Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: myrockfight on July 18, 2010, 11:37:05 PM

Title: Inception: the movie
Post by: myrockfight on July 18, 2010, 11:37:05 PM,0,6488448.story (,0,6488448.story)

"Critics heaped praise on the movie, even if many of them were not exactly sure what it was about, or advised that it might require multiple viewings.

That should be enough to get most of you guys interested in the movie right there.  [popcorn]

If you guys like movies that are marginally better than the mindless material that Hollyweird usually puts out, you will probably be interested in Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio.

The movie does a good job entertaining those who have a loose grip on reality (or potentially pushing them to just the other side of insanity). I wouldn't say it is necessarily a challenge to wrap your mind around, but it is an interesting take on the human psyche and our perception.

I haven't done any research on the movie yet, but I was curious if someone might know of some other interesting material (fiction and non) touched on by the movie. It touches on, at a minimum, philosophy, physics, and psychology (to start with), of our conscious perception of "reality."

It has been a while since I could say I actually enjoyed seeing a movie - especially at the theatre. I could definitely put the screws to someone who has a hard time with their sanity. Seriously. If someone I knew honestly had a hard time with holding on to reality, I would tell them to stay far away from this film.

Maybe I'm a little over-enthused that a movie actually got me thinking about philosophical questions, instead of the standard fodder that they tend to rot our brains with from the inside out. This movie is going to make some serious cash from those who can actually think on a level beyond the simplest levels of Maslow's heirarchy and those who make a strong effort at faking it.
I read that there is a strong correlation in reactions along generational gaps. It will be interesting to see if that holds true here on this board and why  y'all think that is. This movie and thread has some interesting potential.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: taurusowner on July 19, 2010, 12:03:37 AM
You know, I remember when Leonardo DiCaprio was the vomit-inducing teen heartthrob from Titanic.  So I've been inclined to dislike him as an actor for some time.  But he's really matured along the way.  His roles in Blood Diamind, Body of Lies, and The Departed are pretty awesome, and I'm betting I'll like Inception just as much.

Also, since I just watched Blood Diamond a few days ago, I gotta point out, Leo has some pretty outstanding firearms skills on set when the script calls for it.  I've only seen 2 movies where an actor actually press checks his weapon, Heat being the other, and Leo does it not once but twice; the first before going into a hostile situation, and the second right after he wakes up (which is really smart).  Plus he actually carries his pistol in a holster, and drops the mag, ejects the chambered round, and locks the slide when he has to turn his pistol over to the authorities.  Just those little things you never see in movies, yet are included in Blood Diamond.  I don't know who did firearms consulting for that movie, but they did a great job teaching Leo how it's really done.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Monkeyleg on July 19, 2010, 12:35:58 AM
I think you meant "Body of Lies", not "State of Play", which starred Russell Crowe. In "Body of Lies", DeCaprio does some really good gun work, too.

After all the "Titanic" hype, I had the same reaction, which was to peg him as some no-talent pretty boy.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: taurusowner on July 19, 2010, 12:41:48 AM
I think you meant "Body of Lies", not "State of Play", which starred Russell Crowe. In "Body of Lies", DeCaprio does some really good gun work, too.

After all the "Titanic" hype, I had the same reaction, which was to peg him as some no-talent pretty boy.

Haha yeah you're right.  I have them both and they're right next to each other in my dvd folder.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 19, 2010, 01:54:56 AM
Titanic?  What, nobody saw him in Romeo+Juliet?  He was probably a bad choice for Romeo; still a great flick.

FWIW, I still think he's too much of a pretty-boy.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Nitrogen on July 19, 2010, 02:22:46 AM
Titanic?  What, nobody saw him in Romeo+Juliet?  He was probably a bad choice for Romeo; still a great flick.

FWIW, I still think he's too much of a pretty-boy.

I saw this on Saturday.  Sure, he's a pretty-boy, but he can act. This movie was easily the best movie of 2010 so far.

Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: S. Williamson on July 19, 2010, 04:22:47 AM
He has the voice of a 13-year-old.  I haven't seen a movie he was in since Titanic.

From the sound of things, that might have to change...
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Iain on July 19, 2010, 05:38:58 AM
Hearing good things, he'll have to go some way to better his best ever performance though - he was very good in What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: makattak on July 19, 2010, 08:47:06 AM
To pile on:

DeCaprio was a terrible actor  in Titanic and R&J. (Seriously, Fistful? You thought he was good in Romeo and Juliet? He wasn't acting, he was reading the lines, as were all but one of the actors.)

He's become a very good actor, though. Catch Me If You Can was very good. He's only gotten better since.

Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: HankB on July 19, 2010, 09:09:58 AM
Titanic?  What, nobody saw him in Romeo+Juliet?  He was probably a bad choice for Romeo;
With a wig & a little makeup, DeCaprio could've been equally well-cast as Juliet . . .   [popcorn]

From the trailers I've seen, Inception looks like it's about inducing & controlling hallucinations . . .
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: CNYCacher on July 19, 2010, 10:06:06 AM
Just to pile on, since no one mentioned "Shutter Island", I thought I would.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Iain on July 19, 2010, 10:08:06 AM
To pile on:

DeCaprio was a terrible actor  in Titanic and R&J. (Seriously, Fistful? You thought he was good in Romeo and Juliet? He wasn't acting, he was reading the lines, as were all but one of the actors.)

He's become a very good actor, though. Catch Me If You Can was very good. He's only gotten better since.

He's not become a good actor, he already was. His Academy Award nominated role in Gilbert Grape came before Titanic or R+J. I suspect a bias against roles pitched at teen heart-throb types, which is quite understandable. He's moved away from that into the kind of films and roles that are more suited to APS types.

Watch Gilbert Grape if you've never seen it, really shows what DiCaprio and Depp were capable of very early in their careers.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: myrockfight on July 19, 2010, 12:24:23 PM
Eh. No offense guys. But I thought the DiCaprio is a no talent, ass-clown was covered in a thread about Vikings and such... (

Go watch Inception. Your brain will tingle. If you have a brain, that is.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: RevDisk on July 20, 2010, 12:45:20 AM
Well, just finished up watching Inception.   I'm currently in a hotel room in the "green zone" of the first city I was shot in, Baltimore.   I went for a walk after finishing up business, which was strange enough.  Blackwater, DoD and State were the main presenters today.  Tomorrow should be even more interesting.  Ended up picking up a copy of Crytonomicron in a B&N that was converted from an old power station, and retains the brick and steel.  

Was wandering by the Katyn memorial, watching the legions of cops patrolling the Inner Harbor to keep the rest of the locals out.  Saw a small theater right next to the memorial, walked in, only decent movie was Inception.  Naturally, it was sold out as soon as I checked the ticket machine.  Some guy walked up to me and handed me a ticket.  Watched the movie.  Stepped out, and stared at the Katyn Memorial for a while in the middle of an intersection with no traffic.  Walked back to my room through the green zone, and it was totally deserted.   A couple hours ago, it was filled with artsy locals, folks jogging, police, tourists, police helicopters with spotlights, etc.  Walking back, I saw maybe 4 people.  In the center of an extremely large city.  Very few cars, in the distance.  Oddly, no gun shots or sirens.

It's been a very long, very strange day.  I'm finishing up my drink, having a cigarette and turning in.

I hate this city.  Only thing that could ever fix it would be a multiple 100kt yields.  Good movie.  Oddly and perfectly complimented my day.

Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: SADShooter on July 20, 2010, 08:34:11 AM

That was oddly compelling. I expect if/when I see the film, it will remind me of your anecdote.

Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: myrockfight on July 20, 2010, 02:23:22 PM
I'm telling you. This movie really makes you question the "experience" we call life. At a minimum, this movie will spark a discussion with yourself about the way you look at things and hopefully reinforces what you consider important and/or what you value. Then again...maybe I just needed to get some sleep.  [tinfoil]

Well, just finished up watching Inception.   I'm currently in a hotel room in the "green zone" of the first city I was shot in, Baltimore.   I went for a walk after finishing up business, which was strange enough.  Blackwater, DoD and State were the main presenters today.  Tomorrow should be even more interesting.  Ended up picking up a copy of Crytonomicron in a B&N that was converted from an old power station, and retains the brick and steel.  

Was wandering by the Katyn memorial, watching the legions of cops patrolling the Inner Harbor to keep the rest of the locals out.  Saw a small theater right next to the memorial, walked in, only decent movie was Inception.  Naturally, it was sold out as soon as I checked the ticket machine.  Some guy walked up to me and handed me a ticket.  Watched the movie.  Stepped out, and stared at the Katyn Memorial for a while in the middle of an intersection with no traffic.  Walked back to my room through the green zone, and it was totally deserted.   A couple hours ago, it was filled with artsy locals, folks jogging, police, tourists, police helicopters with spotlights, etc.  Walking back, I saw maybe 4 people.  In the center of an extremely large city.  Very few cars, in the distance.  Oddly, no gun shots or sirens.

It's been a very long, very strange day.  I'm finishing up my drink, having a cigarette and turning in.

I hate this city.  Only thing that could ever fix it would be a multiple 100kt yields.  Good movie.  Oddly and perfectly complimented my day.

The movie threw me a curve ball after I didn't sleep much for the two nights prior. Between a lack of sleep and my naturally half-deranged perception of "reality", I was definitely pondering what exactly makes our experience in this life "real".
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: taurusowner on July 20, 2010, 05:29:36 PM
I'm about 20 minutes into Shutter Island, and I have to say, so far I'm quite impressed

EDIT:   Just got done.  Wow.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on July 20, 2010, 06:50:12 PM
I spent $18 and 3 irreplaceable hours of my life so that my wife and I could see Inception.  Surprisingly enough, it was actually worth it.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: tyme on July 20, 2010, 08:47:01 PM
Well, just finished up watching Inception.   I'm currently in a hotel room in the "green zone" of the first city I was shot in, Baltimore.   I went for a walk after finishing up business, which was strange enough.  Blackwater, DoD and State were the main presenters today.  Tomorrow should be even more interesting.  Ended up picking up a copy of Crytonomicron in a B&N that was converted from an old power station, and retains the brick and steel.  

I hate this city.  Only thing that could ever fix it would be a multiple 100kt yields.  Good movie.  Oddly and perfectly complimented my day.

Cheer up.  Baltimore is merely God's version of this:

Inception is now #3 on imdb... I must see it I guess.  I like everything else Nolan has done.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: RevDisk on July 20, 2010, 09:01:33 PM
Cheer up.  Baltimore is merely God's version of this:

Inception is now #3 on imdb... I must see it I guess.  I like everything else Nolan has done.

Yea.  That's what I thought.  Maybe cheer myself up by going to see the fishies at the aquarium.  Maybe try to see if they have any sharks, or stingrays or anything.   So as soon as business was done, I dropped off my books in my room and looked out the window to see roughly 20+ motorcycle police opening up a corridor for the 15+ police cars/SUVs, who opened up the way for a solid legion of fed wagons. 

Apparently...   The Obamas decided to go see the fishies as well.

NO, I AM NOT BLOODY KIDDING.  YES, I GOT PRESIDENTIAL FISH-BLOCKED.  I just wanted to see the fishies, and the Obama family beat me by five minutes.   Naturally, they stayed until the place was closed and no normal folks were allowed in.   Photos were posted on my facebook if anyone feels like laughing themselves hysterical at my expense.


People wonder why I dislike this city so much.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 20, 2010, 09:04:58 PM
You mean you've been that close to the Obamas?  Can I touch you?  :O
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Mabs2 on July 20, 2010, 09:21:07 PM
I thought you people were old.
I remember him in Growing Pains.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: myrockfight on July 24, 2010, 05:32:51 PM
I thought you people were old.
I remember him in Growing Pains.

Haha. I remember that. To be accurate, I didn't actually realize who it was until someone pointed it out to me a long time afterwards.

You mean you've been that close to the Obamas?  Can I touch you?  :O

You've been that close and you aren't in jail? :D
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Ron on July 24, 2010, 05:58:15 PM
After I saw "Catch me if you can" I modified my opinion of Leonardo, that was a good movie and he did a great job.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: S. Williamson on July 28, 2010, 06:24:29 PM
I just got back from watching it.

Holy hell, that was... bizarre.

And completely awesome.  :O
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: roo_ster on July 29, 2010, 10:54:46 AM
When I say, "Baltimore," envision the sociopath character/crewmember in Alien Resurrection when he says, "Earth."(1)

As for DiCaprio, I must acknowledge he did a fine job in Blood Diamond and The Departed.  It is much less irritating to watch him on screen, these days.

(1) My attitude & enunciation is similar, not any sociopathic tendencies.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 13, 2011, 11:45:00 PM
Inception was kinda neat, but not as thought-provoking as promised. Shouldn't rock anybody's perception of reality. It's about time J.G. Levitt got some better roles.

Seriously, Fistful? You thought he was good in Romeo and Juliet? He wasn't acting, he was reading the lines, as were all but one of the actors.

No. I said that DeCaprio was a bad choice for Romeo, but the movie is still good.

Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Doggy Daddy on April 14, 2011, 08:16:29 AM
It's good to see someone take the time to consider their answer before responding.   :lol:

Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: MicroBalrog on April 14, 2011, 09:49:48 AM
No. I said that DeCaprio was a bad choice for Romeo, but the movie is still good.

It's certainly better than the audiobook I've once had that cast a 60-year-old grandma as Juliet.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 14, 2011, 01:00:43 PM
It's good to see someone take the time to consider their answer before responding.   :lol:


 =)  Just saw the movie.
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: makattak on April 14, 2011, 01:02:00 PM
It's certainly better than the audiobook I've once had that cast a 60-year-old grandma as Juliet.

In that case, I think DeCaprio would DEFINITELY be a better Juliet. (<--- not a typo)
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Lee on April 14, 2011, 06:38:53 PM
I thought they did a really good job with the movie... on multiple levels.  That was a pretty involved concept to present as a watchable action movie.  I don't know if DeCaprio was the BEST choice for the part, but I thought he did a very nice job. The action and special effects were top notch as well.   
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Monkeyleg on April 14, 2011, 07:08:19 PM
I don't think I've seen a movie with DeCaprio that I haven't liked. (Never saw Titanic or Romeo and Juliet, though).

The first watching of Inception was a bit confusing. It wasn't brain-twisting or hallucinatory or anything like that, but was hard to follow the twists. It made more sense the second time around, and I enjoyed it more the second viewing.

Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: seeker_two on April 14, 2011, 07:49:22 PM
DiCaprio wasn't a good fit for Romeo & Juliet, but he did a great job in Blood Diamonds and Shutter Island.....
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 14, 2011, 11:10:14 PM
I don't think I've seen a movie with DeCaprio that I haven't liked. (Never saw Titanic or Romeo and Juliet, though).

Titanic is just a crappy movie all the way around, especially the scenes set in the current day.

Well, OK, OK. I loves me some Winslet. Still...
Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Doggy Daddy on April 15, 2011, 01:48:07 AM
=)  Just saw the movie.

Title: Re: Inception: the movie
Post by: Lee on April 16, 2011, 03:50:40 PM
The original "Departed".  Well worth the watch.