Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: bratch on March 21, 2005, 01:33:03 PM

Title: How do you shower
Post by: bratch on March 21, 2005, 01:33:03 PM
Soap or shampoo first?
Title: How do you shower
Post by: spacemanspiff on March 21, 2005, 01:47:39 PM
first i use water. straight soap or shampoo just dries out the skin.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: yesterdaysyouth on March 21, 2005, 02:41:26 PM
all soap...
Title: How do you shower
Post by: cfabe on March 21, 2005, 03:51:20 PM
shampoo first
Title: How do you shower
Post by: jamz on March 21, 2005, 04:32:41 PM
shampoo, soap.  Work from the top down basically.  Then a manicure, swedish massage form one of the NE patriots cheerleaders who was too good looking to qualify for the squad.  A cigar, a guinness, and a medium rare steak.  A nice fart.

What was the question again?

Love, James
Title: How do you shower
Post by: atek3 on March 21, 2005, 04:44:40 PM
Wet my hair, shampoo, rinse, use body wash w/ a plastic loofah, rinse.

Title: How do you shower
Post by: Azrael256 on March 21, 2005, 04:46:37 PM
Shampoo first.  I use one of those shampoo/conditioner combo thingies, and it says to leave it in your hair for a few minutes.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: jefnvk on March 21, 2005, 05:16:49 PM
No soap.  That Red Zone Body Wash first, then shampoo.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: spacemanspiff on March 21, 2005, 07:15:29 PM
well i can see i'm more hetero than a few people here.
[evil grin]
Title: How do you shower
Post by: bratch on March 21, 2005, 08:05:59 PM
One late night at a fraternity a "Man Committee" removed a whole collection of pink and baby blue fluffy soap thingies from the shower.

These were later disposed of by fire:evil:
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Wildalaska on March 21, 2005, 09:10:12 PM
I havent bathed in 45 years, whats a shower

Title: How do you shower
Post by: Jason on March 22, 2005, 04:23:24 AM
Shampoo, soap (bar and washcloth), soak if I need the wakin' up, shampoo (yes, I've got dandruff....Head and Shoulders), and out.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: onions! on March 22, 2005, 04:38:38 AM
Just soap.Haven't needed shampoo in years.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: seeker_two on March 22, 2005, 06:09:30 PM
Well, I never expected anyone to ask advice on how to clean themselves on this board... Tongue

Start at the top & work your way down... Cheesy
Title: How do you shower
Post by: stevelyn on March 22, 2005, 08:37:43 PM
Brush teeth

Edit to add:
Unless I'm on my days off and going into the banyo (steambath) instead, then it's:
Get a roaring fire going in the barrel stove until the sides turn red.
Wait for tub of water on top of stove to get hot.
Fill water barrels with fresh cold water.
Place beer in water barrels to keep cold.
Wait for banyo temperature to reach 180 or better.
Sit in banyo BSing and drinking beer with friends and co workers splashing stove and rocks with water from time to time.
Then it's shampoo, shave and soap. Cheesy
Title: How do you shower
Post by: doczinn on March 23, 2005, 04:48:58 AM
1. run water over my head
2. dry off

any questions?
Title: How do you shower
Post by: roo_ster on March 23, 2005, 05:11:51 AM
My hair is to short to bother with shampoo.  It's also kinda sparse.

My Daily Ablutions
1. Wash head, face, & neck with bar soap & rinse off
2. Lather up shavable parts of face with either straight bar soap or round soap & shaving brush
3. Lather up rest of body with bar soap
4. Shave off whiskers with disposable Gillette razor
5. Rinse off entire body
6. Towel off

If I really want a good scrubbing, I use a rough wash cloth when lathering up.

The bar soap I use depends on the time of year and frequency of showers.  In the winter, I will use unscented Oil of Olay bar soap to keep from drying out and will use the same if I am showering 2+ times a day.  In warmer months, I will use the cheapest non-moisturizing bar soap I can get at Costco.

I find a mirror superfluous for shaving.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Wingshooter on March 23, 2005, 05:38:21 AM
Wow, the post that I'll respond to...

Wash body, shave head, shave face, rinse off, towel off.

Use liquid soap to wash, conditioner to shave head and face, and water to rinse.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Waitone on March 23, 2005, 09:42:31 AM
--Wake up.
--Stand under shower in a catatonic state (haven't figured how to drink coffee in shower).
--Lather hair
--Lather, wash bod, rinse bod.
--Rinse hair
--Rub face with ScotchBright Green pad in preparation for shaving face.
--Exit shower
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Vodka7 on March 23, 2005, 11:12:48 AM
Wake up, smoke, pour a glass of orange juice, shave, shower (Irish Spring, then Head and Shoulders; if my hair is really nasty it goes shampoo, conditioner (left in), shower, wash out conditioner), brush teeth.

Surprising amount of loofah users here Smiley

Also, I never knew that one was supposed to leave conditioner in for a few minutes until my girlfriend taught me--one of the great many new things I have since been trained to do.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Newt on March 23, 2005, 12:11:58 PM
Shampoo... bar soap... rinse both... done
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Andrew Wyatt on March 23, 2005, 05:25:51 PM
Acetone and sandpaper.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Phyphor on March 23, 2005, 05:34:29 PM
Angle grinder + solvent = ......


....something you don't wanna take into a shower.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: grampster on March 23, 2005, 05:38:37 PM
what Jamz said.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: jsalcedo on March 24, 2005, 10:00:59 AM
One of those industrial floors scrubbing brushes with lava hand soap.

Then I use the commercial grade anti-bacterial handsoap to wash hair and beard.

The water is so hard here it takes something extra to feel clean.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: jefnvk on March 24, 2005, 10:40:55 AM
I havent bathed in 45 years, whats a shower
So you're French?
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Unisaw on March 24, 2005, 12:13:47 PM
I can't believe I'm participating in this post...T-Gel shampoo, then wash with Lever 2000.  And, I don't forget the number one rule of showering: wash face first, butt last. Wink
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 25, 2005, 05:20:46 PM
Baby wipes.

Lots of 'em.

(Friggin' sand gets everywhere!)

Wonder how fast I can empty the water heater once I get back home?
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Michigander on March 25, 2005, 05:45:50 PM
Turn on hot water faucet.

Stick fingers under faucet until water is hot.

Turn on cold water faucet.

Stick fingers under faucet and adjust cold water until warm.

Flip lever which redirects water from faucet to shower, quickly jump back to get out of the way of the water coming out of the shower because it is very cold. I usually make it, but not always.

Then I turn around, back into the water flow and tilt my head back until my hair is wet.

Then I turn around and rinse my face.

Then I wash my hair with T-Gel (dandruff) and rinse thouroughly.

Then I was my face with Coast soap and rinse.

Then I was the rest of my body, from the top down with a body wash (I ferget the brand, some kind of organic herbal stuff) and rinse.

Then I turn off the water and flip the lever that diverts the water from the shower to the faucet.

Then I open the curtain, grab a towel and proceed to dry myself from the top down starting with my hair.

That's about it.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: White Horseradish on March 25, 2005, 05:56:09 PM
In answer to the original question, alone, usually.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: jpIII on March 26, 2005, 07:53:19 AM
I can't believe nobody else mentioned it!

Hoppe's No. 9.

It gets you squeaky clean!
Title: How do you shower
Post by: RocketMan on March 26, 2005, 10:00:29 AM
I'm too bleary-eyed in the morning to do anything in an organized fashion.
Shampoo, soaping down, and shaving happen in random order every shower.
Hell, I'm lucky when I don't drown in the darn thing some mornings.

Some mornings when I'm really cranky, I just pound the whiskers back in and bite them off on the inside.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Risasi on March 26, 2005, 11:04:53 AM
Me, I just grab whatever is closest, shampoo or soap and go from there. So I have no hard set of rules

Schnieke's, I don't know what scares me more. That everybody actually knows the procedure to how they bathe. Or that so many people have participated in this thread...


P.S. One big pet peeve I have is showering before jumping in a hottub, can't go in without rinsing off first. Oh man, I can't believe I am telling people this on a public board. Excuse me while I go rinse off now....good grief what's next boxers or briefs? Cheesy
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Fudgieghost on March 30, 2005, 07:18:31 AM
Since taking a shower is totally untactical (naked, no guns), I don't see how anyone with any sense does this.

Unless you get someone to hunker down outside the bathroom to provide security. . .
Title: How do you shower
Post by: White Horseradish on March 30, 2005, 09:23:26 AM
Quote from: Fudgieghost
Since taking a shower is totally untactical (naked, no guns), I don't see how anyone with any sense does this.
So, ummm, is that where the "fudgie" part of your name comes from? Tongue
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Fudgieghost on March 30, 2005, 09:26:17 AM
Hey 'radish, don't make me come over there. . .!
Title: How do you shower
Post by: juggler on March 30, 2005, 02:49:38 PM
VEERRRY CAREFULLLY!! Never turn your back to the curtain, never get soap in both eyes at once, and keep my tactical soap-on-a -rope close at hand..........
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Otherguy Overby on April 05, 2005, 01:24:42 PM
Sheesh, all you dingleberry divers.

I was expecting a thread on how to keep your weapon dry while taking it into the shower with you...
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Guest on April 05, 2005, 03:36:04 PM
Sure. Like I'm the only one who shaves their legs first.

I bet you all were just surprised I actually shave my legs! Smiley
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Happy Bob on April 06, 2005, 08:56:30 AM
How do I shower? All by myself, dammit.   Wink

Edited to add: and I believe you're married, Barbara, so I won't offer to help you with that.  Smiley
Title: How do you shower
Post by: J P Corry on April 06, 2005, 10:18:15 AM
Couldn't live without my Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Castille Soap.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: DustinD on April 06, 2005, 11:20:15 PM
When I shower I have put a pistol inside of a drawer under the sink. Even though the drawer is not air tight I believe the humidy does not rise enough inside the drawer during the shower to effect anything. Then again, humidity does not really worry me too much considering how well I take care of my pistol.

I do lots of rinsing, then shampoo, then more rinsing. I dry off inside the shower so I do not get cold, or get water on the floor.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: mfree on April 07, 2005, 04:33:18 AM
el-cheapo dial knockoff antibacterial soap that I can't even remember the name of first (bar lasts forever! I was surprised...) followed by el-cheapo suave shampoo in some "masculine" scent that's only good for as long as the bottle's open.

Oh, and I don't jump out of the way of the cold blast when i first turn the shower on, I just hold my hand over the nozzle. No chance of being too slow Smiley
Title: How do you shower
Post by: Happy Bob on April 07, 2005, 04:00:34 PM
The cold blast? I wait until the water warms up, and THEN I get in.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: grampster on April 08, 2005, 11:53:03 AM
Swmbo was looking at this thread and shaking her head.  She says this is only the 2nd time she has sat down and looked over APS, and now she is absolutely convinced this is a beauty parlor for male gun nuts.  She says it's embarrasing to see men carry on in this fashion.  (Barbara excepted, she says, and tee hee'd the leg shaving part and said we deserved to be humiliated in this fashion by the nice lady)  
Er, ahh, I think I'l go change the oil on the truck or maybe get out some wrenches and a hammer or sumpin' and play with them.  Maybe shoot my .454 at some mushrats.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: K Frame on April 08, 2005, 03:38:17 PM


Brush teeth

Title: How do you shower
Post by: InfidelSerf on April 08, 2005, 08:37:43 PM
Wash on
Wash off
Wash on
Wash off
Wash on
Wash off

"I can wash as fast as I want too!"
Title: How do you shower
Post by: thorn on April 10, 2005, 05:39:44 PM
heheh, this is ridiculous!

ok spend 5 minutes trying to get all my hair soaked all the way thru.

and when at my GF's house- keep telling her darn cat to get OUT of the shower!! crazy cat.
Title: How do you shower
Post by: matis on April 12, 2005, 06:05:26 PM
Bratch?  What? You again?

Wildalaska, you beat me to it:  Shower?  What's a shower?

Jamz, you made me pixx my pants!  Now I'll have to learn to shower.
