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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: RadioFreeSeaLab on April 09, 2006, 05:35:29 PM

Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on April 09, 2006, 05:35:29 PM

From Spam Daily News

EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Posted on April 07, 2006

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Wednesday filed the legal briefs and evidence supporting its motion for a preliminary injunction in its class-action lawsuit against AT&T.

After asking EFF to hold back the documents so that it could review them, the Department of Justice consented to EFF's filing them under seal -- a well-established procedure that prohibits public access and permits only the judge and the litigants to see the evidence.

While not a party to the case, the government was concerned that even this procedure would not provide sufficient security and has represented to the Court that it is "presently considering whether and, if so, how it will participate in this case."

"The evidence that we are filing supports our claim that AT&T is diverting Internet traffic into the hands of the NSA wholesale, in violation of federal wiretapping laws and the Fourth Amendment," said EFF Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston.

"More than just threatening individuals' privacy, AT&T's apparent choice to give the government secret, direct access to millions of ordinary Americans' Internet communications is a threat to the Constitution itself. We are asking the Court to put a stop to it now," said Bankston.

EFF's evidence regarding AT&T's dragnet surveillance of its networks includes a declaration by Mark Klein, a retired AT&T telecommunications technician, and several internal AT&T documents. This evidence was bolstered and explained by the expert opinion of J. Scott Marcus, who served as Senior Technical Advisor for Internet Technology to the Federal Communications Commission from July 2001 until July 2005.

The internal AT&T documents and portions of the supporting declarations have been submitted to the Court under a tentative seal, a procedure that allows AT&T five court days to explain to the Court why the information should be kept from the public.

"The public deserves to know about AT&T's illegal program," said EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn. "In an abundance of caution, we are providing AT&T with an opportunity to explain itself before this material goes on the public docket, but we believe that justice will ultimately require full disclosure."

Headquarters for the National Security Agency at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, approximately ten miles northeast of Washington, DC. Despite having been described as the world's largest single employer of Ph.D. mathematicians, the owner of the single largest group of supercomputers, the second largest electricity consumer in the entire state of Maryland. the owner of a chip fabrication plant with production of dedicated semiconductors, and having a budget ($7.5 billion) much larger than that of the CIA, it has had a remarkably low profile until recent years. For a long time its existence was not even acknowledged by the US government. It was often said, half-jokingly, that "NSA" stood for "No Such Agency" or "Never Say Anything" (source:
The NSA program came to light in December, when the New York Times reported that the President had authorized the agency to intercept telephone and Internet communications inside the United States without the authorization of any court.

"Mark Klein is a true American hero," said EFF Staff Attorney Kurt Opsahl. "He has bravely come forward with information critical for proving AT&T's involvement with the government's invasive surveillance program."

In the lawsuit, EFF is representing the class of all AT&T residential customers nationwide. Working with EFF in the lawsuit are the law firms Traber & Voorhees, Lerach Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins LLP and the Law Office of Richard R. Wiebe.

Whistleblower outs NSA's secret spy room at AT&T
AT&T sued over NSA eavesdropping

SOURCE: The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Headquarters for the National Security Agency at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, approximately ten miles northeast of Washington, DC. Despite having been described as the world's largest single employer of Ph.D. mathematicians, the owner of the single largest group of supercomputers, the second largest electricity consumer in the entire state of Maryland. the owner of a chip fabrication plant with production of dedicated semiconductors, and having a budget ($7.5 billion) much larger than that of the CIA, it has had a remarkably low profile until recent years. For a long time its existence was not even acknowledged by the US government. It was often said, half-jokingly, that "NSA" stood for "No Such Agency" or "Never Say Anything" (source:
Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: RevDisk on April 09, 2006, 06:25:26 PM
Is anyone even remotely surprised?   Yes, I'm sure such information is only to be used for catching terrorists.   And drug dealers.  And executing folks that use online casinos.  

Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on April 09, 2006, 06:28:33 PM
It's enough to make me want to sell everything, and drop off the grid completely.
Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on April 09, 2006, 09:25:07 PM
This kinda crap has been going on for at least a decade.  It's good to know people are finally starting to wake up and take notice.
Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: K Frame on April 10, 2006, 03:02:37 AM
The mime sings at midnight.

The red shoe is under the bridge.

There is sauerkraut in my leiderhosen.

Let those SOBs try to figure that out.
Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: cordex on April 10, 2006, 05:15:10 AM
Wash your leiderhosen, Mike.
Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: cordex on April 10, 2006, 10:26:34 AM
Closest thing was my ISP's head admin calling my mom when I was 15 over this jackass who mysteriously got DDoSed (it was a dialup ISP and said clueless admin was positive I had killed said jackass' cable line with my 1.5k/s upstream),
What does the first D in DDoS mean?

DDoS by definition doesn't all come from one source.  If you were screwing around with "stupid things" (as in downloaded scripts and hacking software) it is entirely possible your account was involved in a Distributed Denial of Service attack.  You may simply have been cluelessly unaware of it.  Wink

Chances are the NSA aren't looking for script kiddies. anyhow.

Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: SpookyPistolero on April 10, 2006, 10:31:01 AM
"When people hear the term 'big brother,' they immediately think it's bad. I don't. I love my big brother."
Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: charby on April 10, 2006, 10:35:15 AM
...and NWA has a come back tour and releases a new song.

"F*** the NSA"
Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: cordex on April 11, 2006, 07:25:08 AM
It means that I most certainly wasn't using my dialup connection to packet the jackass on cable.
Not really.  The D stands for "Distributed".  In other words, spread out over multiple systems.
You are correct in that your dial-up account itself was probably not going to single-handedly overwhelm a cable modem with a typical DoS attack (there are other techniques for that, such as sending malformed packets to vulnerable hosts and so forth), however a true DDoS attack could involve and/or be initiated by a dialup connection.

I don't know that your connection was part of that particular attack, but it is possible that it was and it may have been used without your consent or knowledge.

I messed around in areas I shouldn't have when I was younger too.  Now I do computer security stuff as part of my job.
Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: roo_ster on April 11, 2006, 10:06:52 AM
Script Kiddies

cordex & Blackburn:
When y'all reference script kiddies, are you referring to csh, bash, & other *ix scripting languages, or that crippled DOS thing they call .bat files?

I swear, when I had to write a  DOS .bat, I felt like a linguist trying to convey the idea of algebra using a language that had only "one," "two," and "more than two" as numbers.

Thank you GNU for cygwin.  Thier motto ought to be, "Making Windows Tolerable, 24/7/52."
Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: tyme on April 11, 2006, 11:08:01 AM
Thank you GNU for cygwin.  Thier motto ought to be, "Making Windows Tolerable, 24/7/52."
I find windows tolerable when someone else runs it.

Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: mtnbkr on April 11, 2006, 01:23:25 PM
Solaris would tell you your willy isn't big enough.

MacOS would tell you a vagina is better.

Slashdotters would say cinderblocks and vaginas are all you need.

My Windows box never offered to hold my willy.  I must be doing something wrong.

Title: EFF: AT&T forwards all Internet traffic into NSA
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on April 11, 2006, 01:26:35 PM
Wait, Solaris said that?
Sorry, dude, if Solaris said that, I'm inclined to believe it Smiley