Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: K Frame on April 09, 2006, 08:11:01 PM

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 09, 2006, 08:11:01 PM
I'm in Pennsylvania at the parent's place taking a week of vacation.

My task this week is to clean out the basement, sort out what's good, and toss what's not into the dumpster they're having delivered tomorrow.

Yep, the basement is so chock full of *expletive deleted*it that we need a dumpster.

Btween my parents, who have lived in the house since 1999, and my grandparents (particularly my grandfather), who lived in the house from 1943 to 1996, the basement is amazingly jam packed full of just complete and total crap. It's not a small basement, either. It's a 1903 Victorian with a full basement.

In a flash of desperation this morning, I went to the hardware store, picked up a pully, an eye hook, and a skein of rope, and rigged it so that I could at least hoist stuff out. The steps are about 1/2" and almost straight up.

Oh, the best thing?

The boiler backfired a couple of years ago, and everything is covered in oily soot...

But, in the midst of all of this, I've come across some real treasures... A brass gasoline blowtorch (decoration, unfortunately). Last year I found my grandfather's circa 1930 Eveready flashlight, which still works, and works well. It's in my car.

Then there were all of his lab reports from his mechanical engineering classes at Penn State in the middle 1930s.

Ok, enough bitching...

Now I'm just going to curl up and sob for awhile.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 09, 2006, 09:16:24 PM
First the obvious:  Don't you have minions to do this work, oh Incomparable Caeser?  Please allow me to to do this for you - I mean for the glory of the people.

Secondly, please tell us of any more cool stuff you find, and please include pictures.

Thirdly, (terciarily?), offer us your cool goodies before you go to e-bay.  Not that I'm buyin'.  I am way too broke.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 10, 2006, 12:25:03 AM
Doesn't sound like much of a vaca...

Hire an auctioneer to clear the place out? They'll sort out the good stuff and throw the rest out for you. Or,,,some people will buy the whole mess outright and take it with them to sort out. Don't feel bad. My dad's house was chock full, his attic was chock full, his basement was chock full and his two car garage was chock full. Besides all the good stuff I think we hauled at LEAST theree dumpster loads out of there. Hard to remember.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: gunsmith on April 10, 2006, 01:09:29 AM
good luck!
have you looked up on eby what the flashlight is worth?
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 10, 2006, 02:59:30 AM
While I'm a ceasar in Virginia, I'm simply another of the herd in Pennsylvania. Inconvenient state borders...

Some stuff already has gone up on Ebay. Most of it, though, is absolute crap. Stuff that my Grandfather, a child of the Depression, never threw out. That and the fact that he was one of those people who could use the most amazing collection of assorted crap to fix anything.

Anyone need about 5,000 pieces of assorted gauge wire, none of it more than 6" in length? I've got you covered...
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 10, 2006, 03:07:07 AM
Quote from: Mike Irwin
While I'm a ceasar in Virginia, I'm simply another of the herd in Pennsylvania. Inconvenient state borders...
We look forward to the day when your glorious leadership erases all things which divide us.

Anyone need about 5,000 pieces of assorted gauge wire, none of it more than 6" in length? I've got you covered...
I will start the bidding at 2 dollars.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 10, 2006, 03:32:39 AM
Wait! Let me check!!

Nope sorry, don't need any...

Beware fistful, you could find yourself owing Mike $2 and owning 5000 pieces of assorted gauge wire etc...

Matter of fact, I'd say we have a sale!

Wrap it up and tell him how much for shipping and handling Mike...

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 10, 2006, 03:34:03 AM
We look forward to the day when your glorious leadership erases all things which divide us.
Now that's some mighty fine ass kissing right there...

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: grampster on April 10, 2006, 04:43:43 AM
Start in one corner and turn on the little voice in your head that everyone always tries to ignore and starting picking stuff up and walking outside.  Before you know it you'll be finished.
Then next week you can start being obsesive regarding the fact that you threw something away that was immensely valuable, but you still don't know what it was.

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: mtnbkr on April 10, 2006, 04:57:25 AM
A brass gasoline blowtorch (decoration, unfortunately).
An expensive decoration based on the prices I've seen at "antique" stores in the region.  If you don't keep it, I'll take it.  If you do keep it, polish it up real nice, put a coat of laquer on it and enjoy it as a bit of history in your house.

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Jamisjockey on April 10, 2006, 05:30:39 AM
Do you own an MP3 player?
I've found that mine makes the mundane BS tasks fly by.

If I ever have to clean out my Dad's stuff it won't be that bad.  The only thing I want is the telegraphs of my Grandfather becoming a POW and when he was released (neatly framed with his Army picture).
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: charby on April 10, 2006, 05:55:21 AM
I'm fortunate that my parents have moved to different towns every 2-3 years or less. Pretty much everything they own fits in a U Haul.

I remember cleaning out my Grandfather's house with my Dad after he passed away, I can feel your pain Mike.

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 10, 2006, 08:30:21 AM
Quote from: 280plus
Beware fistful, you could find yourself owing Mike $2 and owning 5000 pieces of assorted gauge wire etc...
You fool!  I will have 5000 ready-made souvenirs of our Revered Chairman!  Of course, proceeds will go to our comrades still struggling under the yoke of capitalism.  I will see that it is correctly distributed.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 10, 2006, 09:40:41 AM
Great! Keep up the good work!! rolleyes

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 10, 2006, 09:57:47 AM
"An expensive decoration based on the prices I've seen at "antique" stores in the region.  If you don't keep it, I'll take it.  If you do keep it, polish it up real nice, put a coat of laquer on it and enjoy it as a bit of history in your house."

Sorry, dude, it's on the bookcase in the living room. Along with a similar torch from the 1950s that I found in the shed.

Unfortunately the brass one looks as if it got water in it and froze, as it has a series of vertical cracks the whole way around it.

The other treasure that I just found is a bunch of millwork for the house...

All clear American chestnut.

There's also a BUNCH of board feet of clear American chestnut planking, probably 8-10" wide and an inch thick, and about 6 feet long.

No, you can't have that, either. Smiley

In fact, my Father won't let me have it!

You'd probably plotz at the saws that are in the shed that came off of my Great Grandfather's farm...
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: charby on April 10, 2006, 10:33:46 AM
Quote from: Mike Irwin
Unfortunately the brass one looks as if it got water in it and froze, as it has a series of vertical cracks the whole way around it.
Probably got stored under pressure (last person to use it didn't relieve the pressure) and the brass stretched out in warm weather. Think of gas can you leave out in the sun.

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Strings on April 10, 2006, 05:36:06 PM
Had to do similar with the home of an ex girlfriend's uncle, when we went to insulate the attic. The man was a farmer, and threw almost NOTHING away: we were finding empty check boxes from the 50s. Unfortunately, we broke up before she got serious about cleaning the house out: the man had an extensive collection of Lionel trains in the basement, and the ex was the only next of kin. She threw almost everything out...
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Antibubba on April 10, 2006, 05:58:05 PM
Between my parents, who have lived in the house since 1999, and my grandparents (particularly my grandfather), who lived in the house from 1943 to 1996, the basement is amazingly jam packed full of just complete and total crap. It's not a small basement, either. It's a 1903 Victorian with a full basement.
On the bright side, look at all the money you'll save not buyng that Stairmaster you had your eye on!  Cheesy
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 10, 2006, 08:02:23 PM
On the down side, I think I brought 5 pounds of dust and soot out in my lungs...
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Guest on April 11, 2006, 03:43:30 AM
It is the stuff of legend in my wife's family that one dearly departed packrat left behind a similarly crowded establishment, including a large paper bag full of bits of string, clearly labeled STRING TOO SHORT TO SAVE.

Living through the Great Depression could do that to a person...

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: publius on April 11, 2006, 03:57:18 AM
I guess this is the thread to admit that I have a box labeled "Parts is Parts"

It contains....ummm.... parts.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: mtnbkr on April 11, 2006, 04:53:07 AM
Living through the Great Depression could do that to a person...
Yup.  My mom's mom has the same "problem".  Even though she lives alone and doesn't eat much, she has a deep freezer packed full of food and a pantry that's nearly full as well.  This is in addition to her regular fridge and the food in the cabinets.  She also keeps any plastic container that can be used to store food (butter dishes, etc).

Every 5-10 years, we go through all this and get rid of the excess butter and CoolWhip containers, toss the freezer burned food, etc.  One year, we were tossing frozen food that was close to 10 years old.

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Big_R on April 11, 2006, 05:04:12 AM
Been there, did the same thing when my grandmother moved into town.  Mountains of crap, but a few treasures, including two wooden ammo crates (both Winchester).

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 11, 2006, 06:38:28 AM
You know, it's funny, but my Grandparents never did the "pack the house with food just in case" routine. I never thought of that until now.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: mtnbkr on April 11, 2006, 06:45:24 AM
I forgot to mention, her house doesn't look like a packrat's house.  It's neat and clean.  She does a good job keeping things organized, but she does keep more food than a single person could eat before it goes bad.  

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: doczinn on April 11, 2006, 07:06:43 AM
Living through the Great Depression could do that to a person...
When my grandmother died, we found boxes and boxes (some twenty in all) of wire hangers in her attic.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 11, 2006, 09:07:52 AM
Anyone need the troubleshooting manual to the 1931 lineup of Buick automocarriages?

I just found a partial one in the basement.

Unfortunately, it's pretty brittle. Damned fine illustrations, though.

Then there's the box of aluminum L-channel... No piece more than 4" long, and probably 100 pieces.

My Grandfather was a pain in the ass.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: doczinn on April 11, 2006, 09:17:37 AM
Anyone need the troubleshooting manual to the 1931 lineup of Buick automocarriages?
I bet someone on Ebay does....
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 11, 2006, 12:21:27 PM
"I bet someone on Ebay does...."

My mother is probably going to cut it up for the illustrations. Some of them are in really good shape.

Unfortunately, the back of the book, which shows Buick 6-cylinder engine of the time, is in really bad shape.

And I made a mistake. It's from 1921, not 1931.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 11, 2006, 01:33:38 PM
My father's mother in law bought canned veggies by the case whenever they went on special. We threw away countless old cases of bulging corroded canned veggies. My one good find from that episode was a "campfire" book of 1891 published by the "New York Commandery" commemorating the 25th anniversary of the end of the Civil War. A compilation of numerous wartime stories. Quite a read. It has the only account I've ever seen of the "Mortar Flotilla" where they lashed those big chowder pot mortars to the deck up on the bows of schooners and sent them up the Mississippi to bombard forts. I've mentioned this to several big experts on the war and none had ever heard of this before.

(We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread...)

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 11, 2006, 01:43:47 PM
Research that auto book on EBAY before you cut it up Mike. Some of that stuff WILL bring good money even if it's a little tattered. I used to do pretty good selling old car manual type stuff and old knitting magazines with all the patterns in them. I'd buy boxes of them for nothing at auctions and sell them for $2-$3 a book. I'd sell them in lots of 5 usually. They were pretty hot. I liked the paper stuff becasue it was pretty hard to break during shipment. After a couple of breakage fiascos I now steer far away from anything fragile.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 11, 2006, 01:50:37 PM
Separate all your metals and off to the scrap yard to cash in. I'll bet you can get $ for all that copper wire you mentioned. Copper is hot now too! All metals are. Don't throw any containers or closed buckets away. Open them all and look inside first. Sometimes people stash coinage in them and stuff them in a corner somewhere. I had a friend who tossed an unknown number of 5 gallon buckets until he discovered they were full of coins. He has no idea how much money he threw away.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 11, 2006, 03:34:21 PM
I simply don't have time to sort through all of the odd wire pieces and all. I'm not kidding. If I tried to sort everything by metal (iron, aluminum, etc.) it would take me far longer than the week I've got. I'm not kidding, there is that much stuff in the basement.

I did find another something interesting, though.

I'm pretty sure it's a starter motor to a 1948 Pontiac.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 11, 2006, 03:35:56 PM
As for the Buick book, my mother sells rare and antique books and paper. She knows what the stuff is worth.

The room I'm sitting in as I type this is her office.

My feet are resting beside a pile of about a half dozen books that are worth, combined, probably about $3,300.

Trust me, she knows what she's doing.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 11, 2006, 04:53:52 PM
Okie dokie! That makes her a rare one!

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Guest on April 12, 2006, 07:50:32 PM
Am I the only one thinking of George Carlin's "Stuff" ?

good luck.

I have tin of Winchester Gun oil I snagged with permission from Ex-Grandmother-in-law's basement. Seems the Rich Grandpa - deceased, never got around to cleaning up the basement before he died. "Too busy making the $8 million + he left me". -Tightwad GM-in-law.  Word is the Lawyer book cases, with etched glass fronts, and made with hand fitted joints...fetched $10K.  Been sitting down there collecting dust for who knows how long...

I could not get "over" to some places to look around.

I went down there to get $90K in cash from a barrel. GM-in-law flew the fella in to pay him cash for her grandson's college tuiton. Same barrel " I called the Mercedes Place and told them to bring me a car and I would pay for it when it was delivered. She made the guy drive back with cash change. "Checks are such a hassle, and I just hate plastic anything period".


Divorced that one for good reason. Heard often from all the family was "when is the bitty gonna croak so we can get at the money and the goodies?".

If was such a 'favorite' even after the divorce - nevermind, she never spelled my name right anyway...

I would have settled for the Model 12 in 28 ga I was allowed to handle, and wipe down on visits....didn't happen.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 12, 2006, 08:10:33 PM
Quote from: sm
Am I the only one thinking of George Carlin's "Stuff" ?
I try not to think about him.

We had to clean out my great-uncle John's bachelor pad.  He had notebooks going back for decades, recording every dime he'd spent, and what he'd done that day, how his garden was doing, etc.  I got his 1910 edition Julius Caeser (Shakespeare), with his notes from when he'd studied it in school.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Iain on April 13, 2006, 01:32:53 AM
Apparently when my grandmother died they found tins and tins of baked goods. She never stopped making the quantities necessary to feed her family of seven.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 13, 2006, 02:45:59 AM
Oh,,,screw the iron just make piles of brass, copper and aluminum as you go along. Got any five gallon buckets? Then at the end of your "vacation" make a run to the nearest scrap yard. I used to scrap out a lot of places in my younger days, it's hard to get it out of your system. I got a bucket or so of scrap copper laying around here right now. It might be time to go turn it in.

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 13, 2006, 02:50:11 AM
Yea Iain, my granny is 97, she says, "I don't want you to be disappointed but I didn't make so many cookies this year for Christmas." She had to have made 30 dozen easy. All different kinds. She's like a machine. Apparently she left out a couple varieties. I couldn't tell, she was all worried and apologetic about it. rolleyes

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Parker Dean on April 13, 2006, 07:59:13 AM
Some years ago when my Grandfather died it became apparent the my grandmother would be unable to live there on her own as the work required in just mowing the property was outrageous, let alone it's isolated location not being a good thing for an elderly person.

So when it came to moving her, my father pretty much left everything behind other than a suitcase a some personal items. That meant there was 40+ years of crap in the basement, garage, two outbuildings, and a barn, all packed to the gills. He despaired of the task, particularly knowing that 99.999% would be broken junk, so he sold the property lock, stock, and barrel, and let the new owner, a contractor, do his own treasure hunting.

Don't you wish you'd done the same thing? Cheesy  

Of course my father still gets grief from relatives who weren't there, and hadn't been there for years (snakes, ya know. In the living room.) swearing up and down there had to be valuable stuff in all that mess. Yeah, whatever.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 13, 2006, 12:04:00 PM
Yea, you really find out who the family vultures are when it's time to clean up after the deceased. What I like are the ones who don't want to do any of the work but want a piece of the pie anyways. I call it the "Little Red Hen Syndrome".
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: charby on April 13, 2006, 12:43:07 PM
Quote from: 280plus
Yea, you really find out who the family vultures are when it's time to clean up after the deceased. What I like are the ones who don't want to do any of the work but want a piece of the pie anyways. I call it the "Little Red Hen Syndrome".
I wish you could just shoot those blood suckers, I watched the mother of an ex g/f sell off the family farm that she and her siblings owned colletively because the eldest wanted cash, this was like 10 years after the estate was settled. I guess the income from renting each year wasn't enough for her.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 13, 2006, 04:32:08 PM
"I want the mother of an ex g/f sell off the family farm that she and her siblings owned colletively because the eldest wanted cash, this was like 10 years after the estate was settled."

Sounds like my Aunt and the house whose basement I'm cleaning out right now.

Her worthless spawn cleaned out some of the best of my Grandparent's stuff, vultures that they are.

The ONLY thing that I wanted was a reading chair covered in red velvet. It's been my favorite chair since I was old enough to sit on my own. My Aunt knew that; my Grandmother made sure everyone knew I wanted that chair.

I came by to help get the stuff that my cousins had left ready for auction. Luckily I walked in just as my Aunt was telling the auctioneer that the chair was part of what was to be auctioned.

When I objected, my Aunt started to say something about Grandma needing the money for the home she was in, and before my parents could do anything (they walked in behind me) I went apeshit in an extremely UNpolite way. I made it very clear that if Grandma needed the money, her whelps should bring back all of the good furniture and other items that they had methodically stripped from the house over the preceding year or two.

I don't think my Aunt knew what hit her, but she agreed that I could have my chair.

A few days later I visited Grandma at the home. My Aunt was there. The first words out of Grandma's mouth were "Michael, did you get your chair from the house before the sale?"

Ah, sometimes the best revenge is served up by someone else... Smiley
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Sindawe on April 13, 2006, 04:50:14 PM
He has no idea how much money he threw away.
Well, if you are ever feeling cruel just recall this.  Last weekend I took my my 3/4 full 2 gallon bucket of pennies (none rare, I checked) and 1/8 full 2 gallon bucket of nickels and dimes (also checked for rare or Ag coins) to the bank for exchange.  $275 in loose change. Smiley

As a ball park estimate, I think several 5 gallon buckets full of coins would be a couple of thousand dollars.
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Strings on April 13, 2006, 05:32:10 PM
>Yea, you really find out who the family vultures are when it's time to clean up after the deceased. What I like are the ones who don't want to do any of the work but want a piece of the pie anyways. I call it the "Little Red Hen Syndrome".<

I could speak volumes on this...

 mom died in '03. Dad expatted to Thailand the following year. When we were cleaning out the house, LOTS of people came by to help: friends from over a half-hour away, my mother in law (same drive), even one frined from 6+ hours. My brother (who lived a 10 mintue WALK away) couldn't be bothered: he asked me if I would bring by "anything I didn't want from the house"... :banghead:

 I'm with SM's idea: I fired most of my family. Haven't seen all but one since mom's funeral, and have been MUCH happier for it!
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 13, 2006, 11:26:47 PM
I've got a step brother who hasn't spoken to me since 1998 because in his cocaine riddled mind he figured my father had scrounged something on the order of $500,000 from his side of the family in leftovers after his mother (my father's second wife) died. Never mind she was bedridden for a year and a half before she died. I was my father's Administrator. I showed brother her social security report where she showed no income for 2 years prior to her death. I said, "THIS is where all the money went." He couldn't put 2 and 2 together. Last time I saw him was a few years back at the funeral of a mutual friend. He walked right by me and didn't say a word. His brother, prior to my father's death, had THREATENED my father over the stuff in the house, to which my father told him to come anytime and take what he wanted. My father slept with a loaded Colt Woodsman under his pillow after that. They came and got nothing for four years before my father died. I got to sort it all out. There were brothers that did not show up to help. They did not get a cut of the auction money. That's all OK. A certain previously mentioned Leica camera ith all the trimmings? It was their grandfather's. Every dog has his day. Wink
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Strings on April 14, 2006, 04:16:23 AM
hmmm... is it just normal for shooters to have twits for family, or something?
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: mtnbkr on April 14, 2006, 06:39:15 AM
Quote from: Hunter Rose
hmmm... is it just normal for shooters to have twits for family, or something?
Dunno.  My family's pretty normal...or does that mean "I" am the twit?

Title: God give me strength...
Post by: K Frame on April 14, 2006, 06:41:08 AM
"My family's pretty normal...or does that mean "I" am the twit?"

I've met your parents and your brother...

Can I field that one? Please? Cheesy
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 14, 2006, 10:49:08 AM
No, there's just twits everywhere. Honest to God, I've never seen the claws come out more  viciously than when it's over someone and what they perceive as "their" cut of the pie. I could bore you with several more stories but I won't.

IIRC it was a 1936 Colt Woodsman. Cheesy
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: Strings on April 14, 2006, 10:50:25 AM
mtnbkr: I think Mike needs a couple more rounds with your daughter... :evil:
Title: God give me strength...
Post by: 280plus on April 14, 2006, 11:08:22 AM
Have you considered some Tae Kwon Do or something for her? Maybe a little weight set. Teach her how to knuckle...

