Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: K Frame on April 21, 2006, 07:09:54 PM

Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: K Frame on April 21, 2006, 07:09:54 PM
This is just so frigging stupid it's not to be believed...

"DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ice cream makers Ben & Jerry's have apologized for causing offence by calling a new flavor "Black & Tan" -- the nickname of a notoriously violent British militia that operated during Ireland's war of independence.

The ice cream, available only in the United States, is based on an ale and stout drink of the same name.

"Any reference on our part to the British Army unit was absolutely unintentional and no ill-will was ever intended," said a Ben & Jerry's spokesman.

"Ben & Jerry's was built on the philosophies of peace and love," he added.

The Black and Tans, so-called because of their two-tone uniforms, were recruited in the early 1920s to bolster the ranks of the police force in Ireland as anti-British sentiment grew.

They quickly gained a reputation for brutality and mention of the militia still arouses strong feelings in Ireland.

"I can't believe that Ben & Jerry's would be so insensitive to call an ice cream such a name and to launch it as a celebration of Irishness ... it's an insult!" wrote one blogger on

"I hope they don't try to launch it here in Ireland or I imagine they'll lose a lot of their fans."

Ben & Jerry's, a unit of Anglo-Dutch consumer goods giant Unilever Plc, prides itself on its commitment to friendly business. Its mission statement includes a pledge to show "a deep respect for human beings inside and outside our company and for the communities in which they live."
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Sindawe on April 21, 2006, 07:15:33 PM
Black & Tan ice cream?  MMMMMMM sounds tasty.  Pity I can't stand the politics of Ben & Jerry's.  Oh well, Boulder Ice Cream tastes better anyway.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Stand_watie on April 21, 2006, 07:16:56 PM
Most large companies need to have one specific spokeswoman on call specifically to answer such foolishness. She'd only need a one word answer for all of such, but would have to have a perfectly timed eye roll, rude, cavalier gum snap, and perfect valley girl inflection as she answered the question - "What-everrrr".

My ten year old can do it perfectly.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: gunsmith on April 21, 2006, 11:32:27 PM
BJ didn't do any research at all, just like we might laugh when we see
Thai restaurants called "Phucket"

to say The Black and Tans were hated is putting it mildly.

You have to be stupid, very stupid, to try and sell a product
with that name in Ireland............

In nineteen hundred and sixteen
The forces of the crown
For to take Orange, White, and Green
Bombarded Dublin Town
But in '21, Britannia's sons
Were forced earn their pay, when
The black and tans, like lightening ran
From the Rifles of the IRA!

They burned their way through Munster
Then laid Leinster on the rack
Through Connacht, and through Ulster
Marched the men in brown and black
They shot down wives and children
In their own heroic way, but
The black and tans, like lightening ran
From the Rifles of the IRA!

They hanged young Kevin Barry high
Just a lad of eighteen years
Cork City's flames lit up in the sky

But our brave lads new no fear
The Cork brigade with hand-grenades
In ambush wait and lay, and
The black and tans, like lightening ran
From the Rifles of the IRA!

The tans were got, taken out and shot
By a brave and valiant few
Sean Treacy, Dinny Lacey
And Tom Barry's gallant crew
Though we're not free yet
We won't forget
Until our dying day, how
The black and tans, like lightening ran
From the Rifles of the IRA!
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: El Tejon on April 22, 2006, 04:51:53 AM
Hooray for the Black and Tans!  Keeping the buggers under the English heel.  Hooray!  

This calls for celebration with ice cream.Cheesy
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Harold Tuttle on April 22, 2006, 04:56:15 AM
yet there is: Guinness Black and Tan

"Black and Tan" FAQs

Q:   A:
What is a Black & Tan?
What is a Half-and-Half?

The answer depends on who you ask. The all-Guinness Black & Tan is Harp's Lager and Guinness. (Harp's is brewed by Guinness at Dundalk). Many consider the classic Black & Tan to be Bass Pale Ale and Guinness. (To some Irish, they appreciate the fact that the Irish comes out on top!) However, Bass Ale is not as available in Ireland as it used to be, and either Harp or Smithwicks is generally used. However, there are many variations involving a stout or porter and another lighter coloured beer, either lager or ale.

A half-and-half is often just another name for a Black & Tan. However, in many North American Irish pubs, the Bass/Guinness combination is called a Black & Tan, while the Harp/Guinness combination is called a Half-and-Half.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: K Frame on April 22, 2006, 05:49:08 AM
Bingo, Harold.

Not to mention the fact that the ice cream is available ONLY in the United States.

They didn't put the picture of some shell shocked Brit soldier with a slapjack and a Webley on the side of the container, either.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Dannyboy on April 22, 2006, 05:49:49 AM
A black and tan is an absolute waste of Guinness, especially if made with Bass.  Guinness is the nectar of the gods and should not be contaminated in such fashion.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: French G. on April 22, 2006, 09:37:10 AM
"A black and tan is an absolute waste of Guinness, especially if made with Bass.  Guinness is the nectar of the gods and should not be contaminated in such fashion."

Agreed. If one must contaminate a Guinness they should do it with a shot of Jameson and Bailey's dropped in.  MMMM, Irish Car Bomb.

  Recent intel indicates that there are excellent Irish pubs with excellent Irish female staff in Palma, Spain. Had Sunday Roast and Guinness there for Easter.  Seen people get cranky when some dumb sailor orders a Black & Tan in one too.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: grampster on April 22, 2006, 10:08:14 AM
French G.

I will try your concoction in exactly 3 hours.  I will report back, if I am able.  Tongue

PS:  Is that a glass of Guinness and one shot of Jameson and another shot of Bailey's?
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Dannyboy on April 22, 2006, 10:27:02 AM
Quote from: French G.
Agreed. If one must contaminate a Guinness they should do it with a shot of Jameson and Bailey's dropped in.  MMMM, Irish Car Bomb.
Yup.  Don't do too many of those these days, though.  Many baaad memories.  Or should I say, a lack thereof, if you know what I mean.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: jefnvk on April 22, 2006, 11:03:33 AM
Mmmmm....  Irish Car Bombs.  And Black and Tans.  But those carbombs gotta be the smoothest alcoholic beverage I have ever tried.

Oh, how delicious.  But oh, those bring up some bad St. Patty's day memories.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Guest on April 22, 2006, 12:14:01 PM
You have to be stupid, very stupid, to try and sell a product
with that name in Ireland
Guiness (an Irish company) does in fact advertise the "Black and Tan" mixed beverage under that same name in Ireland since both of the ingrediants of either recipe (Bass or Harps) are either made or imported by their company. Why hasnt anyone been complaining about this?

BTW, the Ben and Jerries ice cream flavor is meant to mimic the taste of the above mentioned beverage, so the name seems pretty appropriate.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Dannyboy on April 22, 2006, 12:54:52 PM
Quote from: c_yeager
Guiness (an Irish company) does in fact advertise the "Black and Tan" mixed beverage under that same name in Ireland since both of the ingrediants of either recipe (Bass or Harps) are either made or imported by their company. Why hasnt anyone been complaining about this?
I think it's probably akin to the use of the "N" word.  When used by blacks it's OK.  When used by anyone else, it's just wrong.  Guinness, being an Irish company, can use the phrase "black and tan," while Ben and Jerry's cannot because they are American, and therefore have no knowledge of how offensive that phrase can be.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: grampster on April 22, 2006, 04:22:02 PM
Ok, I'm home.  The Guiness and Jameson and Bailey's tasted like $&!% and I substituted a Jameson Manhattan up, and I was happy.  So much for drink advice.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: K Frame on April 22, 2006, 05:13:33 PM
How many American beers are called black & tan?

I think Michelobe has one, and there are others I've seen on the shelves, as well. Why not an uproar over those?
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: jefnvk on April 22, 2006, 05:39:44 PM
The Guiness and Jameson and Bailey's tasted like $&!%

Well, I suppose everyone has to have somethign they don't like.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Dannyboy on April 22, 2006, 07:05:43 PM
Quote from: grampster
Ok, I'm home.  The Guiness and Jameson and Bailey's tasted like $&!% and I substituted a Jameson Manhattan up, and I was happy.  So much for drink advice.
Well, duh!  Everyone knows you're supposed to use Bushmill's.Cheesy
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Antibubba on April 22, 2006, 09:17:10 PM
You'd think B & J would've learned a few years ago after the fiascos from their "Stazi Chip" and "Heil Huckleberry".
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: gunsmith on April 22, 2006, 09:39:23 PM
No your not supposed to use Bushmills!
The Real Irish Whiskey is Jameson.
I may only be an Irish American but I
did live in Ireland for two years in the beautifull hills of west Cork.
Whiskey was invented a long time ago in County Cork and they do it better
than that Bushmills a whiskey imitator  from Northern Ireland that doesn't ever
even hire Irish Catholics.

If your in the birth place of Whiskey (County Cork in Ireland)
you drink Jamson or Bunratty...unless of course you've won
a fair bit on the races...then you splurge on
Midleton very rare...I've been sober for ten years...I not talking about this any longer.

btw the only reference to black and tans I heard in Ireland included swear words
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Gewehr98 on April 22, 2006, 11:12:32 PM

You Irish Whiskey drinkers out there, I've got a pleasant surprise for you.

It's called RedBreast 12yr Pure Pot Still, about $40 a bottle, distilled at Midleton. I won't touch a drop of Jameson's or Bushmill's any more, nor that stuff from Scotland...
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: gunsmith on April 23, 2006, 03:34:01 AM
Drools...must ignore...must ignore.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: K Frame on April 23, 2006, 06:09:20 AM
It looks like I'm the only one here who thinks that panther piss would be preferable to drinking scotch, any kind of scotch.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: BillBlank on April 23, 2006, 11:53:12 AM
Mike you're wrong, just wrong ok? Accept it and move on.

The version of the "car bomb" that I was introduced to involved the shots being in a shot glass and the glass being dropped into the pint glass of guinness. Even a pussy like myself managed a sub ten second time with that combination. Try that grampster.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: doczinn on April 23, 2006, 12:00:11 PM
I'm with you, Mike.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: grampster on April 23, 2006, 12:12:25 PM

    I had foolishly told the bartendress to give me a glass of Guinness and pour in a liberal dose of Jameson and a wee bit of Bailey's.  Gods, it curdled and turned a sickly brown, with this nasty nuggeted foam on top; looked like a Waitwatcher chocolate malt.  It tasted even worse.

    The waitress, a young miss, generally courteous and deferential to my regular stature at my favorite spot for comestibles and liquids, The Red Anchor, came over and whilst she was splitting a gut over watching me trying to, in a manly way, force that devil's brew down my gullet, explained, through gails of her discourteous laughter, the proper way of mixing a "car bomb".  It was as you described.  My reputation took a sever blow over the incident.  Being laughed at by two rednecks and a floozy drinking Miller Lite, for god's sake, were having quite a time at my expense.  Oh, the humanity!!

     Never again will I befoul a glass of Guinness or a fine Catholic Jameson's by mixing them together, especially with Bailey's.


     RedBreast, hmmmmm.  At my exalted age, $40.00 for a fine Catholic whiskey is a small price to pay for a distinguished piece of the auld sod.  I'll have to start looking around and see if I can find a bottle.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: jefnvk on April 23, 2006, 01:04:35 PM
No way to do it besides a shot of Jameson and Baileys in a double shot glass, dropped into a pint of Guiness and chugged.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: BillBlank on April 23, 2006, 01:07:50 PM
Now you know where mcdonalds got their idea for a milkshake from.

"in a manly way" cheesy
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Gewehr98 on April 23, 2006, 05:20:07 PM

Take it from this old Lutheran, you'll be looking for the bottle on the far left in the pic below.

(Sitting with two fingers' worth in front of me right now)

Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: K Frame on April 23, 2006, 07:41:38 PM
"Mike you're wrong, just wrong ok? Accept it and move on."

What, my opinion that scotch tastes like chicken fried liquid *expletive deleted*it in a bottle is wrong?

No problem, I'll move on and let you guys drink the stuff that tastes and smells like it's been filtered through some sot's kidneys...
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: Gewehr98 on April 23, 2006, 08:20:41 PM
I think that's part of the mystique of finding the "right" whiskey (or wiskey, depending on the Isle) for one's tastes.  Myself, I absolutely enjoy the flavors that dance on my tongue when sipping the Redbreast Irish above, and find none of them objectionable.  Somebody with a different palate may find it akin to turpentine or mineral spirits, as I do with domestic Jim Beam or Jack Daniels.  I can do Jameson's or Redbreast "neat".  Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, or Jeremiah Weed, it has to be mixed with something before it goes in my face.  (although, in my squadron, Jeremiah Weed was usually served up ice cold after a particularly long and difficult sortie...)
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on April 25, 2006, 08:39:32 AM
gunsmith, the product isn't for sale in Ireland.
The ice cream, available only in the United States, is based on an ale and stout drink of the same name.
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: gunsmith on April 25, 2006, 07:59:53 PM
well, what do you know!
you're absolutly right!!!
Title: Oh for the love of God!
Post by: seeker_two on April 29, 2006, 02:19:59 PM
"Ben & Jerry's was built on the philosophies of peace and love," he added.
Oh...I thought it was built on the philosophies of selling sub-par ice cream in funny flavors for ridiculously high prices and making a profit.... Tongue

Besides, everyone knows that Blue Bell is better....because their cows are loved.... Smiley