Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: thelostboyscout on March 19, 2005, 09:57:29 AM

Title: Post your Paintball Scenarios HERE
Post by: thelostboyscout on March 19, 2005, 09:57:29 AM
I'm gonna be playing alot with my buddies once easter break starts.

I was wondering if you have any scenario ideas?

Some of mine:

Pilot Down
1 pilot
Terrorists outnumber Delta Force 2:1
Terrs respawn after a time delay (this is in "enemy territory", I can assume the noise of the fighting would bring more terrs as time goes on)
Delta can only "die" from headshots/multiple chest shots (body armor bonus)

Delta and the pilot win  by getting to an LZ together.
Terrs win by capturing an American.
Question: How should I simulate the inferior armament of the downed pilot, short of buying a sidearm? If I dial down his velocity, would he be able to make any breaks at all? or would it be better to just give him a very limited supply of ammo

Guerillas outnumbered by GI's (2:1)
GIs must pass down one trail, guerillas must stage an ambush.
Win by annihilation of the other team.

Behind the lines
GI's outnumbered by Terrorists 2:1
The survivors of an earlier ambush have to make their way accross enemy territory to return to the "Green Zone".
Terrorists may or may not be able to respawn after a delay (I'm leaning towards allowing it; the delay could be long enough to give GIs a decent headstart before any "dead" terrorist comes back)

Terrorists win by killing the GIs. GIs win by making it to the "Green Zone" (easily identifiable landmark).

Not sure about the force ratios or special rules on this... One team tries to plant and arm a "satchel charge" (bag full'o'rocks with a sparkler that needs to be lit) on some objective that the others have to defend.
Win conditions: Annihilation or planting and arming the satchel.