Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Norton on March 20, 2005, 01:29:18 PM

Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Norton on March 20, 2005, 01:29:18 PM
So...I'm quite comfortable in bed with my better half this morning, enjoying the prospect of a lazy Sunday when the doorbell rings at 7:30am.  Now, there's no one in the world who should be on my doorstep at that time of the morning so I give the wife the revolver and tell her to stand by while I go check things out.

Great...just great....a county police officer...can't be anything good about this.

Officer says, "Is that your car (gesturing to the Passat)?"  To which I mumbled something about it being in my driveway.

He gives me the license and registration business and proceeds to says something about someone taking my letters.  I'm thinking....someone took our tag # for something and am starting to get a little pissed off by this point, since the car hadn't moved in about 20 hours and couldn't have been involved in anything.

Turns out, some little moron took a sojourn through our part of the neighborhood and pried the model letters (Passat, Jetta, Golf) off of every VW in the area.

What is up with that?  Why just VW's?  Am I missing some sort of new fad?

Now...I have to take a day off of work to go to court, deal with restitution, take the car to the body shop.

Little jerk....good thing I didn't catch him in the act.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: P95Carry on March 20, 2005, 04:51:02 PM
Paul - you have my utmost sympathy.  Similar stuff has happened round here - just been lucky I guess not have been ''had'' personally.

Real PITA is - even if we caught these punks doing it - not much we can do (legally!!!!).

Signs of the times .... sickening ones.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Wildalaska on March 20, 2005, 09:55:20 PM
Signs of the times .... sickening ones.
Aint like vandalism hasnt existed for millenia

Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Norton on March 21, 2005, 01:02:19 AM
Somehow they caught the little snot and made him draw a map of all of the places he went in the neighborhood.  I took a walk yesterday and saw that, for sure, it was all about the VWs.  Still can't figure that part out.

Funny thing is, the officer didn't come to our house until 7:30am, so exactly what time did all of this transpire?  The wife said that she noticed that the motion detector light was on around 3am, but that's not unusual as the wind sometimes makes some stuff hanging on the porch move around.  Makes me wonder now.....

So...why was this little booger out running around in the middle of the night?

Worse part...and it's always par for the course......we're making the final payment on the car this week  :-(
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: dinosaur on March 21, 2005, 01:06:11 AM
Well, you could have the little bugger's parents make the final payment
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Moondoggie on March 21, 2005, 04:05:26 AM
If my experience is any gauge, you'll be getting "junk mail" from the victim's rights department for years.

More of a PITA than the actual crime in my case since my wife and I caught the 2 burglers in our garage and suffered no loss, except for being rousted out of bed by the dogs @ 4:00 AM.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Norton on March 26, 2006, 01:39:38 AM
Finallly got the court date.....A YEAR LATER!

Now I have to miss a day of work and go sit in a court room and watch this guy get a slap on the wrist.  The idiot cop wrote it up as an offense amounting to less than $100.

The estimate to repair the car was $150 just for the letters.  I took some gum turpentine and cleaned off the residue and left it be.

When I received the court notice, I did a little snooping and found thhe little jerk's myspace page:

I'll be looking out for him from here on out.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Iain on March 26, 2006, 02:27:04 AM
Did he work for a VW secondhand dealer?

On the subject of vandals, the amount of graffiti in the Sagrada Familia is amazing. It's still being built, but then that has been the case for nearly a century.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: 280plus on March 26, 2006, 02:51:52 AM
Yes Volkswagens are popular amongst the urban set. I imagine he wanted to decorate his room with all the letters to show off his obvious stature in the world of cool. He's 20 yo now. What a bright future, eh?
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Norton on March 26, 2006, 03:02:07 AM
Funny thing is that I also traced him to a cardomain page and now know what kind of car he drives....and it's not a VW.  He drives a red RX7 and I will be on the look out for it when I go for my walk in a little while.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: K Frame on March 26, 2006, 03:26:28 AM
My guess is that it has something to do with the recent VW commercials.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: K Frame on March 26, 2006, 03:29:44 AM
Oh yeah, you'll notice that he claims that his income, WHILE a college student, is $75 to 100K a year.

Sounds like you need to file a small-claims-court action.

Don't forget to include the value of the time that you've spent on this.

"The idiot cop wrote it up as an offense amounting to less than $100."

What, the cop is supposed to know how much VW charges to replace the letters on your car? Get in touch with him and have him amend the complaint.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Guest on March 26, 2006, 06:49:30 AM
Would you be able to hit him in civil court for that?
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Justin on March 26, 2006, 09:25:50 AM
Quote from: baus44
Would you be able to hit him in civil court for that?
We'd all be better off if someone would just hit him with a 2x4 behind the woodshed.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Guest on March 26, 2006, 10:50:55 AM
Call my a blood thirsty sociopath, but I don't think i would shed any tears for him if he tried that in say, texas (where legal, i'm told), and got shot for his troubles.    I despise my genY counterparts.  maybe at the very lease he'll encounter justins idea
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Norton on March 26, 2006, 12:16:43 PM
I'd like to let him know how close he got to a butt whipping from a 6'7" mean-ass Pollock if I had happend to see him out there.  It was especially frustrating because I had just cut the pay-off check on that car that very week.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: K Frame on March 26, 2006, 12:58:59 PM
"civil court..."

It would probably be handled in small claims court.

In Pennsylvania it would be handled by a magistrate.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: 280plus on March 26, 2006, 02:17:57 PM
a 6'7" mean-ass Pollock
I say pick up the car and smash him over the head with it!

Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Norton on March 26, 2006, 02:38:02 PM
Quote from: 280plus
a 6'7" mean-ass Pollock
I say pick up the car and smash him over the head with it!

I could just eat a couple of Chipotle burritos and ask him to hold still for just a second:p
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Smith on March 26, 2006, 03:01:15 PM
Why not go down to his place and have a little chat with him?
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Guest on March 26, 2006, 06:13:20 PM
Quote from: Mike Irwin
Oh yeah, you'll notice that he claims that his income, WHILE a college student, is $75 to 100K a year.
I find it more ammusing that he is now in his third year of Community College, and he is taking a single 100 level class. He is also pursuing a major that is not offered at the school, which leads me to conclude that he intends to transfer to a 4-year university, which means that he hasnt made crap for progress.

Oh, and just in case you need to collect his debt to you, or say you feel very vindictive, he has been kind enough to list his employer on that page.

Home Professionals Inc.
Annapolis, Maryland US
Director Of Marketing Operatoins and IT

Notice that his actually mispelled his own title.

Oh, and since I was bored, here is the webpage for his employer:

and their telephone: 410-757-2658
and fax: 410-757-2622
Warehouse address:
1699 Balt. Annap Blvd.
Arnold, MD

Office Address:
1875 Cherry Road
Annapolis, MD 21401

The president's name: James A. Hay
and his email address:

I dont think you will have too much trouble collecting your restitution.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: Norton on March 27, 2006, 01:07:24 AM
Quote from: Blackburn
Post his address, I could use having something to give out as my "real location" when I'm trolling people who want to meet and fight.
Hahahaha......that would be too funny.

Ya know...I had pretty much forgotten about this whole episode until the court paper work came last week.  Now I'm all fired up over the incident again.  This whole exercise is making me feel much better......

.....still didn't find his RX7 yesterday......
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: crt360 on March 27, 2006, 12:55:56 PM
Be sure to forward what you've found out about him to all of the other VW owners in the neighborhood.  With some luck, one or more of them might be pissed off and crazy.  Maybe they'll tie him down and tattoo VW on his forehead.
Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: charby on March 27, 2006, 01:11:06 PM
Quote from: crt360
Be sure to forward what you've found out about him to all of the other VW owners in the neighborhood.  With some luck, one or more of them might be pissed off and crazy.  Maybe they'll tie him down and tattoo VW on his forehead.
VW branding Iron..

okay please don't do that, but I hope that he gets hosed by the court and everyone he f'd with gets proper restitution

Title: Freakin' Vandals
Post by: 280plus on March 27, 2006, 03:58:16 PM
Whatever you do, DON'T have an unfortunate accident with noxious paint-eating fluids near his car.
You mean like brake fluid?  Wink