Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Harrison Bergeron on August 19, 2010, 11:46:38 AM

Title: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: Harrison Bergeron on August 19, 2010, 11:46:38 AM
...why can't we?

The French are expelling illegal Roma immigrants:

TL;DR: France is expelling 700 illegal Roma immigrants back to Romania.  Sure it's only 700, but if France can do it, we certainly can...

Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: HankB on August 19, 2010, 12:25:52 PM
There's even precedent.

During the Eisenhower administration (circa 1954) we had Operation Wetback - the administration had determined that one million illegals was too much.

We can do it . . . the problem is, .gov won't.
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on August 19, 2010, 12:50:12 PM
There's even precedent.

During the Eisenhower administration (circa 1954) we had Operation Wetback - the administration had determined that one million illegals was too much.

We can do it . . . the problem is, .gov won't.

shucks and some of the ones run out were us citizens   another proud moment to be looked upon fondly..... by some
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: French G. on August 19, 2010, 04:53:03 PM
That sounds like a feel good political ploy by the Gauls. The Roma have been everyone's favorite whipping boy, just about a long a history playing the scapegoat as the Joos. I guess kicking around a few gypsies is easier than dealing with real problems they have with immigrants. Sure, they passed a ban on islamic head scarves, but that won't make their real immigration problem go away.
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: Nitrogen on August 19, 2010, 06:05:29 PM
I still think it'd be better to go after people that hire them.  Say, a $1 million dollar fine per illegal hired would put the kaibosh on hiring right quick.

I know the govt has "something" to help verify the legal status of workers in this country, but I don't know how good it is.  If it works better than 2/3 of government databases/lists (like the wonderful no fly list, or the list of everyone that has NFA weapons) it might even be worth using.
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: Tallpine on August 19, 2010, 08:15:28 PM
I still think it'd be better to go after people that hire them.  Say, a $1 million dollar fine per illegal hired would put the kaibosh on hiring right quick.

I know the govt has "something" to help verify the legal status of workers in this country, but I don't know how good it is.  If it works better than 2/3 of government databases/lists (like the wonderful no fly list, or the list of everyone that has NFA weapons) it might even be worth using.

It bothers me to require employers to do what the govt should have been doing.  :mad:

Really, nobody should have to show any paperwork to get a job (other than qualification stuff - school degrees, etc).
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: eyebrows on August 21, 2010, 01:09:42 PM
We can do it . . . the problem is, .gov won't.

And not only will they not do it .gov will fight to stop anyone else from doing it. Fed gov knows best right??  [barf]
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: Nitrogen on August 21, 2010, 03:16:08 PM
I honestly think the problem is that people like factory owners, farmers, and meat processors lobby to keep the immigration enforcement the way it is: this way they can keep prices low and keep their profits high by hiring illegals...
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on August 21, 2010, 03:22:15 PM
It bothers me to require employers to do what the govt should have been doing.  :mad:

Really, nobody should have to show any paperwork to get a job (other than qualification stuff - school degrees, etc).
Yup.  It isn't private business' job to enforce federal law.  That's the government's job.  
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: Nitrogen on August 21, 2010, 03:28:13 PM
Yup.  It isn't private business' job to enforce federal law.  That's the government's job.  

While I don't disagree with you, it's probably the quickest and cheapest initial fix.
If illegals can't get employed, my theory is they'll go home on their own.
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on August 21, 2010, 03:30:27 PM
I honestly think the problem is that people like factory owners, farmers, and meat processors lobby to keep the immigration enforcement the way it is: this way they can keep prices low and keep their profits high by hiring illegals...
Manufacturing, farming, meat processing are not high profit businesses.
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on August 21, 2010, 03:47:13 PM
While I don't disagree with you, it's probably the quickest and cheapest initial fix.
If illegals can't get employed, my theory is they'll go home on their own.
Then lean on the gooberment to do their job and enforce the immigration laws.

Don't impose a burden on my business to carry out your political whims.  To put it bluntly, my business isn't your bee-otch.
Title: Re: If the FRENCH can do it...
Post by: French G. on August 21, 2010, 08:03:53 PM
I honestly think the problem is that people like factory owners, farmers, and meat processors lobby to keep the immigration enforcement the way it is: this way they can keep prices low and keep their profits high by hiring illegals...

You forgot the people that want tp poof! make them legal then suck their toes to get a new beholden demographic to vote for them. That is a bi-partisan description BTW, not a shot at the resident liberal.  ;)