Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Declaration Day on May 12, 2010, 07:02:37 PM

Title: High blood pressure!
Post by: Declaration Day on May 12, 2010, 07:02:37 PM
Over the last few weeks I have noticed redness in my face that isn't normal.  I work outside, but I use sunblock and usually any redness I get from sun exposure goes away within an hour of being indoors. However, this redness increases after I come home and take a shower, and my face feels warm for a couple of hours.

So this evening I had my blood pressure checked at my gym and it is indeed too high. ( inactivity isn't the problem.  I have a physical job and I'm a weight lifter).

This is my wake-up call to change my diet.  I eat junk food, canned food, drink too much pop, etc.

My question is, those of you who have been in this predicament, what foods, supplements, etc did / do you use to bring your blood pressure down?  And how long should it take for me to see results?
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: wmenorr67 on May 12, 2010, 07:05:02 PM
Did you have your BP checked just after working out?  If so you will have elevated pressure.  You need to take your BP at the sametime over the course of several days to see if there are any problems.  Plus if you think you have a problem go see a Dr.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Declaration Day on May 12, 2010, 07:07:25 PM
No it was before working out.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Leatherneck on May 12, 2010, 07:09:08 PM
Second WM's advice. See a doc. High BP is nothing to self-diagnose. If you're healthy and strong, it's probably minor. But there are lots of complex factors involved. Diet, genetics, cholesterol, stress, etc. Do the right thing please.

Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Declaration Day on May 12, 2010, 07:13:19 PM
Stress is a big factor right now.  I am going through a divorce, and things are bad enough that I don't want to be at home right now.  

I'll go see a doctor soon, I promise.

I want to get started right away with a healthier diet nonetheless.  I've eaten crap all my life and this is a wake-up call.

Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: grampster on May 12, 2010, 07:27:10 PM

"However, this redness increases after I come home and take a shower, and my face feels warm for a couple of hours."

Hmmmm.  Did you notice a certain lol cat looking at you from the ceiling fixture above you in the shower? [popcorn]
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on May 12, 2010, 07:30:36 PM
my dad had to combine prescriptions with becomeing a vegetarian for a year to get his under control.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Balog on May 12, 2010, 07:31:52 PM
Healthier diet is a good thing, high BP or no.

Stress is a killer, myself I'd bet on that being a big part of it.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Ron on May 12, 2010, 07:47:55 PM
Is cardio a part of your work out regimen? Get a mountain bike, best thing I ever did for my health, I used to hate cardio.

Do you eat a lot of red meat? I'm down to once or twice a week, moderation in red meats help.

How heavily do you drink? Boozing a lot is bad for your blood pressure as well as other areas of your life. Moderation once again is the key, unless you have addiction issues of course, then abstinence is the best course of action.

You don't smoke do you?

I'm a Christian, I believe and trust in Christ. When I'm not living consistent with what I know and believe is right I experience stress.

Self examination and knowing yourself, what you believe, your ethics, is crucial. That way you can identify when you aren't living up to the standards you believe you should be, causing yourself undue stress.

My Grandfather died after his third heart attack, before he reached seventy. My father struggles with high blood pressure problems and is on serious meds. Still drinks and smokes.

At 45 my blood pressure is consistently 120/80 or better every time I go to the doc.  
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Declaration Day on May 12, 2010, 07:55:41 PM
Is cardio a part of your work out regimen? Get a mountain bike, best thing I ever did for my health, I used to hate cardio.

Do you eat a lot of red meat? I'm down to once or twice a week, moderation in red meats help.

How heavily do you drink? Boozing a lot is bad for your blood pressure as well as other areas of your life. Moderation once again is the key, unless you have addiction issues of course, then abstinence is the best course of action.

You don't smoke do you?

I'm a Christian, I believe and trust in Christ. When I'm not living consistent with what I know and believe is right I experience stress.

Self examination and knowing yourself, what you believe, your ethics, is crucial. That way you can identify when you aren't living up to the standards you believe you should be, causing yourself undue stress.

My Grandfather died after his third heart attack, before he reached seventy. My father struggles with high blood pressure problems and is on serious meds. Still drinks and smokes.

At 45 my blood pressure is consistently 120/80 or better every time I go to the doc.  

I do eat a lot of red meat.  Sometimes a nice steak, but often in the form of greasy, fast-food burgers.

I'm normally not a heavy drinker but I admit I have been doing so more lately, due to the ongoing divorce. 

I am not, nor have I ever been, a smoker.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: grampster on May 12, 2010, 08:19:01 PM
One aspirin a day is a good regime to follow.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on May 12, 2010, 08:36:45 PM
substitute exercise for the booze and a divorce can be a real butt whuppin stress wise   richard pryor described it well
"women break up they cry get together with their mom sisters and g/f's call you everything but a man and move on with their life.  a man goes shhheeeet  thats just #$#$^y i can get that anytime excuse me while i step out in front of this bus"
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: vaskidmark on May 12, 2010, 08:45:48 PM
Aspirin is good if you have a hiastory of clotting, or if your cardiac arteries are less than optimally open and in danger of becoming clotted.  Otherwise, it's better to check with a doc before jumping on that bandwagon.

Elevated BP once in a while is not High Blood Pressure.  Get your BP checked at regular intervals to establish a baseline.  Ditto for after work, after working out, maybe even during cardio exertion.  Those things you strap on your chest are not worth the cost/effort.  The machines at drug stores are iffy at best, but can alert you to an extraordinarily high reading.  Your local fire dept. may offer free drop-in BP screenings - check with them.

Reducing both NaCl and K will help you bring down your BP - but be careful to not go too low.  If you start getting woozy, feel faint, drop flat on your face you might have gone too low.  Be aware that you need to stay hydrated, and that when you cut down/out on salty stuff you may find your output increasing so you will need to increase ypur input to compensate.  Other than the time involved it won't hurt you.

As you decrease fatty foods you might want to check your fat-soluable vitamin levels - you can either start to excrete stored stuff and up your levels or start to drop below optimum - aint the body's chemistry fun?

If you truely have HBP you may be started on a diuretic.  If so, all I can say to you is "Happy days!"  Find your rhythm before you go off for any extended period of time.  Ask me how I know.  Nah!  Just search here for "lasix" instead.

stay safe.

Title: sang rambling again
Post by: sanglant on May 12, 2010, 09:20:27 PM
drink a bunch of water. yeah it sounds silly, but it works. cut back on the salt, doesn't work for everyone but try it. might want to take a look here ( were you using an electric BP monitor? if so does it have a indicator for irregular heart rate? if your heart rate is off kelter it will make you feel like crap. and a cheap BP monitor will be all over the place. not to scare you, but if any of these ( sound to familiar get to a doctor. =| i drop a beat every once in a while, scares the crap out of nurses. had to go to omron ( to find a bp monitor that would work. and as VAS said, don't worry about it just because it's high every once in a while, that's normal. a monitor that keeps a record of the last 20+ or so times is handy. and the wrist ones are more trouble then there worth unless you just don't have room for an arm model. oh and there are some herbs you might want to try before drugs.(well they are drugs but with less side effects) here's a list ( but think(prey) about it hard before trying any, the fish oil just about killed me. [popcorn]
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Declaration Day on May 12, 2010, 09:31:28 PM
It was an electric monitor, no irregular heart rate indicator.

I will schedule a doctor's appt and check my BP regularly from now on.

In the mean time, I went up to the grocery store and bought some fish for dinner, and Mrs. Dash for seasoning (tasted like nothing to me, because I usually dump salt on everything I eat).

Then I pan-fried some chicken tenderloins to take to work tomorrow for lunch, also seasoned with the tasteless Mrs. Dash.  Normally Thursday is Triple heart-attack with extra grease Wendy's burger day.

The most interesting thing though, and yes i will check with the doc before doing this regularly, is that I took an aspirin shortly after grampster posted the suggestion, and the redness subsided about 75% a half hour later.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: sanglant on May 12, 2010, 09:47:41 PM
watch the cutting salt completely. it makes your food taste like cardboard and can make you sicker than the high BP. if you can pick up some grey salt locally it is a good salt for using less. is nice and big grains so it takes up a lot of room. if you like it it's a lot cheaper to order ( otherwise consider digging out the koshering salt.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Brad Johnson on May 13, 2010, 12:55:33 AM
If you are active, in reasonably good physical condition, and have at least a marginally healthy dietary regimen, there's no realy food issues that will cause or prevent high blood pressure.  The only caveat is if you are sodium sensitive (roughly 3% of the population).

Stress is bad, and will definitely aggravate a BP problem that's already present.


Some people just have a touch of high blood pressure.  It happens.  We have a 20 year old kid in our office that eats like a dietary textbook and runs marathons for crying out loud.  Found out about six months ago (same symptoms you're describing - facial redness, minor nagging headache, etc).  I have members of my family in the same boat... healthy, active lifestyles but still have a touch of high blood pressure.

As has been recommended, see your doc.  Slightly elevated BP is easily controlled with meds and may well go away after you get away from the stress.

Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Grandpa Shooter on May 13, 2010, 01:15:22 AM
Chronic or persistent HBP is one thing.  Situational elevated BP is quite a different deal.  For instance, I drink a lot of coffee (6 or more large mugs a day).  I took my BP one time after having a couple of cups of coffee with my favorite breakfast, a super gooey pastry, and YUP my BP was elevated.

My other situational stress is going to or having anything to do with the VA. They tried convincing me that I had chronic or persistent high BP and I denied it.  When they asked for an explanation I told them it was them.  I had kept a daily log of BP and guess what, my BP was high the morning I went to the VA, and while I was there, but normal the rest of the time.

Divorce can be a killer.  Mine caused so much stress and aggravation I thought I was going to die.  I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of collecting my benefits so I always made it through.  Don't start blaming yourself, or let her blame you (unless of course you deserve it).  Don't get mad, or try to get even.  Just get it over with and get on with your life.  It takes awhile to establish any normalcy or routine, but doing so will help greatly in getting the BP down.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: 230RN on May 13, 2010, 01:17:21 AM
Stress is a big factor right now.  I am going through a divorce, and things are bad enough that I don't want to be at home right now.

Bingo. (And the moving-out part, if any, is another big stress item.)

...and Mrs. Dash for seasoning (tasted like nothing to me, because I usually dump salt on everything I eat).

Bingo bingo

Useta be for me, food was just an excuse to eat lots of salt.

I've got a question for wmenorr67, though:

Did you have your BP checked just after working out?  If so you will have elevated pressure.  You need to take your BP at the sametime over the course of several days to see if there are any problems.

That's what I'd expect.  Yet this chart seems to indicate low blood pressure after excercise (see legend near dotted line at 110 / 70):


What gives?

Terry, 230RN

(PS. two gold stars for the comment about women seeking mutual support and advice, whereas men just try to tough it out.)

(Pic credit in properties)
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Brad Johnson on May 13, 2010, 01:24:39 AM
What gives?

Terry, 230RN

Read the bottom line on the chart, the red one.  That's 'splains a lot.

Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: grislyatoms on May 13, 2010, 01:47:51 AM
Alcohol has a profound effect on BP. Just saying.

I'm usually pretty low, 116/60.

If I drink just a couple pints of beer, I'll hit 180/100 in no time at all. Again, just putting it out there.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Waitone on May 13, 2010, 08:20:26 AM
Take you blood pressure in the morning after you've awakened but before getting out of bed.  Then record it. 
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: KD5NRH on May 13, 2010, 11:00:28 AM
I just stay careless.  Hard to maintain high pressure in a leaky vessel.   ;/

Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: coppertales on May 13, 2010, 12:31:24 PM
My BP is usually 10-15 points lower right after working out.  I am a powerlifter so I do the heavy stuff in cycles.  I am an old fart too, 66.  My BP is usually about 5-10 points lower after a couple martinis too.

What kind of supliments are you taking?  I was taking one called Zip Fiz and it sent my pulse rate all over the place.  It returned to normal after a week of not taking it.  Too bad, I liked the taste and it gave me energy for my workouts.....chris3
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Brad Johnson on May 13, 2010, 12:36:15 PM
Good point, Chris.  People don't realize how hard energy drinks impact your system.

Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: sanglant on May 13, 2010, 01:06:44 PM
just some thing to remember :angel: (
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: S. Williamson on May 13, 2010, 01:14:30 PM
Hm.  Checking my medical records, the last official reading was 132/68... that was two years and 25lbs ago, though.  =)
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Declaration Day on May 13, 2010, 04:15:18 PM

I walked into a healthy food store for the first time in my life, specifically Trader Joe's.  I felt a bit like a hippie but if I can improve my health by shopping there, it's worth it.  Most of that stuff isn't much more expensive than the processed, salt-laden, hormone-injected crap I usually buy, despite what I have been told.

Besides, now that I am going to be single, I can afford to pay a bit more for my food.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: S. Williamson on May 13, 2010, 04:30:08 PM

I walked into a healthy food store for the first time in my life, specifically Trader Joe's.  I felt a bit like a hippie but if I can improve my health by shopping there, it's worth it.  Most of that stuff isn't much more expensive than the processed, salt-laden, hormone-injected crap I usually buy, despite what I have been told.

Besides, now that I am going to be single, I can afford to pay a bit more for my food.

No, now you sound like a hippie.  :laugh:
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on May 13, 2010, 04:33:25 PM
cooking for ladies was better than plying them with strong spirits. experiment  looks good smells good tastes good. its a lot of fun  i got in the habit of cooking at least 2 or 3 portions and freezing one  eat one as leftovers and you can eat well without overworking
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: Brad Johnson on May 13, 2010, 04:35:33 PM
I walked into a healthy food store for the first time in my life, specifically Trader Joe's.  I felt a bit like a hippie but if I can improve my health by shopping there, it's worth it.  Most of that stuff isn't much more expensive than the processed, salt-laden, hormone-injected crap I usually buy, despite what I have been told.

Be careful about the pure-as-the-driven-snow image connected with "health food".  There's no guarantee their "natural" growth & prep methods didn't involve things more toxic than the Mega-Mart pre-boxed stuff.  

You can eat healthy at most any grocery store.  Just put down the pre-made items and learn to make your own.

Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: 41magsnub on May 13, 2010, 04:42:10 PM
+1 to what Brad said.  I started shopping at the "Good Food Store" but came to realize that I could get the same stuff for way cheaper at the normal grocery stores.  Plus...  the organic produce was great and all, but frequently I had problems like bell peppers having black fungus on the inside the day they were purchased and they cost twice as much.

The only thing I still go there for are the Amy's frozen less sodium dinners for my backup lunch if I don't have something else prepared to take to work with me.  Nowhere else in town has them.

I recommend those by the way, especially the lasagna and enchiladas.  Not so much the mac & cheese and rice bowl.  The spinach pizza is ok...  not great but edible.
Title: Re: High blood pressure!
Post by: 230RN on May 13, 2010, 04:54:54 PM
You WILL get over the divorce stuff sooner or later.  Might as well make it sooner.

I moped around for about ten days and suddenly decided that ^.

Called up a lady friend of mine and took her to dinner.

Got over it pretty soon.  Yowsa.