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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: roo_ster on November 09, 2011, 07:18:27 AM

Title: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: roo_ster on November 09, 2011, 07:18:27 AM
In response to Mark Steyn's post, "The Coming of Age Wars"

Steyn writes about hte disparity between young and old, tax-eater wise.

Taxing young people ever more onerously to prop up entitlements for older generations who enjoyed all the benefits of a prosperous America their grandchildren will never know is a great way to sever what little is left of the social compact. Think Wisconsin State Fair writ large: Mobs of the able-bodied preying on the more walker-intense quartiers of Florida. Seniors with terrific government checks but terrified to venture out for Parcheesi Night at the Lodge, because the parking lot isn’t as well lit as you might like. You better hope your gated community is seriously gated.

This commenter comes along a ways into the thread:

Okay. And what are the rest of us supposed to do?

I'm neither a baby-boomer, nor a sophomoric, maggot-infested air-thief from OWS. I'm from the Wayne's World generation and I work. I believe in the constitution. I believe in capitalism and individualism. I didn't screw this place up. Neither did my extended family. We all work, (or worked until a well-earned (and self-funded) retirement).

I'm sick and tired of not only the far-left crazies, but also of the silver-spoon establishment Republican pseudo-conservatives (Romney, Bush 41 & 43, McConnell, Snowe, Collins, Graham, so on and so forth, ad nauseam). If you "moderates" (apparently Latin for "moron eunuchs") nominate another RINO for the GOP presidential candidate, I'm not voting in the general election.


This is absolutely an "I'm taking my football and going home" thing. 100% - dead on. If we're going over that cliff, we're going dramatic, spectacular, and all-the-way: I'd sooner let that bonehead embarrassment who sits up there now win another term, (and thereby bring this whole nation to a screeching halt in an impressively gigantic train-wreck of economic inevitability) than participate in the perpetuation of American economic and societal slow-death dressed up in the phony accouterments of patriotism. You see, there's something you moderates forget: When the floor gives way, and the government collapses under its own debt, it's over. And that means, we (people who believe that freedom and responsibility are linked) will be able to replace the corrupt, vile "public private partnership" that you establishment wastes are so fond of. There's already a blueprint for the new order - It's the Constitution of the United States of America. You know, the law of the land...that thing you defecate all over just as disgustingly as the vile parasites in OWS. Remember? There was that whole TARP thing ("Too big to fail"), there was the Medicare prescription drug scam, there was the BCRA...ringing some bells?

OWSers are genuinely mentally-ill. But RINOs are worse - they know what they're doing and they do it anyway.
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: zxcvbob on November 09, 2011, 08:29:53 AM
(As I said recently on another forum) Sometimes I think the RNC is laughing at us; they nominate their worst candidate instead of their best because it's funny watching us agonize over whether the D or the R is worse this time around.

Republicans take gun owners and anti-abortion voters for granted just like Democrats do blacks and illegal aliens.
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: MechAg94 on November 09, 2011, 09:50:25 AM
You see, there's something you moderates forget: When the floor gives way, and the government collapses under its own debt, it's over. And that means, we (people who believe that freedom and responsibility are linked) will be able to replace the corrupt, vile "public private partnership" that you establishment wastes are so fond of.
Unfortunately, this part of the quote just ain't going to happen.  People like him who likely are not active in politics and put out little effort to support candidates they like (they never like any) will still sit back and complain while they watch someone else set up the "new order". 
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: MicroBalrog on November 09, 2011, 10:18:33 AM
Let's put it this way.

The people who voted in the 1964 election in the United States are - as an age group - the people who gave us the Gun Control Act. The entire modern system of Federal gun laws is an outgrowth of that.

In a similar manner the people who voted in the 1964 election are - as an age group - the people who gave America it's modern welfare state. Even most of the politicians called 'Republicans' at the time supported it.

The entire modern system is a system of transfer payments - not even so much to the poor (in terms of welfare) so as to the middle class (in terms of subsidies, college loans, mandatory public education sponsored by FedGov, Social Security, medical subsidies).

Now these people want the young to inherit this system and keep supporting them. The young people - because our political culture is indoctrinated to despite anybody under 30 - cannot alter this. They've inherited a system with limited freedoms, that steals their money and gives it to the corrupt people who engineered it for their own benefit.

Why wouldn't young people, left or right, feel outraged? For once Mark Steyn is right. But even he lacks the mental courage to take it where it should go.
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: longeyes on November 09, 2011, 10:40:35 AM
Let's stipulate that the Baby Boomers brought on the debacle.  And not just the formal liberals.

But "the young" are complaining about something that hasn't really impacted them yet and that they can still change.  No group in history has had it as good and as soft as Americans 30 and under.  Health, wealth, prosperity.  They inherited a world of wonders and, largely, exemption from hardship and an excess population of neurotically doting parents.  
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: MicroBalrog on November 09, 2011, 10:43:09 AM
Let's stipulate that the Baby Boomers brought on the debacle.  And not just the formal liberals.

But "the young" are complaining about something that hasn't really impacted them yet and that they can still change.

It has already. What do you think the words "recession", "youth unemployment", and "hyperinflation" mean?

Angry, young libertarians and conservatives is what we need. More anger! More fury! More outrage!
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: longeyes on November 09, 2011, 10:48:50 AM
Maybe if they'd stop listening to their professors, did a little homework, and didn't vote for Obama, their future lives would improve.

It's true "the young" are facing a tough future, but they also inherited a great past and present they didn't create.  Life is like that.
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: MicroBalrog on November 09, 2011, 10:51:31 AM
Maybe if they'd stop listening to their professors, did a little homework, and didn't vote for Obama, their future lives would improve.

It's true "the young" are facing a tough future, but they also inherited a great past and present they didn't create.  Life is like that.

Because the present is marvelous?

The only way we can improve our future and present is by wrecking the system.
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: longeyes on November 09, 2011, 11:50:27 AM
Most of the yutes I know don't really want to wreck anything, they have it too good (or they think they do), they are still way too comfortable, too complacent.  Who deliberately sets out to wreck a system?  Desperate people who see no alternative.  We are not there yet.  I think what is remarkable is that most young people in America are acting as if nothing has really changed about their future.  I really don't think reality has set in yet.
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: MicroBalrog on November 09, 2011, 11:51:58 AM
Most of the yutes I know don't really want to wreck anything, they have it too good (or they think they do), they are still way too comfortable, too complacent.  Who deliberately sets out to wreck a system?  Desperate people who see no alternative.  We are not there yet.  I think what is remarkable is that most young people in America are acting as if nothing has really changed about their future.  I really don't think reality has set in yet.

Nothing has really changed about the future, that's both the terrible and wonderful thing.
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: longeyes on November 09, 2011, 12:37:25 PM
Well, it's still heading toward us, true enough.  =D
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: Boomhauer on November 10, 2011, 09:30:36 AM
Speaking as a 23y.o. reality has long since set in. However I look around for comrades feeling the same way and there are damned few. Most still don't get how screwed up everything is. The efforts of fhe mainstream media and the "educational" system have born much fruit.
Title: Re: Moderate RINO: Latin for "Moron Eunuchs"
Post by: longeyes on November 10, 2011, 12:10:20 PM
Speaking as a 23y.o. reality has long since set in. However I look around for comrades feeling the same way and there are damned few. Most still don't get how screwed up everything is. The efforts of fhe mainstream media and the "educational" system have born much fruit.

Hey, they are worked up at Penn State over (reportedly) JoPa's firing.  Or was that just another pretext for binge-drinking and getting rowdy?  I wonder...

American can be said to have entered its decline when the "social sciences" invented the "teenager," the moral hub around which our current culture seems to revolve.