Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: AZRedhawk44 on June 13, 2011, 01:20:07 PM

Title: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on June 13, 2011, 01:20:07 PM

The comments are... glorious. :lol:

Who in their right mind, when making $14/hr as a part time employee, thinks they are being underpaid?

I half-expect that some research of this artard and his previous associations would reveal some interesting associations.

I was driving around yesterday and passed the perfect libtard-mobile on the road.  Toyota Prius, with all sorts of stickers on its *expletive deleted*ss.  Ben & Jerry's, Obama, "Coexist", peace signs, and a big fat Apple logo.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Ned Hamford on June 13, 2011, 01:59:38 PM
Lot of fun comments.

"a thirty year old working part time as a retail clerk in the same store for four years. That's all I needed to read."
"Rich 2 hours ago: I work for an Apple reseller in Salt Lake City, where I am paid minimum wage (but at least get monthly bonuses). Apple (corporate) employee's at the local Apple store are only paid $9.00 per hour. I think a better point for the Douglas Lynn's and the Interesting Fellows to understand is that while us Apple people slave away selling $100's of thousands in Apple merchandise, we would have to fore-go paying rent, or groceries to buy even one share of Apple stock.

JohnnyFreedom 2 hours ago: Slave away? You work retail in an air conditioned mall and talk to people. You don't know what slaving away is. You are not entitled to all that you want just because you exist. If you want more than work smarter, and harder, and move up the ladder at Apple, or go find another job."


Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: brimic on June 13, 2011, 03:07:16 PM
couldn't happen to a better company. :laugh:
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: charby on June 13, 2011, 04:34:12 PM
couldn't happen to a better company. :laugh:

Steve Jobs appears to be a leftist twit, he should let his employees unionize.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Jim147 on June 13, 2011, 04:35:59 PM
Maybe the gov'ment will have to step in and save the employees err Apple err spend some of our tax dollars.

Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Gowen on June 13, 2011, 04:55:37 PM
Unions... unions are a waste of time and energy.  I've never been in a union, but I watched the grocery workers unions. The grocery workers unions willingly roll over and took it in the pants.  They've allowed the companies to eliminate journeymen clerks for experienced clerks with an $8hr pay cut.  The unions allowed this.  When the clerks in southern Cali went on strike some years back, it was to fight it.  They lost and the union in northern Cali rolled over and gave them the Vaseline.  I'm no fan if big business either.  You can count on big corporations to cut your pay and benefits and tell you how much a liability to the company you are, rather than an asset.  I've taken a 20% cut in pay with an increased workload, but my supervisor thinks I and my coworkers are still over paid.  The only person who will look out for you is you.  You cannot count on a corporation or a union.

 Sorry, I'll get off my soap box. =D
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Jamie B on June 13, 2011, 10:02:15 PM
You cannot count on a corporation or a union.
Correctamundo - they are both driven by greed.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: SteveT on June 14, 2011, 02:20:59 AM
Steve Jobs appears to be a leftist twit, he should let his employees unionize.

Since he and I pay more in tax dollars in one day than you've paid in your life, could you please at least do us the simple favor of cleaning the street with your tongue when we come visit you sponger?
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: RoadKingLarry on June 14, 2011, 06:52:03 AM
Since he and I pay more in tax dollars in one day than you've paid in your life, could you please at least do us the simple favor of cleaning the street with your tongue when we come visit you sponger?

 [popcorn] [popcorn] [popcorn]
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: kgbsquirrel on June 14, 2011, 07:52:53 AM

 [popcorn] [popcorn] [popcorn]

IBTL    [popcorn]
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Ron on June 14, 2011, 08:35:06 AM
Steve Jobs appears to be a leftist twit, he should let his employees unionize.

If he is going to talk the talk he should walk the walk. You know, spread the wealth around. What is the old saying? Charity begins at home? Maybe he should start spreading the wealth around in an arena he has control of instead of dictating what the rest of society should do. Lead by example.

Why wouldn't he want to let some union bureaucrat who never ran a lemonade stand help him decide what a fair wage is for his corporate cogs?
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: brimic on June 14, 2011, 10:09:48 AM
If he is going to talk the talk he should walk the walk. You know, spread the wealth around. What is the old saying? Charity begins at home? Maybe he should start spreading the wealth around in an arena he has control of instead of dictating what the rest of society should do. Lead by example.

Its so much more fashionable to try to impose unions on evil non-left-wing businesses like Walmart.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: charby on June 14, 2011, 11:14:51 AM
Since he and I pay more in tax dollars in one day than you've paid in your life, could you please at least do us the simple favor of cleaning the street with your tongue when we come visit you sponger?

So I figure at my age, 37 I have paid about $100k to the fed and state over my working career, so you pay $100k in taxes per day?
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on June 14, 2011, 11:26:52 AM
So I figure at my age, 37 I have paid about $100k to the fed and state over my working career, so you pay $100k in taxes per day?

No, he said "he and I."  Not just him. :lol:

That's like me saying "SteveT is such a sponger that he hasn't paid nearly as much in taxes as Warren Buffet and I have."


SUM(Charby's taxes) < ((Jobs(1_day_taxes)) + (SteveT(1_day_taxes)))

(SteveT(1_day_taxes)) could be equal to 0, for all we know. :laugh:

Steve Jobs' salary for the last 10 years at Apple has been $1, though.  So I doubt he pays much in taxes at all unless he sells stocks to finance his living expenses, and then he takes a capital gains hit each time.

So, depending on which day we use for comparison... if Jobs sells $5 million worth of stock once a year, which he bought for half that amount, and pays 15% on the gains... He would pay $375,000 on $2.5 million of capital profits (assuming 15% capital gains).
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: makattak on June 14, 2011, 11:34:45 AM
No, he said "he and I."  Not just him. :lol:

That's like me saying "SteveT is such a sponger that he hasn't paid nearly as much in taxes as Warren Buffet and I have."


SUM(Charby's taxes) < ((Jobs(1_day_taxes)) + (SteveT(1_day_taxes)))

(SteveT(1_day_taxes)) could be equal to 0, for all we know. :laugh:

Steve Jobs' salary for the last 10 years at Apple has been $1, though.  So I doubt he pays much in taxes at all unless he sells stocks to finance his living expenses, and then he takes a capital gains hit each time.

So, depending on which day we use for comparison... if Jobs sells $5 million worth of stock once a year, which he bought for half that amount, and pays 15% on the gains... He would pay $375,000 on $2.5 million of capital profits (assuming 15% capital gains).

He did pay nearly $300 million in one day in taxes.

I was about to type that I'm sure I'll never pay that much in taxes, but then I realized that hyperinflation may yet make that possible!

Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Jamisjockey on June 14, 2011, 12:12:48 PM
Since he and I pay more in tax dollars in one day than you've paid in your life, could you please at least do us the simple favor of cleaning the street with your tongue when we come visit you sponger?

First, you need to dial up your freaking sarcasm meter. 
Next, personal attacks will not be tolerated.  Do it again and you're out of here.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: MechAg94 on June 14, 2011, 01:07:52 PM
Unions... unions are a waste of time and energy.  I've never been in a union, but I watched the grocery workers unions. The grocery workers unions willingly roll over and took it in the pants.  They've allowed the companies to eliminate journeymen clerks for experienced clerks with an $8hr pay cut.  The unions allowed this.  When the clerks in southern Cali went on strike some years back, it was to fight it.  They lost and the union in northern Cali rolled over and gave them the Vaseline.  I'm no fan if big business either.  You can count on big corporations to cut your pay and benefits and tell you how much a liability to the company you are, rather than an asset.  I've taken a 20% cut in pay with an increased workload, but my supervisor thinks I and my coworkers are still over paid.  The only person who will look out for you is you.  You cannot count on a corporation or a union.

 Sorry, I'll get off my soap box. =D
Okay, I have to ask.  How successful can a union be when the company can plug just about anyone with half a brain into the job and be okay?  It is really tough to threaten strike with unskilled labor.  It is also difficult to justify high pay.

On the OP, I have never thought retail sales at department stores and stores like Apple were high paid or something to feed a family with.  I do see adults working at those places and always wondered just how much they actually make or if it is just part time. 

IMO, if you want to get ahead, you need to show three things or maybe even just 2 of 3:  1) good attitude, 2) good work ethic, and 3) good job skills.  We have mechanics working for us that every manager I've seen really likes.  They have the skills, but they have really good attitudes and kick butt on work.  Guys like that are valuable and not always what you get contracting stuff out.  Guys that are negative on those things are the first people gone when layoffs come around because the manager is looking for excuses to get rid of them.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Gowen on June 15, 2011, 04:22:00 PM
Okay, I have to ask.  How successful can a union be when the company can plug just about anyone with half a brain into the job and be okay?  It is really tough to threaten strike with unskilled labor.  It is also difficult to justify high pay.

On the OP, I have never thought retail sales at department stores and stores like Apple were high paid or something to feed a family with.  I do see adults working at those places and always wondered just how much they actually make or if it is just part time. 

IMO, if you want to get ahead, you need to show three things or maybe even just 2 of 3:  1) good attitude, 2) good work ethic, and 3) good job skills.  We have mechanics working for us that every manager I've seen really likes.  They have the skills, but they have really good attitudes and kick butt on work.  Guys like that are valuable and not always what you get contracting stuff out.  Guys that are negative on those things are the first people gone when layoffs come around because the manager is looking for excuses to get rid of them.

I saw your post last night and I wanted to think on it.

Some of the people I've worked with over the years worked their way through collage.  One guy I worked with became a civil engineer, who is now the project manager for the city of Sparks.  Another guy is a Detective with the Reno police.  Someone else I know is a US Customs officer.  Some of these people have been very smart lady's, who needed a job that gives them the time they need to be with their children.  Single moms, wives who need to help out the household.  Don't give me this half a brain stuff.  You have no idea who you are talking about. Until recently, I had never figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Heck, I'm one class shy of a degree.  High pay, you mean to tell me $15 hr is high pay.  You have no idea what you are talking about.  You better be careful the next time you run down your grocery checker or waitress at a restaurant they may be your RN or Lawyer when you need them or the Sheriff who pulls you over along side the road.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: makattak on June 15, 2011, 04:31:12 PM
I saw your post last night and I wanted to think on it.

Some of the people I've worked with over the years worked their way through collage.  One guy I worked with became a civil engineer, who is now the project manager for the city of Sparks.  Another guy is a Detective with the Reno police.  Someone else I know is a US Customs officer.  Some of these people have been very smart lady's, who needed a job that gives them the time they need to be with their children.  Single moms, wives who need to help out the household.  Don't give me this half a brain stuff.  You have no idea who you are talking about. Until recently, I had never figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Heck, I'm one class shy of a degree.  High pay, you mean to tell me $15 hr is high pay.  You have no idea what you are talking about.  You better be careful the next time you run down your grocery checker or waitress at a restaurant they may be your RN or Lawyer when you need them or the Sheriff who pulls you over along side the road.

Doing a job that does not require significant intelligence or skills =/= not having any intelligence or skills.

Pointing out that a job does not require significant intelligence or skills =/= claiming the people in those jobs have no value or intelligence.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: MechAg94 on June 15, 2011, 04:45:57 PM
Doing a job that does not require significant intelligence or skills =/= not having any intelligence or skills.

Pointing out that a job does not require significant intelligence or skills =/= claiming the people in those jobs have no value or intelligence.
I was going to say something like that.  I have a mechanical engineering degree, but I have worked at a pizza joint doing just about every job there and before that at a McDonalds.  They both required effort, but not all that much skill/knowledge.  They didn't pay near $14/hr either.  Most like a 1/4 of that.

The half a brain comment was where I was thinking more about grocery store clerks and such.  It is helpful and pleasant to deal with a smart clerk who knows what they are doing very well, but it doesn't require it and most companies I have seen don't pay for it.  

Beyond all that, unskilled work positions will almost always be underpaid.  If someone wants more money, they really need to look for better job skills and/or a better job.  
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on June 15, 2011, 04:58:41 PM

Beyond all that, unskilled work positions will almost always be underpaid paid appropriately for the skillset required, though the employee would almost certainly always prefer to be paid more.  If someone wants more money, they really need to look for better job skills and/or a better job.  

Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: De Selby on June 16, 2011, 02:30:46 AM
What happens when the market wage for most jobs drops below that required to sustain decent nutrition?

Do we all stand around saying "free market!"? 

The direction the economy is headed, most jobs will be unskilled.  It won't matter how hard a big pool of folks have worked, because there won't be anything on offer. 

Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: MicroBalrog on June 16, 2011, 02:35:31 AM
What happens when the market wage for most jobs drops below that required to sustain decent nutrition?

I suggest you re-read your Marx.

Okay, I have to ask.  How successful can a union be when the company can plug just about anyone with half a brain into the job and be okay?  It is really tough to threaten strike with unskilled labor.  It is also difficult to justify high pay.

Actually unions make the most sense with unskilled labor.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Ned Hamford on June 16, 2011, 08:19:28 AM
Actually unions make the most sense with unskilled labor.

Well, that really depends on the goal of your union. 
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: brimic on June 16, 2011, 08:46:23 AM
What happens when the market wage for most jobs drops below that required to sustain decent nutrition?
cannibalism rawr!
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Ned Hamford on June 16, 2011, 10:24:22 AM
cannibalism rawr!

Which will lower the supply of labor, causing wages to increase.  =D
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: makattak on June 16, 2011, 10:25:18 AM
Which will lower the supply of labor, causing wages to increase.  =D

EXCELLENT economic reasoning. Bravo!
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Tuco on June 17, 2011, 01:37:26 PM
Eat your co-workers, get a pay raise.
I like it.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: brimic on June 18, 2011, 01:14:31 AM
I'll be nomming.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 18, 2011, 01:54:03 AM
What happens when the market wage for most jobs drops below that required to sustain decent nutrition?

Do we all stand around saying "free market!"? 

Hopefully, yes - with pitchforks - until we get one.
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: seeker_two on June 18, 2011, 10:19:10 AM
Eat your co-workers, get a pay raise.
I like it.

I may try this......
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: erictank on June 18, 2011, 02:24:20 PM

I may try this......

Don't forget the fava beans.  I hear that chianti might be nice, too...
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Lanius on June 18, 2011, 04:10:29 PM
$9 per hour's not much even here. Menial labour pays $4-6 per hour, costs $6-8 per hour in Czech Republic. Considering everything in the US, save education, housing and healthcare is cheaper than here.. makes me wonder
I'll be nomming (

Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Boomhauer on June 18, 2011, 04:18:29 PM
$9 per hour's not much even here. Menial labour pays $4-6 per hour, costs $6-8 per hour in Czech Republic. Considering everything in the US, save education, housing and healthcare is cheaper than here.. makes me wonder

You can live on $9/hour, 40 hrs a week here in the US in most reasonable areas (i.e, not NYC or other cities with insane costs) Making about 18K a year before taxes. Careful budgeting and constantly seeking bargains is the won't be driving a new car, have a new TV, have new electronics, or a bunch of other fashionable consumer goods (well, you won't if you are a responsible consumer) and you'll live in an OK (but not spectacular) place.

And many a time you can pick up a second part time job to supplement your income...

Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Lanius on June 19, 2011, 09:36:08 AM
I don't get his live to work idea. My aim in life is to arrange things so I'll only need to work less than 40 hours a week to pay all the bills and save some.. preferably over the internet, so I'll be able to live in some remote mountain valley in central Slovakia.

I don't think anyone *needs* new and shiny stuff to live. Used stuff works fine, and is usually a bargain.. I mean, I got this bike..


second hand, for half the price, and it only had 1000 miles on it. That halved the price...

Fashion, to me, seems mainly as a way to profit on the weak-minded and gullible. Why should anyone let others dictate what to wear? Only a submissive, authority loving person can think that fashion is not something to revile..
Title: Re: Apple employee wants to start union
Post by: Harold Tuttle on June 20, 2011, 11:13:07 AM
We used to fantasize about eliminating corporate VPs and splitting their salaries up like hyenas at a kill