Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Monkeyleg on August 24, 2011, 11:48:49 PM

Title: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 24, 2011, 11:48:49 PM
Now that the CCW law is signed in WI, and due to go into effect in a little over two months, the Journal Sentinel and politicians are scrambling to find ways to make places off-limits. Special points should go to former Republican Senate Majority Leader Dale Schultz for helping in this effort.

While nearly all states ban carry in public buildings, the arguments for such bans have always been stupid. The Journal Sentinel is straining to come up with new ways of regurgitating the same old bunk.

Here's a sampling:

Waukesha Common Council President Paul Ybarra points out that public debates sometimes get pretty heated. So do public hearings, some of which go on for hours and involve a lot of angry words. Granted, shootouts aren't likely to break out, but allowing guns into the mix of heated politics and angry words still isn't a good idea.

Yeah. At least Burr and Hamilton had the sense to have their duel outside public buildings, as they figured some dingbats would probably try to prohibit carry if they'd been inside.  ;/

In Milwaukee, the city's Library Board has voted to ban guns in all 13 Milwaukee Public Library buildings. And Milwaukee Ald. Milele Coggs introduced three Common Council measures dealing with dangerous weapons.

Yes, we all know how heated arguments can get in libraries, especially if one of the librarians asks a patron not to whistle. You never know when someone is going to snap after reading "Field and Stream", and just starts blasting away.

The rest of the editorial is here (

I hope I live long enough to see the day when all states have had shall-issue CCW for years, the debates have died down, and silliness like this moves on to another topic, such as the renewal of the 10 year-old federal ban on cheeseburgers.
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: zxcvbob on August 25, 2011, 12:06:15 AM

The rest of the editorial is here (

I hope I live long enough to see the day when all states have had shall-issue CCW for years, the debates have died down, and silliness like this moves on to another topic, such as the renewal of the 10 year-old federal ban on cheeseburgers.

I cant has cheezburgers?   :'(
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 25, 2011, 12:10:08 AM
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: zxcvbob on August 25, 2011, 12:25:21 AM
Look at the comments.  The author is getting his ass handed to him on the proverbial platter and very few of his sanctimonious liberal buddies are coming to the rescue.
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: Scout26 on August 25, 2011, 02:30:07 AM
Dear Journal-Sentinel,

Please let me know when blood starts running in the streets.  I have a cancer of blood, and would like to upgrade what I currently have to some that is cancer-free.  I also like guns and will come up there and pick them when they fill the streets as well.


Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: brimic on August 25, 2011, 08:40:02 PM
In Milwaukee, the city's Library Board has voted to ban guns in all 13 Milwaukee Public Library buildings. And Milwaukee Ald. Milele Coggs introduced three Common Council measures dealing with dangerous weapons.

Probably the whole projection thing again- if I can't trust myself to not shoot someone else in anger, then noone can be trusted.,0,4108130.story
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: AJ Dual on August 25, 2011, 10:37:07 PM
Probably the whole projection thing again- if I can't trust myself to not shoot someone else in anger, then noone can be trusted.,0,4108130.story

Exactly, and also why they're liberals in the first place.
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: Scout26 on August 26, 2011, 03:41:28 AM
I thought it had pre-emption?
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 26, 2011, 10:40:40 AM
I thought it had pre-emption?

WI does have pre-emption, but the bill allows for property owners to post "no guns" signs. That must extend to municipalities, too. Either that or these towns and cities are going to waste taxpayer dollars on lawsuits.
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: vaskidmark on August 26, 2011, 03:27:08 PM
That goodness we have municipal preemption her in Virginia.  And we take our guns to public meetings and children's story hours at the library, and (if we have the magic permission slip) we can carry OC or CC at the state capitol building.  Thanks to our relatively pro-2A AG we can carry CC into buildings at all but 2 state universities as well as OC/CC all over the grounds at all of them.

Heck, we have been OCing into places that serve booze since 1995, and there is no law saying we cannot order booze when we do that.  (OK, most everybody agrees ordering/drinking while carrying is not smart so it is extremely rare to see anyone drnking while OCing.)  Snce July 1st we can CC into places that serve booze, but cannot order booze if we do that.

The amount of blood spilled since 1995 would hardly make a small-sized puddle.  Obviously we are doing something wrong, because there were (still are, from time to time) editorials full of hand-wringing predictions of blood in the streets and bodies stacked up at the curbs, as well as guns laying all over the place where they would get run over or trip the pedestrians trying to walk past.  But nope!  Nada.  Them books you buy telling you what numbers to use when playing the Lotto are more accurate predictors than the editorial writers.

You cheeseheads can't be that much better than us rednecks.

stay safe.
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 26, 2011, 06:14:43 PM
Vaskidmark, here in Morgan county, AL I can carry anywhere that serves alcohol, whether bar or restaurant. I have yet to have a meal interrupted by gunfire.

My doctor's office doesn't have a no guns sign, so I figure he must be okay with it, so I carry there as well.

I guess it's good that AL was discretionary issue (technically it still is) decades ago, as all of this silliness was taken care of before people were afraid of guns. Now, even after the battle to get shall-issue carry is won, these off-limits carry rules have to continue to be fought. Nothing is ever completely resolved.
Title: Re: As stupid editorials go, this one should get a gold star
Post by: CNYCacher on August 27, 2011, 12:48:41 AM
CCW in NYS is so under-the-radar that we have no restrictions except NYC as a whole and schools and courthouses.  Even schools are allowed if you have written permission from the administrator, or if you are picking up or dropping off children.

Yes, anyone can CCW onto school grounds here if they are there to pickup or drop off a kid.

I've only ever seen a no-guns sign on one business ever.