Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Leatherneck on May 16, 2006, 06:19:44 AM

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Leatherneck on May 16, 2006, 06:19:44 AM
Saturday Leatherness and I visited the architect who is designing our retirement home at the river for lunch and a review of progress to date. We went to his brand-new self-designed house near Kilmarnock, VA in the Northern neckl. With him was his female friend, who, from her familiarity with the house and surrounding area, I think is a regular there. fair enough.

He's an architect and lawyer from Reston (NoVA) who plays cello; she, a retired State Department linguist and editor. Both come off as fairly artsy-fartsy and liberal, if you get my drift. Complete to the Kerry/Gore bumper sticker on his Volvo.

As we were admiring the many fine points of his ugly new home, Leatherness commented that we should give them a couple of crab pots as a housewarming gift. She reacted rather badly to this suggestion; said she couldn't abide plunging the little crabbies into boiling water. Want to know what we had for lunch?

Crab cakes and salad. I swear.

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: K Frame on May 16, 2006, 06:29:09 AM
Pretty damned common, actually.

Among liberals AND conservatives both.

My exwife was firmly convinced that chicken was hydroponically grown in styrene trays in the backs of grocery stores, and had absolutely nothing to do with chickens found on the farm.

Same with other critters.

Sure, maybe it's hypocritical, but in many ways is no better or worse than many of the rationalizations that every one of us employes in our every day life, often without realizing it.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Firethorn on May 16, 2006, 06:53:58 AM
Quote from: Mike Irwin
Pretty damned common, actually.

Among liberals AND conservatives both.
Agreed.  Personally, I'm perfectly willing to go out and hunt, but after doing all the math, it doesn't balance out for me.  I'd be perfectly willing to slaughter the cow/pig/chicken, but I know I'm not an expert at it, and a professional can actually do it faster and cleaner than I could.  It's worth the few extra bucks not to have to worry about it myself.

I console myself with the knowledge that I know full well where my meats come from, and have no issue with it.  It's just like hiring somebody to cut my hair, do auto work, plumbing, painting, whatever.  I can do it, but the professionals can do it better and faster, leaving me with more free time, which is valuable to me.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Leatherneck on May 16, 2006, 07:17:10 AM
No disagreement with the tasks that are more efficiently done by pros; just the greeny-weeny mindset that professes one thing and then by actions supports another. And you're right, Mike--it's not confined to liberals; just liberals and disingenuous conservatives.

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Art Eatman on May 16, 2006, 07:34:40 AM
I recall an evening when some four couples of us were enjoying dinner at McCluskey's steakhouse on E. 6th St. in Austintatious.  

I made some comment about the coming Friday being "Deer Season Eve", and was promptly set upon by a lady across the table--after she finished chewing her bite of rare sirloin...

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: griz on May 16, 2006, 08:23:39 AM
Thats part of the attraction of grocery stores, they sell a little distance between the actual killing and the consumption of the result.  Ive never understood that mental separation.  I had a boss a while back that thought killing any animal was morally wrong.  That didnt stop him from eating meat.  Somebody other than he killed the critter, so he had done nothing wrong.  rolleyes
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: ...has left the building. on May 16, 2006, 08:38:26 AM
They sound like cool people except for the disconnect from reality part.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: K Frame on May 16, 2006, 08:45:00 AM
"And you're right, Mike--it's not confined to liberals; just liberals and disingenuous conservatives."

Personally I think you're going way far out on a limb here, Tom, as it's not a stance that can be defined in clear cut liberal/conservative political terms.

Personally I think it's a bit disingenuous to even try to acribe political affiliations to feelings such as those.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on May 16, 2006, 08:53:58 AM
I especially like the celebrity "enviromentalists" who advocate green fuels and sustainable energy, all while zipping around the country on their personal Gulfstream jets.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: griz on May 16, 2006, 09:42:24 AM
I especially like the celebrity "enviromentalists" who advocate green fuels and sustainable energy, all while zipping around the country on their personal Gulfstream jets.
But they drive a Prius to the airport, what more could they possibly do?
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: El Tejon on May 16, 2006, 11:03:34 AM
Liberal advocating "environmentalis"=>they believe the roads and airports are too crowded with OTHERS.

Liberal population control=too much of you, just enough of me.Cheesy
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: grampster on May 16, 2006, 12:09:37 PM
I don't know, but I've never been in the presence of a staunch conservative that wasn't hooked up fairly tightly to reality.  Most liberals that I've encountered, and there have been many, live in a world that is accoutered with a great deal of sentimental emotionalism and wishful thinking.  I know there are degrees, but in general most liberals are weenies and most conservatives are not.  That doesn't mean one can't have liberal friends.  I have many.  It's good to have balance by experiencing both reality and fantasy.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Perd Hapley on May 16, 2006, 01:48:28 PM
Quote from: Leatherneck
Leatherness commented that we should give them a couple of crab pots as a housewarming gift. She reacted rather badly to this suggestion; said she couldn't abide plunging the little crabbies into boiling water.
At first, I thought she was just too sensible to eat sea-bugs.  I'd react badly to the idea myself.  Smiley

Did she say it was wrong to kill the little critters, or did she just have a hard time doing it?  My wife is a jumper-wearing fundamentalist Sunday-school teacher, and she likes shooting my guns, but she's just too soft-hearted to kill anything more than a cockroach.  She can't even handle it when our dog toys with a crippled bird, but she's the best cook I've ever run across.  She likes cooking and eating the meat, it's just hard for her to look into those big brown doe eyes and pull the trigger.  Nothing wrong with that, as long as you can do the deed if it ever becomes necessary.

Thats part of the attraction of grocery stores, they sell a little distance between the actual killing and the consumption of the result.
The "mental seperation" is the result of store-bought food, not the attraction.  We don't see the bloodshed, so we forget about it.  Most of us would rather avoid the killing, sure, just because it's messy and time-consuming.  And most of us have never learned to butcher a live animal, anyway.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: crt360 on May 16, 2006, 03:33:26 PM
I haven't figured out how to divide most of the people I know into liberal and conservative categories.  I know people that think they are "liberal" and prefer the label, while others want to be seen as "conservative", but most of them are so mixed in their actions and real life ideals that they don't fit well into either category.  I'd probably have to ask everyone 100 questions then plot them on a graph.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Perd Hapley on May 16, 2006, 04:06:51 PM
As liberalism and conservatism usually refers to one's politics, do we really expect peoples' "actions and real life ideals" to line up with their political ideas?  But perhaps I don't see your point.

Are you talking about conservatives who are on welfare?
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Firethorn on May 16, 2006, 05:19:57 PM
Quote from: crt360
I haven't figured out how to divide most of the people I know into liberal and conservative categories.  I know people that think they are "liberal" and prefer the label, while others want to be seen as "conservative", but most of them are so mixed in their actions and real life ideals that they don't fit well into either category.  I'd probably have to ask everyone 100 questions then plot them on a graph.
I'd have to agree with this.  The libertarian's two axis graph of defining topics as being economic or social freedom/control can do a whole lot better, but at that pont you realize that there are many potential axis points.  For that matter, the topics cross and intertwine.  Is making race/sex/religious discrimination illegal a social control, freedom, or would it be economic?  After all, while you're increasing the choices of the workers/consumers, you're decreasing the choices/freedom of the companies.

You could plot somebody on their abortion/antiabortion stance alone.  Everywhere from absolute pro-life, such as birth control is banned and all medical means are taken to continue pregnancy, even to danger of mother's life, to a pro-abortion stance where it's mandatory to abort fetuses with detected problems, or where the mother's considered unfit. Before anybody takes issue with this, I've deliberatly adjusted both sides to be offensive to pretty much everyone.  I'm willing to bet that you'd end up the the classical curve with this, though figuring out where to draw the line would be tough, pretty much everybody would be unhappy(though the pro-lifers would be happier).  Back on the libertarian graph, I've seen people rate pro-life as pro freedom(freedom of the baby to live), and pro-control (forcing the mother to be life support).

I've rated my thoughts on a number of issues and generally take the 'don't tread on me' attitude.  I try to figure out the lightest controls that will have the wanted results.  For example, pollution controls.  Figure out what emissions are bad, then charge the emitters a fee based on the amount they emit.  Gradually jack it up.  Without grandfathering, it'll place an economic incentive to be as clean as possible.  While some would say that this is business control, it also comes under personal freedom, as pollution is injurious to everyone.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: crt360 on May 16, 2006, 05:37:09 PM
As liberalism and conservatism usually refers to one's politics, do we really expect peoples' "actions and real life ideals" to line up with their political ideas?  But perhaps I don't see your point.
I was kinda hoping some of them lined up.  I don't see the point in standing up for one thing and then doing the opposite. (unless one prefers to be a deceptive, scheming weasel)

I thought we were talking about throwing live crabs in boiling water. Smiley

My point is I can't tell if someone has a liberal mindset just by the fact that they oppose cooking crabs or prefer storebought chicken to self-killed chicken.  Similarly, one would be mistaken to guess that everyone I go hunting with is conservative, just because they own a few guns, drive a pickup, kill stuff, and eat animals.  Part of the problem is that we have no defined, commonly understood meaning of conservative or liberal.  To some, conservative is only applied to fiscal matters, in which case they could also have liberal views on other issues.  Others don't know the first thing about a budget, but they consider themselves conservative because they like country music, go to church, despise the gay/lesbian crowd, and think all liberals are gay, tree-hugging, animal-protecting, Prius-driving, actor types.  Then there are the ones you mention, who fit the last definition and are on welfare.

If you know of an easy to use identification guide that was not written by Ann Coulter or someone from the DU, point me to it.  I know too many people that look like a duck, walk like a dog, and sound like a goose.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Perd Hapley on May 16, 2006, 05:53:59 PM
Wait a minute, now.  One could be very "liberal" without buying into the animal welfare stuff.  

Just as one could be very conservative but think that embryos are subhuman.

I don't think we can put people on a line and say "One end of the line or the other, or you're an inconsistent hypocrite."

Some libertarian types have tried to give us a two-dimensional graph, as Firethorn mentioned, but I think we really need three axes to graph people's politics.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: garrettwc on May 16, 2006, 06:38:23 PM
I'm going to take a wild guess and say the Volvo had leather seats Tongue
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Antibubba on May 16, 2006, 07:22:32 PM
For those not familiar with the Libertarian graph, the "X" axis is the typical Liberal<--->Conservative scale.  The "Y" axis is Anarchism<--->Authoritarian/Totalitarian.  That explains how you can find libertarians on both the Left and the Right, and why Hitler's Fascism and Stalin's Communism seemed to be darn similar in their results.

Fistful, if we were to create the "Z" axis, what would it be?  FWIW, I've contemplated the Z axis before, but I've never found anything that fit.  Guess I'm just a Flatlander. Smiley
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: 280plus on May 17, 2006, 01:03:06 AM
Reminds me of the time one of those was giving me hell over fishing. Even catch and release fishing. She says, "Why do you have to harass the fish?" I said to her, "You DO realize fish are carnivorous?" She looks at me and says, "They ARE?" rolleyes I said, "Yup, one would kill you and eat you and not give it a second thought."

Heh heh hehhhhh...

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Art Eatman on May 17, 2006, 07:12:52 AM
Lordy, 280!  Think about it for a moment:  Minnows are fish, right?  Minnows are bait, right?  How does somebody get beyond junior high without knowing that?  Even TV ads show a progression of little fish being eaten by larger fish--even without all the shows about sharks.  Blech.  

I get on my soapbox from time to time about "City Folks":  Meat come cut and wrapped in the grocery; don't need feedlots.  Milk comes in a carton; don't need dairy farms.  Bacon comes in a package; don't need a hog farm.  Lights come on because of the switch on the wall; don't need power plants.  Water comes from the faucet, due to turning a tap; don't need dams and reservoirs.  You twist the handle on that white thing in the bathroom and magic makes smelly stuff go away; you don't need a sewer plant.  And on and on and on.  I guess gasoline comes from the nozzle/hose on a funny box at the filling station; you don't need those horrible oil wells or refineries.

Nylon undies come from somewhere unknown; why have a petrochemical industry?

Smiley, Art
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: 280plus on May 17, 2006, 07:58:18 AM
Art, this was supposedly an EDUCATED women. She probably thought they nibbled on plant life or something.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Iain on May 17, 2006, 08:26:01 AM
I'm sure I've told this story before, but a couple of years back I sat in a student house in Oxford with three postgrad females, one from the US, one from Holland and one from China. The conversation bizarrely turned to biology. I found myself explaining that a cow and a bull were in fact members of the same species and that humans were not in fact inflicting some sort of inter-species hybridisation on the bovine critters.

I understood confusion over mules and how all that works, but I was floored by their idea that bulls were not simply male cows.

I'm not sure that it is contry folk/city folk. I was raised in a town, but spent summer holidays on grandfathers farm. Sure I learned some facts of life, and saw animals being born and was aware that animals were being killed or dying. Not sure that this is what taught me that a bull is a male cow though, I think it was more just a general interest in the world and access to a lot of books.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: 280plus on May 17, 2006, 09:27:08 AM
I say let 'em milk the bulls...

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: crt360 on May 17, 2006, 11:51:27 AM
I wonder where they thought the baby cows came from, or even worse, the baby bulls.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Stetson on May 17, 2006, 12:57:52 PM
Just this year, 2006, National Western Stockshow --

Person walking through the stock area asked my wife how exactly we got milk from that 'cow'.

My wife explained that it was a bull and they could tell by looking for the testicles hanging there in the back.

Next question stopped all conversation in the area....

"Is that where the milk comes from?"
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: cosine on May 17, 2006, 01:10:01 PM
Quote from: Stetson
Just this year, 2006, National Western Stockshow --

Person walking through the stock area asked my wife how exactly we got milk from that 'cow'.

My wife explained that it was a bull and they could tell by looking for the testicles hanging there in the back.

Next question stopped all conversation in the area....

"Is that where the milk comes from?"
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: InfidelSerf on May 17, 2006, 05:00:26 PM
"Is that where the milk comes from?"
LOL I nearly spit up this Screwdriver all over my desk.

I used to work for a rather liberal company, Whole Foods Market (I know I know)
I ran the seafood dept there, and ran into all kinds of REALLY stupid animal consuming logic.

I can't tell you how many people complained about the lobster tank.
They would complain that it's cruel for them to sit in that saltwater tank crawling all over each other.
Have any of these people ever seen lobsters in the wild??  They climb all over each other in the wild too.
I especially love the lady that complained about the tank right after I wrapped up her lobster stuffed salmon roast rolleyes
I even had a kid (raging liberal hippie wannabe) that worked in the dept. nearly get sick and run out of the area after witnessing me pull the claws and cut the tail off a live lobster.
(NEVER EVER "put them down" by putting a knife in the back. 1- if your boiling it whole that hole will let all the good flavor out. 2- As soon as they die.. they begin releasing toxins into their meat that taints the flavor.
The best way to "FEEL" like your being humain is to put them in the freezer for about 5 minutes before plopping them into the pot.  
Personally I think it's a waste of time. Just plop them in and enjoy.  They ARE the cockroach of the sea you know. Tasty cockroaches at that. (Not that I've tried the other variety for comparison.)

I did have one lady that was a bit of an anomaly.  
This very sexy dark haired professional looking woman ordered a large cut of sushi grade yellowfin yuna.
As I was trimming the bloodline out, she asked what I was going to do with the bloodline (if you have never seen a tuna loin prior to being trimmed of its bloodline.  It's a roughly 1"dia. fibrous chunk of.. well, blood, dark purple blood) I replied that it was going into the trash.  She asked if she could have it now.  I said sure, and handed it to her on a piece of waxpaper.  She proceeded to consume the large chunk of blood. (Don't get me wrong I LOVE sushi and sushimi, but that's just disgusting)
Something about it made her even sexier than she was, while making me cringe all at the same time.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: grampster on May 17, 2006, 05:16:35 PM
Heh, Ex DIL, too much of an airhead to fit any definition of any particular sub category of belief system, was discussing shoes with swmbo one time.  Swmbo made a comment about leather and cows and ex DIL said "Leather comes from cows?"  After swmbo finished re-hooking her jaw, she asked ex DIL where in the bloody heavens did you think leather came from?  Ex DIL replied that she "never really thought about it."
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: K Frame on May 17, 2006, 08:44:18 PM

Ugh. WAY too fishy for me, and I love raw tuna.

The only way I bifurcate the head on a lobster is if I'm roasting them.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: 280plus on May 18, 2006, 12:55:40 AM

To the Websters!

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Leatherneck on May 18, 2006, 09:19:33 AM
OK, let me modify my "Liberal" correlation and call it like Grampster-it's more a city folk vs. country folk distinction. But really, the Volvo, bumper sticker, music and Reston factors do tend toward Liberal as well.

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: charby on May 18, 2006, 09:39:36 AM
Quote from: Mike Irwin

Ugh. WAY too fishy for me, and I love raw tuna.

The only way I bifurcate the head on a lobster is if I'm roasting them.
I wonder if we got Mike away from the computer and, to some remote location in Bumble Fork Egypt and put a few beers in him if he could still come up with those fancy ass words. Cheesy

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: K Frame on May 18, 2006, 09:40:43 AM

To the Websters!"

Screw Websters, go to the Redneck Dictionary!

Bifurcate... To purchase a product or service for a woman named Catherine...

"Yeah, ah gotta stop by that thar flower seller guy. There's some roses ah wanna bifurcate."
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: K Frame on May 18, 2006, 09:42:03 AM
"OK, let me modify my "Liberal" correlation and call it like Grampster-it's more a city folk vs. country folk distinction. But really, the Volvo, bumper sticker, music and Reston factors do tend toward Liberal as well."

And here I am, just a simple Pennsylvania country boy, stuck in the liberal hell that is Northern Virginia.

More sushi and chardonay? Cheesy
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: grampster on May 18, 2006, 10:54:01 AM
Charby, indubitably.  Although much of the time, un-nebulous.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Antibubba on May 18, 2006, 06:03:16 PM
Mike, Mike, Mike.

Cold, unfiltered sake.  NEVER chardonnay.  But seeing as where you're from, I forgive you.  After all, it all must look like bait to you.  I'm sure there's a lot you could teach me about edible rodents.  :shakesheadsadly:     :condescension:

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: K Frame on May 18, 2006, 08:19:16 PM
I rank sake right up there with tequilla.


And I rank people who enjoy either right up there (or down there) with Teddy Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and Barney Frank.
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Perd Hapley on May 18, 2006, 08:25:17 PM
Hey Mike, dirty words like that aren't allowed on APS.  You take those back right now!
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: K Frame on May 18, 2006, 08:28:23 PM
Oh go John Kerry yourself! Cheesy
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Strings on May 18, 2006, 09:17:08 PM
Chris... paging Chris... sounds like Mike needs some of his "therapy" again!
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Art Eatman on May 19, 2006, 05:29:36 AM
Hey, Mike, have you quit adding sugar to your Mogen David?

Might help to learn how to spell tequila.  They look at ya funny if you go into a booze store in Ojinaga and order Teh-kee-ya.

Sake?  Hey, with a cute young thing serving and a cute young thing hugging on you, who cares what it tastes like?

Cheesy, Art
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: K Frame on May 19, 2006, 05:32:01 AM
"quit adding sugar to your Mogen David."

Hum... I don't recall converting to Judiasism recently...

Tequilla, tequila, tehquila.

It's all *expletive deleted*it.

If I don't drink it, what possible reason why I have for learning to spell it?
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Strings on May 19, 2006, 05:35:47 AM
and it's properly spelled "tekillya"... :neener:
Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: Art Eatman on May 19, 2006, 05:51:40 AM
Conversion?  Nah, I just figured that with the cost of living in your part of the world, you went with whatever's affordable.  Cuervo 1800 has gotten expensive, here in the States.

A buddy of mine was browsing in an OJ liquor store, years back, and spotted a dust-covered bottle high on a shelf.  The bottle had a neat woven covering around it, much like a Chianti bottle but with finer strips of weave.  He didn't care about the tequila; he wanted the bottle.  So, I received this fruit jar and his story.  That was absolutely some of the smoothest booze I've ever sipped.  Trouble was, the store-folks didn't know where it came from, and the label was unknown to them.  Bummer.

Back to the city vs. country:  I wonder if it would upset some wine-drinker if you made some comment about, "Yeah, that winery still does it the old-fashioned way.  They stomp the wine with their feet to press out the juice."

But if you really want fun, watch American tourist reactions to foreign customs.  In Paris, it was a hoot to watch some tourist lady's reaction to seeing the circle of legs around a corner pissoir.  Or to the explanation of what is "balut" in Manila. Smiley

Title: I love the liberal mindset
Post by: K Frame on May 19, 2006, 06:18:00 AM
Well, the wine I drink the most of normally goes for between $60 and $100 a bottle in the US.

A 375-ml HALF bottle.

Canadian Ice Wines.

Fortunately, I have friends who travel regularly to Canada and bring it back for me. What sells for $80 down here can be gotten for $30 to $40 Canadian.