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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Ben on March 29, 2010, 11:57:45 AM

Title: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Ben on March 29, 2010, 11:57:45 AM
I didn't want to turn this into a Mac-PC-Linux Wars thread, so specifically chose "iPad-like" devices.

I'm just curious as to what people think of them and what uses you see them for.

For myself, for personal use:
Watch videos or read ebooks
Surf the web from my easy chair

For business use (given everyone in the office has one):
Meeting materials and handouts (instead of passing out hardcopies)
Powerpoint or other presentations so everyone gets their own personal screen, including telecommuters
General meeting use to quickly look stuff up, etc.

I could also see this used a lot by Doctors for instance, to carry patient charts around and quickly access databases for viewing wherever they are.

That said, for most other things, I would prefer a netbook or laptop -- especially for typing. I really need a real keyboard to do anything but send very brief replies to emails, etc. I think a lot of other people do too, even if they love their Blackberries, etc. I hate when I need a detailed reply, to get one sentence followed by "sent from my Blackberry" because it takes the person too long to type on the dinky keyboard.

Perhaps what I like and don't like is somewhat age related -- especially the keyboard thing. I see some of the people in my office in their 20's typing texts like mad all day on their phones. I hate texting because it takes me forever what with hitting the next tiny button over from the one I want, etc. I'm waiting for evolution to kick in and create humans with tiny, skinny little fingers for use on phone keypads. :)

Anyway, just curious as to what others see as useable / not useable for the devices. Probably price comes into play as well. I would see one as more useful at $200 than at $400.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: AJ Dual on March 29, 2010, 12:06:00 PM
The form-factor is just too nice to not be used. There's been a few iPad like devices already, remote web-surfing wi-fi semi-dumb terminal like devices, but they didn't take off. Nokia was the most recent to take a stab at it a few years ago.

All I really need to do is surf my forums and read the news with something less cumbersome (and with better battery life) than my laptop.

I'll wait for Korea/China to rip off the form-factor at a fraction of the price with a more open standard though. Pad computers have been around since the 80's, and just never taken off yet. I don't feel I owe Apple much of anything for generating a "second wave" by invigorating a device or UI with better industrial design/marketing. I'll just wait for the third wave they spawn from others.

It's not totally rational, but I feel about Apple (Xerox PARC-the GUI, the MP3 player etc...) the same way I feel about Disney "owning" all the old common domain fairy-tales and children's stories, making them into animated "classics" then fighting to get copyright law extended every few years in Congress.

I still think a suitably thin netbook with a screen/lid that can spin 180 degrees then close flat, is e-ink retroreflective on one side for ultra low power consumption and for use in sunlight, LCD/OLED on the other, and still has the option for a keyboard underneath when you want it would be the best of both/all worlds and could dominate the netbook/Kindle/iPad market.

Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Mabs2 on March 29, 2010, 12:19:59 PM
Here's another, more serious one:
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: MillCreek on March 29, 2010, 12:24:32 PM
I am keeping my eye out for a small form-factor Android tablet that I can use for websurfing and the like.  There are many out there, but not that many that are actually shipping or available in the US.

Just last week, Enzo from the PRC announced that they were shipping an actual product for $ 155 + $ 25 shipping, called the enzo ZenPad.  Very interesting. 
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Ben on March 29, 2010, 12:31:39 PM
I still think a suitably thin netbook with a screen/lid that can spin 180 degrees then close flat, is e-ink retroreflective on one side for ultra low power consumption and for use in sunlight, LCD/OLED on the other, and still has the option for a keyboard underneath when you want it would be the best of both/all worlds and could dominate the netbook/Kindle/iPad market.

Agreed. I have a Toughbook at work I use in the field that does most of that and it is the best of both worlds other than how fat and heavy the Toughbooks are. Give me something thin and light with a nice screen at a size I don't have to scroll, and a keyboard suitable for my paws, and sold -- and it would be worth a lot more to me than $400.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Iain on March 29, 2010, 12:55:15 PM
I am keeping my eye out for a small form-factor Android tablet that I can use for websurfing and the like.  There are many out there, but not that many that are actually shipping or available in the US.

Just last week, Enzo from the PRC announced that they were shipping an actual product for $ 155 + $ 25 shipping, called the enzo ZenPad.  Very interesting.  

I'd actually be interested in something like that. Android or similar, ARM processor, or the like, 1024x600 10" ish 16:9 screen and the ability to play standard def video with a video out. The ARM smatbooks are supposed to get 12hrs battery, a slate would probably be a little more restricted, but 6+ hours would be great.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: makattak on March 29, 2010, 01:52:43 PM
I'd actually be interested in something like that. Android or similar, ARM processor, or the like, 1024x600 10" ish 16:9 screen and the ability to play standard def video with a video out. The ARM smatbooks are supposed to get 12hrs battery, a slate would probably be a little more restricted, but 6+ hours would be great.

I'm holding out for an Andriod device as well.

Not because I hate Apple. I just find them to be overpriced.

I'd also like more capabilities than can be had with the Ipad, currently.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: sanglant on March 29, 2010, 03:50:09 PM
I still think a suitably thin netbook with a screen/lid that can spin 180 degrees then close flat, is e-ink retroreflective on one side for ultra low power consumption and for use in sunlight, LCD/OLED on the other, and still has the option for a keyboard underneath when you want it would be the best of both/all worlds and could dominate the netbook/Kindle/iPad market.
i could have sworn they were showing that off on fox news about 6 months back, hmm. brb [popcorn]
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: sanglant on March 29, 2010, 04:44:10 PM
close, =| ( will post it if i ever find it. :facepalm:

 :O this is cool (
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: RevDisk on March 29, 2010, 04:51:51 PM

iPad has no USB port?   Seriously?

Wow.  That's like intentionally sawing off every limb you possess, just to be more streamlined.  While technically "mission accomplished", you just gutted real world usefulness.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Mabs2 on March 29, 2010, 04:58:44 PM
iPad has no USB port?   Seriously?

Wow.  That's like intentionally sawing off every limb you possess, just to be more streamlined.  While technically "mission accomplished", you just gutted real world usefulness.
I always lol at Apple coming out with new products that don't have the features of things that are 10 years or more older.
Then I lol more at all the fools who pay twice or three times as much as their competitors charge for their products that are cutting edge.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Harold Tuttle on March 29, 2010, 04:59:16 PM
USB from a dock, just like an Ipod
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Harold Tuttle on March 29, 2010, 05:01:19 PM
iPad anticipation
Just days before the debut of the iPad, Apple stock hit a new all-time high of $233.87 today before closing at $232.39, up $1.49, or 0.6 percent.
If you want an iPad, and if you want it Saturday, you'll have to try your luck by heading to one of Apple's 221 retail stores — or, in a new development announced today, most Best Buy stores will be selling the new tablet computer. (We won't promise you, though, that there will be enough iPads for everyone who wants one.)
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Gowen on March 29, 2010, 10:15:29 PM
I am also not a fan of Apple products.  They seem to be overpriced and other products can do the same functions for less.  I just purchased a Phillips 4gb mp3/4 player for $40, this all I need for what I do.  That same Ipod player would cost me a heck of a lot more.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Mabs2 on March 30, 2010, 10:19:47 PM
I am also not a fan of Apple products.  They seem to be overpriced and other products can do the same functions for less.  I just purchased a Phillips 4gb mp3/4 player for $40, this all I need for what I do.  That same Ipod player would cost me a heck of a lot more.
An iPod will have very few buttons and controls on it, too.  If I hadn't gotten one for free I'd never have on other wise.
Every other MP3 player I've seen has tons of buttons that actually make it easier to use.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Silver Bullet on March 30, 2010, 11:45:02 PM
If I hadn't gotten one for free I'd never have on other wise.
Every other MP3 player I've seen has tons of buttons that actually make it easier to use.

Did you find the free one under the bridge ?   ;/
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Iain on April 18, 2010, 01:34:27 PM
Has anyone played with an iPad yet?

I've read a few reviews, more for the reviewers impressions of the form factor than anything else, and have to say I'm increasingly interested in an Android device like the one I outlined above.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: BridgeRunner on April 18, 2010, 02:04:58 PM
Has anyone played with an iPad yet?

Played with one for a few minutes when I was shopping for other stuff at Best Buy.  It was ok.  If I were going into litigation, I would love to have one tucked in my bag.  Could be very handy for pulling up documents, statutes, cases, etc., without the disorganized looking shuffle or the intrusive laptop flip-open.

Otherwise?  Meh.  Don't really see a way it would enhance anything I do regularly enough to spend the money. 
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Ben on April 18, 2010, 03:05:17 PM
A buddy just bought one. I don't know all the models, but it's the one just down from the 3G model. I played with it for a bit.

Definitely has the Apple tres chic look about it. Screen was very bright and clear. Device is near instant on. Apps open very fast and near instant connection to wireless (at least the designated wireless at his house). The E-reader is very clear and I would feel comfortable reading E-books on it. Very nice for watching videos.

I hate the virtual keyboard for anything past quick notes, but as I have previously mentioned, I'm a Neanderthal and simply need a real keyboard for real work. Because apps open so fast, I could live with lack of multitasking for certain things, but for any apps like email or remote access to a server, or stuff that I need to sign in for each time, having to do that in order to "pseudo-multitask" would suck. No USB sucks. My buddy mentioned that iTunes lets you move data around, but I didn't play with that and don't know that I would like it since I think iTunes blows. Also I don't think I should have to have it on all my devices just to transfer data (not to mention having to rely on an Internet connection). USB is the most ubiquitous transfer interface in the known universe -- it's just silly not to have it onboard.

My buddy bought it thinking he would be able to integrate it as a business device / laptop replacement. At this point, he really, really, likes it as a websurfing and home entertainment device, but is a bit disappointed in it as a business device.

Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on April 18, 2010, 03:57:33 PM
Google WePad. German company. It has USB ports, intel chip and Linux based OS.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on April 18, 2010, 05:40:56 PM
usb from an adaptor   (

ment for cameras, and would need drivers to work with all devices, but i imagine it could pull off some things.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Nitrogen on April 19, 2010, 01:00:38 AM
I am keeping my eye out for a small form-factor Android tablet that I can use for websurfing and the like. 

Check out the Dell Mini-5 / Streak coming out someday.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Ben on April 19, 2010, 09:41:36 AM
usb from an adaptor

I knew they made adaptors for it, but I was looking at it from the "onboard and portable" perspective. You can probably get an adaptor for just about anything, but if I want to use something as a truly portable device, I don't want to be carrying around extra stuff to go with it.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: sanglant on April 19, 2010, 10:59:57 AM
there are the archos things ( [popcorn] but i don't think the 9 is out yet, :facepalm: oh it is. [tinfoil] :angel: ( now then, will it do the job? =)
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on April 19, 2010, 11:11:31 AM
How difficult would it be to create a wireless dumb terminal? Controlling it would be easy - bluetooth FTW. You'd just need to broadcast a wireless video (and audio) signal. That way you wouldn't be hindered by the weak processing power, etc of netbooks and similar gadgets. You could (theoretically) take the computing power of your desktop anywhere you please.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: sanglant on April 19, 2010, 11:30:20 AM
the ps3 and psp can do it, they call it remote play ( so as long as you don't run into sony's patents it shouldn't be to hard. =D oh what i'm trying to say 802.11 is plenty fast. :angel:
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Iain on April 19, 2010, 11:54:24 AM
there are the archos things ( [popcorn] but i don't think the 9 is out yet, :facepalm: oh it is. [tinfoil] :angel: ( now then, will it do the job? =)

Windows 7, which is more than I want. Not that I have anything against it, just seems that Apple might just be on to something, as Google are with Android.

Interesting though, because I have read the odd thing that suggests that Android is limited by license to devices 7" and under, presumably to limit overlap between it and Chrome OS. Others say that is nonsense, not interested enough yet to dig for an answer.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Nitrogen on April 19, 2010, 03:00:52 PM
there are the archos things ( [popcorn] but i don't think the 9 is out yet, :facepalm: oh it is. [tinfoil] :angel: ( now then, will it do the job? =)

I like that a lot, but resistive touchscreen = fail for me

The more I read about the ipad, the more I might have to check one out when the 3g ones are out.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: MillCreek on April 19, 2010, 03:25:13 PM
^^^^ Just what exactly are the differences between a resistive and a capacative touchscreen?  Is one better than the other for a mobile internet device?
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: sanglant on April 19, 2010, 04:15:37 PM
the HSW on the difference ( =) all i know is a bad touch screen sucks,,, well something bad =| i bought a garmin 765 when they came out and had to send it back because it couldn't tell where you were hitting. :mad: you'd hit d and a cxswerfvzaqtg or b would popup :O
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: Nitrogen on April 19, 2010, 07:13:19 PM
TL;DR: capacative reacts to real human touch (or anthing else that can bridge an electric current)
Resistave are basically pressure sensitive touch screens.  The ipod/ipad/iphone and my current phone, teh Tmobile G1 all have capacitive touch screems.  I think they are 2000% better.
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: bedlamite on April 29, 2010, 06:25:50 PM
=tags&includes[1]=title][0]=tags&includes[1]=title ([0)
Title: Re: iPad-like Devices
Post by: sanglant on April 29, 2010, 06:55:58 PM
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :angel: