Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: vaskidmark on May 06, 2010, 08:40:06 AM

Title: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: vaskidmark on May 06, 2010, 08:40:06 AM
Found this while surfing the net.  Thought I'd share it.  Discuss if you wish.

I'm just hoping for some decent thread drift.

An explanation of why those certain persons are just not able to get a grasp on why things are the way they are, as opposed to the way they wish they were.

There is no vaccine to protect anyone from catching it - which usually happens in early adolescence, but may occur at any age.

There is treatment, although the treatment might be fatal for some sufferers (an outcome that does not seem to have any significant drawback).

from (may need to scroll down to find it - it's from a few days ago.)

RDD is a real, identifiable disorder characterized by:
* Irresponsible behavior
* Lack of understanding of cause and effect
* Lack of general necessary life skills
* Unreasonable expectations, informed by TV, movies, internet, books, and popular culture
* Lack of impetus to grow a pair and become an adult

I suffer/ used to suffer from RDD, and I am not alone. Entire generations suffer from RDD, with readily identifiable symptoms such as:
* Inability to mature (still living with parents, can’t balance a checkbook)
* Strong convictions concerning how “things should be” (if we stop terrorizing people there will be no terrorists!)
* Entitlement issues (but you have to give me an easy, high paying job!)
* Lack of perspective (this is just like the Holocaust!)
* Inability to prioritize
* Persecution complex (those evil blanks are out to get me!)

RDD is caused by (duh) a lack of reality! More specifically, an inability to perceive reality or distinguish reality from art and subterfuge.

There is a treatment for RDD. It consists of:

1. Admitting that reality does not come from a screen or a page.
2. Taking responsibility for your actions and the consequences thereof.
3. Going outside your own front door and experiencing the world through you own senses.
4. Practicing cause and effect through your own actions, with no safety net (i.e. getting a job, keeping track of your own money, supporting yourself).
5. Developing critical thinking skills, and actually USING YOUR BRAIN.
6. Admitting to yourself that no one has all the answers, including YOU.

stay safe.

Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: sanglant on May 06, 2010, 10:18:43 AM
i think i remember having that, =D when i was 4. :facepalm:
Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: coppertales on May 06, 2010, 11:14:35 AM
Isn't that a pre-requesit to be a politician?  chris3
Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: Grandpa Shooter on May 06, 2010, 12:51:23 PM
Exactly.  I used to describe in to my patients/clients as living in a bubble where they only flash into reality from time to time.  One of my ex-wives worked in banking and one day was putting up the CD rates on the board at the bank.  It suddenly dawned on her that she was putting up numbers starting with 3.%  She came home that night and asked me when things had gotten that bad.  My answer, "About 2 years ago".  She just looked shocked.

My Son recently asked me for some advice regarding some troubles he was having.  I reminded him of the saying I harped on repeatedly when he was young.  "You can not help people who refuse to help themselves, and you can't save people from themselves."  I got a reply this morning. "It's over Dad, I tried talking to her like you suggested, and she laughed at me.  I won't be laughed for trying to talk to someone about something I believe so strongly in"

The young man is growing up.  He is actively seeking the cure to Reality Deficit Disorder.
Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: roo_ster on May 06, 2010, 01:58:41 PM
My Son recently asked me for some advice regarding some troubles he was having.  I reminded him of the saying I harped on repeatedly when he was young.  "You can not help people who refuse to help themselves, and you can't save people from themselves."  I got a reply this morning. "It's over Dad, I tried talking to her like you suggested, and she laughed at me.  I won't be laughed for trying to talk to someone about something I believe so strongly in"

The young man is growing up.  He is actively seeking the cure to Reality Deficit Disorder.

Wising up, for sure.
Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: Tallpine on May 06, 2010, 02:03:19 PM
I dunno ... Reality (TM) is getting worse all the time.  =|

I just wanna go ride my horse into the sunset.  :cool:
Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: S. Williamson on May 06, 2010, 02:08:33 PM
There are actually two forms of RDD, closely related to each other:

1) The aforementioned Reality Deficit Disorder (most often acute cases)
2) Reality Denial Disorder (a chronic condition)

Type 1 is often cured by such things as overcoming hardship, enjoying new experiences, and meeting new people.  An open mind is both a symptom, and an avenue for recovery.

Type 2 almost always requires repeat treatment over the course of the patient's lifespan, and even then, the success rate is only 20%.  Individuals classified as RDD Type 2 can still be contributing members of society, but are often either misanthropic or shunned by others.  Identified causes of RDD Type 2 include poor upbringing, public school, traumatic events, propaganda, television, religious cults, social welfare programs, and mind-altering substances.  RDD Type 2 may manifest itself in a number of ways, including but not limited to street-corner preaching, thinking of one's self as an artist, politics, monuments made of one's self, and posting comments on YouTube.
Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: French G. on May 06, 2010, 03:32:33 PM
I did not see "bitchslap" listed in the treatments.
Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: BridgeRunner on May 06, 2010, 04:23:14 PM
...and posting comments on YouTube.

Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: Jim147 on May 06, 2010, 04:29:44 PM
I think you all are making this stuff up.

I'm going back to my cartoons.

Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: vaskidmark on May 06, 2010, 05:44:35 PM
I did not see "bitchslap" listed in the treatments.

That's because "bitchslap" is an aggressive, assaultive action.

Years ago when I had to physically escort some of my caseload to the court-ordered DUI offenders' class (how to not get caught DUI again, and also get points off your Dept. of Motor Vehicles record and your DL reinstated) I noticed as part of the registration the requirement to give permission for the administration of "Thumpazine".

Asking about that, I was directed to view a 2x4, about 4 foot long, with the first 18" or so of one end wrapped with white adhesive tape, hanging over the top of the chalkboard at the front of the classroom.  Written along the unwrapped portion was the following: "Thumpazine - to be administered PRN".  The class instructor advised me that beating the information into their thick skulls was a violation of the 8th Amendment, but the use of a medical device, when they had given informed consent, was permitted.

I went down to the local public health department and got me several sizes of Thumpazine, and took a quick course to be certified in administering it.  Most important things I learned were 1) to overlap the adhesive tape at least half-way on each winding so as to prevent splinters from getting through, and 2) to get a good grip so I did not injure my wrists.

My clinical observations, based on a review of several years of case notes, were that while the administration of Thumpazine did little for the improvement of the behavior of those on my caseload, it reduced the number and frequency of case notes indicating great frustration with the progress of the case.  (Actually, over a 2-year period notes indicating job satisfaction went from a pre-Thumpazine baseline of <.02% to an average of 71.6% in the final 2 months of the review period.)

As always, YMMV.

stay safe.

Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: Tallpine on May 06, 2010, 05:49:14 PM
I went down to the local public health department and got me several sizes of Thumpazine, and took a quick course to be certified in administering it.  Most important things I learned were 1) to overlap the adhesive tape at least half-way on each winding so as to prevent splinters from getting through, and 2) to get a good grip so I did not injure my wrists.

Ah, physical therapy  ;)

That treatment does not sound very ergonomic.  I think the design could be improved upon.  You would not want to end up with corporal tunnel syndrome.
Title: Re: Reality Deficit Disorder
Post by: S. Williamson on May 06, 2010, 06:52:21 PM
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