Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: vaskidmark on March 30, 2011, 06:46:08 PM

Title: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: vaskidmark on March 30, 2011, 06:46:08 PM

Gawd!  I can't believe I'm using HuffPo  [barf] as a source.

An extended federal government shutdown could devastate the U.S. economy by dealing a blow to Americans' confidence, experts said Tuesday.

No sh!t, Sherlock.  So are the Dems/libs/socialist rat bast@rds starting to get the message?  And add the Rhinos/Repubs and Wookie-suiters to that question, too.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: CNYCacher on March 30, 2011, 06:48:01 PM

Gawd!  I can't believe I'm using HuffPo  [barf] as a source.

No sh!t, Sherlock.  So are the Dems/libs/socialist rat bast@rds starting to get the message?  And add the Rhinos/Repubs and Wookie-suiters to that question, too.

stay safe.

Did you just lump Wookie-suiters in with RINOs?
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: MicroBalrog on March 30, 2011, 06:48:31 PM
This is nothing more or less than preparatory PSYOPS warfare to avoid the Republicans shutting down the government over the budget.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on March 30, 2011, 06:51:10 PM
In this context, a prolonged federal shutdown would drain Americans' confidence in their government, hobbling spending, borrowing and investment -- and pushing the economy toward recession, said Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics.

Anyone that has "confidence in their government" and uses that as a benchmark with which to decide whether they should spend, borrow or invest... has been snorting pixie dust and huffing moonbeams.

No one in their right mind has confidence in our government.

I'm okay with "left America" entering a recession because they lost faith that the free apple pies will be available forever.  Good.  They need to enter a recession and learn to work for themselves.

My America is slowly getting better and better, and it keeps getting better the more the government gets out of all our lives.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: longeyes on March 30, 2011, 07:02:16 PM
Stop Govzilla Now!
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: Angel Eyes on March 30, 2011, 07:04:14 PM
I doubt that such a shutdown will have any noticeable effect.  Government is not the engine of the economy.

Anyone remember the last "shutdown" during the Clinton administration?  Apart from media hyperventilating, life went on as usual.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: vaskidmark on March 30, 2011, 07:38:24 PM
Did you just lump Wookie-suiters in with RINOs?

No, I merely had them in a list of various political ideologies.  Are you suggesting they should be lumped together?

stayu safe.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: TommyGunn on March 30, 2011, 07:47:00 PM
Anyone that has "confidence in their government" and uses that as a benchmark with which to decide whether they should spend, borrow or invest... has been snorting pixie dust and huffing moonbeams.

No one in their right mind has confidence in our government........

Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: grampster on March 30, 2011, 09:45:55 PM
Unfortunately, the MSM will spin the situation to the D side and convince Americans that the R's are screwing them not  the socialist rat bastard D's who continue to drive the country into the ground.

My word!  The fact that the main stream Free Press is nearly totally in thrall to the socialist leftists is probably the greatest betrayal of our Republic that has ever been.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: RevDisk on March 30, 2011, 10:51:31 PM

Honestly, as long as someone is left to run the IT systems, power, and the check printer, no one would notice for a couple weeks.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: French G. on March 31, 2011, 12:35:48 AM
Recession hell! Stop sending paychecks long enough for everyone at the IRS to have to walk off and go get a real job. (I know, the reality would look like a massive Wisconsin protest.) Why work when we can whine? Anyway, let the IRS lose all its employees. Maybe a disgruntled employee turns a cat hooked on cystal meth loose in the tape back-ups. A fortuitous fire or two. We would see an economic boom unparalleled in human history.  =D
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: KD5NRH on March 31, 2011, 03:57:36 AM
A massive shutdown of noncritical Federal offices would greatly increase my confidence in our government, but only if it was permanent.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on March 31, 2011, 04:55:52 AM
Let the shutdown happen. I want it to happen. Rinos, lefties, liberals, to hell with them all. Shut it down and kick out anyone who has been serving in congress for over 10 years, and don't let them ever hold a gov position again, elected or appointed.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: KD5NRH on March 31, 2011, 05:18:24 AM
Shut it down and kick out anyone who has been serving in congress for over 10 years, and don't let them ever hold a gov position again, elected or appointed.

I've given that some thought, and I still like the idea of making everyone ineligible for another Federal term after eight years in any Federal office, with the exception that anyone can be President at least once.

Of course, I'd also like to change the Senate to being something other than a small House with different rules; since it will likely never go back to its original purpose of representing the states, let's make it non-regional and a true random sampling of the people.  Everyone chooses a senator that shares the last two digits of their SSN.  It's as random as counting off in gym class, there's no real way to do special favors for any significant part of one's constituency, and it's well-nigh impossible to gerrymander.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: longeyes on March 31, 2011, 12:52:23 PM
Quarantine the disease.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: lupinus on March 31, 2011, 02:03:22 PM
Let it shut down for as long as needed to get the message.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: Balog on March 31, 2011, 04:01:35 PM
A massive shutdown of noncritical Federal offices would greatly increase my confidence in our government, but only if it was permanent.

You should move to WA and then run for office, we need more folks like you. :)
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: brimic on March 31, 2011, 06:24:37 PM
I hope Obama delivers my unicorn that he promised before .gov shuts down :laugh:
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: French G. on March 31, 2011, 07:40:32 PM
Well it's not shut down yet. I hit up Wal-Mart today for a few items, I guess the checks posted to people's banks on the 31st. An absolute sea of blue hair, slow moving carts, veteran's hats, retirees DOD stickers on cars, and specialty Veteran license tags. And that was just the oldsters and vets. They other set that got their check was there too.  ;/
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: HankB on April 01, 2011, 12:41:07 PM
I'm having a hard time seeing a shutdown as a disaster.

The last time it happened - when Clinton shut things down over a budget impasse with the GOP - the military stayed on active duty, the FBI kept chasing the most wanted, veterans hospitals kept treating veterans, Social Security checks kept going out . . . the only actual problems I recall hearing about were some people whose vacations were messed up when they showed up at places like the Smithsonian or Yellowstone and found the doors/gates closed.

Think about it - last time it happened, would YOU have even known about it, without seeing it on TV or reading it in the paper?

This is sort of like what happened in Minnesota when union employees went on strike. For the most part, nobody noticed since police, fire, EMS, electric power, water, sewer, roads, etc., all stayed in service.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: Triphammer on April 01, 2011, 10:48:15 PM
I noticed. I was a contractor, I wasn't paid but I could use vacation. First time I'd taken off in years & it's the last time I was able to. I went camping.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: RaspberrySurprise on April 02, 2011, 12:54:30 PM
Well it's not shut down yet. I hit up Wal-Mart today for a few items, I guess the checks posted to people's banks on the 31st. An absolute sea of blue hair, slow moving carts, veteran's hats, retirees DOD stickers on cars, and specialty Veteran license tags. And that was just the oldsters and vets. They other set that got their check was there too.  ;/

There was a large number of people cashing paper checks from the Gummint at work yesterday as well.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: longeyes on April 02, 2011, 01:31:52 PM
I think Dick Morris's proposed strategy of targeted de-funding of particularly noxious Fed agencies was excellent.  Unfortunately, it appears to have been ignored by The Boehner Party.
Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: seeker_two on April 02, 2011, 01:34:47 PM
I think Dick Morris's proposed strategy of targeted de-funding of particularly noxious Fed agencies was excellent.  Unfortunately, it appears to have been ignored by The Boehner Party.

Title: Re: Sign a recession might be headed our way - ya think?
Post by: longeyes on April 02, 2011, 01:51:22 PM
If only.  =D

The Limp Party would be more like it.