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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: roo_ster on October 05, 2011, 03:39:40 PM

Title: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: roo_ster on October 05, 2011, 03:39:40 PM

As a federale US Attorney in NJ, CC pandered to lefty hispanics by saying being an illegal immigrant in the USA was not a crime.

Also, he prosecuted 13 folks from 2002-2007, while his counterpart in Kansas prosecuted 500.

After seeing Perry get shellacked and losing his commanding lead, no wonder he decided he did not want a slice of that pie.

Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on October 05, 2011, 03:52:57 PM

Instead of catering to New England-y types as a pretend conservative, he needs to spend 4-8 years (depending on this next POTUS election) fooling us (the "flyovers") with some superficial real conservatism prior to running in 2016 or 2020.
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: longeyes on October 05, 2011, 04:40:46 PM
And, in addition, he would have had a hard time in the debates answering questions about gun rights and ObamaCare.
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: HankB on October 05, 2011, 08:20:13 PM
Like Scott Brown in MA, Chris Christie only looks good when compared to his immediate predecessor.
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: never_retreat on October 05, 2011, 10:15:30 PM
Being from NJ I can speak about this.
I'm not sure of the number but is was more than 13 not 500 but more.
Cristie likes his power, If he becomes president he will not have that kind of power.
He's not quite right for the right and no where near the left so that leaves him not a good choice for a lot of people.
I can say I think he is doing good so far in NJ, best Governor I've seen in my lifetime (32).
I see him getting re-elected in NJ 2 years from now, then running in 2016 for pres.
Just my feeling. Unless some sort of drastic change takes place.
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: Northwoods on October 07, 2011, 01:19:07 AM
The Good: Getting NJ's budget back to just crazy bad rather than bat-*expletive deleted* *expletive deleted*ing insane bad.  Taking on the teachers unions.

The Bad: Gun rights (or lack thereof), illegal immegration, AGW, etc.

The Ugly: Ground Zero mosque (BTW, I agree that it shouldn't be prohibited, but neither should the .gov encourage it - it's also IMHO monumentally stupid on the part of the muslims), appointing a radical leftist to the judiciary.

These lists are certainly not all-inclusive.

ETA: I'm rather mystified why Ann Coulter was so strongly for CC.  The little bits that are really good are outweighed (no pun intended) by quite a bit by the bad and the ugly.
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 07, 2011, 01:39:49 AM
I read a liberal columnist a day or so ago (may have been Eugene Robinson) who speculated that it was because of his weight. Not long after reading that, I came across a conservative columnist saying pretty much the same thing.

Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: MechAg94 on October 08, 2011, 06:04:42 PM
Being from NJ I can speak about this.
I'm not sure of the number but is was more than 13 not 500 but more.
Cristie likes his power, If he becomes president he will not have that kind of power.
He's not quite right for the right and no where near the left so that leaves him not a good choice for a lot of people.
I can say I think he is doing good so far in NJ, best Governor I've seen in my lifetime (32).
I see him getting re-elected in NJ 2 years from now, then running in 2016 for pres.
Just my feeling. Unless some sort of drastic change takes place.
I agree with the sentiment.  He is likely a good fit for New Jersey, but I don't think the current Republican Primary climate would accept him.  He is doing good where he is and should stick around there.  Personally, I think the moderate wing of the Republican party is scared of the Tea Party movement and is desperately trying to find a moderate candidate who can win.

On Another Note:  What is it with all these desperate Republicans who just can't wait to drag any barely elected new face into the Presidential Race?  Shouldn't we ask some of these guys to do a couple terms in office before we drag them into a Presidential run?  And we wonder why some of these people are not quite prepared for the pressure cooker of a Presidential run.  We saw it with Gov Jindal and then Gov Palin.  Give them time to actually establish a set of a victories at home before throwing them to the wolves on the national stage.  
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: slingshot on October 11, 2011, 10:34:00 AM
I think Christie didn't run for persident because he is not prepared for the campaign.  Clearly some of his ideas and beliefs run counter to the Conservative wing of the Republican Party.  His beliefs on Gun Control is one of them which would have placed many in the position of voting for the lesser of two evils if he actually got the nomination.  I prefer not to have that choice thrust on me this presidential election cycle AGAIN.

So far I am supporting Herman Cain.  I want to learn more about his gun rights beliefs other than he supports individual gun rights.  I want to hear what he thinks about the Second Amendment relative to State's issues.  He is generally a States Rights guy, but the complete answer to the issue is not simply saying that you think gun control should fall under State's law verus Federal law.  
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: longeyes on October 11, 2011, 05:48:54 PM
Christie is good for an America that looks like New Jersey.  That's not one I want to live in, but, hey, I live in California.  For now.   =D

We need to know more about Cain.  What I've seen I like, but he's got to come correct on the 2A, illegal immigration, et al., for me to all-out support him.
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on October 11, 2011, 05:51:43 PM
Christie is good for an America that looks like New Jersey.  That's not one I want to live in, but, hey, I live in California.  For now.   =D

We need to know more about Cain.  What I've seen I like, but he's got to come correct on the 2A, illegal immigration, et al., for me to all-out support him.

zOMG, longeyes said something good about a candidate!

Run for the hills, the Secession has started!   [ar15]    :lol:
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: longeyes on October 11, 2011, 05:56:10 PM
I just came back from Arizona.  Do you want me to say something good about your state?  =)
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on October 11, 2011, 05:58:06 PM
I just came back from Arizona.  Do you want me to say something good about your state?  =)

It has good hills from which to launch the Secession? =D

What brought you to our fair State?
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: longeyes on October 11, 2011, 05:59:00 PM
zOMG, longeyes said something good about a candidate!

Run for the hills, the Secession has started!   [ar15]    :lol:

What I think about the current and future crop of candidates doesn't change my view that America has become, for cultural reasons, ungovernable in its current (allegedly) unified form.

Were we to elect the most conservative man or woman in America it would not likely change the future political course of this nation.  The real problems are deeper and wider than what's being "debated" on tv.
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: longeyes on October 11, 2011, 06:02:08 PM
It has good hills from which to launch the Secession? =D

What brought you to our fair State?

I don't want to scare you, but I keep looking for an alternative venue.  So it was part recon, part tourism (Monument Valley).  The list of places that have the things I require isn't that long, but AZ is on my list.  How come Ruger doesn't offer tours, by the way?
Title: Re: The Reason Why Chris Christie Did Not Run?
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 11, 2011, 09:34:16 PM
Christie has endorsed Romney, which I hope will come back to bite him in any future presidential bid.  =)