Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Sindawe on July 10, 2010, 12:07:08 AM

Title: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: Sindawe on July 10, 2010, 12:07:08 AM
Most irritating.  I "updated to IE 8" this past week, and since when I write up a post or reply, if my ramblings go beyond the so many lines in the text box, the curser jumps back the end of of the last default visable line.  For exampe, if this be line 2, then the curser gets wacked beyond line

Like it does not see the carriage return at the end of line 13.  So lines beyond scroll down and out of view.  Anyone else seeing this and have a fix?
Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: Jim147 on July 10, 2010, 12:10:05 AM
I've seen it. My fix is Chrome.

Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: Nick1911 on July 10, 2010, 12:10:12 AM
"IT.  This is Nick."

"I "updated to IE 8" this past week, and since when I write up a post or reply, if my ramblings go beyond the..."

"Sir, please try restarting your computer, and installing the most up to date patches."


No, really though, I haven't had this problem.  This might have something to do with me only rarely using IE, though.  I'll dig around the internet and see what I can find.
Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: dogmush on July 10, 2010, 09:27:39 AM
Wow, I get to quote myself.  Does this add 2 to my post count?

Wow, all the techies on here use firefox huh?

DM and Darius, it's an IE8 bug when you fill in the reply box.

Run it in compatability mode and the jumping around stops.

Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 10, 2010, 11:40:31 AM
Try uninstalling IE8.   =)
Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: Sindawe on July 10, 2010, 12:51:45 PM
Run it in compatability mode and the jumping around stops.

Yep, that did it.  Thanks.

Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: never_retreat on July 10, 2010, 04:48:45 PM
The problem lies between the keyboard and the chair.
Try replacing that element and check results.
Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: tyme on July 10, 2010, 05:15:54 PM
I've seen that before.  I couldn't reproduce it by numbering a few dozen lines, but pasting a bunch of lorum ipsum paragraphs did it.  Numbering 27 lines, going to the end, and holding shift while pressing pg-up also gets the text box stuck... it won't go all the way to the top.  Compatibility view fixes it

I have to ask why you're using IE for generic web browsing.  Lack of plugins alone is a deal-killer for me, nevermind Microsoft's failure to follow standards, and nevermind their leisurely pace of patching security holes (their schedule seems to be as close to "never" as they can get away with).

The problem lies between the keyboard and the chair.

ITYM problem exists between Redmond and Redmond.

Quote from: fistful
Try uninstalling IE8.

Whatever you do, don't downgrade to IE7.  If you don't understand why, you should have your internet passport ( revoked.
Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: Chuck Dye on July 10, 2010, 08:10:13 PM
Yet another excellent argument for composing in your word processor, copying, and pasting.

Thank you!
Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on July 12, 2010, 10:44:51 AM
Out of all the issues with APS, you had to go and pick just one?
Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: GigaBuist on July 12, 2010, 11:24:14 AM
If anybody on the technical staff wants to "fix" it there's a <meta> tag you can add into the HTML that'll force IE8 to render like IE7 on a site.

Comes in handy.
Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: Nick1911 on July 12, 2010, 03:17:21 PM
If anybody on the technical staff wants to "fix" it there's a <meta> tag you can add into the HTML that'll force IE8 to render like IE7 on a site.

Comes in handy.

*Looks left*

*Looks right*


Welp...  what's the tag?
Title: Re: An issue with APS and IE 8?
Post by: Marnoot on July 12, 2010, 03:24:10 PM
Welp...  what's the tag?

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />