Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Iain on March 11, 2006, 03:13:33 AM

Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Iain on March 11, 2006, 03:13:33 AM
A motorist drove for 60 miles at speeds of 135mph after the accelerator on his BMW car jammed and his brakes failed.

Kevin Nicolle, 26, was on the A1 near Thirsk in North Yorkshire when the car started to accelerate.

"I was in tears most of the time on the phone to the police - I really could see myself dying," he told the BBC.

He had to drive on the hard shoulder to avoid crashing but eventually lost control and hit a roundabout near Blyth, Notts, but escaped unhurt.

Speaking to BBC Five Live about the incident on 5 March Mr Nicolle said: "I was travelling down the motorway and I came to traffic in front of me.

"I took my foot off the accelerator because it's automatic - but I wasn't slowing down at all.

"I hit the brakes. They were braking ok, they were keeping me at about 70mph.

"So I phoned up the police after I called the AA and they said straight away 'stick your hazard lights on and headlights on - we've go a helicopter on route to you'."

Police patrol cars were also sent but struggled to catch up with the BMW 318.

Mr Nicolle said: "Then the brakes started burning out - I could see smoke coming from the brakes."

He tried to put the car into neutral but the gears were jammed.

Mr Nicolle was in constant contact with the police on a hands-free phone.

As he approached Blyth he saw a sign for a roundabout.

"There was a load of cars parked waiting to go onto the roundabout, so I went on the inside on the hard shoulder to try to get around it.

"But doing that sort of speed there was no chance and I hit the roundabout head on.

"I remember the 999 lady saying 'he's crashed'.

"I survived the accident but I thought I was going to die in the fire."

But miraculously he walked away completely unhurt - and said he is now considering giving up driving for good.

Mr Nicolle said the police took the car away for tests and BMW said they would carry out a full investigation.

The R reg car had 107,000 miles on the clock and had three months remaining on the MOT.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: K Frame on March 11, 2006, 03:21:46 AM
Accelerator jams...

Brakes jam...

Gears jam...

I wonder if he tried shutting the key off, or was the key cylinder jammed, too?

I'm kind of dubious about this.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: M14rick on March 11, 2006, 04:53:16 AM
Yeah, really.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Art Eatman on March 11, 2006, 05:20:40 AM
In the linked article from WND, this Dudley Doofus said that if he had turned off the ignition and stopped the motor, he'd lose his power steering and thus control of the car.


Oh, well.  Just shows to go ya that people don't get smarter.  An article in the Detroit "Free Press" in 1962 told of a woman whose accelerator jammed as she headed out on Michigan Avenue.  She finally wrecked at about 80mph.  She was afraid to tuirn off the ignition because it might have hurt the motor.


Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Iain on March 11, 2006, 05:41:37 AM
Although not mentioned in the article I have since heard on the radio that the police say he won't be facing any charges. I'm sure that in the forthcoming 'When Cars Attack' special the 999 tape will be quite interesting.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: ...has left the building. on March 11, 2006, 06:16:39 AM
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: 280plus on March 11, 2006, 06:29:45 AM
I had an accelerator get stuck on me, I turned off the ignition and the steering wheel locked. I had to turn the thing back on so I could steer. It was manual so I jammed in the clutch and let it race wide open until I could get the car stopped. It was pretty exciting. I had a hitch hiker in the car, his eye's got as big as saucers. Mine probably did too...

Before anybody starts yelling,,,This was long ago, I haven't picked up a hitch hiker in decades. I used to get around by hitch hiking when I was a kid so I had a soft spot for them. Still do I guess but I don't stop anymore. Too bad you can't trust anyone anymore, it was a cool way of meeting interesting people.

"Ventura Highway in the sunshine"

Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Sindawe on March 11, 2006, 06:39:27 AM
Hmmm...I wonder if this BMW was one of those that shipped with a special version of Microsoft Windows on the engine control unit.  There were a series of articles a couple of years ago about problems with that combinations.  Things like doors locking/unlocking themselves, horns going off with nobody in the car and sudden accelerator lockups.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: griz on March 11, 2006, 07:38:13 AM
You have to wonder if at some point DURING the crash if it might have occured to him that it would have been better to have shut the engine off when he was ready for it.  But then again, the concept of using up every last bit of your brakes by regulating your speed to 70 is not what I would have done either.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: K Frame on March 11, 2006, 08:06:14 AM
You'll only have the steering lock if you rock the key back the whole way.

You can move the key to the extraction point, and then forward again to the accessory position.

I know, it's tough to think like that during something like this, but dammit, even having a locked steering wheel but no more engine power pulling you foward is, in some instances (straight section of road), a lot better than trying to ride the rocket.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Firethorn on March 11, 2006, 08:42:01 AM
On my car, just turning it back to Acc is enough to quit the engine, steering wheel lock doesn't engage until the key's turned all the way.

And I agree, if I'm looking at 0/70/135, I'm turning the engine off and stomping on the brake, even if it locks the steering wheel.  I'll just look for a straight section of road.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Sylvilagus Aquaticus on March 11, 2006, 10:16:26 AM
This confirms the old adage that the difference between porcupines and BMWs is that on porcupines the pricks are on the outside.

Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: jefnvk on March 11, 2006, 10:33:08 AM
Yeah, methinks that key off-key on would be the wise choice.  If my car ever goes to 135 (completely on its own, of course), I might as well enjoy it.  Can't see the use in crying over it.

Everytime my accelerator stuck in my old truck, kicking it a couple of times fixed it.

And does Britain normally measure distances and speeds in miles?
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: 280plus on March 11, 2006, 11:18:54 AM
Yea, I was in "HOLY CRAP!!" mode. I do know that at the time, I needed the steering the most...

Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Iain on March 11, 2006, 12:09:15 PM
Yeah, we still measure speed and distances in miles. It was recommended that we go metric an awful long time ago but we haven't. Dual road signs will be probably be necessary for an awful long time if we do change.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Guest on March 11, 2006, 12:11:23 PM
If he had put the car in neutral at the start of the whole thing instead of riding the braks at full throttle for god knows how long I bet his gears wouldnt have been "jammed".

I always wondered why cars dont come with a simple kill switch to solve this sort of problem right off the bat.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 11, 2006, 12:40:59 PM
A full brake application will usually overcome the engine's power through the torque convertor.  (I'm assuming the Beemer was an automatic, otherwise our bonehead hero could simply have slapped it into neutral) Of course, burning them up by trying to keep things down to 70mph vs. just plain stopping negates the whole deal.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Art Eatman on March 11, 2006, 12:59:59 PM
SCCA National races are 30 minutes.  About twenty minutes into one race, downtown at Austin, Texas, my throttle return spring broke.  Wide open throttle only.  So, I drove the last ten minutes by turn off the swithch, shift, turn on the switch, run, switch, shift, etc.--and repeated as necessary to the end of the race.  Maybe fifteen shifts per lap.  Can you say, "Seriously busy!"?  Still finished 2nd Overall.  One more lap and I'd have won.

I read about these folks who come from the shallow end of the gene pool, and the milk of my human kindness gets sorta curdled...

Smiley, Art
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: jefnvk on March 11, 2006, 01:16:38 PM
Huh, never knew that Iain.  Glad to know we aren't the only ones.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: InfidelSerf on March 11, 2006, 03:45:52 PM
Am I the only one that would like to know the year of that 318?

I'm in the switch to neutral and kill the engine crowd.  

I find it hard to believe that all those parameters failed...
until I saw his picture.  call me a stereotyping bigot, but I believe it just might be possible with that dufus Smiley
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Iain on March 11, 2006, 04:28:53 PM
It will have been registered somewhere between August '97 and August '98.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Phyphor on March 11, 2006, 04:50:05 PM
Quote from: 280plus
Yea, I was in "HOLY CRAP!!" mode. I do know that at the time, I needed the steering the most...

Least you still remembered you had a friggin' clutch pedal.

If this dumbass had done like you would have, he'da got stopped a lot faster (and somebody coulda popped the hood and pulled the plug wires to kill that sucker, )

The story sounds fishy to me...
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Phyphor on March 11, 2006, 04:52:14 PM
And yea, if it was me:

In my Comet (Automatic) - Throw that SOB into 'N', keeps the power steering live, coast, get it stopped, hop out, pull coil wire, call for help.

In a stick: Pop it into neutral.  If somehow the 'gears jam', I should still have a working clutch pedal....
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Guest on March 11, 2006, 04:54:14 PM
Attention Officers of my "youth".

See? It really really happens.

I will neither confirm or deny I used that "reason" to get out of tickets, after coming to a halt , jumping out, raising hood and fiddlin' with the accelerator linkage...

IIRC there was TSB on some vehicles with a glitch like this, I forget. IIRC the suggestion was to shut key off as Art and others mentioned. Oh and then come see the dealer.

My most memorable "rectal massage moments" have been brakes.  First time I made to work fine, going out to lunch fine...leave to come home during rush hour and my pedal went to the resistance, just straight down.

I was like Art, real busy with the emergency brake...I made it to my mechanics place and parked it.

Second time...I was test driving a 1 y/o  "Pre-Owned Vehicle" the dealer had done a "multi point inspection" on.

My passenger was a Catholic Sister considering this Chrysler front wheel drive mini-van.
Freeway traffic with construction and orange barrels.

Her running that Rosary and doing her "Hails" - me running that emergency brake and going around orange barrels downhill, thru ramps, ...and doing my "Hells".

She did not buy that van, took me at at my word when I said I hated Chrysler products. She had a sense of humor, "giving them Hails/ Hells works, still think mine had a bit more weight in the situation though".

Someone donated a Volvo Station wagon for the meals on wheels.  Funny how stuff works out...

I felt like half a Blues Bro standing there with Sister in Habit waiting for the dealer to show up...she kept teasing about a Misson and If did not behave would rap my knuckles...

I was down to less than a half a pack of smokes...
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: doczinn on March 11, 2006, 09:14:55 PM
Push in the clutch, then at just the right time, let it out quick and stall the thing.

Not after you've stopped, but probably around 50 or so, just low enough to stall it without killing it.

Or just turn the key off, then back to "Acc" or "run" without turning it all the way to "start." Then you've got steering.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: brimic on March 12, 2006, 03:12:13 AM
I used to have a FixOrRepairDaily that had an accellerator that stuck 2 or 3 times, shutting the key off worked every time. It was the only car that I owned that needed the throttle linkage lubed about once every 2 or 3 months to prevent tis problem, and the only Ford I'll ever own again.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: mfree on March 12, 2006, 05:12:42 AM
Never had the throttle stick problem, though I've had a throttle runaway before... Wonderful EFI, introduce a vacuum leak that's *just* right and you've got a 3500RPM idle. My own fault for not replacing a few hoses that were affected by an engine fire (my own mistake).

I *did* do a moronic thing once though and drive around a car with failing/faulty brakes. I was poor, and working multiple jobs to afford to place my tail in a classroom at the time. Both rear wheel cylinders were damaged (one stuck piston each , so the other piston overextended), and an oil leak at the "front" of the engine (passenger side) liberally doused both the belt and the passenger side brake rotor in oil.

I was blissfully headed down the interstate one day when I rounded a bend and noticed traffic was stopped. The tail guy in line was rather surprised to see this little natty blue car zip past him on the shoulder with one wheel stopped and smoking (no squealing, surprisingly). Got 3 cars deep before I stopped, I just turned the hazards on and waited for traffic to clear up.

Brakes were fixed the next day, I ramen-ed up to afford it. Some things you don't scrimp on Smiley I suppose too I'm lucky that the 4 wheel brake job I did in my driveway only ended up costing me $200, parts were cheap.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Art Eatman on March 13, 2006, 04:11:32 AM
Heavy trucks don't steer worth a dam without power steering, but cars?  A bit stubborn, yeah, but I don't know of any passenger car that's not steerable without the power steering working.  Hard to parallel park, sure, but on a road?  We're not talking an anorexic 15-year-old, here.

Smiley, Art
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: 280plus on March 13, 2006, 04:20:24 AM
Yea, I caught a video clip of this guy on the tube. He didn't appear to have it all going on. If you know what I mean.

BTW, I've been thinking. In my old 1971 Rustang the ACC position was beyond "off" and back the other way. The old cars were like that IIRC. You youngers wouldn't know that. There was no leaving it halfway between "on" and lock so I could steer with a dead engine. I was in deep doo doo. I was expecting my beautiful souped up 351C 4bbl to blow up but it was a better option over death or serious injury. I suppose...

It managed to pull through unscathed.


The throttle sticking had nothing to do with it being a Fix Or Repair Daily but was entirely due to my failings as a young mechanic. But I learned an unforgettable lesson that day. shocked
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Brian Williams on March 13, 2006, 04:11:19 PM
I had a '53 Willy's CJ-3 with a hand throttle, It had a 283 chevy with a real short exhaust into halfway burnt out Thrush mufflers.  I would often in a fit of nutsyness push in the clutch and put it in 3rd and low overdrive and slip it in to low range, and yank on the throttle and drop the clutch.  It would rev the 283 that I had in it and still only go about 12mph,  then I would bail out, screamin' it's gonnna blow.  I saw more A$$holes and elbows that way.

I also had a 68 GMC pick-up with a 305 V6 (a 350 minus 2 cylinders) that had some amazing back fire capabilities, I was driving past my local Pizza Hut and the lowest delivery boy was changing the sign, I gassed the engine and turned off the key, and that let up on the gas pedal and turned on the key again, it would belch out the best backfires. It also had dual exhaust which happened to be about 15 feet from this poor schmuck when it popped, he threw the plastic letters up in the air and went ducking and jiving back behind the sign, My kids told everyone that their Daddy shot up the Pizza-hut guy, even the pastor of our church, took a while to live that down.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Balog on March 14, 2006, 02:03:17 AM
Ok, an up armored HMMWV weighs around 12,100 lbs before you put 5 guys, a heavy machine gun, and a bunch of ammo, chow, water, fuel, rockets etc etc into. My driver weighs about 135. Power steering goes out one night a good way from base. That was a fun trip back. Can you say 36 point U-turn? A small hajji shop was open on the street we were doing this on; the owner's kids thought it was hilarious. Little bastard. Smiley
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: mfree on March 14, 2006, 04:09:47 AM
Ooh, gotta share this.

I had a 1979 Lincoln Mark V. It had a "new wonder" technological thingy, as lincolns usually do (well, did)... hydraulically assisted brakes.

So, this meant two things:

1. If you pressed the brake pedal really hard, the power steering pump would squeal. With the V-belt a little loose, it'd sound just like the tires screeching, which made for a few wide eyes and hellish looks at stop signs or in traffic *evil grin*

2. If the engine stalled, not only did you not have power steering on this 4500 pound land yacht, but the brake pedal would go rock hard because you aren't just working the brakes, you're working the slave servo, *and* this car had massive 4 wheel disc brakes. You made *darn* sure when tuning that you didn't get the idle too low. With power off and car moving you could actually feel the brake pedal start to flex before the brakes would catch.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: 280plus on March 14, 2006, 07:39:17 AM
Did it have the 460 CI motor? You could lay down a lotta rubber with one of those. Cheesy
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: jefnvk on March 14, 2006, 12:50:00 PM
Quote from: Art Eatman
Heavy trucks don't steer worth a dam without power steering, but cars?  A bit stubborn, yeah, but I don't know of any passenger car that's not steerable without the power steering working.  Hard to parallel park, sure, but on a road?  We're not talking an anorexic 15-year-old, here.

Smiley, Art
I used to shut the Cavalier off on a long two mile downhill stretch we have up here.  Never had a problem steering around some pretty sharp corners.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: Guest on March 14, 2006, 10:14:22 PM
What a dumb@ss.

I had the throttle stick open on my '85 Toyota Cressida (it really needed to be lubed). It was my fault for mashing it to the floor in the first place to get around another car (after 200,000 city miles, the durable but straight six had lost some compression). So it was stuck wide open. Big deal. I just shifted into neutral, turned the engine off, and coasted into a parking lot. No reason to panic or find out how fast that 16 year-old car could go.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: mfree on March 15, 2006, 04:32:57 AM

Did you miss the *evil grin* part? It was almost always deliberate Smiley

And 280plus, it was the 400. But it also had a ~550cfm 2 barrel carb rejetted, and an RV cam installed straight up. Even with the 2.47:1 rear axle I could lay stripe, a very similar motor for a claimer dynoed at 180hp@2200rpm and 550lb-ft@1850 (!) RPM.

I miss it dearly (apologies for thread drift, btw) but I don't miss 8mpg in the summer and 4mpg in the winter.
Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: 280plus on March 15, 2006, 06:15:23 AM
I love the 400.

Sigh, guess it's time to once again ressurect the memory of my two door 1970 Galaxie 500 with the 400M motor. It liked 110 best, that was it's crusing speed. Tongue

I miss mine dearly too. The ex got it and turned it into trash. shocked

I once had a dream of putting 351C 4V heads on a 400. All the angles are wrong.

With what I know now, I guess it COULD be done with some fancy mill work.


Naw, there's probably something else that would foul it all up. The centers on the pistons for example.

Oh well,,,

Title: Accelerator jam car hits 135mph
Post by: 280plus on March 15, 2006, 06:22:08 AM
Let's face it, Say what you will about Ford, but they've put some GREAT motors on the road over the years.