Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Balog on April 08, 2010, 06:04:12 PM

Title: Good report on budgetary lies in Obamacare
Post by: Balog on April 08, 2010, 06:04:12 PM
I cannot believe the New York freaking Times would print something which is A. accurate B. honest & C. critical of Obama. What a world...
Title: Re: Good report on budgetary lies in Obamacare
Post by: TechMan on April 08, 2010, 07:29:08 PM
S%$#....all of a sudden it went from being really hot to freezing in here.

So they intend to turn the country into a debtor's prison.
Title: Re: Good report on budgetary lies in Obamacare
Post by: grampster on April 09, 2010, 08:52:08 PM
See, here's the Jackpot.  The lawsuits pending will go almost directly to the SCOTUS.  Most if not all of the law will be declared unconstitutional for all the reasons being bandied about.  What will happen then is the D's will say "See, we tried to do it using private health insurance carriers and it's not lawful, so we MUST have a single payer system (SS, Medicare, Medicaid)"   It's the only "lawful" way the .fedgov can take over healthcare.  It must be nationalized into a single payer system.

So prior to 2012 we get a Single Payer System which is what the Left wanted in the first place.  That's why this Nov. is so importatant.  If conservatives don't take at least one of the houses of Congress, we'll be done.