven violations on his Volusia County home, but has not had a code board hearing yet and the county said he may still have ample time before fines start to add up.

WFTV tried to find Hodges, but neighbors said he's gone for several days at a time.

Hodges may know what is against code and what is not. The underwear counts as a clothesline, which is not against code. Same with the paint, which the county doesn't have a rule for.

It isn't the first case WFTV covered where someone has trashed a home. In Seminole County, a man was convicted of felony littering for the mess he had in his yard. Alan Davis claimed it was art. He once even mocked authorities with a giant statue of a rear end in his front yard.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: geronimotwo on March 06, 2010, 10:20:01 AM
When you consider this is your home, you would want something more stable and this would seem to be a very unsafe situation," Lucas said.

i'm not sure what this person is refering to.  the underwear, the sand, or the mayor wanabee.

Hodges didn't have a permit for his deck last year and Volusia County found out. That's when the Prince Mongo began painting his home bright colors, including witch illustrations directed toward a neighbor.

so somebody didn't like his deck, and now he is pi$$ed?

WFTV tried to find Hodges, but neighbors said he's gone for several days at a time.

funny how they couldn't find him, but still quoted him.  wonder if they took it from a blog, or the neighbor?

Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: crt360 on March 06, 2010, 10:35:52 AM
I like the house painting.  "witch :("   :D
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: MillCreek on March 06, 2010, 10:40:49 AM
You all realize that this is El Tejon's nightmare, don't you?  And I bet that Prince Mongo doesn't floss, either.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Tallpine on March 06, 2010, 10:48:54 AM
Towards the end of the time that we lived in a certain small town which shall remain nameless, I was greatly tempted to plant four large posts down on the corner "to keep drunks from driving across my yard."

Three of the posts would have been about the same height, while one of the middle ones would have been significantly taller  :P
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Mabs2 on March 06, 2010, 12:31:43 PM
Sounds like a man customizing his home the way he wants it.
His neighbors need to stop being dicks.
Also, you need a permit to have a deck???
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 06, 2010, 01:04:24 PM
depending on the location and the deck you could need multiple permits
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Sergeant Bob on March 06, 2010, 02:25:09 PM
It isn't the first case WFTV covered where someone has trashed a home. In Seminole County, a man was convicted of felony littering for the mess he had in his yard. Alan Davis claimed it was art.

Felony littering? (,5247336)

He once even mocked authorities with a giant statue of a rear end in his front yard.
Now that's just funny.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Monkeyleg on March 06, 2010, 02:33:10 PM
The first time I read the thread title, I thought the story might be about a guy putting sand in the underwear of female neighbors.  :O
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Doggy Daddy on March 06, 2010, 02:41:53 PM
Watch the video here: (, then tell me how much you'd like that next door to you.   :facepalm:

Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: dogmush on March 06, 2010, 02:59:13 PM
I watched the video, and I definatly wouldn't want to live next to this guy.  It'd be annoying.  But that doesn't mean I want to start making laws about housepaint and sandboxes.  What if I annoy my neighbors?

PS,  I would however, spend a lot of time researching various exisiting codes, and making records of everything he did.  If that underwear blows off into my yard, or the sand gets blown into my car paint by the wind, we'd be in court.

PPS, did anybody notice that the newsguy said they couldn't find the prince, and yet they were still standing in his yard to film?  Tresspassing much?
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Northwoods on March 06, 2010, 03:04:11 PM
Tacky - absolutely.

Desirable neighbor? - not a chance.  Guy would probably leave me pining for the @ss with 9 dogs that moved in next door in Tucson.

But, not worth enacting a bunch of laws to stop.  Besides, so long as it really is not endangering anyone, I'd bet that if the neighbors just ignored him and gave him no attention that he'd eventually tire of the game and go elsewhere. 
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Sergeant Bob on March 06, 2010, 03:08:36 PM
Just another bunch of control freaks trying to enact laws against "things we don't like".
I call them Progressives.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: roo_ster on March 06, 2010, 04:23:22 PM
But, not worth enacting a bunch of laws to stop.  

I wholeheartedly agree.  Some things are just have to be met with social opprobrium and ad-hoc social sanctions.  Trying to deal with someone like this with the usual methods results in a spaghetti mess of laws & codes.

This calls for community vigilantism.  Torches, pitchforks, tar, feathers, whatever it takes.  If dude ends up injured or worse, no great loss.  Let his 333,000 spirits look after his well-being after his *expletive deleted*ss has been slathered in tar & feathers and wrapped in ladies undergarments.  Roughly, the non-military equivalent of a blanket party.

Hateful schmoes like this use the restraint, civilized behavior, and social niceties of others in order to foster chaos and get their rocks off.  He is social vermin doing to community & civilizational mores what welfare queens do to the work ethic.

Besides, so long as it really is not endangering anyone, I'd bet that if the neighbors just ignored him and gave him no attention that he'd eventually tire of the game and go elsewhere. 

Not likely.  Sounds like he has the means to make his displays a permanent fixture.

If this guy was doing this sort of thing in the middle of nowhere, nobody would care or mind.  He'd be amiably "eccentric" in the way that the dude who buries Cadillacs in the image of Stonehenge.  Really, what is a score of panties and a mound of sand in the middle of rural Iowa when there is a feed lot 1/4 mile farther down the road?

No, this guy deliberately flops down in the middle of a populated area and makes himself great big pain in the ass for everybody else who doesn't have a trust fund to finance their anti-social behavior.  He gets his rocks off making it impossible for others not so affluent as himself to sell their houses in a reasonable manner and pretty much just stinks up the place with his presence.

I doubt he even lives in any of those houses.

The low-cost equivalent is some vagrant low-life flopping down on the sidewalk in the middle of everyone's way, loosing their bowels & bladder, writhing about in it, and screaming, "What, don't you appreciate my art!"

I sure hope this guy ends up face down in a ditch somewhere.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: RaspberrySurprise on March 06, 2010, 04:42:19 PM
Yes indeed, let us visit violence upon someone enjoying his freedoms simply because we don't like what he's doing with his own things on his own property.

You do realize if you were to attempt what you are advocating he'd be morally and legally within his bounds to shoot you where you stood right?

If he's keeping his junk on his own property and not physically harming anyone let him be.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Monkeyleg on March 06, 2010, 04:49:59 PM
Geez, jfruser. The guy's guilty of creating an eyesore, not the Zodiac murders.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Jamisjockey on March 06, 2010, 05:24:36 PM
Besides, so long as it really is not endangering anyone, I'd bet that if the neighbors just ignored him and gave him no attention that he'd eventually tire of the game and go elsewhere

How dare you have common sense?  I mean, for crying out loud, he's flying underwear in his own yard!   =|

This calls for community vigilantism.  Torches, pitchforks, tar, feathers, whatever it takes.  If dude ends up injured or worse, no great loss.  Let his 333,000 spirits look after his well-being after his *expletive deleted*ss has been slathered in tar & feathers and wrapped in ladies undergarments.  Roughly, the non-military equivalent of a blanket party.

Have you lost your mind?

Yes indeed, let us visit violence upon someone enjoying his freedoms simply because we don't like what he's doing with his own things on his own property.

You do realize if you were to attempt what you are advocating he'd be morally and legally within his bounds to shoot you where you stood right?

If he's keeping his junk on his own property and not physically harming anyone let him be.

Emphasis mine. 
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: sanglant on March 06, 2010, 06:01:12 PM
i wonder how he would respond to 25 foot privacy fences. [popcorn]
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: AJ Dual on March 06, 2010, 10:08:46 PM
The first time I read the thread title, I thought the story might be about a guy putting sand in the underwear of female neighbors.  :O

I immediately thought of the guy on 43rd and Coldspring down by us who painted his house two shades of purple and hung thousands of old CD's on fishing line from his trees because he was P.O.'ed at Greenfield over some zoning/building code issue. And he put some very ugly and strange addition on his house that conformed with code, but looked anything but "right".

IIRC, his place is up for sale now. You said you were moving "South" after all...  =D

Edit: Just saw your other thread..
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: MicroBalrog on March 06, 2010, 10:55:15 PM
This calls for community vigilantism.  Torches, pitchforks, tar, feathers, whatever it takes.  If dude ends up injured or worse, no great loss.  Let his 333,000 spirits look after his well-being after his *expletive deleted*ss has been slathered in tar & feathers and wrapped in ladies undergarments.  Roughly, the non-military equivalent of a blanket party.

So you call for lynching a man for having a weird display in his yard? Because that's what that is. A lynching.

You would risk causing a man to be "injured or worse" over the ladies' underwear?

Tell me, what would you do if you discovered  a pile of dudes coming up to you house with torches, pitchforks, and obvious ill intent? What would you do if these guys broke into your house with obvious violence in mind?

And if you tried to do such a thing to me, I'd do the same. And so would anybody else. And they'd be acquitted in any court in the civilized world.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: 2swap on March 06, 2010, 11:08:17 PM

No, this guy deliberately flops down in the middle of a populated area and makes himself great big pain in the ass for everybody else who doesn't have a trust fund to finance their anti-social behavior.  He gets his rocks off making it impossible for others not so affluent as himself to sell their houses in a reasonable manner and pretty much just stinks up the place with his presence.

C'mon, calm down! At least it is female underwear which is a sign that he at least is not gay  [popcorn]
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Monkeyleg on March 06, 2010, 11:13:22 PM
At least it is female underwear which is a sign that he at least is not gay

A cross-dresser, maybe, but apparently not gay. ;)
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Doggy Daddy on March 06, 2010, 11:14:54 PM
C'mon, calm down! At least it is female underwear which is a sign that he at least is not gay  [popcorn]

Could be his female underwear...   ;)
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: AJ Dual on March 06, 2010, 11:17:40 PM
A cross-dresser, maybe, but apparently not gay. ;)

So if I accidentally bought gay men's underwear and wore that?  =|
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: 2swap on March 06, 2010, 11:18:47 PM
A cross-dresser, maybe, but apparently not gay. ;)
Nothing wrong with crossdressing unless he looks better than the female partner/yourself  :-*
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: AJ Dual on March 06, 2010, 11:35:53 PM
Nothing wrong with crossdressing unless he looks better than the female partner/yourself  :-*

Should I be afraid of what I'll find if I go browse Boris' Facebook photos?  =|
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: MicroBalrog on March 07, 2010, 03:38:02 AM
Should I be afraid of what I'll find if I go browse Boris' Facebook photos?  =|

Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: ilbob on March 07, 2010, 11:39:59 AM
The guy is a bit eccentric. He does not seem to be doing anything illegal except for the no deck permit issue.

I would guess the neighbor did not help the situation any. Busy bodies like that usually make things worse.

I would not want to live next door to the guy, but its his house and he can do with it as he pleases.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Fjolnirsson on March 07, 2010, 12:44:38 PM
Can't say this guy would be my first choice for a neighbor, but he I'd take him in a heartbeat over the busybody who called the county over a deck being built in a neighbors backyard. From the small bit I read, seems like ol' Mongo was minding his own business until some jerk decided to butt in where he wasn't wanted. Sometimes, when you invade a persons privacy, they get irritated.

In my years as the local code enforcement officer, I've seen stuff like this happen time and again, and the Mongos of the world will always win, because they have nothing better to do than retaliate using the system. Better if everyone minds their own business. If someone isn't actively endangering you and yours, who cares what they do on their property? It isn't as though the fellow was storing garbage or having wild orgies in his backyard. HE was building a deck. The neighbor(s?) stirred the pot, and this is what he(they?) gets.

Be kind to your neighbors, folks. You never know who just might be a devious and vengeful nutjob with lots of money.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: sanglant on March 07, 2010, 03:50:27 PM
So if I accidentally bought gay men's underwear and wore that?  =|
you buy used underwear? [tinfoil]
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 07, 2010, 07:50:17 PM
Also, you need a permit to have a deck???

In any jurisdiction that uses any version of the International Residential Code decks are covered by the code, so a building permit is required in order to built or alter a deck. In most places, you would need a zoning approval before you could even apply for the building permit.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 07, 2010, 08:28:00 PM
possibly a land disturbing permit. in the houses next to me you need some kinda papal dispensation since they are on a bluff over the river and they hada kiss extra booty to get permission to build. if you want power on the deck you pull electric.  once upon a time you could through bolt a ledger board to the house with 1/2 inch or better carriage bolts now we have to make em freestanding with posts next to the house in theory you need to dig down to undisturbed soil for those posts  on a house with a basement where there is backfill i've been down over 9 feet and still been in back fill.  well i usually use someone else to dig holes that deep but it sure looks like hard work to me! >:D
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Mabs2 on March 07, 2010, 09:57:43 PM
In any jurisdiction that uses any version of the International Residential Code decks are covered by the code, so a building permit is required in order to built or alter a deck. In most places, you would need a zoning approval before you could even apply for the building permit.
A shame that you need permission from the gubmint to alter a home you own.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Sergeant Bob on March 07, 2010, 11:53:37 PM
A shame that you need permission from the gubmint to alter a home you own.

They are just trying to protect us (and expand govt job programs) because we are two stoopid not to hook the 220 to the shower.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: seeker_two on March 08, 2010, 05:54:24 AM
They are just trying to protect us (and expand govt job programs) because we are two stoopid not to hook the 220 to the shower.

Isn't that a self-correcting problem?....  =D
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: makattak on March 08, 2010, 08:52:19 AM
Isn't that a self-correcting problem?....  =D

Yeah, but what politician wants to see the people most likely to vote for him fry in the shower?
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 08, 2010, 08:59:02 AM
its a drag when the person corrected is the kid of the next owner of the house
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Tallpine on March 08, 2010, 09:10:13 AM
Nice thing about living out here in the sticks is that we can build anything we want without asking permission from anybody.  =)
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 08, 2010, 09:14:54 AM
Nice thing about living out here in the sticks is that we can build anything we want without asking permission from anybody.  =)

i thought you were married with daughters? >:D [popcorn]
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Tallpine on March 08, 2010, 10:46:10 AM

i thought you were married with daughters? >:D [popcorn]

I said we  ;)
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 08, 2010, 10:47:24 AM
so what do the "we" tell you you are doing?
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: Mabs2 on March 08, 2010, 09:12:49 PM
so what do the "we" tell you you are doing?
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: MicroBalrog on March 08, 2010, 09:27:38 PM
its a drag when the person corrected is the kid of the next owner of the house

CS&D has a valid point there, in the sense that there's probably a point to regulations based on health and safety issues. We may want to criticise them from a libertarian standpoint, but I think that the fact that we may need those doesn't in itself mean we need regulations based on an aesthethical basis.
Title: Re: Women's Underwear and Sand Angers Neighbors
Post by: seeker_two on March 11, 2010, 10:19:51 PM
its a drag when the person corrected is the kid of the next owner of the house one promised life was safe.....