Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Silver Bullet on March 27, 2010, 01:14:42 AM

Title: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Silver Bullet on March 27, 2010, 01:14:42 AM (

I watched this the first several seasons, and enjoyed it, but after the lead actor did a commercial apologizing for the use of guns in the tv program, I rapidly lost interest and respect for the show.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: red headed stranger on March 27, 2010, 01:23:02 AM
I'm OK with it going away.  I still watch it, but I think it has run its course. 
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Paddy2010 on March 27, 2010, 01:36:47 AM
The best show on television.  Maybe Kiefer has made enough money to drink the rest of his life away.  What does that leave?  'Reality TV ?'   [barf]  American Idol with the gay primadonna Simon Cowell?  [barf]  Biggest Loser with a bunch of fatass self absorbed neurotics?  Dancing with the Stars is better than both those shows put together.   Check out Craig Ferguson, Late late show CBS.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Mabs2 on March 27, 2010, 01:38:56 AM
I've seen a few episodes.  The show was boring.
It was another one of those shows that relied on stupid things happening for drama.
Bauer releases a convict to halp him get data from some guy.  The guy agrees, goes into the other guy's warehouse wearing a bug, and says to the guy "Bauer and all the cops are outside, give me a gun."
So of course Bauer goes in and pwns them all, job well done right?  That jerk betrayed him!
Oh now, "Bauer you idiot, I was tricking him into uploading the data to a flash drive, now you'll neeeeeever get it."
Well, maybe you should have told him the plan in the seven or so hours you guys rode next to each other on the plane to the place.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Paddy2010 on March 27, 2010, 01:46:33 AM
Hey mabs, what shows do you like?
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 27, 2010, 06:07:20 PM
I don't have a television, and this is the only show I keep up with on Hulu.

Well, I also follow Castle, but it's kinda hokey.  Still love Mal, though, and Nikki Heat is - um - hot. 
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Silver Bullet on March 27, 2010, 06:53:53 PM

We've been watching Space: Above and Beyond that you recommended in another thread a little while back.

Actually pretty good show.  It somehow comes off as a bit low production, the background music is kinda cheesy, and the acting is barely okay.  What holds it all together are the dialog and stories, which are both excellent.  Characterization is strong too, IMHO.

It comes off like Battlestar Galactica, but with everybody about ten years younger.

Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 27, 2010, 07:12:49 PM
That is really cool!  I was wondering how I'd ever repay you for the ff set you sent me, but I could never think of a show that I really thought you would like. 

By the way, did you find it online somewhere, or did you get it on DVD?  I'd kinda like to see it again, myself. 
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Ben on March 27, 2010, 07:16:52 PM
I don't have a television, and this is the only show I keep up with on Hulu.

Ron Swanson is my hero.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Silver Bullet on March 27, 2010, 07:32:39 PM
By the way, did you find it online somewhere, or did you get it on DVD?  I'd kinda like to see it again, myself. 

Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 27, 2010, 07:34:39 PM
Ron Swanson is my hero.

Not Justin, or Jean Ralpheo?   :laugh:  

I think Aziz Ansari is my favoritest.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: zxcvbob on March 27, 2010, 07:35:02 PM
I watched the first season and tho't it was OK.  Started watching the 2nd season, and in one of the first few episodes Jack murdered a witness who was in federal custody and cut off his head just to establish "street creds" to infiltrate a gang.  First they made sure we knew that the guy was a dirtbag with no redeeming qualities (child rapist, I think) so that somehow made it alright.

I figured out that the whole premise of the show was that federal agents were above the law, and subliminal message was that *anything* the government does is OK as long as they claim to be fighting trrrrism.  I never watched another episode.

Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Jamisjockey on March 27, 2010, 08:15:30 PM
I watched the first season and tho't it was OK.  Started watching the 2nd season, and in one of the first few episodes Jack murdered a witness who was in federal custody and cut off his head just to establish "street creds" to infiltrate a gang.  First they made sure we knew that the guy was a dirtbag with no redeeming qualities (child rapist, I think) so that somehow made it alright.

I figured out that the whole premise of the show was that federal agents were above the law, and subliminal message was that *anything* the government does is OK as long as they claim to be fighting trrrrism.  I never watched another episode.

Pretty much my opinion on the whole thing.  I had a very hard time watching him circumvent the BOR and plain human decencency to continue watching it.  That, and the supporting characters often sucked.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Ben on March 27, 2010, 08:24:08 PM
Not Justin, or Jean Ralpheo?   :laugh:  

I think Aziz Ansari is my favoritest.

Ron is everything  I aspire to be as a .gov employee. I use his line about wanting the government to be taken over by a corporation (like Chuck E Cheese, because they have a good business model) all the time. :)
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 27, 2010, 08:29:49 PM
Also, he gets mad action with the ladies, in that raccoon hat. 
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: HankB on March 27, 2010, 10:45:36 PM
I laugh at how indestructable Jack Bauer is.

He's fully recovered from last year's incurable dose of bioengineered prions, but now, during "today's" action, he's . . .

1. Been in numerous fights and gunfights . . .

2. Been tied into a chair by a bad cop who proceeded to beat the tar out of him . . .

3. Been tied up by Russian bad guys, hanging from an overhead pipe, while they beat the tar out of him AND tortured him with electricity . . .

4. Stabbed in the gut by a former FBI agent who'd just stabbed a Russian bad guy to death . . .

5. Shot and suffering from a collapsed lung . . .

And he just keeps going and going, without so much as a black eye or split lip. What a guy!!! 
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Sindawe on March 27, 2010, 11:17:28 PM
What does that leave?

Caprica (, Breaking Bad ( and South Park (

Droids, Drugs Dealers & Devients all running amuk.  What more could one ask for?

Well, I do hear of rumors of Futurama's return.

Buts that is just icing on the scone. =D =D
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Mabs2 on March 28, 2010, 12:36:13 AM
Hey mabs, what shows do you like?
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 28, 2010, 12:38:52 AM
I've seen just one episode of Caprica, the one where the daughter is in the robot, and the Dad sets a fire around her and makes her shoot her dog.  It was surprisingly engaging, for a viewer that's never seen BSG.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: sanglant on March 28, 2010, 12:43:33 AM
i just have to say, one less copudrama is a good thing. :angel: pity we can't get the dems doing something worthwhile, like banning poorly scripted and acted tv. [popcorn]
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: gunsmith on March 28, 2010, 02:22:30 AM
I gave up, writers in h'wood never ever bother to research minimum gun owner skills.
How am I supposed to believe that these guys are experts if they keep their finger on the trigger and
all the other stupid stuff?
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 28, 2010, 02:30:30 AM
Why would you expect writers to be experts in gun-handling, or in anything other than story-telling?   ???
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Cromlech on March 28, 2010, 06:08:31 AM
It's nice when the directors and/or producers are weapon/combat nuts and like to attempt to get stuff right. Michael Mann seems to try (and succeed) more often than most.

As for 24, I really like it. I'm not a TV person, so I wait until a season is released on DVD and then binge on it over a couple of weeks.
I'm not a bit fan of Jack-Booted-Thugginess (my own new term :D), but I can suspend my own beliefs when watching fiction like this, as I 'know' that it needs to be done.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Blakenzy on March 28, 2010, 07:51:17 AM
figured out that the whole premise of the show was that federal agents were above the law, and subliminal message was that *anything* the government does is OK as long as they claim to be fighting trrrrism.  I never watched another episode.

Yeah, that did it in for me too. Along with the ubiquitous bleep...blip....bleep....blip
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Jamisjockey on March 28, 2010, 11:36:27 AM
Why would you expect writers to be experts in gun-handling, or in anything other than story-telling?   ???

No, but producers and directors can easily hire experts in the field who can instruct the actors on proper firearms techniques. 
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on March 28, 2010, 01:53:01 PM
No, but producers and directors can easily hire experts in the field who can instruct the actors on proper firearms techniques.  
If they were making a documentary I'd expect them to be sticklers for the facts.  Since they're producing fictional entertainment, I wonder why anyone would expect them to nitpick about firearms technique.

A lot of people seem to forget that the point of shows like 24 is to entertain, not to be politically correct or have accurate depictions of gunplay.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: CNYCacher on March 28, 2010, 02:07:03 PM
Wow, what a short run.  The show's been on for what?  Eight days?  Nine days?
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: mtnbkr on March 28, 2010, 02:17:06 PM
Wow, what a short run.  The show's been on for what?  Eight days?  Nine days?

About as long as Firefly. :P

Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: RocketMan on March 28, 2010, 02:34:39 PM
A lot of people seem to forget that the point of shows like 24 is to entertain, not to be politically correct or have accurate depictions of gunplay.

But Hollywood also forgets (or, more likely doesn't care) that many viewers of their shows are technically adept, and immediately spot technical flaws that detract from a story line.  That makes the viewing experience less enjoyable for many.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Ben on March 28, 2010, 02:42:49 PM
About as long as Firefly. :P

Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 28, 2010, 04:17:41 PM
But Hollywood also forgets (or, more likely doesn't care) that many viewers of their shows are technically adept, and immediately spot technical flaws that detract from a story line.  That makes the viewing experience less enjoyable for many.

Which I now realize is what gunsmith was trying to say.  I thought he was bothered by the writers not being experts.   
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on March 28, 2010, 04:23:14 PM
But Hollywood also forgets (or, more likely doesn't care) that many viewers of their shows are technically adept, and immediately spot technical flaws that detract from a story line.  That makes the viewing experience less enjoyable for many.
Nope, Hollywood doesn't care.  Why should they?  Their intended market isn't internet gun geeks, nor should it be.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Marnoot on March 28, 2010, 06:31:33 PM
I've found if one has any expertise much beyond the average person in any given area one tends to find lots of stuff to poke holes in when they see something related to that subject on a TV show or a movie. I'm always seeing horrible inaccuracies related to guns and gunplay, or things related to computers, and my wife (a trauma RN) is always groaning at the horrible medical inaccuracies in shows.

I certainly don't think it's just guns they get wrong. They pretty much get the details of most things wrong.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: CNYCacher on March 29, 2010, 12:20:41 AM
I've heard watching Top Gun with a navy pilot in the room is fun.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: KD5NRH on March 29, 2010, 02:41:48 AM
Nope, Hollywood doesn't care.  Why should they?

Part of the reason Dragnet was so good was Jack Webb's penchant for accuracy.

Of course, his goofy walk was distracting, but everything else made it a classic.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Jamisjockey on March 29, 2010, 08:03:01 AM
Nope, Hollywood doesn't care.  Why should they?  Their intended market isn't internet gun geeks, nor should it be.

Accuracy and believability. 
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: HankB on March 29, 2010, 08:19:59 AM
I've found if one has any expertise much beyond the average person in any given area one tends to find lots of stuff to poke holes in when they see something related to that subject on a TV show or a movie.
I'd go further - when one has some expertise about a given topic ON THE NEWS, he'll likely be able to spot a great many inaccuracies in the news story.

So if Hollywood and the news can't get it right about topics a person has personal knowledge about . . . why would one assume they get it right when one DOESN'T have personal knowledge of the topic?

I'm a skeptic about EVERYTHING I see in the movies and on TV . . . unless a show is meant as pure entertainment so I can just lean back, relax, and enjoy it, the "message" us usually going to be lost on me.
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: 280plus on March 29, 2010, 08:54:36 AM
The best show on television.  Maybe Kiefer has made enough money to drink the rest of his life away.  What does that leave?  'Reality TV ?'   [barf]  American Idol with the gay primadonna Simon Cowell?  [barf]  Biggest Loser with a bunch of fatass self absorbed neurotics?  Dancing with the Stars is better than both those shows put together.   Check out Craig Ferguson, Late late show CBS.
Gene Simmons Family Jewels... I was laughing so hard so long last night at one particular part I felt like an idiot for not being able to stop. Thinking about it has got me laughing now.  :lol:
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: Ben on March 29, 2010, 10:23:43 AM
Gene Simmons Family Jewels... I was laughing so hard so long last night at one particular part I felt like an idiot for not being able to stop. Thinking about it has got me laughing now.  :lol:

Is that the show where on one of the episodes they go "back to nature" in a motor home and hotty Shannon Tweed is the fish catching whiz while Gene's afraid to step out of the motor home?

I caught that last year I think. I've gotta check Hulu and catch up!
Title: Re: Jack Bauer's '24' getting cancelled
Post by: 280plus on March 29, 2010, 10:38:28 AM
Nope, gene's birthday and they are talking to him via web phone with video, them (family and several friends) at the house and him in a hotel room in San Fran. First off it was funny because he had no idea how to talk on the computer so he kept leaning over to speak in the mic and all you could see was the top of his head but THEN he's in his bathrobe and someone knocks on the door,  as he gets up to get it his bathrobe flies open and you get a (blurred over for TV) shot of his, uh, junk, and all the friends at the other end jump back in unison and go "Whoa!". I can't recall the last time I laughed so hard.  :lol: