Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: just Warren on October 24, 2011, 07:06:41 PM

Title: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: just Warren on October 24, 2011, 07:06:41 PM
Whaaaa? (

I'm sure this is an infringement of something or other though that doesn't mean much these days. 

And if they want that why not go the whole way and put up a control tower? 
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Tallpine on October 24, 2011, 07:34:56 PM
Some people should have to pass a test to leave city limits    :lol:
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: dm1333 on October 24, 2011, 07:40:05 PM

in response to a "growing problem with road safety," reports Stevens Points Journal

While it turns out the town of Hull hasn't had a crash involving a bike or pedestrian since 2008, the community's chairman contends that bikers and runners take up too much of the road, leading to a rash of complaints from irritated drivers.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, irritated drivers who have to slow down for a few seconds in order to safely pass a cyclist who has as much right to be on that road as they do.  Oh, wait, I thought they were talking about California!   =D
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 24, 2011, 07:46:29 PM
Yeah we have a rural town that has been hitting cyclists with $240 fines for not stopping at stop signs. God forbid a 16mph weekend rider not unclip and put a foot down and signal before turning when there isn't another vehicle in sight.... :facepalm:
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: HankB on October 24, 2011, 08:14:01 PM
Cyclists here in the Central Texas (Austin) area are nuts - weaving in & out of traffic, riding on highways that have NO shoulder, ignoring roads that do have a shoulder and riding in a traffic lane instead . . .

It doesn't matter what the motor vehicle code says, it doesn't matter who's at fault in a collision (usually the cyclist), it doesn't even matter who wins any subsequent lawsuit; when a cyclist tries to occupy the same place at the same time as a soccer mommy driving a Suburban at 60 MPH, the cyclist LOSES; the laws of physics trump the rules of the road.

And no amount of self-rightous indignation is going to change that.

(But requiring trip plans be filed for cyclists & pedestrians is beyond silly.)
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: MrsSmith on October 24, 2011, 08:24:53 PM
I can't remember the exact wording at the moment, but it states pretty clearly in the sailing Rules of Racing that even if you have right of way, if you do nothing to avoid a collision or other accident, you're as guilty as the person who did NOT have right of way. If you think about it, that's a pretty fitting way to look at life too.

But filing a trip plan before walking or riding a bike? Nope. Just wrong.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: zxcvbob on October 24, 2011, 08:29:36 PM
Bicycle doesn't belong on the shoulder, the cyclist should be out in the lane like any other vehicle.  I usually ride about 2 feet from the right edge so cars don't have to move left so far to pass me, but I still have some room to maneuver if they crowd me.

The article says "groups of bicycles", runners, etc.  I wonder if they are just talking about organized events (races)?
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: RoadKingLarry on October 24, 2011, 09:16:15 PM
Yeah we have a rural town that has been hitting cyclists with $240 fines for not stopping at stop signs. God forbid a 16mph weekend rider not unclip and put a foot down and signal before turning when there isn't another vehicle in sight.... :facepalm:

Bicyclists here worked very hard to make themselves subject tot he same privileges and rules as automobiles. Now they get their panties spandex shorts in a bunch when they are actually held to those rules.
Stop signs mean stop as do red lights. Don't matter a bit if there is no other traffic, sames as for the driver of a car.
I used to volunteer at a big charity bicycle ride and the crap I saw some of those idiots pull was downright dangerous. They were quick to remind you that they had the same rights on the road as cars but ignored traffic signs out of hand.
That attitude cost one of them his young life when he thought the 18 wheeler should get the hell out of his way after he (bike rider) blew through a stop sign.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 24, 2011, 09:30:50 PM
Bicyclists here worked very hard to make themselves subject tot he same privileges and rules as automobiles. Now they get their panties spandex shorts in a bunch when they are actually held to those rules.
Stop signs mean stop as do red lights. Don't matter a bit if there is no other traffic, sames as for the driver of a car.
I used to volunteer at a big charity bicycle ride and the crap I saw some of those idiots pull was downright dangerous. They were quick to remind you that they had the same rights on the road as cars but ignored traffic signs out of hand.
That attitude cost one of them his young life when he thought the 18 wheeler should get the hell out of his way after he (bike rider) blew through a stop sign.

While I agree with you the law is the law, when there is absolutely no traffic I just don't see the benefit in bothering cyclists.  If they're creating a problem, then yes stick 'em with the ticket. 
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Brad Johnson on October 24, 2011, 09:37:02 PM
While I agree with you the law is the law, when there is absolutely no traffic I just don't see the benefit in bothering cyclists.  If they're creating a problem, then yes stick 'em with the ticket. 

Can us cagers do the same?

Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 24, 2011, 10:43:29 PM
Can us cagers do the same?


Do you ever roll through a stop?
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: RoadKingLarry on October 24, 2011, 10:47:33 PM
Do you ever roll through a stop?

Nope, and, I haven't gotten a traffic ticket/moving violation since Sept. 1981 either.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: MechAg94 on October 24, 2011, 11:01:33 PM
Hey, if we can change them all to yield signs when there is little traffic, sounds good to me. 

Sounds like this town needs bike lanes or more sidewalks. 
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 24, 2011, 11:08:29 PM
Hey, if we can change them all to yield signs when there is little traffic, sounds good to me. 

Sounds like this town needs bike lanes or more sidewalks. 

Bike lanes end up full of broken glass, parked cars, and potholes.  Sidewalks are no place for recreational cyclists.

Nope, and, I haven't gotten a traffic ticket/moving violation since Sept. 1981 either.

I see people do it all the time. 
And I'm not talking about cyclists blowing stop signs at 20 mph. 

I'm exiting stage right, as I expect the sanctomonious is going to get thick in this thread.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 24, 2011, 11:15:50 PM
I was a bicycle messenger for a long time and also have been a taxi driver so I know both sides of the coin.
Sure,the law is the law-... but it makes life difficult for both drivers and cyclist. Lets say you have a few cyclist riding side by side which is perfectly legal in most states And there is no bike lane. The road goes up hill,when they come to a complete stop and put one foot on the ground then every car behind them will go as fast as a bike starting from zero and going up hill-meaning about 3mph and if they are young and strong they may get up to7. It makes more sense and is better for every car behind them if they ride as hard/fast as they could to build up speed and momentum so as not to keep the cars behind them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cars do not see bikes unless they know to look out for them, time after time I see people turn without looking at the bike they just passed and cutting the biker off-a really nice girl I knew was killed by a careless jerk in precisely this way.                                                                                                                                                                    In my opinion there is no solution to the bike/car dilemma - the bike rights movement is a bunch of lefty control freak jerks that have no real experience behind either bike handlebars or steering wheels & drivers for the most part think bike riding is something kids do in playgrounds not realizing  that people need to get to work that way or they are at work ( messenger ) ... To many cyclist and drivers are complete morons. One solution I do think might work ( a little ) is to ban violent felons from getting drivers licenses - a guy I knew (  Chris Robertson ) was killed by a road rager truck driver who had done time for murder, the Judge/jury who had no clue about cycling wouldn't convict.  It sent a message to many many cyclist that you wont find justice in court & its kill or be killed if you get into a dispute with a driver.

We don't let felons own guns but we let them drive machines with that on average are involved with a lot more death.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: MechAg94 on October 24, 2011, 11:24:02 PM
I see cars roll through stop signs too, but that doesn't mean they can't get a ticket.  Would red light cameras work on cyclists?  I agree that bike lanes won't solve your problem.  You still have to obey traffic signs. 

I mentioned the sidewalks not for bicycles, but for walkers/joggers since they were also mentioned in the OP. 

BUT:  Don't worry Jamis, this town doesn't have its own police force so you can run stop signs with no problems.  I wonder if that is part of their problem.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 24, 2011, 11:25:03 PM
Bike lanes end up full of broken glass, parked cars, and potholes.  Sidewalks are no place for recreational cyclists.

speaking as a professional cyclist for 20yrs I agree a million percent, I despise bike lanes-nothing but magnets for everything detrimental to biking safely & the only person riding on a sidewalk should be supervised 6 to 10 yr olds
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 24, 2011, 11:29:06 PM
I see cars roll through stop signs too, but that doesn't mean they can't get a ticket.  Would red light cameras work on cyclists?  I agree that bike lanes won't solve your problem.  You still have to obey traffic signs. 

I mentioned the sidewalks not for bicycles, but for walkers/joggers since they were also mentioned in the OP. 

BUT:  Don't worry Jamis, this town doesn't have its own police force so you can run stop signs with no problems.  I wonder if that is part of their problem.
I'm sure there is some type of LE presence State cops or county Sherrif - red light cameras won't do a thing-no way to really identfy due to no plates.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: MechAg94 on October 24, 2011, 11:30:23 PM
gunsmith, I know what you mean about forgetting bikes you just passed.  I have had to wait for cyclists and joggers to go by or cross the street before turning or pulling out.  There are kids riding bikes to school near around my neighborhood.  There is only so much defensive driving/cycling you can do.  On public roads, we really do depend on every driver to drive more or less safe and controlled.  It just doesn't work otherwise.  Riding bicycles, you are just really vulnerable.

Honestly, stupid drivers is one reason I doubt I would ever get a motorcycle or really consider riding a bicycle to work.  There just isn't a safe route on a cycle.  I am comfortable in my truck and I am comfortable most people will see me.  

Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: erictank on October 25, 2011, 03:05:50 AM
Yeah we have a rural town that has been hitting cyclists with $240 fines for not stopping at stop signs. God forbid a 16mph weekend rider not unclip and put a foot down and signal before turning when there isn't another vehicle in sight.... :facepalm:

Is that the fine for cars failing to stop there, and are cars getting ticketed in similar proportions?  Y'know, I find it hard to get worked up about the notion, myself.  If they (bicyclists) have as much right to the road as people in cars, and as much right to the lane as people in cars despite being utterly unable to occupy said lane without obstructing the flow of traffic, then they have the responsibility to obey the same traffic regulations as the people in cars too, nicht wahr? They should face the same risk of ticketingfor violations as a car driver at that intersection, IMO - they've literally ASKED to be treated the same, so they have no right to complain when they are.

And I say that as someone who used to ride.

Trip plans for bikers and pedestrians, however, are completely freaking stupid.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: KD5NRH on October 25, 2011, 04:28:24 AM
meaning about 3mph and if they are young and strong they may get up to7.

HTFU, Pokey; if I can't climb at 8, I get off and walk.   :P
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: KD5NRH on October 25, 2011, 04:29:56 AM
It doesn't matter what the motor vehicle code says, it doesn't matter who's at fault in a collision (usually the cyclist), it doesn't even matter who wins any subsequent lawsuit; when a cyclist tries to occupy the same place at the same time as a soccer mommy driving a Suburban at 60 MPH, the cyclist LOSES; the laws of physics trump the rules of the road.

And no amount of self-rightous indignation is going to change that.

Then I guess we should prohibit small people from going out in public where they can be victimized by much bigger criminals, too.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: HankB on October 25, 2011, 08:23:59 AM
Then I guess we should prohibit small people from going out in public where they can be victimized by much bigger criminals, too.
Small people have a right to go into biker bars and tell the customers they hate leather, chains, and motorcycles.

Women have a right to jog alone at night along skid row wearing just a bikini stuffed with $100 bills.

Having a right to do something doesn't make it smart to do so.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: De Selby on October 25, 2011, 08:33:10 AM
People who can't be counted on to avoid bicycles and pedestrians should not be behind the wheel of a car.

Yes, there are lots of those people, but that's a problem with our licensing system and a cultural penchant for treating recklessness on the road less harshly than other types of lethal recklessness. 

Because of the way our economy is set up, it just isn't feasible to train every driver and certify that they're actually safe on the road.  My vote goes to better road engineering as a solution.

Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: KD5NRH on October 25, 2011, 08:56:59 AM
Because of the way our economy is set up, it just isn't feasible to train every driver and certify that they're actually safe on the road.

And why not?  TX driver ed is 32 hours classroom and 20 hours behind the wheel.  That's as many hours as any of the Bondurant high-performance driving courses.  Just because the time is almost always used poorly doesn't mean it can't be done well if the curriculum is better designed.

Also, making it a lot easier to lose one's license for serious or repeated violations, and toughening up the requirements to get it back would help a lot.  Frankly, economic considerations can go out the window when it comes to pricing the course and testing to get one's license back after losing it to a demonstrated inability or refusal to drive safely.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Jamie B on October 25, 2011, 08:59:32 AM
Hull, WI needs to be renamed Darwin, WI.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: De Selby on October 25, 2011, 09:06:21 AM
And why not?  TX driver ed is 32 hours classroom and 20 hours behind the wheel.  That's as many hours as any of the Bondurant high-performance driving courses.  Just because the time is almost always used poorly doesn't mean it can't be done well if the curriculum is better designed.

Also, making it a lot easier to lose one's license for serious or repeated violations, and toughening up the requirements to get it back would help a lot.  Frankly, economic considerations can go out the window when it comes to pricing the course and testing to get one's license back after losing it to a demonstrated inability or refusal to drive safely.

These measures don't work on people who cannot live adult lives without driving - they just drive anyway, because there's no other way to get by.  And they'll drive crappy, less safe cars to minimise the loss when they do get pulled over...which makes the roads even worse. 

Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: MechAg94 on October 25, 2011, 09:18:29 AM
And why not?  TX driver ed is 32 hours classroom and 20 hours behind the wheel.  That's as many hours as any of the Bondurant high-performance driving courses.  Just because the time is almost always used poorly doesn't mean it can't be done well if the curriculum is better designed.

Also, making it a lot easier to lose one's license for serious or repeated violations, and toughening up the requirements to get it back would help a lot.  Frankly, economic considerations can go out the window when it comes to pricing the course and testing to get one's license back after losing it to a demonstrated inability or refusal to drive safely.
Honestly, if years of driving experience doesn't teach some people safe driving, no class will do so. 

That said, you will never make it safe enough to remove the risk of riding bikes on public roads.  Even the best drivers have car accidents and moments of inattention.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: KD5NRH on October 25, 2011, 09:19:59 AM
These measures don't work on people who cannot live adult lives without driving - they just drive anyway, because there's no other way to get by.

Since when?  My BIL hasn't driven in over a year, and still has no problems finding work.

I'm sure there are people who think there's just no way to live without crystal meth, but that doesn't make it true.

And they'll drive crappy, less safe cars to minimise the loss when they do get pulled over...which makes the roads even worse.

A mandatory minimum 60-90 day jail sentence for driving with a suspended or revoked license would tend to help them figure out how to live without the car until they can get licensed again.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: KD5NRH on October 25, 2011, 09:30:16 AM
Honestly, if years of driving experience doesn't teach some people safe driving, no class will do so.

No, but making it prohibitively expensive to screw up badly or repeatedly will keep the worst ones off the road.

That said, you will never make it safe enough to remove the risk of riding bikes on public roads.  Even the best drivers have car accidents and moments of inattention.

You'll never make it completely safe to drive a truck on public roads either, but getting rid of the worst drivers will make it a lot safer.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Tallpine on October 25, 2011, 10:39:51 AM
I'm not sure "training" is an answer, other than the kind of training one should have received as a young child - like being considerate of other people. 

A nation full of jackasses drive like jackasses  :mad:
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 25, 2011, 10:55:43 AM
a draft ordinance in September that requires biking, running or walking groups to register their travel plans with the town or bans them from using roads outright.

MS charity rides are a farking nightmare, and the local cops do need a heads up
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: KD5NRH on October 25, 2011, 11:08:21 AM
MS charity rides are a farking nightmare, and the local cops do need a heads up

Unfortunately, nobody seems to have the exact wording of this proposed ordinance, so there's no way to know what they define as a group.  Some places have proposed ridiculously small numbers with no exceptions, so families wanting to take their kids for a stroll would need to register.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 25, 2011, 11:32:36 AM
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: KD5NRH on October 25, 2011, 12:11:15 PM

All I could gather from those is that they have no f'in clue how to define a group.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 25, 2011, 02:35:05 PM
it seems like they know a bear when they see one, and if someone gets bit, they want to have their hind quarters covered

they have an issue with inadequate shoulders and berms and need to mix 45 mph traffic with 12 mph bikers

one option in those meeting notes is to ban bikes entirely from some roadways
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 26, 2011, 12:34:12 AM
While I agree with you the law is the law, when there is absolutely no traffic I just don't see the benefit in bothering cyclists.  If they're creating a problem, then yes stick 'em with the ticket. 

But should not the same logic apply to drivers of motor vehicles? If it's okay for a bicycle to blow through a stop sign when there's no on-coming traffic, why isn't it okay for a motor vehicle to do the same?

And once you get to the point of saying it's okay to not stop if there's nobody coming ... then you really have to ask why is there a stop sign or stop light at all?

I hate jackweed bicyclists.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 26, 2011, 01:28:57 AM
Then I guess we should prohibit small people from going out in public where they can be victimized by much bigger criminals, too.

A much bigger criminal tried to victimize me but he stopped when he realized I was pointing a gun at him.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: zxcvbob on October 26, 2011, 01:34:10 AM
But should not the same logic apply to drivers of motor vehicles? If it's okay for a bicycle to blow through a stop sign when there's no on-coming traffic, why isn't it okay for a motor vehicle to do the same?

And once you get to the point of saying it's okay to not stop if there's nobody coming ... then you really have to ask why is there a stop sign or stop light at all?

It depends on the definition of the word "stop".  I don't see anything wrong with a car slowing to a crawl and then proceeding without coming to a full stop if they are the only ones at the intersection.  If this somehow causes an accident, by all means stick it to them.  That doesn't mean I do rolling stops.  (OK, I do them if I'm on a bicycle and nobody is around.  I come to a complete stop if there's any other traffic)

I hate jackweed bicyclists.
That's OK, we hate you too.  :-*

Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 26, 2011, 01:37:10 AM
Since when?  My BIL hasn't driven in over a year, and still has no problems finding work.

if you're truly rural like I am you need a vehicle of some sort.
I drive a 300 mile round trip to go to a real supermarket.

I cant ride a bike to work, far to dangerous - in fact even though I love riding bicycles I have given it up except for places where absolutely no cars are, Nevada drivers have no clue about cyclist ... plus my work is 22 miles away and I cant really carry what I need for the days work on a bicycle-barely can on a mc

drove my mc today in 30 degree weather! brrrrr!
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 26, 2011, 01:42:58 AM
But should not the same logic apply to drivers of motor vehicles? If it's okay for a bicycle to blow through a stop sign when there's no on-coming traffic, why isn't it okay for a motor vehicle to do the same?

And once you get to the point of saying it's okay to not stop if there's nobody coming ... then you really have to ask why is there a stop sign or stop light at all?

I hate jackweed bicyclists.

the answer to the question is momentum - if you insist that cyclist must come to a complete stop then you have no right to complain when you're stuck behind a cyclist who could be doing at least twenty but due to your intransigence is now legally taking up the lane and going 2 or three miles per hour ... If you like driving slower then you walk - well  OK, personally when I'm behind a bike I hope he goes thru the red light -because I do not like being behind someone going 2 miles per.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: KD5NRH on October 26, 2011, 03:05:17 AM
if you're truly rural like I am you need a vehicle of some sort.
I drive a 300 mile round trip to go to a real supermarket.

If you choose to cut your arms and legs off, you need a chauffeur.  OTOH, if you choose to move closer to the things you need, you can walk or ride a bicycle.

I cant ride a bike to work, far to dangerous - in fact even though I love riding bicycles I have given it up except for places where absolutely no cars are, Nevada drivers have no clue about cyclist ... plus my work is 22 miles away and I cant really carry what I need for the days work on a bicycle-barely can on a mc

BIL was riding 14+ miles each way on 2-lane Florida highways around Cocoa and Cape Canaveral.  FL has gotten the honor of deadliest state for cyclists for a few years now, (17% of 2008's cyclist and pedestrian fatalities were in FL) and he was right in the middle of tourist country pedaling along with carpentry tools, lunch, and a change of clothes.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 26, 2011, 04:03:35 AM
If you choose to cut your arms and legs off, you need a chauffeur.  OTOH, if you choose to move closer to the things you need, you can walk or ride a bicycle.

BIL was riding 14+ miles each way on 2-lane Florida highways around Cocoa and Cape Canaveral.  FL has gotten the honor of deadliest state for cyclists for a few years now, (17% of 2008's cyclist and pedestrian fatalities were in FL) and he was right in the middle of tourist country pedaling along with carpentry tools, lunch, and a change of clothes.

Yup, riding in Florida is easy compared to where I am ... I know first hand, I lived in Jupiter FL, Tequesta,Lake worth, when I lived in Tequesta you could ride the 20 miles to WPB easy by taking only a few roads and mostly bike paths, northern NV is totally different, I was a professional bike messenger for yrs - I guarantee you I have more experience on bikes then you or your brother, actually let me see, I had my first bike messenger job in 1978 in NYC... probably more then 20yrs experience in the worst kind of conditions imaginable - when I tell you I cant do it from where I am I am not blowing smoke, I could do it physically but with the trucks,gravel,drunks, and totally white out conditions common along with the usual 50mph wind it is quite simply to freaking dangerous. You remember that TX dust storm that had the whole country talking?? Its an everyday occurrence in the black rock desert

bikes plus cars plus trucks times blinding dust/wind equals death,%20US

I biked florida, its a cake walk, a flat cake walk, and he wasn't carrying a change of winter clothes, and when you bike in the wither time you still sweat so you dress light to ride then need to carry heavier coats to wear when you stop, you will never ever be able to tell me more about working and bike riding then me. It would be like a someone who rode a pony at a carnival telling the Pony Express how easy it is
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 26, 2011, 04:11:55 AM
If you choose to cut your arms and legs off, you need a chauffeur.  OTOH, if you choose to move closer to the things you need, you can walk or ride a bicycle.

 :facepalm: how about I just tell you how to live your life? That would be simpler.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: roo_ster on October 26, 2011, 10:26:14 AM
speaking as a professional cyclist for 20yrs I agree a million percent, I despise bike lanes-nothing but magnets for everything detrimental to biking safely & the only person riding on a sidewalk should be supervised 6 to 10 yr olds

As a far less experienced cyclist, I concur.  Bike lanes are of the Devil.

People who can't be counted on to avoid bicycles and pedestrians should not be behind the wheel of a car.

Yes, there are lots of those people, but that's a problem with our licensing system and a cultural penchant for treating recklessness on the road less harshly than other types of lethal recklessness. 

Because of the way our economy is set up, it just isn't feasible to train every driver and certify that they're actually safe on the road.  My vote goes to better road engineering as a solution.

Better road engineering is most definitely in order.  WAY to many interchanges that are death traps for almost everyone involved.

Part of the price for liberty is risk.  The risk-averse need to crawl their azzes to a nanny state and ask, "Mother may I?"

These measures don't work on people who cannot live adult lives without driving - they just drive anyway, because there's no other way to get by.  And they'll drive crappy, less safe cars to minimise the loss when they do get pulled over...which makes the roads even worse.


Also, LEOs on the road know and understand this.  Illegals many times get a pass, if they otherwise appear clean.  Poor Americans, too.  ESPECIALLY poor folks in generally poor areas who look like they are driving work trucks.  As part of the way to pay for school, I worked for a tree removal company several summers from age 15 until graduating from college.  Towards the last few years, my part-time employer went through Hard TimesTM.  None of the vehicles had plates or the requisite commercial truck verbiage on the exterior.  I was never, ever pulled over.  I drove the speed limit & obeyed the laws, so the municipal, county, and state LEOs passed me over.

At the end of the day, any real crack down would net a huge number of illegals and their boosters in America would squawk like wet hens.  Yeah, they drive drunk and generally kill more folks on the road than Americans, but so long as the affluent can have their gardeners & nannies and crooked businessfolk can have their laborers, it is all worth it, I'm sure.

Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: zxcvbob on October 26, 2011, 12:08:40 PM
As a far less experienced cyclist, I concur.  Bike lanes are of the Devil.
Better road engineering is most definitely in order.  WAY to many interchanges that are death traps for almost everyone involved.

My city is in the process of putting in bike lanes.  And when they get near an intersection, they often do an 'X' with the left right turn lane.   :facepalm:  (any road engineer who designs an 'X' traffic pattern should have his license revoked or be shot, or both)
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: brimic on October 26, 2011, 12:42:17 PM
I hate jackweed bicyclists.
In the city I work in, a lot of local bicyclists have an entitlement mentality to their priviledges.
They don't obey trafffic rules and often times ride side by side at 10 mph or more under the speed limit on busy streets.
Then again I work in the far-lefty side of Milwaukee. In other areas I drive through (ghetto), pedestrians not only ignore crosswalks/crosswalk signals, but will purposely shuffle slowly across the road in front of you.
There are days that I really want to go home and start welding on my killdozer.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 26, 2011, 09:23:56 PM
often times ride side by side at 10 mph or more under the speed limit on busy streets.

It does suck but most likely they are obeying the law, in most municipalities riding side by side is encouraged as it makes them easier to see.

Keeping up with a 25mph speed limit for a long distance can only be achieved by not stopping, so unless you want the cyclist to go through a red light/stop sign you're gonna have to accept slow bikers in front of you.

If it is safe to do so its makes more sense for a bike to go through a light in order to insure a smoother flow of traffic.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: brimic on October 27, 2011, 08:13:20 AM
If it is safe to do so its makes more sense for a bike to go through a light in order to insure a smoother flow of traffic.
Most of what I'm seeing is running red lights or 4-way stops.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: De Selby on October 27, 2011, 08:24:26 AM
In the city I work in, a lot of local bicyclists have an entitlement mentality to their priviledges.
They don't obey trafffic rules and often times ride side by side at 10 mph or more under the speed limit on busy streets.
Then again I work in the far-lefty side of Milwaukee. In other areas I drive through (ghetto), pedestrians not only ignore crosswalks/crosswalk signals, but will purposely shuffle slowly across the road in front of you.
There are days that I really want to go home and start welding on my killdozer.

How dare they slow you down your way to work - don't those pedestrians and cyclists know who you are, and how important it is for you to travel at the maximum possible speed?
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: brimic on October 27, 2011, 10:18:48 AM
How dare they slow you down your way to work - don't those pedestrians and cyclists know who you are, and how important it is for you to travel at the maximum possible speed?

No, its not just riding/walking slow or in the worn places, its an entitlement mentality that they can do whatever they want to the detriment of others.
In the ghetto areas, they will take their own sweet damn time crossing the street (illegally I might add) just to show you that they are the boss of their neighborhood.

As few years ago, I took my family to the lakefront for an airshow. We walked in on a dedicated pedestrian/bike path to the show. My wife was pulling my daughter in a wagon while my son and I feel behind a bit. Some 50-ish spandex clad *expletive deleted*bag pullled up to my wife and daughter and started yelling at them that "this is a bike path, not a walking path" I started started running after the guy while yelling, but being the lefty entitlement panty-boy, he didn't want to deal with a 'pedestrian' who wasn't female or less than 5 years old.

BTW, there are quite a few bicyclists that obey the laws or aren't total dillholes, I don't mind them at all.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: MechAg94 on October 27, 2011, 11:04:10 AM
My city is in the process of putting in bike lanes.  And when they get near an intersection, they often do an 'X' with the left right turn lane.   :facepalm:  (any road engineer who designs an 'X' traffic pattern should have his license revoked or be shot, or both)
Okay, now that you said "right" instead of "left" I understand what you are talking about.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: MechAg94 on October 27, 2011, 11:06:48 AM
No, its not just riding/walking slow or in the worn places, its an entitlement mentality that they can do whatever they want to the detriment of others.
In the ghetto areas, they will take their own sweet damn time crossing the street (illegally I might add) just to show you that they are the boss of their neighborhood.

As few years ago, I took my family to the lakefront for an airshow. We walked in on a dedicated pedestrian/bike path to the show. My wife was pulling my daughter in a wagon while my son and I feel behind a bit. Some 50-ish spandex clad *expletive deleted*bag pullled up to my wife and daughter and started yelling at them that "this is a bike path, not a walking path" I started started running after the guy while yelling, but being the lefty entitlement panty-boy, he didn't want to deal with a 'pedestrian' who wasn't female or less than 5 years old.

BTW, there are quite a few bicyclists that obey the laws or aren't total dillholes, I don't mind them at all.

I think the idiot driver/motorcyclists/cyclists/walkers/joggers are the ones that drive these arguments and get people upset.  Unfortunately, we really haven't found a good way to outlaw being a jerk so I don't see how changing any laws/rules will help.  However, it does little good to argue about those things with people who are not jerks.  
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: MechAg94 on October 27, 2011, 11:11:15 AM
If it is safe to do so its makes more sense for a bike to go through a light in order to insure a smoother flow of traffic.
IMO, that only works until a driver going the other way or turning right on red doesn't see you and pulls out into your path.  Or the other way around, the cyclist is tired and doesn't see that new quiet hybrid car coming until it plows into him because he rolled through the stop light.
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: gunsmith on October 28, 2011, 02:42:53 AM
IMO, that only works until a driver going the other way or turning right on red doesn't see you and pulls out into your path.  Or the other way around, the cyclist is tired and doesn't see that new quiet hybrid car coming until it plows into him because he rolled through the stop light.

durn new fangled quiet cars!
Title: Re: Towns wants folk to file trip plans before heading out for a walk or bike ride
Post by: Tallpine on October 28, 2011, 10:39:21 AM
IMO, that only works until a driver going the other way or turning right on red doesn't see you and pulls out into your path.  Or the other way around, the cyclist is tired and doesn't see that new quiet hybrid car coming until it plows into him because he rolled through the stop light.

Yeah, or another bicycle  :lol: