Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Lennyjoe on March 16, 2006, 11:22:57 AM

Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Lennyjoe on March 16, 2006, 11:22:57 AM
Yes thats right.  She even got a packet in the mail today from the PETA folks.  I plan on reading its contents this eve.  

I watched a video she had and laughed the whole way thru.  Sounded like Alec Baldwin narrated it.  I wasn't laughing at the way they were treating the animals but at the way the film was made.  I'm pretty sure they aint going around beating cows with a hammer at the processing plant.  

Anyway, we are meat eaters in the house and she complains when we make dinner and it has meat in it (like spaghetti with meat sauce).  She even drinks soy milk.  

We give her a hard time about it but I respect her and her decisions to become a vegetarian.  I'll support her as much as I can but if I feel she is hurting herself then I'll give her guidence.  For now I'll stand by her side.  

As for the rest of us, its venison on the grill tonight and tomorrow is pot roast:)
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: K Frame on March 16, 2006, 11:37:51 AM
How old is your daughter, Lenny?
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Art Eatman on March 16, 2006, 11:54:07 AM
Somebody's not wanting to eat meat is their business, not mine.  But I have only contempt for those who impose some moral value on the choice.  It's an absence of rational thought, and certainly an ignorance of basic biology.

Oh, well.  Make darned sure she gets vitamin supplements.  A meatless diet without the supplements is unhealthy...

Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Monkeyleg on March 16, 2006, 12:10:18 PM
My wife was a PETA member back before they all went nuts. She's a meat-eater, and doesn't subscribe to what they've been doing the last 10-15 years.

Just as with so many liberal groups, the lunatics have taken over the asylum at PETA.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on March 16, 2006, 12:16:45 PM
Do some research on PETA. They don't actually give two shits about animals.

Also, I might have sponsor your daughter Smiley
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: crt360 on March 16, 2006, 12:48:51 PM
Good luck to you and your daughter.  I have no problem with people wanting to eat only vegetables, but as you probably know PETA has many reality-challenged members.  Hopefully your daughter has learned enough from your hunting & shooting to not participate in their hunter harassment activities.  

Since PETA, along with ALF and ELF, is probably under heavy FBI surveillance, and you now have a PETA member address, you might get some attention from large ammo orders, etc.  Cheesy

"Listen carefully and you can hear the vegetables scream when you stick your fork into them."

I actually had a teacher who would come into the classroom and yell at us for hurting her plants.  She said she could hear them screaming all the way out in the hall.  She was dead serious.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: crt360 on March 16, 2006, 12:53:09 PM
"If we really believe that animals have the same right to be free from pain and suffering at our hands, then of course we're going to be blowing things up and smashing windows," PETA's vegan outreach director said recently. "I think it's a great way to bring animal liberation, considering the level of suffering, the atrocities. I think it would be great if all of the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories and banks that fund them, exploded tomorrow."

The FBI is on the watch for special-interest terrorists committing crimes in the United States.
Fox News/December 3, 2002
By James Rosen and Liza Porteus
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Spec ops Grunt on March 16, 2006, 01:29:56 PM
Nothing wrong with vegatarians, it's just when they try to convert me foricibly I have a problem with them.

Which is why I hate PETA.

Your daughter can be a vegatarian, just for the love of God get her to quit PETA.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Justin on March 16, 2006, 01:58:52 PM
Order this

(Language warning.)
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: ...has left the building. on March 16, 2006, 02:01:32 PM
I'm sorry but anyone who buys into PETA's insanity is either mentally ill or emotionally underdeveloped.

Hunters and fisherman have done more for the environment than PETA ever has. For further evidence, look at the celebrity champions: Pam Anderson and Ted Nugent. How many trees does Pam plant each year?
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Declaration Day on March 16, 2006, 02:04:02 PM
I have a cousin who is a PETA member.

Of course she is a vegetarian, and she feeds her two young children only vegetarian foods.  She doesn't preach to any of us, so we don't say anything to her.

Now my youngest daughter's best friend (they're both 9) declared herself to be vegetarian recently.  She says she "feels bad for the animals".  I can respect her decision, and she can whine about it all she wants in her home, but she came into my home and tried to preach it to my kids.  I put a stop to that quickly, telling her to keep that opinion to herself while in our home.

As I feared, it started rubbing off on my youngest daughter.....

Before I go any further, let me say that I eat meat, LOTS of it.  We are part of the food chain, so we're supposed to eat it, that's just how things are.  

So one night my daughter refused to eat spaghetti because it had meat in it.  I said "Fine then, don't eat."  She ate a few noodles and went to bed hungry.   She tried this little protest once again about a week later. Again, it didn't work.

Finally I told her that if she kept this up, I would buy only meat products to eat, and cans of beef gravy to drink.  I wasn't serious of course, but my 9 year old thought I meant it.

That was the last time she complained about meat, and she eats it as often as we do.  I even have her friend eating it once in a while, when she comes over.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on March 16, 2006, 02:08:32 PM

Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Spec ops Grunt on March 16, 2006, 02:19:50 PM
Fish are the dumbest animals, ever.

Chickens are just fish that can breathe air.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Justin on March 16, 2006, 02:39:07 PM
Chickens are just fish that can breathe air.
I've always just thought of them as a really fast vegetable.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: jefnvk on March 16, 2006, 02:42:56 PM
Hunters and fisherman have done more for the environment than PETA ever has. For further evidence, look at the celebrity champions: Pam Anderson and Ted Nugent. How many trees does Pam plant each year?
Oh, but don't you know that hunters do it just so they have something to shoot?

Do what I've known a few of my friend's parents who had daughters that decided they were vegetarians did.  Tell the kid that its  fine, they just get to buy and prepare their own food if they didn't like the meat being served.

Seems their morals go away quick when it is no longer easy for them.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Spec ops Grunt on March 16, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Lennyjoe on March 16, 2006, 04:27:46 PM
She is 18 and a freshman in college.  I think what turned her away from meat was a show she seen on a public acess station or something like that showing slaughter houses and such.  Just turned her away from the whole meat deal but she did eat chicken for a while.  Now its just veggies.  She signed up online to get some PITA info and after reading it said it was a joke.  I don't think she's serious about it cause we just had a good conversation about it.  She just doesnt like the thought of what the meat goes thru from hoof to table and it turned her off of it.

Something tells me that she will slowly return back to eating meat in time.  Must be just a phase she's going thru to find her true self.  For that reason, I will stand by her decisions and not try to pressure her or give her a hard time on it.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: ...has left the building. on March 16, 2006, 05:12:48 PM
jefnvk- But of course! You and I both know that hunters have no respect for the animals they kill, its all just insane bloodsport!

Lennyjoe- Sounds like you're a good dad. Nice job!
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Stranger on March 17, 2006, 03:02:06 AM
I tend to stay away from chicken most of the time ( except Wendys spicy chicken ) Its not because I dont like chicken, I toured a Tyson Chicken plant back in college.  SCARY!   Im not going to give any details but just say Ive lost my appetite for wings.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Balog on March 17, 2006, 03:12:35 AM
Say what you will about Maddox, he's good against PETA

Edit: here we go.
Link goes to article pointing out the millions of tiny animals killed by the combines that harvest grains for vegans to eat. Includes a link to PETA hate mail he received at the bottom.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: CatsDieNow on March 17, 2006, 03:23:53 AM
I had the same experience as Stranger.

I used to work for a company that made equipment used at rendering plants.  Went out to help fix said equipment and the smell and the "rivers of blood" disgusted me to the point that I won't eat chicken.  This was a less-than-compliant-with-the-law kind of place because part of the rendering process inclduded sucking the chickens off a truck with a hose and letting them be crushed by our machinery.   Their complaint with our machinery: not water-tight.  We refused service and reported them.

(I refused to go to the beef rendering plant - I like meat).
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Balog on March 17, 2006, 03:26:24 AM
I know it's cruel, but damn if I don't find the image of an unwary chicken being sucked off a truck by a giant hose hilarious. Bawk bawk bawk WHOOOSH!
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 17, 2006, 07:15:28 AM
There's always horror stories.

tend to stay away from chicken most of the time ( except Wendys spicy chicken ) Its not because I dont like chicken, I toured a Tyson Chicken plant back in college.  SCARY!   Im not going to give any details but just say Ive lost my appetite for wings.
I worked on an egg farm, a chicken farm (there's a difference), and a dairy farm to pay my tuition in younger days.

Trust me, if John Q. Public had a video of each entire operation, they'd probably think twice.  Bloody eggs, trampled chickens, cows w/mastitis, you name it.  Milk sold for cheese is simply downgraded milk that had bacteria too high for sale as moo juice for consumption.  That decision is made in the dairy parlor when the truck driver tests the product before he loads it into the shiny stainless steel truck.  I've seen adult farmers cry when that happens.

Doesn't bother me.  Part of a healthy immune system is introducing a microbe or two.  Regardless, the bloody eggs get ultrasonically cleaned with the rest of 'em, the trampled chickens get recycled with the manure, and the milk collected from the cow with mastitis gets dumped behind the barn. All nice and clean for the grocer's shelf...
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: CatsDieNow on March 17, 2006, 08:08:44 AM
The amusement should end at the chicken vacuum.  The rest of it was cruel, unsanitary, and illegal.

Forgot to mention what these chickens were being rendered into - blood and bone meal used for...chicken food.  Had Soylent Green flashes in between waves of nausea.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: SteveS on March 17, 2006, 08:17:18 AM
Hopefully, it is just a phase.  My sister went through a Peta/vegetarian phase when she was 18 or 19.  It lasted a year or so and she would refuse to eat meat.  I am not sure why she turned away from it, but she has no problem with eating meat now.

When she was into this, she said that I couldn't go a month without eating meat.  I did it, but it was miserable.  I remember seeing raw hamburger and thinking that looks good, wanting to shovel it into my mouth.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Balog on March 17, 2006, 10:59:15 AM
CatsDieNow: oh, believe me it does. When I lived in Tonopah we had to drive past a Hickman's egg ranch. The little research I've done combined with that places stench is horrifying. No debate on that.

But putting that aside for a second, you gotta admit the hose thing is funny. Mr Chicken, minding his own business, "Hey, what's this? Will it be my frieeeee" WHOOSH! The surprised look on his little chicken face..... priceless.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: RevDisk on March 17, 2006, 12:05:31 PM
I've heard the phrase "People do not want to know the details of how saugage or heros are made".  I believe it's very true.  I turned into a veggie head for a while because I believed it was morally wrong to eat meat when I wasn't willing to do the killing or slaughtering myself.  I killed my first animal, and have been a meat eater since.  Yea, the first time wasn't fun, but it was definitely an educational experience.

It's a bit snobbish, I know, but I still look down at folks whom eat meat that have never killed any animal themselves, nor seen how meat is processed.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 17, 2006, 01:48:59 PM
What, doesn't anybody drink the blood of the first deer they kill?  It's been a rite of passage in my family since way back when...

Of course, I got over any and all food aversions I had during USAF combat survival school in the Colville National Forest. Wink
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: roo_ster on March 17, 2006, 05:08:29 PM

The guy who invented this is earning a poultry sum in royalties.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Art Eatman on March 17, 2006, 05:29:40 PM
I don't like chicken factories.  Howsomever, for 300 million urbanized people, it's hard to envision an ample supply of "yard eggs" to supply all those bacon-and-egg breakfasts.  Or Egg McMuffins.  Not enough farmhouses with 20 chickens each to keep Col. Sanders going, either.

Seriously, though, how can a person speak favorably of PETA without acknowledging the fundamental thought of its founder and still present leader, Ingrid Newkirk:  "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy."  (Or girl.)  To Ms. Newkirk, "owning" a pet is equally evil to eating meat.  Having pets should be outlawed, she has said in public.

But, folks pick and choose from among the first ten amendments to our Constitution...

Consistency in thought.  That's my problem, I guess; I'm all hobgoblined.

Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: mfree on March 18, 2006, 05:27:36 AM
I raised chickens as a 4H project once. Chickens, even a few of them, stink. Therefore a stench from a commercial farm doesn't surprise me.

Chickens are also literally as dumb as rocks. I almost believe the "turkeys drowning in rain" wive's tales because of them.

Henceforth I foster absolutely no guilt in eating one of these automated protein producing machines.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Tallpine on March 18, 2006, 07:04:10 AM
"I don't like chicken factories.  Howsomever, for 300 million urbanized people, it's hard to envision an ample supply of "yard eggs" to supply all those bacon-and-egg breakfasts.  Or Egg McMuffins.  Not enough farmhouses with 20 chickens each to keep Col. Sanders going, either."

Actually, they probably could ... except for all the govt regulations and distribution problems that keep the smaller farm enterprises out of the business Sad

We have some friends with a cattle ranch (2 doors down, which is about 5 miles) who also have chickens.  They give us eggs whenever they have surplus but refuse to take any money for them because of all the hassles that they would have accounting for an egg operation.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Art Eatman on March 18, 2006, 03:04:37 PM
Accounting?  For yard eggs?  Oh, well...

Starting when I was twelve, for some three years I had about 200 laying hens.  School money.  I could get ten cents a dozen more for the eggs by cleaning them with vinegar and selling them to the UT sorority houses.  Y'know, it was not until after I got out of the Army that I got to where I could eat an egg.

But there aren't enough small-operation farms in the U.S. to do yard eggs for even one major metro area, much less the country...

Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Balog on March 19, 2006, 04:00:35 AM
Blackburn, that's just..... wow. Damn Army guys are looking at me funny because I'm laughing so hard. Smiley Good job, it's tacticaltastic!
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Tallpine on March 19, 2006, 07:32:22 AM
Art, I think you're supposed to have some sort of commercial egg license if you take any money for them.  I really don't know for sure, as I've not had much interest in being a chicken rancher (seems like they would be awful hard to rope and brand Tongue )

Though it would be something one could do without a huge acreage.  We thought about getting into meat rabbits for a while ... there used to be a truck that came through this area picking up live rabbits and taking them to a processor in CA, but for some reason that's not happening anymore.  IIRC, there was a disease outbreak and a whole truckload(s) were seized and destroyed "just in case."

Anyway, it seems pretty hard to be a small producer of any ag products anymore.  Maybe back east you could still do a small truck farm or orchard, but I just don't want to live back there.  I do have a neighbor that raises vegetables in a greenhouse and sells them, but you have to be pretty dedicated (obsessed) to make that work in this dry and windy country.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Ben on March 19, 2006, 08:32:42 AM
I've not had much interest in being a chicken rancher (seems like they would be awful hard to rope and brand )
Probably depends on just which kind of chicken ranch you're talking about....
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: CatsDieNow on March 20, 2006, 03:39:27 AM
Yes!!  I have totally hijacked this thread.
Title: My daughter is a PETA member!
Post by: Art Eatman on March 20, 2006, 05:11:54 AM
What gets to me about PETA's stated goals of no pets, no livestock, no hunting, is the aftereffect:  Dead animals all over the place.

Who's gonna take care of the domestic animals?  It'll get a bit stinky, out...

With no hunting, what's gonna happen when the deer overpopulate the habitat?  When there is no money for game wardens to protect against poaching?  We already have a problem with guys killing deer and elk when the horns are in velvet, selling to Asia--and the same for gall bladders from bears.

It all sounds so good, or looks good on paper.  Trouble is, it's dumber'n hammered dirt.

But that's the Pitiful PETA People...
