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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: AZRedhawk44 on September 22, 2010, 07:53:20 PM

Title: "Pledge to America"
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 22, 2010, 07:53:20 PM

So, the Republicans have a new "Contract with America."  They call it the "Pledge to America."

The good (IMO):

- Will require that every bill have a citation of constitutional authority
- Give members at least 3 days to read bills before a vote
- Require congressional approval for any new federal regulation that would add to the deficit

Big +1's for citing authority and for doing ANYTHING to stymy Congress from steamrolling anything through in a haphazard manner with no civic comment or accountability for Congress to read bills.  Stopping bureaucrats from having fun at their own discretion is always good, too.

The bad (IMO):

- Repeal small business mandates in the new health care law.
- Repeal and Replace health care

This reeks of double-talk.  Selective repeal with regards to small business, and talk of "replace."  Repeal.  Repeal.  Repeal.  That's all.  Repeal.

The ugly (IMO):
- Allow small businesses to take a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their income
- Roll back non-discretionary spending to 2008 levels before TARP and stimulus (will save $100 billion in first year alone)
- Establish strict budget caps to limit federal spending going forward
- Cancel all future TARP payments and reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

The small business schtick is pure pandering.  The two budget items sound good at first, but I don't believe they will get implemented.  And if they do, they'll still be too large.  We need the WILL to CUT spending, not a LAW to CAP spending.  There's a difference, and they don't get it.  And canceling TARP payments, as much as I loathe the program, strikes me as a breach of contract and a further incontinuity of the marketplace.  Consider it a failure and never authorize it again, but if a payment is scheduled then it should be honored, since changing that schedule has downstream effects that people aren't thinking about yet.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on September 22, 2010, 08:06:48 PM
The bad (IMO):

- Repeal small business mandates in the new health care law.
- Repeal and Replace health care
Why is any of this bad?

The ugly (IMO):
- Allow small businesses to take a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their income
- Roll back non-discretionary spending to 2008 levels before TARP and stimulus (will save $100 billion in first year alone)
- Establish strict budget caps to limit federal spending going forward
- Cancel all future TARP payments and reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Why is any of this ugly?

Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 22, 2010, 08:09:12 PM
Reading comprehension challenged?

I explained my stances in the first post.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on September 22, 2010, 08:12:37 PM
Yeah, I didn't see any good reasons in your first post that explained how any of this is bad/ugly.

Rereading it, I still don't.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 22, 2010, 08:20:28 PM
Yeah, I didn't see any good reasons your first post that explained how any of this is bad/ugly.

Rereading it, I still don't.

It's like Obama's "jobs" campaign during the 2008 election.  Remember him always saying he would "create or save" a certain number of jobs?  How do you "save" a job, and how do you count it?

The "Repeal and Replace" syntax regarding Health Care is very similar.  I am very suspicious of it.  Especially with selective targeting of small business with regards to health care going into effect.  Why don't big companies deserve to be exempt from Statist bull dung?  Why don't big companies deserve to write off 20% of their income as a tax deduction?

Repeal.  Don't Replace.  Just Repeal.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: RevDisk on September 22, 2010, 08:43:42 PM

Wake me up when they cut taxes, repeal unconstitutional regulations, etc.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: MicroBalrog on September 22, 2010, 08:56:30 PM
Wake me up when they cut taxes, repeal unconstitutional regulations, etc.


2008 spending levels were huge.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on September 22, 2010, 09:08:27 PM
Wake me up when they cut taxes, repeal unconstitutional regulations, etc.
Time to wake up.   ;)

Read the platform, it's in there.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on September 22, 2010, 09:36:35 PM
Two parts in particular strike me as devilishly clever.  The whole thing is worth the price of admission for these two parts alone.

Rein In the Red Tape Factory in Washington, DC:
Excessive federal regulation is a de facto tax on employers and consumers that stifles job creation...  To provide stability, we will require congressional approval of any new federal regulation that has an annual cost to our economy of $100 million or more.  This is the threshold at which the government deems a regulation "economically significant."  If a regulation is so "significant" and costly that it may harm job creation, Congress should vote on it first.
Aside from the obvious benefits of killing most new regulation, this provision alone has the power to kill Obamacare.  Recall that much of the implementation of Obamacare is left up to HHS.  This provision, if law, would allow a senate filibuster to block anything that has a tangible economic impact, including every bit of Obamacare.

Root Out Government Waste and Duplication:
Once created, federal programs almost never go away, even if the problem they were created to address is no longer relevant.  More than 20 states have addressed this problem by requiring that programs end - or "sunset" - by a date certain.  We will adopt this requirement at the federal level to force Congress to determine if a program is worthy of continued taxpayer support.
Again, besides the obvious benefits, this is the key to eliminating most of the useless government programs out there.  Force Congress to act periodically to reauthorize every program, else they die.  This will succeed at killing programs where legislation to explicitly destroy them has consistently failed.  A Senate filibuster could kill most of the federal bureaucracy.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: taurusowner on September 22, 2010, 09:43:07 PM
Time to wake up.   ;)

Read the platform, it's in there.

Claiming they're gonna do it to get elected, and having done it are vastly different.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on September 22, 2010, 09:46:20 PM
Claiming they're gonna do it to get elected, and having done it are vastly different.
Last time House Repubs did a contract thingie like this was back in '94.  They made good on every item.  I'm not seeing any reason to expect this time will be different.

Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: dm1333 on September 22, 2010, 10:08:49 PM
- Repeal and Replace health care

Why is this bad?  I want to see them repeal the current law and do something to address the fact that health care costs are spiralling out of control.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 22, 2010, 10:50:15 PM
If they just make good on item #1, the rest should follow naturally.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: dm1333 on September 23, 2010, 01:58:45 AM
If they just make good on item #1, the rest should follow naturally.

I don't buy that.  Personal experience with two close family members having the same medical issues a few years apart has led me to believe that medical care costs are indeed spiraling out of control.  I don't want to mention personal details here but I have already decided that if I am in the same position/condition I'll either suffer a tragic ND at the range or have a hunting accident.  For the record I believed that long before the present administration was in place.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 23, 2010, 02:04:16 AM
Why is this bad?  I want to see them repeal the current law and do something to address the fact that health care costs are spiralling out of control.

You want them to meddle in the free market.

Living forever isn't cheap.

Knowledge, technology and facilities to cut a human body open and replace organs, or introduce controlled poisons to attempt to kill infections, is expensive.

The liability insurance on top of that is also expensive.

Since people want to retain the power to sue in the event of misfortune, medicine will remain expensive.

Accept that poor health is not an excuse to ride the free health care gravy train.

Why should the healthy subsidize your maladies?
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: MicroBalrog on September 23, 2010, 02:23:29 AM
What about the role of pre-existing regulations in health care?
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: sanglant on September 23, 2010, 04:56:41 AM
dm1333, not to pick on you. and sorry if this post falls apart. you might be better off looking for the older posts(not mine) to read. ;)

now then, do you know anyone that works in the billing side of health care?  the problem is,(and i have posted it here before, and seen other people post it here before) in the beginning there were hospitals. but not just any hospitals, there were the Lutheran hospitals, and the Baptist hospitals, and the Catholic hospitals, and the well you get the point. the hospitals ran on a basis of charging the people that could pay, and treating the poor free or close to it. then there was the medicare ( was the start of the fall, the government went in and said, "we are going to pay you a percentage of what you charger your other patients". not long after that private insurance companies were demanding the same treatment, then the government started paying a lower percentage. the doctors found themselves with a choice, keep increasing prices as the government, and insurance companies continued demanding to pay less(as a percentage) or close there practices. yes the doctors helped us get here, but i think that was mainly caused ignorance. at this point the government is charging hospitals fines for under charging. continuing to demand lower charges, and at the same time preventing them from cutting costs. if you spend some time looking at the system from the inside it's hard to tell if the people are that stupid, or actively trying to destroy the private health care system.

the really depressing thing is, there are going to be very few new drugs and treatments. right now the US is the only place where the drug makers can charge enough to make back there investment. when it's gone, who is going to throw that much money around with no chance of making a profit?
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: KD5NRH on September 23, 2010, 08:30:22 AM
You want them to meddle in the free market.

Living forever isn't cheap.

In a truly free market, it might be.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: makattak on September 23, 2010, 08:43:40 AM
You want them to meddle in the free market.

Living forever isn't cheap.

Knowledge, technology and facilities to cut a human body open and replace organs, or introduce controlled poisons to attempt to kill infections, is expensive.

The liability insurance on top of that is also expensive.

Since people want to retain the power to sue in the event of misfortune, medicine will remain expensive.

Accept that poor health is not an excuse to ride the free health care gravy train.

Why should the healthy subsidize your maladies?

I don't want them meddling in the free market.

I want them to STOP meddling in the free market. Status quo ante Obamacare wasn't the free market.

It was already skewed by government meddling. The solution isn't more government meddling (Obamacare) or returning to the status quo, but LESS government meddling.

Stop tying medical insurance to employment through skewed incentives, for example.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: MechAg94 on September 23, 2010, 10:29:20 AM
I think the reason they are not targeting repeal of Obama care is they don't think they will get enough votes to override a VETO.  So the next alternative is to work on changing it or repealing bits and pieces to reduce the impact.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 23, 2010, 11:48:33 AM
I think the reason they are not targeting repeal of Obama care is they don't think they will get enough votes to override a VETO.  So the next alternative is to work on changing it or repealing bits and pieces to reduce the impact.

Why not both?  Make a stand.  Pragatisim is great and all, but standing up and first attempting to repeal every bit of Obamacare is the statement that might keep the dems from regaining power in a few years.  When the veto comes down, then begin knocking the teeth out of whatever they can. 
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: lee n. field on September 23, 2010, 03:54:27 PM

So, the Republicans have a new "Contract with America."  They call it the "Pledge to America."

The good (IMO):

The bad (IMO):


They'll get in power, and never, ever get around to what they promised. 

It's the Stupid Party way. 
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: MicroBalrog on September 23, 2010, 04:03:44 PM
Why not both?  Make a stand.  y can. 

A stand? What is this... stand you speak of, foreigner?
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 23, 2010, 04:35:08 PM
A stand? What is this... stand you speak of, foreigner?

massada was a stand...  the results are usually similar
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: MechAg94 on September 23, 2010, 04:47:08 PM
They'll get in power, and never, ever get around to what they promised. 

It's the Stupid Party way. 
In 1994 they delivered on every promise.  I recall an article when Bush was elected gov of Texas saying he delivered on every promise.  It can be done if you aren't stupid about promises and aren't actively lying. 

It is entirely possible that all the people running for office agreed on what to put in this document and a few of them didn't want to put it in there. 
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: KD5NRH on September 23, 2010, 05:06:47 PM
massada was a stand...  the results are usually similar

San Jacinto was a stand, as was the Second Battle of Sabine Pass.

Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: lupinus on September 23, 2010, 05:36:26 PM
- Repeal small business mandates in the new health care law.
- Repeal and Replace health care
Entire thing should be repealed and actual reform be passed. Stuff that will, you know, cut costs rather then raise them through the roof. We don't have our numbers yet be we were warned our increase will be "significant". I'll be highly surprised if my premium jump less then 25-30%.

- Allow small businesses to take a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their income
Good thing by me. Not taxing them to death would be better, but allowing for a good deduction is a start.

- Roll back non-discretionary spending to 2008 levels before TARP and stimulus (will save $100 billion in first year alone)
Again, a start. While 2008 was still a pretty big year it's a good start.

- Establish strict budget caps to limit federal spending going forward

- Cancel all future TARP payments and reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Works for me.

The small business schtick is pure pandering.
How is it a bad thing for them to be able to keep more of their money so they can invest it in their business? Call it pandering, I call it a good thing.

Especially with selective targeting of small business with regards to health care going into effect.  Why don't big companies deserve to be exempt from Statist bull dung?  Why don't big companies deserve to write off 20% of their income as a tax deduction?
Largely agree. But it's easier to demonstrate the benefit to small business and therefor easier to pass.

You want them to meddle in the free market.
No, I want then to get rid of the government BS that has largely helped put costs through the roof.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: dm1333 on September 23, 2010, 07:48:03 PM
You want them to meddle in the free market.

No, they are already meddling in the free market.  I want people who are way more knowledgeable on the subject than you or I to figure out a best course of action and then we take it. 

Living forever isn't cheap.

Your words, not mine.  I don't want to live forever.

Knowledge, technology and facilities to cut a human body open and replace organs, or introduce controlled poisons to attempt to kill infections, is expensive.

Never said it wasn't.

The liability insurance on top of that is also expensive.

Yup, believe me, I understand why some aspects of medical care are so expensive.  Because crappy doctors who do things like screw up two emergency appendectomies on the same person in 10 days drive up the cost of malpractice insurance.  Or you have to drive 50 or more minutes over windy mountain roads to give birth in a maternity ward because the maternity ward at the local hospital has been shut down.  I can only assume that the lawsuits pending against the hospital had something to do with that.

Since people want to retain the power to sue in the event of misfortune, medicine will remain expensive.
Yeah, see what I wrote above.

Accept that poor health is not an excuse to ride the free health care gravy train.

WTF are you even talking about here? 

Why should the healthy subsidize your maladies?

Huh?  I don't have any maladies.  And the people I was referring to in my first post burned through a sh*t ton of money (their own) treating their maladies. 

Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: MicroBalrog on September 24, 2010, 12:29:15 AM
Living forever isn't cheap.

and this is why I am a SENS donor.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: MicroBalrog on September 24, 2010, 03:15:02 AM
the results are usually similar

I will alert Francis Scott Key immediately.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: zahc on September 24, 2010, 10:37:01 PM
You want them to meddle in the free market.

If the market were free, I would start a medical practice tomorrow. I would charge $300 flat to set bones and $20 per stitch. I could learn everything I need to know with medical textbooks and wikipedia. I would probably be a better doctor than 90% of the doctor-in-a-box pill pushers around here too.

But of course the medical profession is beholden to the AMA cartel, which the government assists at every step. The government would actually arrest me for practicing medicine without AMA approval. Some free market.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: makattak on September 24, 2010, 10:43:24 PM
If the market were free, I would start a medical practice tomorrow. I would charge $300 flat to set bones and $20 per stitch. I could learn everything I need to know with medical textbooks and wikipedia. I would probably be a better doctor than 90% of the doctor-in-a-box pill pushers around here too.

But of course the medical profession is beholden to the AMA cartel, which the government assists at every step. The government would actually arrest me for practicing medicine without AMA approval. Some free market.

And, of course, that is but ONE of the many ways government meddles in the medical market.
Title: Re: "Pledge to America"
Post by: earthworm on September 24, 2010, 11:09:28 PM
And I have wonderful offers for those who believe any of this fly.No checks or credit cards please:cash only in small,used bills.