Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: griz on February 27, 2006, 08:52:49 AM

Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: griz on February 27, 2006, 08:52:49 AM
If you dont have a crystal ball a time machine will do just fine. I want your speculation about what the world will be like in 25-30 years. Will the US still be a superpower? Will there be something like a global government? Will we still have land line telephones? Just about anything is fair game. Tell me what you think.
Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: Werewolf on February 27, 2006, 09:13:17 AM
Economic collapse of world economy, US government devolves into an orwellian super police state. UN collapses and the world's nations become increasingly insular and isolationist. A revival of conventional warfare that pits smaller armies and navies against each other comes about and the east will pit itself against west. The west will lose because the west is lead by pussies and civilization will collapse as we know it. A dark age will come and last at least 300 hundred years.

Luckily I'll be dead by then. I feel bad for my grandchildren though - real bad.
Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: K Frame on February 27, 2006, 09:40:25 AM
US will be a superpower. You can't have the military infrastructure that we have and not be a superpower.

Total economic collapse leading to a new dark ages? I don't think so, but I do think there will be a series of world-wide recessions that take a large toll on all of the developed nations.  

China and India will very likely surpass the United States as economic superpowers.

The European Union will have folded under its own weight and competing interests.

The United States will still be in Iraq.
Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: charby on February 27, 2006, 09:49:14 AM
25-30?  I think a lot of Baby Boomers will be filing for bankruptcy in their senor years due to over spending now and rising costs of health care.

Europe will be the new Islamic Continent

China will have a revolution and will be more corrupt than the former Soviet Union.

Iran launches nuclear missiles to Israel, Israel retaliates, both countries are destroyed

Iowa Hawkeyes finally become NCAA Div I champions in football.

Cubs are still trying to get back to the World Series

USC is now the Baylor of the PAC 10
Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: Paddy on February 27, 2006, 09:51:50 AM
Biological, chemical and nuclear terrorist attacks on the CONUS increasing in frequency, intensity and complexity will severely weaken the U.S. economy.  China will become emboldened and actually make an attack on the U.S. with a 10 million man army around 2017.  They will annihilate the western U.S., but be stopped at the Rockies.  This event, however, marks the end of the U.S. as a world power.  Southern states will then attempt to secede, leading to another civil war.   After that, I don't know what happens.
Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: K Frame on February 27, 2006, 10:06:43 AM
"Iowa Hawkeyes finally become NCAA Div I champions in football."


Stop it! You're killing me!

OK, my prediction...

Joe Paterno is still coaching Penn State! Smiley
Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: crt360 on February 27, 2006, 10:31:36 AM
We will still be a superpower, but not the only one.  There will be no world government.  Landline phones will still be in use.  I'll still be waiting for a cure for allergies.  The Rolling Stones will be doing another reunion tour.  Osama will still be hiding along the Paki/Afghan border.  Oil will be $500 a barrel.  Global warming will reduce the ski season to 6 weeks and allow killer bees to spread throughout the lower 48.  People who prepared their own wills & trusts with cheap software packages will be kicking the bucket and I will profit from their mistakes, unless I'm already dead or locked up in the crazy house.  People will still be arguing the anti-abortion/pro-choice thing.  Marijuana will be legal in a dozen states.  Expectations of privacy will be significantly eroded by technological advances.  My ball is becoming cloudy . . . I will check again later.
Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: charby on February 27, 2006, 11:11:01 AM
Quote from: Mike Irwin
"Iowa Hawkeyes finally become NCAA Div I champions in football."


Stop it! You're killing me!

OK, my prediction...

Joe Paterno is still coaching Penn State! Smiley
Well its what my ethanol powered John Deere crystal ball told me.
Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: griz on February 27, 2006, 02:53:16 PM
The global economy will drive down the standard of living here. There will be no such thing as a desk top computer, the limiting factor will be screen size, not the size of the box. People will be complaining about the poor quality of free health care. Vouchers will force government schools to become competitive, and better. New nuclear plants will make eclectric heat cheaper then any other method. Parents will think there kids music is crap.
Title: Dust off your crystal ball.
Post by: Guest on February 27, 2006, 04:33:01 PM
-California will have that devasting earthquake, and  folks that are buying ocean front property in Nevada today - will be rich.

-Electoral Votes will be replaced with "Graft Votes" offically. Just have to wait a few more years to fill a few more pockets to get the name changed.

-New York will again be the site of world focus and awe.  Bill and Hillary are Grandparents - again.

-More nutrition will come in Pill form, PETA will still be bitching cause the pill tastes like chicken.

-Bears hibernate in New Jersey , everyone left NJ and , hey it was there.

-Bill Gates comes out with yet another OS. This one at 256 bit replaces the 128 bit that replaced the 64 bit Vista.
Once again folks say "who cares" and ...of course this 256 bit system has so many bugs it comes with a can of RAID.

-Some ahole will once again try to prove buckshot is the "Ultimate" for bears.  Film at 11.

-UN tank rolls down Main Street Chicago. Little old lady arrested for destruction  of Tyranny Property.  Not arrested for standing down a Tank, arrested when her old made in USA umbrella whacked the tank made in China, and tank got a dent in it.

-Mick Jagger, Keith Richards Still at it at age 85, proving for sure a Rolling Stone gathers no moss.

-Mardi Gras in New Orleans - the biggest and best ever in its history! Things really improved when the Columbia Drug Lords just flat out bought it.

-New Orlean, Columbia.  Former NOLA City Gov't and Police find out how little they thought they new about corruption.

-Update- New Orleans, Columbia : Columbian officials are really pissed as they finished the audit of NOLA they purchased and found 97 folks they thought came with the Gov't - never existed.

-DisneyWorld drew the largest Crowd ever in Mexico. Seems that tunnel from Southern California is going to have to widened - again.

-Gaston Glock is once again changing the firearms industry. At the recent shot show Glock was showing off its new all blue steel revolver in .357 caliber.

-LawDog finishes Part Three of the Pink Gorilla Story.
