Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Hawkmoon on September 12, 2011, 12:03:34 AM

Title: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 12, 2011, 12:03:34 AM

I stopped in a McDonald's to grab a burger on the way to a meeting at my church. As I sat munching my burger, an older gent (looked about my age, which is mid/late 60s) walked by on his way to the men's room. He was wearing a military-style cap (not the baseball caps we wore when I was in the Army but the Marine style, such as the Army wears today) with a set of captain's bars on it. I figured him for another over-the-hill Vietnam vet like myself, so just for camraderie I gave him a salute as he went by, and he returned it.

On his way back from the loo, he stopped and asked if I had been in the military. I just said "Vietnam, 1968." He responded by thanking me for serving, which I thought a bit odd coming from a fellow (I thought) veteran. Then he said he hadn't had anyone salute him since he retired, so I asked him how long he'd been out. He said he retired in February.

Mind you, this dude was a seriously senior citizen, at least 100 pounds overweight, and walking on a cane. If he retired six months ago as a Captain from any U.S. armed force, we're in bigger trouble than we ever imagined. But ... not to worry.

He lingered to chat while his wife did the ordering. Turns out, he wasn't in the military. He worked armed security (and "personal protection of VIPs"). The discussion somehow came around to guns and gear, and he proudly told me that he always wore a tactical vest, that he carried a "fowtee" because he liked having the extra firepower, and that he always carried nine (9!!!) extra magazines because "when the bad guys start shooting you can't have enough ammo."

Nice enough guy, I guess, but ... (
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: gunsmith on September 12, 2011, 12:35:07 AM
These guys always tell me that they didn't keep their dd214's ... I always ask- making it sound like a weapon. They always fail the test.

How is it that there are all these highly decorated trained operators out there that do not know what a dd214 is?
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 12, 2011, 01:02:42 AM
These guys always tell me that they didn't keep their dd214's ... I always ask- making it sound like a weapon. They always fail the test.

How is it that there are all these highly decorated trained operators out there that do not know what a dd214 is?

Cuz all we use is throwing stars, you rear-echelon fobbit. We don't use them jam-o-matic dd240-whozawatzits.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Scout26 on September 12, 2011, 12:49:29 PM
G_d I hate posers.

This is why I don't wear anything military except for my blue "8th Infantry Division" ball hat every now and again.  While I'm proud of my service, I wasn't NinjaTeamSixSuperCommando. :facepalm: :facepalm:

And yeah, I love tearing apart Mr. "DD214isClassfied".  Especially in front of your girlfriend.  Loser.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Jamie B on September 12, 2011, 01:38:13 PM
No military service here, but I have yet to see a real poser.

Common sense always prevails. I do make it a point to thank the military folks who I see.

All of them have been legit, but the town where I grew up is about 40,000, so opportunity is small for the Geckos.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Balog on September 12, 2011, 01:42:50 PM
Always makes me slightly uncomfortable when folks thank me for being former .mil.

I haven't seen a fake in person since I worked at a gun shop. And even then it was one or two "former seal/special forces" types, not a whole epidemic. I wonder where some of you folks reporting seeing so many fakes live.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: grislyatoms on September 12, 2011, 01:57:42 PM
I run into these types every now and then.

"Spare some change? I lost my leg in the Air Force as a Gunnery Sergeant for Seal Team 6."

"Sure ya did." ;/

Haven't run into the hard-core poser-type yet, either.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 12, 2011, 01:59:58 PM
rear-echelon fobbit

Quoted for the lulz.  Makes me giggle every time I see it.

Proposal to change Fistful's APS name to "fobbit."

Can I get a second?

ETA:  No disrespect intended towards Fisty's service... it's just two funny-sounding syllables added together.  And it's his fault they sound so funny together.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: French G. on September 12, 2011, 02:02:18 PM
Second and third.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Fitz on September 12, 2011, 02:12:21 PM
I use this one.

SomeGuy: Hey man, you was in the Army? Yeah, I was a ranger! Airborne Special Ranger *or some other such phrase*"

Me: Awesome dude! What battalion ?   ******** (or group, as the case may be)

SomeGuy: uh... SECOND. Yeah. Second battalion.

Me: Nice! They still in Fort Hood?

SomeGuy: Yeah, man. Still at Fort Hood.

Me: That's funny, I thought the second ranger battalion was at Fort Lewis. In fact, I'm sure of it. In fact, there isn't a single ranger battalion at fort hood.

SomeGuy:   *walks off*
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: 41magsnub on September 12, 2011, 03:29:44 PM
I use this one.

SomeGuy: Hey man, you was in the Army? Yeah, I was a ranger! Airborne Special Ranger *or some other such phrase*"

Me: Awesome dude! What battalion ?   ******** (or group, as the case may be)

SomeGuy: uh... SECOND. Yeah. Second battalion.

Me: Nice! They still in Fort Hood?

SomeGuy: Yeah, man. Still at Fort Hood.

Me: That's funny, I thought the second ranger battalion was at Fort Lewis. In fact, I'm sure of it. In fact, there isn't a single ranger battalion at fort hood.

SomeGuy:   *walks off*

Well clearly they moved.....  I was in the 2nd ford ranger motorpool brigade before they moved to Camp Pendleton.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Scout26 on September 12, 2011, 05:22:07 PM
Quoted for the lulz.  Makes me giggle every time I see it.

Proposal to change Fistful's APS name to "fobbit."

Can I get a second?

ETA:  No disrespect intended towards Fisty's service... it's just two funny-sounding syllables added together.  And it's his fault they sound so funny together.

"Fobbit" is actually the current term of derision used for the REMF's (or what used to be known as clerks and jerks) that are sent to a Forward Operating Base (FOB) In country, however those folks never go "outside the wire".   It's a twist on the Tolkien's Hobbit (small men or hole dweller).

However, as a point of order, Fisty was, I believe, an 11 Series MOS (can't remember whether you said 11B, 11C or 11M), which meant that he definitely would have ended up going "outside the wire".  Therefore, request to stick Fistful with the appellation of "Fobbit" fails on primie facie evidence. 

Motion denied.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 12, 2011, 05:34:23 PM
Mechanized, and no hard feelin's.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: French G. on September 12, 2011, 07:02:02 PM
Mechanized, and no hard feelin's.

Cool, a tank that carries its own crunchies!
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 12, 2011, 10:34:22 PM
This was in a small town. I guess his son, Gecko45, must have gone to the big city to find fame and fortune on his own.

This is the first serious poseur I've encountered -- I don't count the homeless people by the side of the road holding out a cup asking for handouts. Some of them might actually be veterans, but I suspect most aren't. But the last veteran I encountered at the same McDonalds was also a Vietnam veteran my age, and he was the real deal. He knew where he had been and he wasn't advertising.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: GigaBuist on September 12, 2011, 10:47:54 PM
I guess his son, Gecko45, must have gone to the big city to find fame and fortune on his own.

Just to make sure everybody is on the same page, Gecko45 was a persona created by a guy we'd probably all get along with.  I've never met him but I know his main internet handle, his real name, where he works, and that he ate some pavement a couple years back when somebody briefly saw his concealed pistol at a grocery store and the local PD reacted poorly.

Gecko45 isn't real but the guy behind him is pretty solid.  Just keep in mind we're making fun of a FAKE person here.  That's all.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Balog on September 13, 2011, 12:21:18 AM
Ohhhhh, I was confusing Gecko45 with gunkid. Carry on...
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 13, 2011, 06:09:07 AM
No, Gecko45 is the ultimate Mall Ninja.

Punch it into Google ...
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Phantom Warrior on September 13, 2011, 02:34:39 PM
Fitz:  I like what you did there.  I'm going to remember that one.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Jamie B on September 13, 2011, 02:42:23 PM
Just to make sure everybody is on the same page, Gecko45 was a persona created by a guy we'd probably all get along with.  I've never met him but I know his main internet handle, his real name, where he works, and that he ate some pavement a couple years back when somebody briefly saw his concealed pistol at a grocery store and the local PD reacted poorly.

Gecko45 isn't real but the guy behind him is pretty solid.  Just keep in mind we're making fun of a FAKE person here.  That's all.
Wow, that is interesting!
I read the original postings years ago, and thought that it had to be a false persona just for fun.
I had never heard any confirmation like this - quite interesting!
That persona has become interwebz lore for more than a few years now.

Funny stuff! I wish that he had played it out for longer, though, as he had quite an audience.
I cannot remember the original board where it started, but think that it is archived somewhere.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Jocassee on September 13, 2011, 03:49:31 PM
Wow, that is interesting!
I read the original postings years ago, and thought that it had to be a false persona just for fun.
I had never heard any confirmation like this - quite interesting!
That persona has become interwebz lore for more than a few years now.

Funny stuff! I wish that he had played it out for longer, though, as he had quite an audience.
I cannot remember the original board where it started, but think that it is archived somewhere.

I think it was Glocktalk or TFL.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on September 13, 2011, 04:02:46 PM
Wow, that is interesting!
I read the original postings years ago, and thought that it had to be a false persona just for fun.
I had never heard any confirmation like this - quite interesting!
That persona has become interwebz lore for more than a few years now.

Funny stuff! I wish that he had played it out for longer, though, as he had quite an audience.
I cannot remember the original board where it started, but think that it is archived somewhere.

I wouldn't be suprised if the guy quit due to some people taking it seriously.

Some people don't get jokes, and others don't understand parady, especially when its based on them.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on September 13, 2011, 04:04:17 PM
These guys always tell me that they didn't keep their dd214's ... I always ask- making it sound like a weapon. They always fail the test.

How is it that there are all these highly decorated trained operators out there that do not know what a dd214 is?

And just so this non military person can get the joke....

What is this thing you speak of?
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Jamie B on September 13, 2011, 04:20:20 PM
Discharge, I believe, bsl.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on September 13, 2011, 04:35:06 PM
And just so this non military person can get the joke....

What is this thing you speak of?
It's the shoulder thingy that goes up.

Discharge, I believe, bsl.
Yeah, discharge papers that summarize your service. 
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Jamie B on September 13, 2011, 05:00:20 PM
Dam what a shame - I just googled Gecko45, and there a bunch of posers with have vids up, F/B pages, etc.

The original creator should have trademarked Gecko45.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Scout26 on September 13, 2011, 06:50:51 PM
DD214 is your Discharge Certificate.  Proof of Service.  It's never "classified" or "secret".  It doesn't have your "kills" recorded or any other secret squirrel bull*expletive deleted* on it.

It shows what dates and where you served.  Schools and courses attended.  Awards, Medals, and Ribbons.

Oh and type of discharge.

If you're smart, once you get out , you take a copy to the county recorder (that way you or your family can always get a copy) and then to the local VA.

You bring it with you on job interviews and the like.  Anytime you need proof of military service, that's what it for.

Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 13, 2011, 08:03:53 PM
Discharge, I believe, bsl.

"DD214" is the oh-fi-shul document used by the armed forces of the United States to release military personnel from being military personnel in the armed service of the United States. In other words, it's your ticket to being a civilian again. Everyone who was in the military once and isn't now, at one time received a DD214, so any self-proclaimed veteran who doesn't know a DD214 from a Ma Deuce from a deuce-and-a-half from a half-track pretty certainly is NOT a veteran.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Regolith on September 13, 2011, 08:59:56 PM
"DD214" is the oh-fi-shul document used by the armed forces of the United States to release military personnel from being military personnel in the armed service of the United States. In other words, it's your ticket to being a civilian again. Everyone who was in the military once and isn't now, at one time received a DD214, so any self-proclaimed veteran who doesn't know a DD214 from a Ma Deuce from a deuce-and-a-half from a half-track pretty certainly is NOT a veteran.

Nor very bright, particularly for one who wants to try and claim to be a veteren (I mean, wouldn't you do at least a modicum of research first, just to make it a little bit harder for those with even half a clue to call you on your BS?)

Hell, I've never served, and even I know what a DD214 is.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Scout26 on September 13, 2011, 09:34:28 PM

G_d, from Vietnam to Gelnhausen, Germany.  The Army really hated that guy.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 14, 2011, 12:11:27 AM
Nor very bright, particularly for one who wants to try and claim to be a veteren (I mean, wouldn't you do at least a modicum of research first, just to make it a little bit harder for those with even half a clue to call you on your BS?)

If people like that do "research," it can't be much more than gun shows and video games. There is no reason for a fake vet to know that such a form is issued. Even if they did, they would not guess that military personnel know the form's number. For that matter, they may never have noticed that government forms have number designations.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: gunsmith on September 14, 2011, 02:03:32 AM
I knew a guy a few yrs ago who was a very clever fake, he had a whole group of my AA
buddies believing he was a Navy Seal & he had really done his homework as far as what Seals & Vets would know BUT he didn't know .308 or 762 Nato, didn't know 5.56 or 223, & didn't know where the "safety" was on my Glock :facepalm:

I could see a signal guy like I was not knowing this stuff but someone claiming to be a seal better know more about guns then I do or the USA is in trouble.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on September 14, 2011, 09:43:52 AM
I knew a guy a few yrs ago who was a very clever fake, he had a whole group of my AA
buddies believing he was a Navy Seal & he had really done his homework as far as what Seals & Vets would know BUT he didn't know .308 or 762 Nato, didn't know 5.56 or 223, & didn't know where the "safety" was on my Glock :facepalm:

I could see a signal guy like I was not knowing this stuff but someone claiming to be a seal better know more about guns then I do or the USA is in trouble.

Someone fakeing a Seal should know that stuff.

And someone faking Army/Marine, should know some.

But i've noticed that most current and former miltary personal know the guns they trained with extremly well, but rarely know much else.

*shrug* and there is really no reason for them too, unless they like guns.

In otherwords, i'd hand one of our AR's over to a Marine with no qualms, but I would not let them strip my AK without supervision and instruction.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 14, 2011, 01:18:18 PM
But i've noticed that most current and former miltary personal know the guns they trained with extremly well, but rarely know much else.
To be honest, it depends.

I was inducted in 1966 and was qualified on the M14 in Basic Training and AIT. I didn't see an M16 until I was in Vietnam, and I was never really trained and qualified on it (there's a story attaching to that little fiasco). In between, I was at a CONUS duty station where our "issue" weapon (which we literally saw once, the day we went to range to "qualify") was the old M-1 carbine.

I knew how to strip and reassemble the M14 when I was in Basic (or I never would have gotten out of Basic), but 45 years later? Not a chance. And I never learned much about the M-1 carbine. Sadly, I remember my First Sergeant showing me how easy it is to convert to full-auto by putting a short length of dog tag chain somewhere in the workings ... and I CAN'T REMEMBER HOW TO DO IT!

So the rifle I trained on and was properly qualified on, I don't remember at all (except that the sucker was heavy). The M16, which I was NOT properly trained and qualified on but which I had to entrust my life to I remember very well.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on September 14, 2011, 06:27:24 PM
Ok, correction.

Military personal know the weapons they were trained on or used during service.

My point is, while they may (or may not) know those particular weapons forwards, backwards and upside down, it does not make them an expert, or even in many cases, profficient with anything other then the weapons they used during their service.

Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: kgbsquirrel on September 14, 2011, 08:55:24 PM
Ok, correction.

Military personal know the weapons they were trained on or used during service.

My point is, while they may (or may not) know those particular weapons forwards, backwards and upside down, it does not make them an expert, or even in many cases, profficient with anything other then the weapons they used during their service.

Ain't that the freaking truth. I never knew true fear until I had to be on the same shooting range as a bunch of Army artillerymen and officers trying to qualify with the M9 pistol.
Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: GigaBuist on September 14, 2011, 11:31:06 PM
Yep, a fair number of .mil and I'd say the overwhelming majority of police don't know diddly about their weapons.  People think they do, but they don't.

The police thing I find especially interesting.  True, they carry a handgun all day at work, but they hardly ever use it.  They might fire it once a year for qualification or something.  Meanwhile they use VHF radio communication devices, some rather sophisticated, every day and all day, but nobody thinks they're experts on such matters.  Why people think they're experts on the things they never use is illogical.  Especially when we see events, and I can't remember where this was, where 73 shots are fired, 2 hit the intended target, and 1 hits an innocent bystander.

Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on September 15, 2011, 12:04:13 AM
Yep, a fair number of .mil and I'd say the overwhelming majority of police don't know diddly about their weapons.  People think they do, but they don't.

The police thing I find especially interesting.  True, they carry a handgun all day at work, but they hardly ever use it.  They might fire it once a year for qualification or something.  Meanwhile they use VHF radio communication devices, some rather sophisticated, every day and all day, but nobody thinks they're experts on such matters.  Why people think they're experts on the things they never use is illogical.  Especially when we see events, and I can't remember where this was, where 73 shots are fired, 2 hit the intended target, and 1 hits an innocent bystander.

Note that I excluded the police from my statments above.

Title: Re: I met Gecko45's father this evening
Post by: vaskidmark on September 15, 2011, 04:43:31 AM
Yep, a fair number of .mil and I'd say the overwhelming majority of police don't know diddly about their weapons.  People think they do, but they don't.

The police thing I find especially interesting.  True, they carry a handgun all day at work, but they hardly ever use it.  They might fire it once a year for qualification or something.  Meanwhile they use VHF radio communication devices, some rather sophisticated, every day and all day, but nobody thinks they're experts on such matters.  Why people think they're experts on the things they never use is illogical.  Especially when we see events, and I can't remember where this was, where 73 shots are fired, 2 hit the intended target, and 1 hits an innocent bystander.

That would probably be because we are constantly bombarded with the message that they are the only ones qualified to carry a gun.

Repeat a lie often enough and people will start believing it no matter how outrageous it might be.

stay safe.