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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Ben on March 06, 2006, 05:36:46 PM

Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Ben on March 06, 2006, 05:36:46 PM
Is it wrong for me to be amused that the tribute is a PANCAKE breakfast?
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: garrettwc on March 06, 2006, 06:57:17 PM
It's sad that some people would laugh at another person's death.

Count me in. Wink
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: RevDisk on March 06, 2006, 11:11:49 PM
Either a sick joke, or a really tasteless and stupid "tribute".

While I believe it was personally stupid to stand in front of a bulldozer, I recognize and respect the fact that some people believe nonviolent resistance to opposive governments is morally superior to shooting the bulldozer operator or putting an RPG through the windshield.   I have respect for that guy that stared down a line of tanks at Tiananmen Square, and I respect this girl for doing what she believed was right.   Giving one's life for one's beliefs is honourable.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Balog on March 07, 2006, 12:51:19 AM
Quote from: RevDisk
.... and I respect this girl for doing what she believed was right.   Giving one's life for one's beliefs is honourable.
Depends on the beliefs. I had some friends get fragged by a suicide bomber a few weeks ago. He also killed a number of innocents. That's not honourable or respectable.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: RevDisk on March 07, 2006, 02:10:21 AM
Quote from: Balog
Depends on the beliefs. I had some friends get fragged by a suicide bomber a few weeks ago. He also killed a number of innocents. That's not honourable or respectable.
I didn't say ' taking other people's lives for one's beliefs is honourable', Balog.  Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.   Killing civvie bystanders is never ok.  

And by the way, I buried more than one friend who came back from the sandbox in a box.   Some of them were closer to me than my family.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Ben on March 07, 2006, 04:18:04 AM
Okay, if you guys are gonna turn my thread serious... Tongue

I respect her right to do what she did, up to a point. I respected Cindy Sheehan's right to protest until she lost all reason and grasp on reality. I respected Rachel Corrie's right to protest up until the point that she, through lack of common sense, got run over. Even if she wasn't aware of the dangers (I've run a civilian D8 and know how little view the operator has -- the mil versions are worse), the supposedly organized group she was with should have at the very least given safety orientations. It's not a matter of "standing up to the bulldozer", the dozer is an inatimate object. Iit's a matter of standing up to the dozer operator, and the operator has to be able to see you.

Even without a briefing, she should have had the self-awareness to get out of the way. I think jokes come not out of her "getting hers" for protesting, but out of her fanaticism and real world stupidity. The Middle East is not a college campus.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 07, 2006, 05:01:17 AM
If I had a Caterpillar D8, it would be wearing this:

Pancake breakfast?  Bwahahahaha!  Priceless!
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 07, 2006, 08:33:05 AM
Either a sick joke, or a really tasteless and stupid "tribute".
Yup.  From the site:

When you are more useful to your friends dead than alive, it is time to find new friends QUICKLY.

ISM director George Rishmawi, ISM member Joseph Smith, and a Hamas terrorist state openly a motive for wanting Rachel to be killed. "Recently, the Director of the Solidarity Movement, George Rishmawi, explained to the San Francisco Chronicle that the recruitment of American student volunteers is useful to the Palestinian Movement because "if some of these foreign volunteers get shot or even killed, then the international media will sit up and take notice.""

Joseph Smith, who was present when Corrie died and whose highest priority was apparently to take pictures, said, ""The spirit that she died for is worth a life. This idea of resistance, this spirit of resisting this brutal occupying force, is worth anything. And many, many, many Palestinians give their lives for it all the time. So the life of one international, I feel, is more than worth the spirit of resisting oppression."
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: 280plus on March 07, 2006, 09:37:20 AM
Tell you what, If I get run over by a bulldozer or a steam roller or the like I want ya'll to have a pancake breakfast in my tribute. I think the whole idea is kind of funny and it's right up my alley too.

Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Ben on March 07, 2006, 10:14:49 AM
Heh, that's just like back in the late 80's that artist guy (Cristo?) set the giant yellow umbrellas up on the Grapevine in CA. One of them broke loose, flew threw the air, and skewered a woman that was an amateur comedian. If I were a comedian, I think that would be a great way to go.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: 280plus on March 07, 2006, 01:39:50 PM
As long as the umbrella skewered you and then opened up inside your body...
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Guest on March 08, 2006, 08:39:19 AM

I love this time of year, the anual pancake humor is great.  stupid leftist *expletive deleted*it...
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Antibubba on March 08, 2006, 11:21:49 AM
Pancake breakfast is good; crepes with a strawberry puree would've been PERFECT.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: RevDisk on March 08, 2006, 12:10:16 PM
Quote from: Antibubba
Pancake breakfast is good; crepes with a strawberry puree would've been PERFECT.
I love reading "The US has no morals!" threads on here and THR, then reading threads like this.    I honestly think more than a few will agree with the "no morals" BS and clamor that the sky is falling due to some badly written rap music, and then come to this thread to yuck it up over the intentional murder of a US citizen engaged in nonviolent protest against a repressive country.   Especially by people that would never risk their own necks for their beliefs, but would also never give up an chance to whine and bitch about gun control.  

Yanno, if the US starts killing protestors in droves (instead of just mass false arrest, employing chemical agents, and random beatings), I wonder how many people would see the irony.

Very few, I imagine.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Antibubba on March 08, 2006, 02:06:27 PM
Uh, Rev, it's an imagery thing-and it struck me that way when the tribute breakfast hit the news after she died, a few years back.  I'm not advocating or celebrating her death; it's tragic when peaceful protestors die-although her "friends" in the movement seem happier with her posthumous achievement than with her life.

Intentional murder?  Besides the "eyewitness testimony" of her fellow protestors (whom I've already noted are getting much mileage from her death) and the Palestinians (who, along with their brethren in the Muslim world, can find that Israel and the evil Zionists are responsible for every bad thing that happens in the world), do you have any compelling evidence for that statement?  You may not have noticed, but that "repressive country" does investigate civilian deaths and even prosecutes them when there is sufficient evidence of a crime.  They investigated this one, too, and concluded that it was a tragic accident.  Or would you prefer the impartial findings of a U.N. investigation?  Maybe Libya, who currently holds the Chair of the Human Rights Committee, would be willing to get to the bottom of it?
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 08, 2006, 03:02:55 PM
That's rich.

I love reading "The US has no morals!" threads on here and THR, then reading threads like this.    I honestly think more than a few will agree with the "no morals" BS and clamor that the sky is falling due to some badly written rap music, and then come to this thread to yuck it up over the intentional murder of a US citizen engaged in nonviolent protest against a repressive country.   Especially by people that would never risk their own necks for their beliefs, but would also never give up an chance to whine and bitch about gun control.
I just retired after 20 years in the military, with a recent tour to the Green Zone as the frosting on the cake.  So don't even go there with the neck-risking statement - it's pure bovine excrement.  I got morals up the wazoo, but Rachel Corrie's death doesn't have me crying from sadness for her plight - it's from the laughter at her naivety and stupidity.

Likewise, where did the murder indictment come from?  She was a dumbass, pure and simple, laying down in front of several tons of moving Caterpillar D9, which have neither go-kart maneuverability nor stellar visibility from the driver's seat.  Unlike other protesters who learn to stay alive, she simply lost her self-preservation instinct, and Darwin took over.  End of story, no murder, no martyr, just an idiot who removed themself from the gene pool, suicide by D9. A pancake breakfast is perfect irony.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Pb on March 08, 2006, 03:49:52 PM
I read a Corrie quote where she praised palastinian gunmen.  I don't like her for that reason.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: RevDisk on March 08, 2006, 07:42:30 PM
Quote from: Antibubba
Intentional murder?  Besides the "eyewitness testimony" of her fellow protestors (whom I've already noted are getting much mileage from her death) and the Palestinians (who, along with their brethren in the Muslim world, can find that Israel and the evil Zionists are responsible for every bad thing that happens in the world), do you have any compelling evidence for that statement?  You may not have noticed, but that "repressive country" does investigate civilian deaths and even prosecutes them when there is sufficient evidence of a crime.  They investigated this one, too, and concluded that it was a tragic accident.  Or would you prefer the impartial findings of a U.N. investigation?  Maybe Libya, who currently holds the Chair of the Human Rights Committee, would be willing to get to the bottom of it?
Tell that to the survivors of the USS Liberty.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: jefnvk on March 08, 2006, 11:55:33 PM
I had some sympathy before I read the story, thinking her unconscious or handicapped body was run over after being shot up for protesting or something.  When I read she let herself be run over, well, any sympathy (and idea of her being intelligent) went right out the window.  In my book, huge slow moving vehicles ALWAYS have the right of way.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Guest on March 09, 2006, 02:26:43 PM
Moron.  plain and simple.  

don't even start me on isreal's morals.  surgical strikes against bad guys are not even remotely similar to blowing yourself up on a bus full of civilians.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: roo_ster on March 09, 2006, 04:48:30 PM
Well, if you think Jews are lower than dogs* and monkeys, then morally equating targetted strikes on terror masters and indiscriminate killing of civilians makes perfect sense.

*  I never really "got" that insult, as I like dogs and think that God gave them to us because he loves us.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Werewolf on March 10, 2006, 04:17:51 AM
Giving one's life for one's beliefs is honourable.
Brave - most assuredly.

Honorable? Ehhhhhhhh - debatable depending on circumstance

Stupid? Definitely. If one truly believes in a cause it is stupid to remove one's self from it permanently. You die - you can't help fight for what you believe anymore. That's left to the living. It takes living breathing human beings with courage to fight the good fight be it passively or actively. The dead stop being useful as anything other than a symbol about a microsecond after their demise. I suppose it could be argued that symbols too have value - personally I'd prefer not to become one - a symbol that is.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Guest on March 10, 2006, 01:02:38 PM
jfruser -

Whoa there big fella...  This scares me that you misread my post (which means my grasp of english is somehow slipping)

guy further up called the Isrealies "intentional murders" for whacking troublesome palis....  I pointed out that these maggot infested goat felching followers of allah (curse his name),  like to blow up innocent people.  

Isrealies on the otherhand go out of thier way to whack only the bad guys, even as far as wasting perfectly decent smartbombs on em.  ME,  I think something along the lines of what we did to Dresden during WW2 would be a bit more fitting for the west bank and gaza....
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Stand_watie on March 10, 2006, 05:23:45 PM
Quote from: baus44
Isrealies on the otherhand go out of thier way to whack only the bad guys, even as far as wasting perfectly decent smartbombs on em.  ME,  I think something along the lines of what we did to Dresden during WW2 would be a bit more fitting for the west bank and gaza....
Just keep in mind that the same people who draw moral equivalence between the IDF and the arab terrorists also draw moral equivalence between the actions of the US and allies and Germany and allies in ww2.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: roo_ster on March 10, 2006, 05:34:03 PM
What I wrote was no whack at you, it was a whack at those who equate the deliberate killing of civvies with the targetted killing of terrorist leaders.  IOW,I am in complete agreement.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: Guest on March 11, 2006, 09:21:28 AM
cool,  agreed!  


Just keep in mind that the same people who draw moral equivalence between the IDF and the arab terrorists also draw moral equivalence between the actions of the US and allies and Germany and allies in ww2.
the opinions of slackjaws that compare the IDF to a jewish HAMAS hardly concern me,  but i see where you are comming from.
Title: Rachel Corrie Tribute Breakfast
Post by: one45auto on March 18, 2006, 08:36:06 PM
I still have the picture of her dressed in a head scarf and screaming along with the other Palestinians on my hard drive somewhere. She gets no respect from me, nor does her death ellicit any sympathy. Quite frankly I am relieved that she never had the opportunity to breed.

As for the topic of this thread, a pancake breakfast.....that's priceless. I wonder if they put little tread marks on them?