Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: cassandra and sara's daddy on April 10, 2010, 11:30:40 AM

Title: my satirical friend again long sorry
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on April 10, 2010, 11:30:40 AM
People all over the world like Hugo Chavez, Admadinejad, Castro, and Kim Jong Il are rejoicing that America is now joining their ranks as an anti-capitalist nation. The Obamazation of America is under way.

The revolution of Change that has now begun can have no other goal and no other result than the realization of Change. You know, Democrats must above all else strive to get the entire political power of America into our own hands. Political power, however, is for us Obamachangites only a means. The end for which we must use this power is the fundamental transformation of the entire world.

Currently all wealth - the largest and best estates as well as the mines, works and the factories - belongs to a few Junkers and private fat cats. The great mass of the workers only get from these fat cats a meager wage to live on for hard work. The enrichment of a small number of idlers is the aim of today's RepubliKKKLan economy.

This state of affairs should be remedied. All social wealth, the land with all its natural resources hidden in its bowels and on the surface, and all factories and works must be taken out of the hands of the exploiters and taken into common property of the people. The first duty for Change of a real workers' government is to declare by means of a series of decrees the most important means of production to be national property and place them under the control of the government.

Only then, however, does the real and most difficult task begin: the reconstruction of the economy on a completely new basis. The basis of Change.

At the moment production in every enterprise is conducted by individual fat cats on their own initiative. What -and in which way - is to be produced, where, when and how the produced goods are to be sold is determined by the market. Everyday folks do not see to all this, they are just living machines who have to carry out their work.

In an Obama changed economy this must be completely different! The private fat cat employer will disappear. Then, no longer will production aim towards the enrichment of one individual, but of delivering to the public at large the means of satisfying all its needs and reparations. Accordingly the factories, works and the agricultural enterprises must be Changed and reorganized according to a new way of looking at things.

Firstly, if production is to have the aim of securing for everyone a dignified life, plentiful food and providing other cultural means of existence, then the productivity of labor must be a great deal higher than it is now. The land must yield a far greater crop, the most advanced technology must be used in the factories, only the most Earth friendly fuels must be exploited, etc. It follows from this that Change will above all extend to the large enterprises in industry and agriculture. We do not need and do not want to dispossess the small farmer and craftsman out a living with a small plot of land or workshop. In time they will all come to us voluntarily and will recognize the merits of Change as against private property.

Secondly, in order that everyone in society can enjoy prosperity, everybody must work. Only somebody who performs some useful work for the public at large, whether by hand or brain, can be entitled to receive from society the means for satisfying his needs. A life of leisure, like most of the rich RepubliKKKlan exploiters currently lead, will come to an end. A general requirement to work for all who are able to do so, from which small children, the aged and sick are exempted, is a matter of course in the Change we need. The public at large must provide forthwith for those unable and unwilling to work - not like now with paltry alms but with generous provision, Progressive child-raising, enjoyable care for the elderly, public health care for the sick, free abortions, euthanasia, etc.

Thirdly, in accordance with same outlook, i.e. for the general well-being, one must sensibly manage and be economic with both the means of production and labor. The squandering that currently takes place wherever one goes must stop. Naturally, the entire war and munitions industries must be abolished since a Changed society does not need murder weapons and, instead, the valuable materials and human labor used in them must be employed for useful products. Luxury industries which make all kinds of frippery for the idle rich Republicans must also be abolished. All the human labour tied up here will be found a more worthy and useful occupation like Jesus had when he was a community organizer.

When the Change we need establishes in this way a nation of workers, where everybody works for everyone, for the public good and benefit, then work itself must be organized quite differently. Nowadays work in industry, in agriculture and in the office is mostly a torment and a burden for the little folks. One only goes to work because one has to, because one would not otherwise get the means to live. In an Obama Changed society, where everyone works together for their own well being, the health of the workforce and its enthusiasm for work must be given the greatest consideration at work. Short working hours that do not exceed the normal capability, healthy workrooms, all methods of recuperation and a variety of work must be introduced in order that everyone enjoys doing their part.

All these great changes, however, call for a corresponding human material. Currently the rich fat cat, his works foreman or supervisor stands behind the worker with his whip. Hunger drives the everyday folk to work in the factory or in the office, for the Junker or the big fat cat oil executive. The employers take care that time is not frittered away nor material wasted, and that both good and efficient work is delivered.

In a society that has experienced the Change we need, the rich fat cat Republican with his whip ceases to exist. The workers are free and equal human beings who work for their own well-being and benefit. That means by themselves, working on their own initiative, not wasting public wealth, and delivering the most reliable and meticulous work. Every Liberal concern needs of course its government paid technical managers who know exactly what they are doing and give the directives so that everything runs smoothly and the best division of labor and the highest efficiency is achieved. Now it is a matter of willingly following these orders in full, of maintaining discipline and order, of not causing difficulties or confusion.

In a word: the worker in Obama's economy must show that he can work hard and properly, keep discipline and give his best without the whip of hunger and without the selfish fat cat and his slave-driver behind him. This calls for inner self-discipline, intellectual maturity, moral ardor, a sense of dignity and responsibility, a complete inner rebirth of all the every day folks.

One cannot realize Change with lazy, frivolous, egotistic, thoughtless, conservative minded and indifferent Republican human beings. A Changed society needs human beings from whom each one in his place, is full of passion and enthusiasm for the general well-being, full of self-sacrifice and sympathy for his fellow human beings, full of courage and tenacity in order to dare to attempt the most difficult.

We do not need, however, to wait perhaps a century or a decade until such a species of human beings develops from continued government handouts. Right now, in the struggle, in the revolution of Change, the mass of the little folk learn the necessary idealism and soon acquire the intellectual maturity. We also need courage and endurance, inner clarity and self-sacrifice, to at all be able to lead the revolution to victorious Change. In enlisting capable fighters for the current revolution of Change, we are also creating the future class of workers which a new order of Change requires as its fundamental.

The working class youth are particularly well-qualified for these great tasks. As the future generation they will indeed, quite certainly, already constitute the real foundation of the Obama economy. It is already now its job to demonstrate that it is equal to the great task of being the bearer of the humanity's future. An entire Republican and traditional American country needs its overthrowing and an entirely new one needs constructing. But we will do it young friends, won't we? We will do it!

Just as it says in the song:

We're gonna spread happiness! We're gonna spread freedom!
Obama's gonna change it! Obama's gonna lead 'em.
We're gonna change it and rearrange it!
We're gonna change the world!
Yes we can can can!
Yes we can can can!
Title: Re: my satirical friend again long sorry
Post by: RoadKingLarry on April 15, 2010, 09:24:04 AM
Rehab and detox, just sayin'...
Title: Re: my satirical friend again long sorry
Post by: sanglant on April 15, 2010, 10:10:50 AM
you forgot, "obama's gonna safe da worll." [popcorn]