Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: garrettwc on April 13, 2006, 07:34:01 AM

Title: Local Darwin Candidate
Post by: garrettwc on April 13, 2006, 07:34:01 AM
Check out the news story on this guy. The part that isn't in the story is the body was found under one of the big towers that carries the high tension wires.

Man was electrocuted at ammo plant site

By Harold J. Adams
The Courier-Journal

A man found dead at the former Indiana Army Ammunition Plant Wednesday was electrocuted while allegedly trying to take copper wire from an off-limits area of the facility, Indiana State Police said Thursday morning.

James D. Seal, a 48-year-old New Washington resident, was employed by a company that was doing work at the plant, according to a news release from the state police.

But Seal strayed from his assigned work area to allegedly take copper wire, the release said.

As he was removing the copper wire, he got into an electric wire that was carrying electricity and was electrocuted, according to the release.

The state police investigation is continuing.

Seals death came just six days after state police, concerned over a rash of wire thefts from the former ammo plant site, publicly warned about the danger of live wires on the property.
Title: Local Darwin Candidate
Post by: K Frame on April 13, 2006, 07:38:05 AM
OOPS, that's going to leave a mark...
Title: Local Darwin Candidate
Post by: jefnvk on April 13, 2006, 08:31:27 AM
Quite a shock, no doubt.
Title: Local Darwin Candidate
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 13, 2006, 08:43:27 AM
I know a guy who did the same thing, but he only lost an arm.  Only.

This is only part of his pattern of self-destructive behavior.  He is in and out of jail for one thing or another, as well as being an alcoholic.  He almost lost a leg to infection a while back.  One time while drunk, he fell and broke his nose nearly off his face.  Sometime after that, his friend who went our church, and our pastor, were driving him to a rehab clinic, when he reached out from the back seat and pulled the wheel all the way over, sending the car all the way across three lanes of freeway and almost off the road.  

About two years ago, my church was putting together a building, and he did a lot of the steelwork for us, with his one arm.  It was quite something to see him up in the rafters, later on, carrying a nail gun and smoking a cigarette, all while balancing on the boards.  He said that the whole time he was working on the church he was dry, but after that he fell right off the wagon.
Title: Local Darwin Candidate
Post by: El Tejon on April 13, 2006, 08:51:52 AM
Is this Jefferson Proving Ground?
Title: Local Darwin Candidate
Post by: garrettwc on April 13, 2006, 10:16:17 AM
No El T, JPG is farther north and east near Madison.

This property runs along the river between Jeffersonville and Charlestown. Been defunct for years, my mom worked there during the Vietnam era.  Here's a link to the story of the place done as a term paper by a local student.

It has been under going renovations for the last couple of years. US Gov has been selling it off in chunks (it's down to about 9,000 acres from the 10,500 in the article). The buildings are being converted into office/industrial parks (this is what the construction crews were there for) and the forest and fields surrounding are being made into parks/nature preserve.
Title: Local Darwin Candidate
Post by: El Tejon on April 13, 2006, 11:11:50 AM
gar, right, O.K.  It's hard sometimes to keep all the places down there sorted out.  I forget what a thriving munitions industry Indiana had.
Title: Local Darwin Candidate
Post by: grampster on April 13, 2006, 11:36:53 AM
Heard on the radio this AM that some dolt was siphoning gas at night, spilled it on his pants, then took out his lighter for to see how wet his pants were with the gas.....

Can you say 6' tall fusee?
Title: Local Darwin Candidate
Post by: Antibubba on April 14, 2006, 06:24:47 PM
A local 18-year-old fell into the swollen Sacramento River yesterday from a bridge after he leaned too far over a rail.  The death was witnessed by his 16-year-old fiancee.

Please, let them not be engaged because he HAD TO marry her-let the idiocy stop now.