Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: vaskidmark on October 11, 2011, 10:44:06 AM

Title: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: vaskidmark on October 11, 2011, 10:44:06 AM
by The People of Occupy Wall Street.

Yes, it is possible that TPOWM have been maligned all these years.  We just were not paying attention in the right direction.

stay safe.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: vaskidmark on October 11, 2011, 10:46:05 AM
#OWS pick-up lines.

"What time do you get off not working?"

stay safe.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Ben on October 11, 2011, 10:49:26 AM
You remind me of a female Janeane Garafalo.

And I'm still laughing...  :laugh:
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: vaskidmark on October 11, 2011, 10:57:56 AM
We Are the 53%

stay safe.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: HankB on October 11, 2011, 11:00:43 AM
Reports are seeping out of NYC that these people are sort of like the "traditional" Earth Day participants - you know, people with barely a brush with personal hygiene who demonstrate their concern for the environment (and other issues) by descending on parks, the National Mall, Wall Street, etc., trashing the place, and leaving behind everything from everyday litter to human fecal matter and used condoms for SOMEONE ELSE to clean up.

The sad thing is, they do make a few good points, but for the most part they remind me of the sort that Al Capp lampooned in his comic strips a couple of decades ago as S.W.I.N.E. - Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Brad Johnson on October 11, 2011, 11:02:16 AM
I love hearing the whines of disaffected entitlement-ophiles.  It goes so well with the whistle of the wind through the trees.

Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: vaskidmark on October 11, 2011, 11:04:18 AM

How many members of the Forbes 400 say they're willing to pay higher taxes?

Actually, you can count them on both hands -- and still have two fingers left over.

Names are named in the article.  But you probably knew them already.

stay safe
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: makattak on October 11, 2011, 11:07:15 AM

How many members of the Forbes 400 say they're willing to pay higher taxes?

Actually, you can count them on both hands -- and still have two fingers left over.

Names are named in the article.  But you probably knew them already.

stay safe

I wonder how many of those 8 are doing so? Because they can VOLUNTARILY pay more taxes.

I'll bet 0.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Jamie B on October 11, 2011, 11:15:49 AM
I got fired for critieicising my company on my blog.
No, you obviously were fired for being too stupid to spell criticizing - even criticise would be OK if you are British.

What an idiot!
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: vaskidmark on October 11, 2011, 11:16:05 AM
OccupyChicago protester ays he is being paid $22/hour to whine.

stay safe.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: TechMan on October 11, 2011, 11:43:42 AM
OccupyCincinnati Protesters are trying to camp out 24/7 at a public park (|topnews|text|News).  Park closes at 10 p.m. so the police come down and issue citations.  This has been going on since this weekend.

“When people who are suffering hear about this movement, they realize they are not the only ones suffering and they band together to do something about it,” said Roco, who said he has been laid off from jobs three times in 18 months.

“This is not a joke,” Jewell said. “This is a demand for change, for everyone in this country to be treated equally. What we want is for people to know, to listen and see and hear what is going on here. We want to raise awareness. Is there any fairness in a system where one percent of the people control the wealth?”
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: KD5NRH on October 11, 2011, 03:40:46 PM
OccupyCincinnati Protesters are trying to camp out 24/7 at a public park (|topnews|text|News).  Park closes at 10 p.m. so the police come down and issue citations.  This has been going on since this weekend.

Haven't we learned anything from Waco?  Bring in some loudspeaker trucks, play those kids some rockin' tunes all night long and see how long they can keep it up.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: never_retreat on October 11, 2011, 04:34:01 PM
I saw something yesterday that the "park" they are in is private property. It belongs to one of the neighboring buildings owners.
Time to take out the trash.
Where is Eric Cartman when you need hippies removed. (
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: MechAg94 on October 11, 2011, 05:36:01 PM
Rush was talking today about some of the antisemitic roots of this.  Supposedly, the 99% might be related to the 1% of the population that is Jewish.  Also that some of the backers have antisemitic history. 

I don't have any links to back it up, but it wouldn't surprise me a bit.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: BobR on October 11, 2011, 07:04:41 PM
Bring in some loudspeaker trucks, play those kids some rockin' tunes all night long

No music. Just blare Rudyard Kipling's Boots over and over and over!

Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Brad Johnson on October 11, 2011, 07:12:47 PM
No music. Just blare Rudyard Kipling's Boots over and over and over!


But make it the Red Skelton version... Frogs!!

Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: KD5NRH on October 11, 2011, 09:46:12 PM
Even more entertaining; tape their ranting all day, and let them review it all night.

Bonus points if you put the loudspeakers in rainbow-colored VW buses and make them think it's their own people trying to help out.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 12, 2011, 02:05:52 AM
by The People of Occupy Wall Street.

Did anybody notice the guy's testimonial that leads off with "Fired for criticizing my employer on my blog"?  I KID YOU NOT.   :laugh:
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Iain on October 12, 2011, 07:34:40 AM
Rush was talking today about some of the antisemitic roots of this.  Supposedly, the 99% might be related to the 1% of the population that is Jewish.  Also that some of the backers have antisemitic history.  

I don't have any links to back it up, but it wouldn't surprise me a bit.

No, it wouldn't surprise me a tiny bit. That Rush would smear with anything he can imagine.

edit - as it clearly refers to being in the 'poorest' 99%. I assume that the original blog will not highlight all the 99%'ers who are putting up pictures - There's the rest of them. Yes, some of them are idiots, some of them are not:

My husband works 40+hrs a week. I work PT, and go to school. We have 3 children. Our oldest has multiple disabilities. Our BCBS insurance has a $2,500 deduct. We can’t afford to take our kids to the dr, unless it’s an EMERGENCY. My mother (A nurse for over 30 years) has recently been laid off. Unable to find a job, she will have to move in with us.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: brimic on October 12, 2011, 09:04:57 AM
No, it wouldn't surprise me a tiny bit. That Rush would smear with anything he can imagine.

The left did the spaghetti smear (throw everything at the wall and see what sticks) campaign against the TEA party gatherings with no evidence to back them up.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Rick Finsta on October 12, 2011, 09:16:33 AM
I'll go further than Brian and say Rush is on to something.  The last time around, it was just more blatant that "bankers=Jews," whereas this time the scapegoating is less antisemetic and more plain-jane class warfare.  Either way it is a bunch of idiots bitching about mercantilism and centralized planning and then asking for more of it, so long as it is "their" centralized planners in charge (i.e., not Jews, not bankers, not CEOs, but "progressives.")
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 12, 2011, 09:24:36 AM
No, it wouldn't surprise me a tiny bit. That Rush would smear with anything he can imagine.

Not that what you just said counts as a smear or anything. But at least you posted evidence. Or not.

edit - as it clearly refers to being in the 'poorest' 99%. I assume that the original blog will not highlight all the 99%'ers who are putting up pictures - There's the rest of them. Yes, some of them are idiots, some of them are not:

Idiots? Well, they complain about economic hardship, yet support an anti-prosperity movement. I guess you could call them idiots, regardless of what their sad little notes say.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Iain on October 12, 2011, 09:59:19 AM
Evidence of what? That Rush is yet another attack dog? I doubt that really needs evidencing further. Still, he's probably better than Hannity -

The talking heads of the left and the right - say anything that is expedient on that day against their enemies.

My generation is working long hours to pay for mortgages on homes bought at a time of ludicrous house prices. The next load of kids are going to struggle to get jobs to work long hours at. I don't love capitalism, it's the worst system going, until you consider all the others. I'm not going to get my panties in a wad about a group of people who are not having the best time of it, these so-called "freedom haters" with their anti-semitic roots.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: TommyGunn on October 12, 2011, 11:11:11 AM
Sorry Iain, that Hannity video is major libtard spin.  Yes, the Tea Partiers are upset about big govt, etc., but let's not pretend that the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd is NOT heavily influence/infiltrated by socialists and other George Soros aspirants who are full-tilt socialists who hate capitalism.
That video was just pure wise-*expletive deleted*ss snark.  It's not even paricularly imaginative or original.  It's an old time worn tradition to take statements out of context and it's disingenuous -- even when done for libtard reasons like that video.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Iain on October 12, 2011, 11:36:50 AM
So you're saying that Hannity does support protests, except when the protestors are "heavily influence/infiltrated by socialists and other George Soros aspirants who are full-tilt socialists who hate capitalism."

That's exactly what I got from the video.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 12, 2011, 12:19:00 PM
Sorry Ian, but what makes you think we live under capitalism?  The entire system has been corrupted into an artificial crony-capitalist state.  The " 99%" need to occupy congress and the WH and ask them why they allow the laws to be written in the fashion they are, why regulations are choking the healthcare system, and why unions are allowed to control industries.  No sir, you are living under a thugocracy.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 12, 2011, 10:43:32 PM
Evidence of what? That Rush is yet another attack dog? I doubt that really needs evidencing further. .

Evidence of what? That left-wingers hate Jews? I doubt that really needs evidencing further...

You could have a career in radio, Iain.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: TommyGunn on October 13, 2011, 12:27:18 AM
So you're saying that Hannity does support protests, except when the protestors are "heavily influence/infiltrated by socialists and other George Soros aspirants who are full-tilt socialists who hate capitalism."

That's exactly what I got from the video.

Stop the conflation game Iain.  Hannity is a conservative and supports conservative causes.  The "occupy Wallstreet" crowd are a bunch of libtards. He's not going to be supporting libtards. 
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: roo_ster on October 13, 2011, 12:54:31 AM
No, it wouldn't surprise me a tiny bit. That Rush would smear with anything he can imagine.

edit - as it clearly refers to being in the 'poorest' 99%. I assume that the original blog will not highlight all the 99%'ers who are putting up pictures - There's the rest of them. Yes, some of them are idiots, some of them are not:

Evidence of what? That left-wingers hate Jews? I doubt that really needs evidencing further...

You could have a career in radio, Iain.

I've seen plenty of anti-semetic video from the OWS folks.  They are not shy about it at all. 

OTOH, the "racism" charges against the TEA Party had to be manufactured.  The two most prominent being the claims of racial language as black members of Congress walked to the Congressional bldg and the charges of white, armed racism against BHO (in AZ, IIRC)...which were undermined by hte fact that the guy with the AR15 was black (a fact which was deliberately cut from the video).
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Iain on October 13, 2011, 04:16:46 AM
fistful - the claim that the 99% refers to those who are not Jews needs some support. The claim that the left hates Jews needs a massive amount of support. I know that's not the case on here. But it's the case elsewhere.

On here any evidence of racism amongst a tiny minority of tea partiers "had to be manufactured", but lefties are all anti-semites.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 13, 2011, 10:19:27 AM
fistful - the claim that the 99% refers to those who are not Jews needs some support. The claim that the left hates Jews needs a massive amount of support. I know that's not the case on here. But it's the case elsewhere.

OK. I just liked how you responded to "Rush Limbaugh said something critical of the Flea Party," by implying that it was an unfounded accusation. And apparently without looking into what Rush said, or any sources he may have been citing. A little ironic, is all.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Iain on October 13, 2011, 11:24:10 AM
Only I did go looking, and found a far more reasonable source for the 99% name. Immediate scepticism of 'Beck with a chalkboard' thinking is quite justifiable. I've listened to the segment, including his reference to Kanye West's visit as a "perp walk". Note that he doesn't mention the Yom Kippur service that took place, without a spontaneous pogrom going down.

By the way, I do agree with him that movement may turn out to be difficult to control if the Democrats do take the "tiger by the tail". But not because of antisemitism.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on October 13, 2011, 11:35:57 AM

My generation is working long hours to pay for mortgages on homes bought at a time of ludicrous house prices. The next load of kids are going to struggle to get jobs to work long hours at. I don't love capitalism, it's the worst system going, until you consider all the others. I'm not going to get my panties in a wad about a group of people who are not having the best time of it, these so-called "freedom haters" with their anti-semitic roots.

Sorry, Iain.  "Rights" include the right to fail.

And every freakin' idiot that bought a house when they were blatantly over-inflated in value deserves exactly what they got.

I "wanted" a house 6 years ago, too.

But I didn't get one just because I wanted one.  I absolutely hate/loathe/abhor every single wretched whinging whiner that brings this up as some sort of defense of leftism.

No one has a "right" to property ownership.  It's earned through hard work and INTELLIGENCE, and being able to see the forest through the trees.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Iain on October 13, 2011, 11:49:47 AM
Here the housing market has crashed, somewhat. But few can get a mortgage, because the banks the tax payer bailed out aren't making loans, despite "quantative easing". The private rental market is through the roof. Houses that are being sold are being sold to landlords, the govt is projecting the lowest level of private home ownership in 25 years, in fact since Thatcher instituted the 'right to buy' and a large number of council houses were sold. Most of my friends who own homes had significant financial help.

Hardly surprising that people don't like that sort of state of affairs. As I say, my panties aren't in a wad about this, or about a group of people who aren't really going to get a lot achieved but whine publicly about it. Most of them aren't dreadful awful leftists, they're just people trying to get by, who feel utterly screwed over by situations like the one detailed above. We all know the "dream", but reality bites. Not sure why anyone would get so irate about them.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Viking on October 13, 2011, 12:00:57 PM
OccupyChicago protester ays he is being paid $22/hour to whine.

stay safe.
Filthy capitalist. Tax him at 90% and send him to the Gulags.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: roo_ster on October 13, 2011, 12:20:20 PM
fistful - the claim that the 99% refers to those who are not Jews needs some support. The claim that the left hates Jews needs a massive amount of support. I know that's not the case on here. But it's the case elsewhere.

On here any evidence of racism amongst a tiny minority of tea partiers "had to be manufactured", but lefties are all anti-semites.

I did not write they all were, but that those that were were not shy about being videoed whilst in mid-judenrein harangue.  Their fellow lefties did not try to quash them or argue that they were wrong, unlike the TEA Partiers who would bum rush fools/tools who broke out racist signs. 

"Qui tacet consentit," when in those circumstances. 

The two most prominent "TEA Party is racist" stories did happen to be manufactured. 
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 21, 2011, 01:43:40 PM
Only I did go looking, and found a far more reasonable source for the 99% name. Immediate scepticism of 'Beck with a chalkboard' thinking is quite justifiable. I've listened to the segment, including his reference to Kanye West's visit as a "perp walk". Note that he doesn't mention the Yom Kippur service that took place, without a spontaneous pogrom going down.

By the way, I do agree with him that movement may turn out to be difficult to control if the Democrats do take the "tiger by the tail". But not because of antisemitism.

OK, I had to look up the transcript and get back to you. I was listening that day, but I didn't hear it all.

And I was unaware of Glen Beck's chalkboard, since I can't see it on my radio. But anyway, I now understand that it's OK for you to speculate that Rush is probably doing something bad, even if you haven't confirmed it yet; but Rush is not allowed to do the same thing.

And I still don't see how Rush can be singled out for "smearing" the OWS bozos by discussing their possible anti-Semitism, unless you're going to come down equally hard on those rabid, Glenn Beck-worshipping right-wingers over at the Huffington Post.  ;/
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Iain on October 21, 2011, 07:38:52 PM
Under your skin so much you didn't read the whole Huffpo article:

"To those who are taking the isolated anti-Semitic incidents, treating them as representative of the entire movement and inflating them, we ask: Why? Are you truly appalled at the few hateful protestors among tens of thousands, or are you hoping to discredit a peaceful protest because you disagree with its goals?"

Which is precisely what Rush was up to. Discussing anti-semitism amongst a few of them is one thing, speculating that they call themselves the 99% for an entirely different reason than the one they state, and a for reason that attempts to make it an anti-semitic movement - that's Beck with a chalkboard stuff.

And then there's this - - a suggestion that at least one of the guys hanging around with 'zionist' signs has been at it for some time. And this - an interesting article, which might well put the lie to claims in the post above yours (which you know, would shock me totally)
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 21, 2011, 07:57:41 PM
Under your skin so much you didn't read the whole Huffpo article.

Like I would ever read a whole Huffpo article.  :lol:

Yeah, well, if you read the whole transcript I linked to earlier, Rush was talking about a group called Adbusters that he says is "involved" with Occupy Wall Street, and he points out some stuff they've said about Jews. I don't know if he even said anything about any of those "isolated incidents."

But that's not really the point. I don't know if Rush was right to say what he said. I don't think I really have time to look into any more than this. The point is, you responded to a "smear" with your own smear, so...

That's about it.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Iain on October 21, 2011, 08:22:54 PM
Don't like him, don't like his ilk on all sides, don't like the level of discourse in general and blame them for that to an extent. Reading the transcripts, and transcripts of other segments on the issue leaves me disliking it all even more. He's made blanket statements that a core of anti-semites are running the show. Anyway, I'd like to be on good terms with you, so yeah I smeared him a bit. It made me feel good.
Title: Re: The People of WalMart have been replaced ...
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 22, 2011, 03:55:32 PM
I ain't mad at ya. He bothers me sometimes, too. It bothers me a little bit that you seem to give OWS the benefit of the doubt, more than Limbaugh.