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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: HankB on May 16, 2011, 12:04:46 PM

Title: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: HankB on May 16, 2011, 12:04:46 PM

Synopsys: Gingrich blasted the Ryan budget plan when he was on Meet the Press this past Sunday. Newt didn't just say he disagreed with it, he referred to parts of it as "right wing social engineering" and implied it was "radical change from the right" and that it was not a "good way for a free society to operate."

It turns out he actually contradicted himself from a month ago, when he was full of praise for Ryan and his proposal.

With what looks like a major flip-flop, one wonders whether Gingrich has caught Potomac Fever so bad he's letting focus groups steer him . . .
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: TommyGunn on May 16, 2011, 12:10:56 PM
He apparantly is also now in favor of mandating individuals buy insurance --- "Obamacare."

Stick a fork in him.  He's done.  
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: Tallpine on May 16, 2011, 12:27:11 PM
Newt McRomney  ???
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on May 16, 2011, 12:31:52 PM
Newt is establishment.

Romney is establishment.

Establishment has made plans to accept the inevitability of Obamacare, and have already invested in sales/marketing/bureaucratic infrastructure to comply with it.  A change away from Obamacare will cost that same establishment, billions of dollars.

Newt and Romney are protecting their GOP establishment interests.

Too bad the GOP establishment interests aren't interested in protecting the investment in America over the last 200 years that we ALL have made.  Or investing in the hard decisions and work to generat real, perpetual opportunities for success and leadership.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: brimic on May 16, 2011, 12:43:49 PM
Between newt, trump, romney, and rupaul, the candidate field for the repubs looks like a circus train wreck.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: longeyes on May 16, 2011, 03:35:00 PM
The best way for a free society to operate, if I understand Newt, is to cede that freedom to a centralized State that knows better.  When individual responsibility and initiative become "rightwing social engineering" and are confused with autocracy we know we have truly gone through The Looking Glass.  Newt is toast.  Old toast.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: SteveT on May 16, 2011, 03:42:10 PM
Why can't any of these guys look good for more than a heartbeat?
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: AJ Dual on May 16, 2011, 03:57:53 PM
Honestly, I'm glad so many of the fatally flawed non-starters are flaming out so early.

Huckabee bowing out before even beginning.

Trump deciding he's done with the publicity stunt mercifully early.

Newt saying stuff that's deep-sixing himself right out of the gate.

Now all that's left is for Romney to go down over his own Romney-care... and unless a new batch of weirdos/RINO's move in, I can feel a bit better about who is left.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: Boomhauer on May 16, 2011, 06:19:43 PM
Why can't any of these guys look good for more than a heartbeat?

Because they are a bunch of pathetic little *expletive deleted*ing political weasles who are far too pleased with selling America down the river to think about the good of the country.

And Ron Paul is completely unsuitable after his "I wouldn't have ordered the Bin Laden raid1" comment

Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on May 16, 2011, 06:22:12 PM
Damn. He's suicidal (

I'm lost, here. Is he just running to make Romney look good by comparison? Did he join the GOP primary by mistake, and actually mean to join the Democrat primary?
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: SteveT on May 16, 2011, 06:39:16 PM
Damn. He's suicidal (

I'm lost, here. Is he just running to make Romney look good by comparison? Did he join the GOP primary by mistake, and actually mean to join the Democrat primary?

He's always been like that.   He's completely non-interventionist in foreign policy.  Pakistan's a sovereign country, so for RP that's hands off.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: seeker_two on May 16, 2011, 08:20:19 PM
Is anyone really surprised?.....Gingrich has been in DC for too long, and has caught the big-gov't=more-power-for-me syndrome....

Seems the only one that hasn't screwed up yet in the primaries is Herman Cain....and I expect the GOP-inos to take him out before Christmas....
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: MicroBalrog on May 16, 2011, 08:32:20 PM

He's always been like that.   He's completely non-interventionist in foreign policy.  Pakistan's a sovereign country, so for RP that's hands off.

The post you're quoting is about Newt.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: makattak on May 16, 2011, 10:26:50 PM
I heard Gingrich for a few minutes on Hannity on the drive home.

After reading the exchange and hearing his explanation, I believe him.

He says he was answering a hypothetical, whether the Republicans should push through any major change against public opinion. His point was that time should be taken to get the public on board before pushing the change.

I can see that is what he wanted to say.

Unfortunately, this was a mistake. First, he should not have simply accepted the interviewers premise. That was stupid. Secondly, he answered in such a way that even conservatives thought he was attacking the Ryan plan. That means he has HORRIBLE messaging.

Even if I weren't already uncomfortable with Mr. Gingrich, this would sink him. (This is, of course, ignoring his couch time with Nancy Pelosi and the Scozzafava incident.)
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: longeyes on May 17, 2011, 01:03:44 AM
It's hard to believe that a man who's been around in the political culture as long as Gingrich doesn't have an understanding of what this war we're engaged in all about and who the enemies are.  If he's that naive as to get coldcocked by media people with barely hidden stilettos he's too damn naive to lead this nation in a make-or-break time for this Republic.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: seeker_two on May 17, 2011, 06:06:45 AM
If he's that naive as to get coldcocked by media people with barely hidden stilettos he's too damn naive to lead this nation in a make-or-break time for this Republic.

Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: makattak on May 17, 2011, 03:56:27 PM
Newt had a conference call today with a bunch of reporters.

I actually feel bad for the guy. I don't think he was out to attack Ryan's plan. He is just terrible at messaging.

He could have easily gotten the point across instead of calling it "right-wing social engineering" when asked about pushing it against the will of the public by saying:

"I love the Ryan plan. It's definitely the best we have out there. But, as a critique, I would think that a voluntary program to allow people to choose to take the subsidy and purchase their own insurance or stick with Medicare as it is would eventually lead to everyone taking the subsidy and would have the added benefit of allowing people to compare the results without worrying they would be losing something forever."

If he had said that, he'd have looked both intelligent and savvy. Especially since this was his main point.

Instead, he likely sunk his candidacy already. Sorry, Newt.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: MicroBalrog on May 17, 2011, 04:10:14 PM
Or, possibly, Newt just was a bad candidate to begin with.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: makattak on May 17, 2011, 04:14:40 PM
Or, possibly, Newt just was a bad candidate to begin with.

He is and was. He would have never gotten my vote.

I still feel bad for him to have made such an unforced error.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: longeyes on May 17, 2011, 07:42:51 PM
Better he should have revealed himself early and not wasted our time.  This election is way too critical to replay losing scripts.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: Perd Hapley on May 17, 2011, 07:50:45 PM
If he's that naive as to get coldcocked by media people with barely hidden stilettos he's too damn naive to lead this nation in a make-or-break time for this Republic.

I enjoy your mixed metaphor.  =)
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: longeyes on May 17, 2011, 10:32:35 PM
Not mixed, two-pronged.  You can coldcock someone while having a stiletto as your back-up weapon. =D
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: Hobie on May 18, 2011, 12:47:30 PM
The missus had a lengthy interaction with Mr. Speaker at the NRA Convention/Annual Meeting and we kinda like him.  As an historian, as a speaker, as a person, not so much as a presidential candidate.  This is one reason.  He IS now an establishment guy.  I'm much more in tune with Herman Cain.  I had a chance to speak with him, albeit too briefly and shake his hand and I think pretty highly of him.  Seems like a good guy with proven competence.  However, I am absolutely NOT voting for a stalking horse or Obama.  I can't imagine who the Republicans nominate that I would not vote for.  It is absolutely essential that Obama go home to Chicago. 
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: HankB on May 18, 2011, 01:08:24 PM
. . .  I can't imagine who the Republicans nominate that I would not vote for.  It is absolutely essential that Obama go home to Chicago. 
An unfortunate and unpalatable truth - the GOP establishment figures "Who the heck ELSE are you going to vote for if we nominate a RINO?" And the answer is . . . nobody.  =(

Which is why it's essential that we elect as many real conservatives as possible to Congress.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: MechAg94 on May 18, 2011, 02:21:47 PM
An unfortunate and unpalatable truth - the GOP establishment figures "Who the heck ELSE are you going to vote for if we nominate a RINO?" And the answer is . . . nobody.  =(

Which is why it's essential that we elect as many real conservatives as possible to Congress.
My only response to this would be to make that choice carefully.  If there is one change in the last couple years it is that a l see a lot more taking "ZERO Tolerance" attitude toward candidates (may be just the circles I run in).  While I agree that it is important to put pressure on candidates, I think we have to be careful and not dismiss good candidates over what might end up being trivial issues.  The media is doing it's best to trash Republican candidates.  We should also not let their attacks drive our decision.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: longeyes on May 18, 2011, 02:27:03 PM
An unfortunate and unpalatable truth - the GOP establishment figures "Who the heck ELSE are you going to vote for if we nominate a RINO?" And the answer is . . . nobody.  =(

Which is why it's essential that we elect as many real conservatives as possible to Congress.


The way out is not going to be through the White House, but through Congress, if we seat enough conservatives, and through the rise of state power and conservative governors.  If we take back Penn. Ave., great, but we absolutely must control Congress and as many state legislatures as possible.
Title: Re: So much for Gingrich . . .
Post by: Hobie on May 18, 2011, 05:29:02 PM
Don't misunderstand, we need some real change BUT if it goes in the toilet and all we have is Newt Gingrich or Tim Pawlenty then here we go and I'll fight them on big government be it for health care or "global warming".  With Obama we haven't a chance of changing his mind.