Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Ned Hamford on September 28, 2011, 06:02:33 PM

Title: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Ned Hamford on September 28, 2011, 06:02:33 PM

Two clips are shown.  In one, folks are pushing at a mobile police barrier [never seen one of those before] and then a police officer is  'brutally assaulting' a man with a professional grade camera. He is knocked down and hits a car; video too short and unfocused to get a clear picture of what is going on.  I'd conjecture he should have been behind the barrier and failed to respond to police directives; what with looking through the camera.  If a brutal assault was intended, it was very poorly executed.  The second video clip has folks behind another barrier, seemingly just standing around, and a police officer [White Shirt] walks up and pepper sprays the group.  While I'd think that highly inadvisable with a crowd, especially as officers are holding up the mobile barriers.  Thinking random wanton cruelty a less than probable cause, methinks some officer had complained about the crowd pushing against the barrier [like they were in the first video] and the higher ranking fellow came over to get things back in hand before running off to put out another fire.  The short clip making it possible that, the crowd ebbing and flowing with protest ferocity, the clip was just taken during an ebb. 

Anyone seen some longer clips that actually provide context?

And is anyone else annoyed at what people shout?  I miss 'Don't taze me bro.'  Immediate failure to comply with a police directive [especially whilst in a crowd] triggers 'compulsed compliance techniques' that escalate far faster than those experiencing them fathom. 

I've been to events with 'professional protesters' before and frankly despise them.  Minimal interaction is enough to sort them out too.  They aren't there for any other purpose than the news video clip; the more out of context the better.  They even have classes for them.  They are the reason you don't see follow up videos of the people 'brutally assaulted.' Context; as often provided in those internal affairs investigations, destroys them. 

From what I saw the pepper spray didn't seem necessary, but from a lot of the reactions you would think the police were going about curb stomping folks. 
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 28, 2011, 06:09:00 PM
Pepper spray and dirty hippies is always necessary.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 28, 2011, 06:14:45 PM
I'll admit to a suspicion that the vid clips may be taken out of context.

That being said...

The pepper spray is almost inconceivably inexcusable.  There's 4-5 women in an orange hand-barricade corral and all of a sudden they get maced.  It obviously wasn't officer safety that prompted it... otherwise the blueshirts wouldn't have waited for a whiteshirt to start it.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: CNYCacher on September 28, 2011, 06:17:23 PM
When you get to the part where the "innocent" woman is dragged through the barrier, rewind back to the part where the cameraman is taken down.  You'll see her take a swing at the cops over the barrier.  The two clips obviously happen sequentially, but they show them separated by about 2 minutes.

Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Regolith on September 28, 2011, 06:20:36 PM
I'm horribly conflicted.

On the one hand, as AZRed states, without further context the pepper spray incident does seem wildly over the top.

On the other hand...Dirty hippies and mace are always a good combination.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Ned Hamford on September 28, 2011, 06:20:48 PM
The pepper spray is almost inconceivably inexcusable.  There's 4-5 women in an orange hand-barricade corral and all of a sudden they get maced.  It obviously wasn't officer safety that prompted it... otherwise the blueshirts wouldn't have waited for a whiteshirt to start it.

I can imagine its being ROE that only white shirts got to pepper spray.  Imagine if knowing this the dear innocents, whenever seeing a white shirt heading their way would spread word.  White shirt walks off, restart the kicking and screaming.  

Just speculating  :P
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 28, 2011, 08:39:32 PM
not enough pepper spray used  that is inexcusable
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Sindawe on September 29, 2011, 12:46:32 AM
You're gonna love this one Ned.  In the clip, cops are moving people along on the sidewalk and the people ARE moving along peacefully.  Who should wonder into frame needlessly  spewing pepper spray?  Why, its Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna.

Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Ned Hamford on September 29, 2011, 01:34:21 AM
I'm gonna call for context again.  We don't see who he was spraying and its an absurdly short clip again.  I still think of the two possibilities [white shirts are to be called for pepper spray or Officer Bologna (that is his real name, really) is a psycho, or an agent provacuer].

If the scene is actually some folks shouting 'we come in peace' while chucking bottles, I'm gonna go with CASD's call for more pepper spray.  And a tactical cam on officer Bologna's head so we can eat popcorn and watch hippies writhe as they learn actions have consequences. 
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: KD5NRH on September 29, 2011, 05:03:30 AM
And of course, the news anchor makes a big deal of the "we aren't doing anything" claim.  Because, you know, nobody ever says that when the cops catch them doing something.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: HankB on September 29, 2011, 08:26:47 AM
After seeing some riots (at a distance!) and finding that what was reported didn't match what I saw, I'm skeptical of "pro-protest" reporting.

But I've seen extended film clips of cops cut loose with pepper spray for no apparent reason . . . knowing this happens, and with things like pepper spray, even bear spray, so readily available, I'm suprised that protestors haven't sprayed back when sprayed upon.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 29, 2011, 03:29:27 PM
ironically in the old days clear the area was "encouraged" with batons.  now move too leisurely you get a snootful of snot instead of stitches.  either way there is whining and crying.  got to a protest/riot?as a participant or a "journalist"?  be prepared for some consequences.....
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Ned Hamford on September 29, 2011, 03:47:39 PM

'Clear the area!'  and 'Disperse Immediately!' Also applies to folks carrying cameras. 

Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 29, 2011, 03:54:25 PM
they can stay  just need to know what it costs
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: AJ Dual on September 29, 2011, 04:13:13 PM
After seeing some riots (at a distance!) and finding that what was reported didn't match what I saw, I'm skeptical of "pro-protest" reporting.

But I've seen extended film clips of cops cut loose with pepper spray for no apparent reason . . . knowing this happens, and with things like pepper spray, even bear spray, so readily available, I'm suprised that protestors haven't sprayed back when sprayed upon.

I've had this thought too. However, the instant someone sprays back... "Fist of an angry god" would not even begin to describe the LEO reaction.  :O

I try so hard to be a "good little-L libertarian", and remember that what happens to them today might be me tomorrow, "slippery slope" and all that... but I find myself having zero sympathy. Because 99.999% of all "protesters" are inevitably always agitating for various kinds of socialist/collectivist/Marxist economic and political theories, that are at best unworkable, and carried to their logical (and historical) extremes, downright deadly to the tune of tens of millions.

Honestly, considering most police officers fealty to their public-sector unions, the protesters own kind are the one's beating on them...  :laugh:
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: kgbsquirrel on September 29, 2011, 06:18:43 PM
After seeing some riots (at a distance!) and finding that what was reported didn't match what I saw, I'm skeptical of "pro-protest" reporting.

But I've seen extended film clips of cops cut loose with pepper spray for no apparent reason . . . knowing this happens, and with things like pepper spray, even bear spray, so readily available, I'm suprised that protestors haven't sprayed back when sprayed upon.

I recall watching the anarchist riots in Eugene, OR some years back. A few industrious individuals came prepared with gas masks, oven mitts and lacrosse sticks. They pulled a "return-to-sender" with most of the tear gas canisters fired at them.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Ned Hamford on September 29, 2011, 07:03:26 PM
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: CNYCacher on September 29, 2011, 07:47:29 PM
I recall watching the anarchist riots in Eugene, OR some years back. A few industrious individuals came prepared with gas masks, oven mitts and lacrosse sticks. They pulled a "return-to-sender" with most of the tear gas canisters fired at them.

I don't care what they were protesting, what they were hoping for.  They could be protesting their inability to legally eat babies and I would still have to give them credit for ingenuity on the lacrosse sticks.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Bigjake on September 29, 2011, 08:00:40 PM
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

If you don't want to be gassed, clubbed, or otherwise violated,  don't be an ahole to men with guns and the power of the .gov behind them. 

If things ARE that bad,  and peaceful, law abiding protesters are getting curbstomped,  the appropriate response involves rifles,  not playing into the hands of riot cops.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: TechMan on September 29, 2011, 08:12:10 PM peppered hippie....but does anybody have something to cover the patchouli?
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: kgbsquirrel on September 29, 2011, 08:19:08 PM peppered hippie....but does anybody have something to cover the patchouli?

Just pour on the capsaicin till it becomes palatable.... that's what we did with the shipboard cooking.  ;)
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: roo_ster on October 02, 2011, 11:40:06 PM
Here's a report from one of the guys at powerline, not known for hippy-loving leftism:

Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: French G. on October 03, 2011, 12:00:27 AM
I've had this thought too. However, the instant someone sprays back... "Fist of an angry god" would not even begin to describe the LEO reaction.  :O

I try so hard to be a "good little-L libertarian", and remember that what happens to them today might be me tomorrow, "slippery slope" and all that... but I find myself having zero sympathy. Because 99.999% of all "protesters" are inevitably always agitating for various kinds of socialist/collectivist/Marxist economic and political theories, that are at best unworkable, and carried to their logical (and historical) extremes, downright deadly to the tune of tens of millions.

Honestly, considering most police officers fealty to their public-sector unions, the protesters own kind are the one's beating on them...  :laugh:

A Claire Wolfe moment!

There's the rub. Right now it is quite wrong to violate their right to assembly/exist and shoot them. By the time they gain power for their little red selves it will be okay to shoot them but too late, we'll be on the wrong end of that gig. Sucks to stand idly by while someone advocates for your destruction. Dirty little commies.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: doczinn on October 04, 2011, 03:36:53 AM
Because 99.999% of all "protesters" are inevitably always agitating for various kinds of socialist/collectivist/Marxist economic and political theories, that are at best unworkable, and carried to their logical (and historical) extremes, downright deadly to the tune of tens of millions.
True - but isn't that part of the problem?
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: RoadKingLarry on October 04, 2011, 06:16:15 AM
Arabs had the "Arab Spring". Are we having a "Hippie Autumn"?
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: KD5NRH on October 04, 2011, 09:08:52 AM
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: zxcvbob on October 04, 2011, 09:09:58 AM
It's hard to find a good guy in this story, but I think police pepper-spraying women just for their own amusement, and arresting credentialed journalists trying to cover the event -- and even shopkeepers who work in the area and have nothing to do with the protest -- are a bigger threat than the hippies.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: TechMan on October 04, 2011, 09:23:10 AM
Arabs had the "Arab Spring". Are we having a "Hippie Autumn"?

We probably are.  Can't you smell the patchouli in the air?
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: MechAg94 on October 04, 2011, 09:54:16 AM
I thought I heard that more video came out supporting the cops in this, but I can't find any link for it.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: dogmush on October 04, 2011, 10:17:45 AM
It's hard to find a good guy in this story, but I think police pepper-spraying women just for their own amusement, and arresting credentialed journalists trying to cover the event -- and even shopkeepers who work in the area and have nothing to do with the protest -- are a bigger threat than the hippies.

Assumes facts not evident. The video's I've seen show police pepperspraying people, but they seem, if anything, seriously unamused at the whole event.  The video's are also suspiciously short for me to condem either side.  The journalist I saw being arrested in the video was clearly on the wrong side of the barriers and where he shouldn't have been.

It's the NYPD, so they could be as evil as the hippies are claiming, but I'll need to see some evidence that doesn't come from the hippies first.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: longeyes on October 04, 2011, 10:19:23 AM
Rational citizens have become bystanders in their own country.  Oppressive police and anarchists are two faces of the same coin.  And it's a coin minted by a runaway Fed and all it stands for.  We have a legal system.  Why are we not using it to prosecute the real felons on Wall St.?  We don't need to destroy Wall St., we need to go after the crooks, and I see NO ONE in power pushing for that.  
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: KD5NRH on October 04, 2011, 10:22:48 AM
I thought I heard that more video came out supporting the cops in this, but I can't find any link for it.

I wouldn't be surprised.  The in-the-middle-of-everything cameras always seem to turn just in time to see the cops doing something, but not what happened just before.  Anybody with any sense wanting to get good, unbiased footage would be using a long lens from outside and/or above the crowd, and not panning around constantly.

I know on high-risk security contracts, our preference is to get at least two camera positions above the area, each with 2-4 stationary cameras - one wide angle and the rest watching potential trouble points, plus one handheld.  That way there's no question what somebody was doing just before the camera turned to them.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: MechAg94 on October 04, 2011, 12:15:43 PM
Rational citizens have become bystanders in their own country.  Oppressive police and anarchists are two faces of the same coin.  And it's a coin minted by a runaway Fed and all it stands for.  We have a legal system.  Why are we not using it to prosecute the real felons on Wall St.?  We don't need to destroy Wall St., we need to go after the crooks, and I see NO ONE in power pushing for that.  
We don't prosecute the "real" felons usually because what they are doing is legal.  Liberals and other idiot votes keep electing politicians who change the laws to make it legal or leave in loopholes.  Or they just pass ill-conceived legislation that opens all sorts of new doors.  Wall Street isn't the problem, Washington D.C. is.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Ben on October 04, 2011, 07:07:10 PM
Apparently the "Occupiers of Wall Street" have a "needs of the occupiers" Twitter list going. Among other things, they require solar panels and installers.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: Balog on October 04, 2011, 07:12:12 PM
I have no trouble seeing both the hippies and the NYPD jackboots as being in the wrong.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: zxcvbob on October 13, 2011, 05:48:18 PM
The hippies are now occupying Brainerd MN.  I can't think of a punchline to go with that, but I don't think it needs one.  Brainerd?

(     (

Calling Marge Gunderson...

Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: KD5NRH on October 13, 2011, 10:55:07 PM
I have no trouble seeing both the hippies and the NYPD jackboots as being in the wrong.

I think this falls in the "communists protesting the nazis" category.  I'm going to go check the NEO listings.

Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: longeyes on October 14, 2011, 10:45:13 AM
We don't prosecute the "real" felons usually because what they are doing is legal.  Liberals and other idiot votes keep electing politicians who change the laws to make it legal or leave in loopholes.  Or they just pass ill-conceived legislation that opens all sorts of new doors.  Wall Street isn't the problem, Washington D.C. is.

Your presumption is that everything going on is iegal.  Maybe, maybe not.  But that is exactly what we need to lay out for all to see.  We need a process of discovery and to follow where that leads.
Title: Re: Wall Street Protest- Police Conduct Condemned by MSNBC
Post by: MechAg94 on October 14, 2011, 08:49:15 PM
Your presumption is that everything going on is iegal.  Maybe, maybe not.  But that is exactly what we need to lay out for all to see.  We need a process of discovery and to follow where that leads.
I don't completely disagree, but I think those in power are able to intentionally confuse some rules/laws and know where the grey areas are where they can take advantage.  The tax code is way too big for me to think otherwise.