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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: 280plus on April 11, 2010, 08:14:13 AM

Title: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: 280plus on April 11, 2010, 08:14:13 AM

POSTED: April 11, 2010   
WHEELING - Go home!

That was the message Wheeling residents and other counter-protesters gave members of Westboro Baptist Church during the group's Saturday "visits" to three Catholic churches and the Mount de Chantal Road/National Road intersection near Perkins Restaurant and Bakery.

The church, based in Topeka, Kan., and led by pastor Fred Phelps, is known as a hate group that targets gays, Catholics, Jews and military families. The group's Web site refers to the Catholic Church as "that Catholic monster" and "lying pervert Catholics."

The Westboro group, consisting of three adults and three children, arrived at St. Michael Parish on National Road with signs bearing phrases such as: "America is Doomed," "God Hates You," "God Hates Jews," and "God Hates West Virginia." Several other signs featured phrases laced with even more derogatory remarks.

Another sign read "Thank God for Dead Miners," apparently in reference to 29 coal miners who died as a result of the explosion at Massey Energy Co.'s Upper Big Branch mine in Montcoal, W.Va., this week. One of the female protesters sang a rendition of John Denver's "Take Me Home, Country Roads", replacing the lyrics with her own language condemning the dead miners.

The Westboro group, however, encountered stiff opposition at St. Michael Parish, as about 100 feisty counter-protesters were more than eager to engage them. The Westboro group remained on the east side of Seibert Street, while their opponents gathered in front of the church. These counter-protesters were not directly associated with the church, as officials encouraged parishioners not to engage the Westboro group.

Dillonvale resident Darlene Hennebert came out to engage the Westboro group. However, plenty of Wheeling police officers made sure she and others stayed on the sidewalk, preventing them from approaching the Westboro people.

"I wish I could do more than stand here," Hennebert said, noting her son, Brett Davidson, is a member of the U.S. military currently deployed in Afghanistan. "I do feel sorry for them - their souls need saved."

U.S. Army Sgt. Bill Neal came all the way from Fort Bragg, N.C., to confront the protesters.

"It is sad that my fellow soldiers have died to allow them to do this. ... If America is so bad, they should just leave," he said.

Elm Grove resident Bill O'Leary just could not understand the Westboro folks.

"How can you raise little children to come up hating people? ... This is just a shame," he said.

From St. Michael Parish, the group traveled to St. Alphonsus Parish in Center Wheeling, with most of the counter-protesters following.

From there, it was on to the Cathedral of St. Joseph in East Wheeling, where even more opponents were waiting to hold some tense verbal exchanges with group members. At one point, all counter-protesters chanted, "Go home," to those from Westboro.

The Westboro group originally planned to complete their visit with a protest at Wheeling Jesuit University. However, university officials decided against allowing the protesters on school grounds, so the Westboro people went to the Mount de Chantal Road/National Road intersection near Perkins. All the while, the counter-protesters trailed the group from Kansas.

As drivers honked horns due to the groups of protesters lined up near Perkins, the counter-protesters continued shouting down the Westboro folks.

"This is disgusting. ... I came because I did not want them going unchallenged," said Wheeling native Nick Romano, who currently lives out of the area while in pursuit of academic studies. "We need to defend our turf."

During the final Westboro stop, one counter-protester attempted to approach the group. Wheeling Police Chief Robert Matheny did not allow this, though, noting city officials wanted to keep everyone away from the group.

"We provided them (Westboro) escorts. We wanted to make sure that their vehicle was not damaged," he said, adding that it was necessary for the city to provide security for the Westboro demonstrators.

"Everyone has cooperated with us," Matheny added, noting no arrests were made.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Viking on April 11, 2010, 08:44:12 AM
Thank God for Dead Miners
I'm amazed they even made it out of there alive :O.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: MicroBalrog on April 11, 2010, 08:51:38 AM
I believe I know what to do.

Someone must invent a religion (no matter how tenuous) that preaches the most blatant sort of libertinism. (Though I think there's some branches of Satanism that do)

Its members (real or fake) will then attend WBC rallies with slogans that say: "GOD LOVES GAY PEOPLE", and "THANK GOD FOR LAS VEGAS" or similar messages, proclaiming the very "depravity" that WBC decries as a gift from God.

One can also troll WBC with messages such as: ""GOD BLESS AMERICA", "GOD LOVES THE MARINE CORPS" and "AMERICA IS AWESOME", preferably emblazoned on giant-scale cloth banners that need to be held up by several people and entirely obscure the WBC rally. "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE", "SEMPER FI", and "THUS CONQUER WE MUST, FOR OUR CAUSE IT IS JUST" are appropriate alternative designs.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: TechMan on April 11, 2010, 09:04:27 AM
Here is some video goodness from Charleston and how they handled Westboro. (

Later in the video (3:30) you see the cops just kinda there and not really protecting the Westboro people.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Tallpine on April 11, 2010, 11:06:48 AM
Aren't there still a lot of old abandoned and very deep mine shafts in WV ???   =|
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Sergeant Bob on April 11, 2010, 11:14:44 AM
I saw these idiots protesting at a park in Topeka one time. The small children looked to be age 5 or 6) were spewing the same vitriol as their adults. Even if you were to agree with any of their message, it's just sad to see those children growing up knowing only hatred and intolerance.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: MillCreek on April 11, 2010, 11:18:18 AM
Hmm, and yet this very morning, God made no mention to me about gays, West Virginia or the Catholic church.  Especially about hating them.  We must get different messages in the Methodist church.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Tallpine on April 11, 2010, 01:01:17 PM
Hmm, and yet this very morning, God made no mention to me about gays, West Virginia or the Catholic church.  Especially about hating them.  We must get different messages in the Methodist church.

That's because God hates Methodists  =D
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: AJ Dual on April 11, 2010, 01:15:47 PM
I believe I know what to do.

Someone must invent a religion (no matter how tenuous) that preaches the most blatant sort of libertinism. (Though I think there's some branches of Satanism that do)

Its members (real or fake) will then attend WBC rallies with slogans that say: "GOD LOVES GAY PEOPLE", and "THANK GOD FOR LAS VEGAS" or similar messages, proclaiming the very "depravity" that WBC decries as a gift from God.

One can also troll WBC with messages such as: ""GOD BLESS AMERICA", "GOD LOVES THE MARINE CORPS" and "AMERICA IS AWESOME", preferably emblazoned on giant-scale cloth banners that need to be held up by several people and entirely obscure the WBC rally. "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE", "SEMPER FI", and "THUS CONQUER WE MUST, FOR OUR CAUSE IT IS JUST" are appropriate alternative designs.

There's groups that sort of do that. The Patriot Guard Riders ( make a wall of motorcyclists who make a wall of American flags, and all rev their engines in unison if the Westborough's get noisy. And with wink-n-nod tactics, local LEA's and city governments give them preferential placement.  =)

And the faux "trolling" religion won't work. The WBC always tries to out-troll everyone. They want to be attacked, beaten, or even have a few of them killed so they can engage in a storm of litigation and get even more media attention. They are probably the single-most purest expression of the notion "There is no such thing as bad press." They welcome counter-protesters and the more of a circus they can make the event, the better they like it.

Probably the "meanest" thing that's ever been done to them is when the WBC was going to show up at a soldier's funeral, the local media makes gentlemen's agreements to not report on the WBC or their presence at all.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: SteveS on April 11, 2010, 06:45:15 PM
Aren't there still a lot of old abandoned and very deep mine shafts in WV ???   =|

I am sure there are.  I know of plenty in the northern part of Michigan, so send them this way.   ;)
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: RaspberrySurprise on April 11, 2010, 06:48:50 PM
Hmm, and yet this very morning, God made no mention to me about gays, West Virginia or the Catholic church.  Especially about hating them.  We must get different messages in the Methodist church.

Your Jesus antenna must be out of alignment.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Hawkmoon on April 11, 2010, 06:58:24 PM
I believe I know what to do.

Someone must invent a religion (no matter how tenuous) that preaches the most blatant sort of libertinism. (Though I think there's some branches of Satanism that do)

Its members (real or fake) will then attend WBC rallies with slogans that say: "GOD LOVES GAY PEOPLE", and "THANK GOD FOR LAS VEGAS" or similar messages, proclaiming the very "depravity" that WBC decries as a gift from God.

It probably isn't necessary to invent a religion. The Universal Life Church still ordains ministers. I haven't looked into their promotional materials for many years (don't need to, as I was ordained the traditional way, in my church), but IIRC they are non-denominational. What that means is that a minister ordained by the ULC can espouse pretty much anything he/she wishes and call it his "religion." If a group of said minister's friends parishioners wishes to line up near where the WBC folks happen to be, and "witness" their faith ... it seems to me that's completely legal.

Ah, yes ... here it is:
There is no charge or obligation associated with your ordination. Ordination is for life, without cost, and without question of faith.

Get your ordination now, so you can have your parishioners ready when the WBC folks arrive in your town.
Yes, AFAIK ULC ordinations are legal and are recognized in/by all states.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on April 11, 2010, 07:19:46 PM
bet wbc is outa town before dark  and they should check the rear view.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: AJ Dual on April 11, 2010, 08:40:55 PM
bet wbc is outa town before dark  and they should check the rear view.

Someone looking to take things into their own hands might have a harder time of it than you'd think. Like the neo-Nazi marches, they're begging for violence which is worth it to them to get the extra attention.

Local LEA's keep a very close watch on them for their security to keep that from happening.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on April 11, 2010, 09:21:28 PM
shoot i lived in a town where a guy was found hanging from a bridge outside of town and it was called a suicide.    his hands were behind his back tied.  the coroners jury allowed as he "had help". i would be long gone by sundown were i them
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Balog on April 12, 2010, 12:02:12 AM
I think that A. the large number of people and B. the kids are the primary reasons they haven't been murdered yet. Tough to hide that many bodies, and most folks won't kill little kids for the stupid crap their parents do. Cowardly bastards.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: MechAg94 on April 12, 2010, 09:46:54 AM
shoot i lived in a town where a guy was found hanging from a bridge outside of town and it was called a suicide.    his hands were behind his back tied.  the coroners jury allowed as he "had help". i would be long gone by sundown were i them
What part of the country was that? 
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: vaskidmark on April 12, 2010, 10:06:33 AM
What part of the country was that? 

Seems to me I've heard that tale told about just about every place I've visited.  It either happened "right here in this town" or "in that town not 20 miles down the road".

Thing is, probably 75% of 30% of those stories are true, or at least 19% of them are based on a historical incident that 87% most likely happened.

stay safe.

Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Tuco on April 12, 2010, 10:12:30 AM
I think that A. the large number of people and B. the kids are the primary reasons they haven't been murdered yet. Tough to hide that many bodies, and most folks won't kill little kids for the stupid crap their parents do. Cowardly bastards.

Who are you calling cowardly...

...the WBC?
...people who won't kill little kids?
...insinuated generalization of people who hide behind kids or large groups for protection?

I'm just asking for clarification.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on April 12, 2010, 10:12:46 AM
franklin wva  same town where a guy shot his unarmed neighbor on a sunday afternoon in front of 20 folks.  was justifiable homicide.  the dead guy had shot the other guys dog the afternoon  before."outa meaness"

first town i heard "he needed killing"   in court

and balog is probably right as mad as the wbc make me i would do nothin in front of or to their kids.  humans shields do work
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Balog on April 12, 2010, 10:34:07 AM
Tuco: WBC and human shield users in general.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Tuco on April 12, 2010, 10:39:20 AM
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: RoadKingLarry on April 12, 2010, 12:11:05 PM
Just so folks can see what the WBC does and a litle of what the patriot Guard Riders do

Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Jamisjockey on April 12, 2010, 01:00:18 PM
How is it that this little bitty group of nutjobs gets so much attention? I get that they target high profile events, but I mean really?
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: AJ Dual on April 12, 2010, 01:13:48 PM
How is it that this little bitty group of nutjobs gets so much attention? I get that they target high profile events, but I mean really?

I know it's poor form to quote themselves, but:

Probably the "meanest" thing that's ever been done to them is when the WBC was going to show up at a soldier's funeral, the local media makes gentlemen's agreements to not report on the WBC or their presence at all.

Eventually the novelty/outrage factor of the WBC will run it's course, and they'll move onto something else. Which it seems they're already trying, like with the WV mine disaster. So one can hope it means their run is already coming to an end.

Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: brimic on April 12, 2010, 07:42:51 PM
The WBC is an inbred family of lawyers- lawyers cut from the same crap stained cloth as the Rainbow Coalition and the ACLU.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: brimic on April 12, 2010, 07:46:16 PM

They say that the veneer of civilization is paper-thin. The WBCs aren't going to fare very well if that veneer gets so much as a scratch.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: MicroBalrog on April 14, 2010, 06:00:50 AM
I don't think the WBC are quite what you'd call 'civilized', themselves.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Bob F. on April 14, 2010, 06:25:48 PM
I'm in Raleigh Co, WV, home of the mine accident. Rumor I heard: wbc (no caps! for their crap!) Was at Virginia Tech. 3 adults, 3 kids, 300 counter-protesters. Supposedly were to stop in Raleigh Co. Saw the "counter-protestors" and decided to keep rolling.

They reportedly stopped at a convenience store before leaving the state. No cops, no press, but supposedly a pretty good asswhoopin' on facebook. I dunno, didn't search.

I do have it on good authority that "He needed killin'." is an arguable defense in southern WV. And yes there are lots of abondened mines, caves, sinkholes in WV.

But ya' just gotta know they'll burn in hell. Theological version of "under color of authority" or some such.

Stay safe.

PS: No media coverage here.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: mellestad on April 14, 2010, 07:02:13 PM
The WBC is an inbred family of lawyers- lawyers cut from the same crap stained cloth as the Rainbow Coalition and the ACLU.

Really?  I'm not seeing a common thread, besides they all use lawsuits to further an agenda.

WBC is about the idea that their deity hates homosexuality, Jews, communism, atheism, other religions and ideologies...a whole giant list of things, and they feel it is their duty to let people know that their god hates all of those people so much that he creates tragedy to punish everyone else for allowing those people and behaviors to exist.  They target funerals because the outrage helps get their message picked up by the media.

So I think their motivations and methodology is different enough to group the organizations in a seperate class.


There isn't any way to combat people like WBC.  You just have to ignore them and hope they either fade away, or do something legally stupid and get have their organization wiped out...maybe tax fraud.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Bob F. on April 14, 2010, 09:25:38 PM
Perhaps misspoke: I said no media coverage. Sholud say none that I know of. I've only heard the one rumor, then this thread w/ link to the Wheeling Rag.

However, good reputable source informed me tonight that wbc did indeed stop at the mine site, or, more likely, the school where the press & news conferences, etc were going on. One punch was landed and wbc moved on. No word on if any charges. Chances are pretty good troopers either saw nothing or took one into custody, told phelps to leave and be glad he'd escaped, then bought the sluggeer a steak.

Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: roo_ster on April 14, 2010, 09:48:17 PM

They both (WBC, ACLU) hate America as it is, its founding principles,  and want it remade to their specifications.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: RoadKingLarry on April 14, 2010, 10:03:59 PM
If a member of the wbc was assaulted they will as fast as they can file suit against the state for failing to protect their rights. If they can ID who attacked them they will also be sued. It i also liekly that any and all police depts., city, county and state in the jurisdiction where the alleged attack took placed will also be sued. That is how they make their money.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: kgbsquirrel on April 14, 2010, 10:27:30 PM
If a member of the wbc was assaulted they will as fast as they can file suit against the state for failing to protect their rights. If they can ID who attacked them they will also be sued. It i also liekly that any and all police depts., city, county and state in the jurisdiction where the alleged attack took placed will also be sued. That is how they make their money.

I think they would have a pretty hard time suing the police for "failing to protect." The Supreme Court already ruled that the police have no obligation to do so.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: mellestad on April 14, 2010, 10:59:25 PM

They both (WBC, ACLU) hate America as it is, its founding principles,  and want it remade to their specifications.

Oh, right, I forgot  :P
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: MicroBalrog on April 14, 2010, 11:52:31 PM
"America as it is" is a pretty broad descriptor.
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 15, 2010, 12:11:16 AM
"America as it is" is a pretty broad descriptor.

That's OK.  The ACLU is ambitious.   =)

As for the WBC, I really doubt they want to remake America.  They just enjoy the attention. 
Title: Re: Anger Erupts: Westboro Not Welcomed
Post by: RoadKingLarry on April 15, 2010, 09:22:08 AM
I think they would have a pretty hard time suing the police for "failing to protect." The Supreme Court already ruled that the police have no obligation to do so.

I know about that part but when they throw civil rights into the mix it has gotten them enough money to fund their crap for quite a big chunk of change so far. Of course I don't think it's right or proper but they've been doing it for years and getting paid for it.