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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: roo_ster on April 06, 2010, 10:51:49 AM

Title: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: roo_ster on April 06, 2010, 10:51:49 AM
That 17 minute answer was, indeed, disturbing.

 April 3rd, 2010 8:37 pm
President Weirdo

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I found Anne Kornblut’s report in the Washington Post — “Obama’s 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman’s claim of being ‘over-taxed’” — to be deeply disturbing. Although I disagree with most of Barack Obama’s policies, I took no pleasure in seeing a political opponent wound himself by talking on and on to the point of agitating his audience. The situation is much too grave for that. This is our country — all of us, Republican, Democrat and Independent. And I am now convinced of what I have long suspected — the United States has a president with a serious personality disorder.

Now I admit I am not a professional psychiatrist or psychologist, nor do I see myself even remotely as a paragon of mental health, but I have made a decent living for over thirty years as a fiction writer whose stock in trade is perforce studying people and this is one strange dude. He makes Richard Nixon seem almost normal.

I first began worrying about this during the Reverend Wright affair. Obama insisted, as we all recall, that he did not know the reverend’s views even though the then candidate had spent twenty years in his church, been married by him, had his children baptized by him and taken the inspiration for his book from Wright. Now most educated people would have a pretty good idea about Wright after five minutes, let alone twenty years. The reverend is not a subtle man. Yet Obama told us he didn’t know.

Was the candidate lying or was he just so dissociated from reality that he didn’t see what was in front of his eyes? Or perhaps a little of both? Whatever the conclusion, it is not a happy one. The same man is before us now — only we’re not in the midst of a campaign. We have no way out. He is leading our nation during a time of economic crisis with a world changing so rapidly that our heads spin.

Therapists often speak of “inappropriate affect” — laughing at sad news, etc. — as an indicator of psychological disturbance. That is not far from what Obama displayed at the question-and-answer session in Charlotte described by Kornblut when he endlessly replied to a woman’s query about taxation. His response was inappropriate, to say the least. It also was a demonstration that at heart he does not believe his own ideas. Otherwise, why take so long? Methinks he doth protest too much, as the Bard said. And protest he does, like a comedian who knows he is bombing but keeps telling jokes.

Unfortunately, the joke is on us. Presidential proposals have become a manifestation of ego and not of thought-through deliberated policy. No attempt at bi-partisanship is ever really made because our leader is too fragile to compromise and too wounded to admit when he is wrong. For someone who arrived as an “intellectual” president, ideas are the least of it. He only wants to be right.

I know some conservatives think Obama is a socialist or a closet Alinskyite or whatever, but I think the problem is yet more complicated. No matter his ideology, this man is not fit to rule psychologically. Or, more properly, govern — but you know what I mean. He doesn’t have the temperament. He was elected with people knowing almost nothing about him. Despite that the facts are still masked, his history still obscure, we may now know too much, have seen too much. These things just leak out around the edges. They do for all of us, like it or not. And yet, he will be with us until 2012 at least.

Good luck to us.

 April 5th, 2010 9:54 pm
President Weirdo Goes Anti-Nuke

Over Easter, I wrote a post at this space entitled “President Weirdo,” which got a fair amount of attention pro and con. In essence, I proposed that President Barack Obama was psychologically unfit to govern. Only a day later, we have received evidence that, if anything, I understated my case. Like some looney member of Code Pink, our president is abandoning the nuclear deterrent adhered to by every American president since Truman. And he is doing it in a manner that makes absolutely no sense.

The New York Times explains it this way:

[Obama] ended up with a document that differed considerably from the one President George W. Bush published in early 2002, just three months after the Sept. 11 attacks. Mr. Bush, too, argued for a post-cold-war rethinking of nuclear deterrence, reducing American reliance on those weapons.

    But Mr. Bush’s document also reserved the right to use nuclear weapons “to deter a wide range of threats,” including banned chemical and biological weapons and large-scale conventional attacks. Mr. Obama’s strategy abandons that option — except if the attack is by a nuclear state, or a nonsignatory or violator of the nonproliferation treaty.

This is indeed astonishing. The President of the United States — whose most important duty is to protect the citizens of this country — is publicly abjuring the use of nuclear weapons if we are attacked by chemical or biological weapons — both of which are known to all of us as Weapons of Mass Destruction, the dreaded WMDs.

What are we to make of this and the man who is adopting this policy? Does he hate us? Does he hate this country? What would he do if there was, for example, a massive small pox attack on the U.S.? Send in the infantry? Call in the Marines? Try to reason with whoever did it and recommend they negotiate as the fatal disease spreads to millions of people?

Now I detest nuclear weapons as much as the next person, but this approach seems — I hate to repeat myself, but I will — deranged. It also has very little to do with actually reducing nuclear weapons in the world. Again, it seems like the act of an extreme narcissist, someone who wants to parade himself as anti-nuke while ignoring the checks and balances that have, in fact, kept nuclear weapons in their silos for decades.

Deterrence has worked. And now Obama wants to abandon or diminish it at the very moment Russia is modernizing their arsenal. What a strange person. President Weirdo, indeed. As I said in my previous post, “good luck to us.”
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: lee n. field on April 06, 2010, 11:13:17 AM
And I am now convinced of what I have long suspected — the United States has a president with a serious personality disorder.

Just now, huh?  There were people seriously wondering if Bill Clinton was a sociopath.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: longeyes on April 06, 2010, 11:37:12 AM
We can speculate about his motives but the consequences of his policies, whatever the catalyst, are clear enough.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: alex_trebek on April 06, 2010, 05:48:43 PM
it seems like the act of an extreme narcissist, someone who wants to parade himself as anti-nuke while ignoring the checks and balances that have, in fact, kept nuclear weapons in their silos for decades.

It just now occurs to the author that he might be a narcissist. He wrote two nonfiction books about himself before he really accomplished anything.

Most people, you know, like do stuff before they write a book about themselves.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2010, 09:03:34 PM
What are we to make of this and the man who is adopting this policy? Does he hate us? Does he hate this country?

Of course he does.  He's a leftist.  That's who they are.  That's what they do. 
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: makattak on April 07, 2010, 10:12:06 AM

Iran Derides Obama's "Cowboy" Nuclear Stance

U.S. allies on Wednesday lined up behind President Barack Obama's new policy aimed at reducing the likelihood of nuclear conflict. But Iran — classified as a possible target under the guidelines — dismissed it as a "cowboy" policy by a political newcomer doomed to fail.

Obama may not understand our enemies, but WOW do they understand him.

Of course, I'm sure they are used to dealing with useful idiots.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: grampster on April 07, 2010, 11:12:44 AM
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."  By that I mean the good intentions of those who voted for Obama believing he was some sort of political paradigm. 

Obama is not anything new.  He is an old, dangerous, failed, evil doctrine wrapped up in a new package.  The truly stunning fact is how many elected national, state and local figures walk in lockstep with him.

Another old adage that is true that was not grasped is "Never judge a book by it's cover."  One has to wonder about the irony the the first black man to achieve the presidency had to be one who is the antithesis of everything that many suffered and even died for to achieve.  Dr. King is rolling in his grave, I suspect.

A good deal of our countrymen are so gullible and so not in touch with what defines the greatness of America.  Those who lean left in ignorance and good intention are the same ones who stood by and watched, even helped, our educational system fail our national posterity.  Situational ethics, equal outcomes, celebration of diversity instead of unity, cultural and moral equivilancy; the total misunderstanding of those characteristics is woefull.

Our nation's only chance at reversing this train wreck is the hope that our short term national memory does not rule in November.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: kgbsquirrel on April 07, 2010, 11:31:03 AM
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."  By that I mean the good intentions of those who voted for Obama believing he was some sort of political paradigm. 

Obama is not anything new.  He is an old, dangerous, failed, evil doctrine wrapped up in a new package.  The truly stunning fact is how many elected national, state and local figures walk in lockstep with him.

Another old adage that is true that was not grasped is "Never judge a book by it's cover."  One has to wonder about the irony the the first black man to achieve the presidency had to be one who is the antithesis of everything that many suffered and even died for to achieve.  Dr. King is rolling in his grave, I suspect.

A good deal of our countrymen are so gullible and so not in touch with what defines the greatness of America.  Those who lean left in ignorance and good intention are the same ones who stood by and watched, even helped, our educational system fail our national posterity.  Situational ethics, equal outcomes, celebration of diversity instead of unity, cultural and moral equivilancy; the total misunderstanding of those characteristics is woefull.

Our nation's only chance at reversing this train wreck is the hope that our short term national memory does not rule in November.

I think you mean paragon instead of paradigm, however he is a paradigm of everything politically woeful indeed. I agree with the rest except for moral equivalence. I think a more accurate description would be moral ambivalence.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: Scout26 on April 07, 2010, 12:06:15 PM
Obama the candidate was a blank slate, an empty vessel.  He had written two books about himself that basically said....nothing.

Voters could and did put their hope into him and perceived that he reflected their values.  They had also been told by the media that Bush was evil and the county needed "change", without describing or quantifying that "change".  Obama came to represent that "change".

Obama was good at giving a speech that spoke in generalities that everyone for the most part could agree with.  Only when he didn't have a teleprompter did he go off message. "Spread the wealth around, Fundamentally change America, etc."

Having elected a weak man as president, he is in over his head and his naivete' is going to get people killed.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: longeyes on April 07, 2010, 12:13:53 PM
His books didn't quite "say nothing;" they revealed a man who, however naively, still thinks he's on a mission from Marx.

Obama is a guy who grew up in a time when affirmative action met "cool," when the distinction between fake and real was fading, and he's the product of the white liberal guilt that informs most of the mainstream media.  Without their help in pumping him up and concealing his warts he would not be President now.  Add to that the fact that Obama is the classic bull**** artist who jives his way through life until he finds charm can't take you all the way. 
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: Scout26 on April 07, 2010, 12:16:34 PM
His books didn't quite "say nothing;" they revealed a man who, however naively, still thinks he's on a mission from Marx.

For those of us who could "break the code", for others, those words merely meant "Hope and Change".
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: lee n. field on April 07, 2010, 12:57:46 PM
Of course he does.  He's a leftist.  That's who they are.  That's what they do. 

A is A, as they say.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: grampster on April 07, 2010, 04:00:25 PM
I think you mean paragon instead of paradigm, however he is a paradigm of everything politically woeful indeed. I agree with the rest except for moral equivalence. I think a more accurate description would be moral ambivalence.

No, not a paragon.  I meant paradigm shift.  The uninformed believed he was an agent of dramatic change in how government worked.  He was, but not what the uninformed believed.  They did not listen to what he said and understand what he meant.

Moral equivilance as I mean it is about all morals and cultures being equal and acceptable.  That's what diversity as it is promulgated really means.  Any behavior is ok, I must accept that behavior.  I did not explain my comments in detail.   
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: Tallpine on April 07, 2010, 06:38:11 PM
"The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

H.L. Mencken
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: grampster on April 07, 2010, 07:07:09 PM
Apparently that "great and glorious day" came in November of 2008.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: Scout26 on April 07, 2010, 11:21:31 PM
"The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

H.L. Mencken

I've seen that somewhere...... :P
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: Tallpine on April 08, 2010, 11:35:57 AM
I've seen that somewhere...... :P

Just seemed particularly appropriate to this thread  ;)
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: longeyes on April 08, 2010, 11:52:59 AM
Obama wasn't elected by "the plain folks of the land," he was elected by the leverage of a comparatively small number of people with force-multiplier abilities, not least the left-leaning media who believe, like Obama, they are a morally privileged class.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on April 08, 2010, 12:16:21 PM
Most people, you know, like do stuff before they write a book about themselves.
IIRC, book-writing is just a fundraising loophole to get around CFR. Your big supporters can buy a few hundred/thousand copies of your book and you'll get an extra thousand or more in your personal coffers, and get it legally.
McCain did it, too. And so did Kerry, IIRC.
Title: Re: President Weirdo & President Weirdo Goes Nuke
Post by: alex_trebek on April 08, 2010, 04:11:03 PM
Ahh ok. That makes sense, is it scary that it does in today's world?
McCain and Kerry still did stuff before hand though.