Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2006, 03:41:17 AM

Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2006, 03:41:17 AM
Tell us who you like, who you don't and who you tolerate.  If you want, tell us why.  Remember, there are different radio markets, so your favorite host may be unknown to most people.  

And share your pet peeves about annoying callers.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2006, 03:48:50 AM
People who call in and say, "I had a friend who converted to Muslim," or Most Islams dont agree with terrorism.  A lot of people seem to confuse the two words.

I hear a lot of people who try to say homosexuality but they start with homosexual and then tack ality on the end of it, so it comes out homosexual-ality.

Some people use the word pro-life as an adjective: We need to vote for pro-life.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: bermbuster on April 06, 2006, 04:09:04 AM
I don't listen to it.  I don't find it to be entertaining.  When I listen to the radio it's for entertainment.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: K Frame on April 06, 2006, 04:56:31 AM
I normally go for the lighter side of talk radio, Don & Mike, Opie & Anthony, and Ron & Fez.

Politicial talk shows of any persuasion quickly get on my nerves.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: mtnbkr on April 06, 2006, 05:17:33 AM
I can barely tolerate political talk radio.  I sometimes listen to Rush if I'm in the car during his show, he's at least entertaining.  I liked Ken Hamblin when he show was being broadcast around here.  I can't stand Hannity at all.  Glenn Beck is pretty good, but to get him around here, you have to have XM and I'm not going to pay for that service anymore (it's turning into a pay version of FM radio).

For non-politcal talk, I like NPR and Elliot In The Morning (DC101).  EITM is pure trashy entertainment, but he's fairly active in the community and does a lot of fundraisers for Childrens' orgs.  

Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Leatherneck on April 06, 2006, 06:29:07 AM
I've kind of tuned out most talk radio. Since it became dominated by the likes of Sean Hannity and other doctrinaire, non-thinking, egoists it's become boring. I do like G. Gordon Liddy, and a couple of local guys; I can even tolerate a limited exposure to NPR.

Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: matis on April 06, 2006, 07:21:10 AM
I like talk radio.

1) G. Gordon Liddy.  The very best but no longer in my market.

2) Michael Medved.   Erudite and sharp, I learn from him.

3) Rush Limbaugh.    I listen.  There are better but he is the most influential and I                      believe that without him we'd have Gore or Kerry for president.  I vote Republican because the alternative is hideous.

4) Dennis Prager.      Not the most exciting but extremely knowledgeable and I learn from him.

5) Sean Hannity.        Reasons similar to those for Rush Limbaugh.

6) Hugh Hewitt.          Not in same league as those above but not bad.

Without talk radio and the internet, we'd be back in the days when Pravda and Izvetzia (main stream media) were all we could get.

Since the MSM and most pols hate talk radio, that alone is reason to like it.

Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on April 06, 2006, 07:34:32 AM
Jerry Doyle.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: BrokenPaw on April 06, 2006, 08:16:24 AM
Jerry Doyle.
I like Jerry as well.  He actually made fun of me on his show, once, because he assumed that it wasn't possible that my name was spelled as it was in the signature of an e-mail he read on the show;  he figured that "Cael" must be a typo of "Carl".  So he ranted about it for a while, and then when I e-mailed him again to let him know that it was, in fact, Cael, he wrote back and apologized and seemed very down-to-earth.

Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: mfree on April 06, 2006, 08:26:49 AM
Eh, I listen to Hallerin Hill in the mornings, which is mostly empty, and Phil Williams on the way to the second job, which is a fairly funny show. Neil Boortz is on at night now, which is acceptable for the most part..... but it used to be Michael Savage, who literally had me screaming at him (or at the radio) and turning it off several times.

It's usually on for background noise, honestly.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: BrokenPaw on April 06, 2006, 08:36:39 AM
When I'm in a particularly misanthropic mood, I listen to Dr. Laura, for the train-wreck value.

Nothing makes you feel better about your own life than listening to someone call in and ask things like,
"My husband cheated on me ten times, and this most recent time he did it in our bed while I was visiting his sick mother in the hospital.  When I came home I walked in and caught him, and he said that he'd never doing it again, but as the other woman was leaving, he kissed her and told her he'd see her tomorrow.  He promised that it was just a one-time thing, and that it 'just happened'.  I really want kids.  Should I name them after him?"

Some of the calls are honestly almost that bad.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Silver Bullet on April 06, 2006, 08:58:52 AM
Tom Liddy and Austin Hill show:
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: doczinn on April 06, 2006, 03:44:36 PM
I like G Gordon Liddy, but haven't heard him for years.

I listen to Limbaugh, though I disagree with him a lot, because, face it, he's THE talk-show host.

The only one I'd say I really like is Larry Elder.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: brimic on April 06, 2006, 04:20:29 PM
I sometimes listen to Rush, though I don't go out of my way for it. I like one of his fill-ins, Walter Williams I think the name is, probably my favorite guy to listen to.  We have a local guy named Mark Belling that I like to listen to because he is almost over the top obnoxious and drives liberals nuts in the Milwaukee area, he also fills in for Rush once in awhile- probably the only times I tune into the Limbaugh show anymore.

I also like Art Bell or George Nory when I'm up late at night working.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Lennyjoe on April 06, 2006, 05:21:41 PM
Rush and Sean Hannity are my 2 most listened talk shows.  We have the morning show with Jim Parisi local which is good also.  News talk 790 in Tucson.  

On occasion I listen to the Savage nation but lately that guy has been getting on my nerves.  He's lucky if he gets 10 minutes of my time anymore.  

Last but not least I'll listen to Tammy Bruce if I'm in the car driving.  Don't go out of my way to catch her show.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Standing Wolf on April 06, 2006, 05:52:42 PM
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Sylvilagus Aquaticus on April 06, 2006, 06:20:15 PM
There are some local guys I listen to here in DFW; Darrell Ankarlo and Greg Knapp on KLIF and Glenn Beck, who is syndicated on KLIF as well.  Mark Davis has a local show on WBAP which feeds to  syndicate in his second hour.

Tony Snow isn't too bad. I like Boortz, Larry Elder, and Walter WIlliams when I can hear them, but they're not syndicated around DFW that I know of. When I'm in the other truck with FM, in the afternoons I try to grab Russ Martin .

Savage makes me scream at the radio, too.

Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2006, 06:47:31 PM
Rush Limbaugh  The Best of the Best, Period.  If you dont love Rush Limbaugh you should be first in line to be deported.  

Tony Snow  Hes a nice guy, and pretty smart.

Laura Ingraham - except when she invites lefties on her show and then screams at them unproductively

Randy Tobbler  local guy, but recently syndicated:  Obstetrician, talk show host and hunter.  Hes as good and articulate and smart as youll find, and seems polite to people who disagree with him.

Jamie Allman  local, and kind of like Tobbler, but not as good.

Really liked a guy named Mark Davis from Texas once, but cant even find a website for him.  Very calm and intelligent.

Hank Hanegraff of the Bible Answer Man program.  Most of the time he can tell callers what the Bible says, and not give his own interpretation.  Most of the time.


Todd Wilkin - Local/International host for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod show, Issues, etc. - While invaluable for his erudite guests, I am also glad he throws a little cold water on us evangelicals when we start to froth at the mouth.  Unfortunately, he and his guests get a little Bill O'Reily when they are deriding evangelical pop-American-Christianity and the politics thereof.

Matt Drudge  Dont listen much, as I dont find him that interesting.  He talks in very fast sentences punctuated by long, dead-air pauses.  This cannot be good for his radio career.
NPR is sometimes useful.

Not so much:
Bill O'Reilly - can't take the arrogance or the nonsense that he is more objective than other talkers.

Sean Hannity - self-righteous dork - somone said he is incapable of recognizing a good argument for his own position, and that man was wise.  Then theres the lame music, and why does Martina McBride want the right to be wrong?

Michael Savage  a raving lunatic egomaniacal fruitcake, whos conservatism consists of screaming about whatever it is he doesnt like, while putting down other talkers who are all sold out to the check-pants Republicans, whatever that means.

Dr. Laura  Im sure some people really need the reality check to the kiester, but she really enjoys the lecturing too much.  How can you stand to listen?

Glenn Beck - If they're gonna stuff some guy in a studio and make money off of him, can't they find someone better?  He should be honored I even mention him on my bad list.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2006, 06:49:34 PM
Quote from: bermbuster
I don't listen to it.  I don't find it to be entertaining.  When I listen to the radio it's for entertainment.
So you've nothing to contribute to this thread, yet you still posted?
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2006, 06:52:15 PM
Quote from: matis
3) Rush Limbaugh.    I listen.  There are better

5) Sean Hannity.        Reasons similar to those for Rush Limbaugh.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2006, 06:55:18 PM
Quote from: brimic
Walter Williams
He is so the man.  The only man worthy to fill in for The Great One.  And his marriage advice is priceless.  Smiley
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2006, 06:57:20 PM
Quote from: Sylvilagus Aquaticus
  Mark Davis has a local show on WBAP which feeds to  syndicate in his second hour.
Thanks, been looking for that guy.  Heard him a few times on AM here in Missouri, but then could no longer find the station.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: griz on April 06, 2006, 07:18:14 PM
I like a local guy named Tony Macrini on WNIS.  He leans strongly libertarian and believes the constitution means what it says.  He frequently has politicians on and (politely) asks them critical questions.  I liked Hamblin when he was on for many of the same reasons, no train wrecks, no yelling over people.  Boortz sometimes, but I turn him off when he is intentionally abrasive.  I like Walter Williams, but almost never know when he is on.  Others I can take or leave, but will not listen to Rush, Savage, or O'Reilly.
Title: Talk Radio Thread
Post by: stevelyn on April 07, 2006, 03:08:25 AM
I like Rick Rydell a local guy on KENI out of Anchorage. His show is also simulcast in Fairbanks.

For national shows I like Lars Larsen. I also liked Ken Hamblin. Although it's not necessarily a political talk show, I listen to Coast to Coast AM regularly. Both Art Bell and George Noory summarize the more interesting stories of the day's news and offer commentary and invite discussion when appropriate.

Rush, Savage, Hanity, O'Rielly et al are a bunch of abrasive blowhards long on insults and short on substance. They're nothing more than mouth pieces for the RNC and christo-fascists.

Boortz I know nothing about.