Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Jamie B on January 17, 2012, 09:59:29 PM

Title: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Jamie B on January 17, 2012, 09:59:29 PM

Seems that Paula Deen hid her diabetes diagnosis 3 years ago, and continued pushing her high fat recipes on TV.
Some of her recipes, including deep fried cheesecake covered in powdered sugar and chocolate, are heart stoppers for calories, and are diabetic dynamite.

None of that matters much to outspoken chef Anthony Bourdain, who has never been a Deen fan. He told of her diabetes announcement: "When your signature dish is hamburger in between a doughnut, and you've been cheerfully selling this stuff knowing all along that you've got Type 2 diabetes ... it's in bad taste if nothing else."

Nice! Anything to make a buck.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Regolith on January 17, 2012, 11:02:35 PM
I'm sorry, but I fail to have a problem with this. Even diabetics could eat the food she makes safely, if done in moderation. Also, while sugar is a problem for diabetics, fat is not. I have also never heard her claim that the food she makes is healthy and doesn't pose any health risks.

I also find the outrage of certain people to be rather distasteful. Last time I checked, this is a free country. People should be able to eat what they want, even at the expense of their own health. Further, eating such food is, again, fine in moderation, and is generally mighty tasty. The people who are outraged are generally a bunch of pompous busybodies who believe that other people's choices are the own business. Frankly, I think they should all FOAD.

Edit: And if you want to find a Grade A hypocrite, look no further than Anthony Bourdain, who is a heavy smoker and drinker.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: red headed stranger on January 17, 2012, 11:17:28 PM
The bigger hypocrisy is that this announcement of hers was just an excuse publicize her upcoming tour of the country where she will be shilling for a drug company making Diabetes medication. You have to give her credit. She has positioned herself well in the marketplace. She profits from both a cause and a treatment of diabetes.

To add to the hypocricy, she was on the Today show today with her "diabetic friendly lasagna."  :facepalm:

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Jamie B on January 17, 2012, 11:35:33 PM
The bigger hypocrisy is that this announcement of hers was just an excuse publicize her upcoming tour of the country where she will be shilling for a drug company making Diabetes medication. You have to give her credit. She has positioned herself well in the marketplace. She profits from both a cause and a treatment of diabetes.

To add to the hypocricy, she was on the Today show today with her "diabetic friendly lasagna."  :facepalm:
Good point.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: BridgeRunner on January 17, 2012, 11:38:18 PM
Edit: And if you want to find a Grade A hypocrite, look no further than Anthony Bourdain, who is a heavy smoker and drinker.

Yeah, but that's part of his public image.  Not seeing the hypocrisy there.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Regolith on January 17, 2012, 11:42:06 PM
Yeah, but that's part of his public image.  Not seeing the hypocrisy there.

I must have an incorrect understanding of the definition of the word hypocrite.  So, what you're saying, is that a guy who blasts another person for their unhealthy lifestyle while unrepentantly maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle is not a hypocrite, while a person who has an unhealthy lifestyle and has never said she doesn't, nor criticized someone else for their unhealthy lifestyle, IS?

I'm confused.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Jamie B on January 17, 2012, 11:47:53 PM
Very interesting! [popcorn]
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Northwoods on January 17, 2012, 11:48:28 PM
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln (Letter to Joshua Speed, 1855)
Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation we began by saying that all men are created equal.  Now we practically read it as all men are created equal, except Negros.  When the Know-Nothings get control it shall read all men are created equal except Negros, and foreigners, and Catholics.  When it comes to that I shall prefer to emigrate to a country that makes no pretense of loving liberty.  To Russia for instance, where despotism can be taken purer and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.

I just love that quote.

BTW, high fat foods are not necessarilly bad for diabetics.  The high sugar foods of course are.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: BridgeRunner on January 18, 2012, 12:03:02 AM
... nor criticized someone else for their unhealthy lifestyle, IS?

I'm confused.

I think the crux of the matter is that she has.  In the contrived-for-the-audience's titillation, but possibly somewhat reflective of real relationships, world of cable food show hosts, Bourdain has taken a lot of heat for his smoke-saturated, alcohol-soaked, bad-boy image. 

Don't know about Deen specifically, never been interested in her show, just watch Alton Brown, Bourdain, and some Iron Chef on a series of DVDs a friend DVR-d for me a while back when I was looking for something to put on the tv in the background.  I think I vaguely recall something or other about her calling to task for his lifestyle, but might not have been Deen, and I'm just remembering it way because her name is right there.

Besides, Bourdain is secksier. Of course I'm on his side.  :laugh: 
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Regolith on January 18, 2012, 12:08:12 AM
I think the crux of the matter is that she has.

If she has, then yes, I'd agree she is a hypocrite. But I've watched way more of her than I ever wanted to (my mother has the TV tuned to Food Network 90% of the time), and I've never seen her do it. So far as I can tell, that's not part of her schtick.

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: red headed stranger on January 18, 2012, 02:22:43 AM

BTW, high fat foods are not necessarilly bad for diabetics.  The high sugar foods of course are.

High fat, lots of sugar, lots of carbs.  She's does it all.    
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 18, 2012, 04:00:31 AM
She's a capitalist! Stone her! Hell, she speaks with a bit of a southern accent, probably OK to burn her at the *expletive deleted*ing stake for that.
Bunch of piss-ant busy bodies getting their panties in a bunch over Paula Dean gots diabetes and still makes money showing/selling people what they want to see. Bourdain is probably jealous because she is more popular and/or makes more money.
Regolith pretty well  nailed it with his comments.
If you don't like her style of cooking don't eat it plenty of tofu and bean sprouts to go around for you.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Ben on January 18, 2012, 07:06:38 AM

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Dannyboy on January 18, 2012, 07:27:35 AM
I think Bourdain's point is that she is pushing her artery clogging death meals on others, while profiting.  It doesn't seem to be about her health.  That's why he called her, "The Most Dangerous Woman on TV."  Personally, I've seen her make some really tasty looking stuff.  Lots of bacon, cheese, or butter will make most things, if not everything, better.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Jamie B on January 18, 2012, 07:41:28 AM
She is a capitalist.

One can be a capitalist without compromising honesty, and by doing the right thing.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 18, 2012, 08:02:48 AM
Nobody, Paula Dean included advocates eating the high fat, high calorie foods everyday 3 meals a day. Do you consider beer companies as hypocrites because they advertise beer? After the death toll related to alcohol is staggering. Budweiser can be implicated in a hell of a lot more misery than Paula Dean's cheesecake recipe.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Jamie B on January 18, 2012, 08:37:09 AM
Nobody, Paula Dean included advocates eating the high fat, high calorie foods everyday 3 meals a day. Do you consider beer companies as hypocrites because they advertise beer? After the death toll related to alcohol is staggering. Budweiser can be implicated in a hell of a lot more misery than Paula Dean's cheesecake recipe.
Sure do!
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: HankB on January 18, 2012, 08:38:28 AM
I think some posters here are missing the point . . .

When celebrities indulge in public verbal feuds, they're seeking publicity. They want to be in the limelight . . . often because they're beginning to be regarded as "yesterday's news."

Look at some recent examples:

*  Trump vs. Rosie

*  Madonna vs. Elton John

*  Bourdain vs. Deen

This latest "feud" brings these people to the attention of those who don't watch The Cooking Channel or whatever it's called.

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Harold Tuttle on January 18, 2012, 09:19:36 AM
Dean/Brimley 2012
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Jamie B on January 18, 2012, 09:22:52 AM
I have never been a fan of any of these clown chefs.

They are only looking to push their wares, and I do not bite.

There are none of their cookbooks in this house.

I suppose that this comes from having a very mistrustful eye towards any marketing.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 18, 2012, 09:52:14 AM
if you want to find a Grade A hypocrite, look no further than Anthony Bourdain, who is a heavy smoker and drinker.

and hes not that great a chef  typical cia grad
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: wmenorr67 on January 18, 2012, 10:11:32 AM
if you want to find a Grade A hypocrite, look no further than Anthony Bourdain, who is a heavy smoker and drinker.

and hes not that great a chef  typical cia grad

I don't really watch him for his cooking skills.  I rather enjoy his trips.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 18, 2012, 10:22:32 AM
it took a cia grad 20 years to be exec?  meh

trips are good
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: roo_ster on January 18, 2012, 10:29:18 AM
I am reminded of a song back in the 1990s with the word"ironic" in the title, but had no examples of actual irony in the lyrics. 
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: MechAg94 on January 18, 2012, 11:25:40 AM
She is a capitalist.

One can be a capitalist without compromising honesty, and by doing the right thing.
And I think a lot of people assign the "dishonesty" and "hypocrisy" labels far far too easily.  If she isn't claiming anything special about her food other than it is tasty and interesting, I don't see where she would be dishonest or a hypocrite.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: SADShooter on January 18, 2012, 12:59:32 PM
Deen presents indulgent recipes to an audience with (presumed) free will. I've never once heard her advocating gorging on the stuff every day as a lifestyle.

We respect individual choice in everything but one's taste in celebrity cooking shows now? Let's all boycott or regulate fast food chains because they force us to eat crap. Oh, wait... ;/
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: red headed stranger on January 18, 2012, 01:06:06 PM
Let's all boycott or regulate fast food chains because they force us to eat crap. Oh, wait... ;/

Who in this thread is advocating this? 

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: SADShooter on January 18, 2012, 01:32:15 PM
No one. But you know full well the idea is out there, including lawsuits on behalf of individuals whose health was supposedly damaged by consumption of excessive fast food, claims challenged here as frivolous because the individuals chose to eat at the restaurants. People can choose to eat Deen's recipes just as they can choose to eat McDonalds.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 18, 2012, 03:56:04 PM
Cooking and eating like a pig has cost her her health.  Sure, she's making a metric ass ton of money.
Its obvious she intentionally hid being diabetic from her audience.  "Oh, look at this deep fried *expletive deleted*it sammich.  Sure, it'll give you diabetus like I have, but hey, it's yummy."
She is a grade a class I *expletive deleted*ing hypocrite.   

Let's all boycott or regulate fast food chains because they force us to eat crap. Oh, wait...

Boycotting products is capitalisim and the free market at work. That is an act of free will, just so much as being a fat ass who pigs out on her cooking and gets diabetes.  Regulating it, not so much.

I, for one, will not induldge in her products because of her hyporcrisy. 
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: makattak on January 18, 2012, 04:02:14 PM
Cooking and eating like a pig has cost her her health.  Sure, she's making a metric ass ton of money.
Its obvious she intentionally hid being diabetic from her audience.  "Oh, look at this deep fried *expletive deleted* sammich.  Sure, it'll give you diabetus like I have, but hey, it's yummy."
She is a grade a class I *expletive deleted*ing hypocrite.   

Boycotting products is capitalisim and the free market at work. That is an act of free will, just so much as being a fat ass who pigs out on her cooking and gets diabetes.  Regulating it, not so much.

I, for one, will not induldge in her products because of her hyporcrisy.

Type 2 diabetes develops when the body becomes resistant to insulin or when the pancreas stops producing enough insulin. Exactly why this happens is unknown, although excess weight and inactivity seem to be contributing factors.

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: red headed stranger on January 18, 2012, 04:20:30 PM
No one. But you know full well the idea is out there, including lawsuits on behalf of individuals whose health was supposedly damaged by consumption of excessive fast food, claims challenged here as frivolous because the individuals chose to eat at the restaurants. People can choose to eat Deen's recipes just as they can choose to eat McDonalds.

I agree going nuts with heavy handed legislation and lawsuits is inappropriate and inconsistent with a liberty-loving society.

However calling her out on her products and lifestyle choices is completely appropriate

Though Bourdain has some hypocrisy too, I agreed with him when he said:

"When your signature dish is hamburger in between a doughnut, and you've been cheerfully selling this stuff knowing all along that you've got Type 2 Diabetes... It's in bad taste if nothing else,"

In the timeframe of her admitted diagnosis she was hawking a cookbook of her crappy recipes for children and launched a line of Desserts for Wal-Mart.  She only now mentions her diagnosis in the context of being a spokesperson for diabetes drugs.  I personally find this morally suspect and would tell her so.  IMO, this behavior furthers screwed up ideas we have in our society about health and medicine.   

Of course, people should have the free will to choose what they want to put in their body, just as I have the free will to say "this is why I think maybe you shouldn't." 
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: SADShooter on January 18, 2012, 04:33:46 PM
Cooking and eating like a pig has cost her her health.  Sure, she's making a metric ass ton of money.
Its obvious she intentionally hid being diabetic from her audience.  "Oh, look at this deep fried *expletive deleted* sammich.  Sure, it'll give you diabetus like I have, but hey, it's yummy."
She is a grade a class I *expletive deleted*ing hypocrite.   

Boycotting products is capitalisim and the free market at work. That is an act of free will, just so much as being a fat ass who pigs out on her cooking and gets diabetes.  Regulating it, not so much.

I, for one, will not induldge in her products because of her hyporcrisy. 

Your right and decision, absolutely. And I didn't mean to imply a direct association between boycott and regulation, so that's fair. But your certitude and rectitude concerning the facts and her motivations is a hair judgmental, don't you think? Is it plausible her silence was driven by a commercial motivation? Sure. Proven? not so much. Not everyone diagnosed with diabetes is categorically a "fat ass who pigs out", as mak observed. It's also a remote possibility that, despite her status as a celebrity cook, her initial thought was that her personal health information was, well, personal. Food for thought.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 18, 2012, 04:36:41 PM  Uncle Sam says eating crap and having extra body fat increases ones risk.  
So does web md.
 Is it the only cause? It appears not.  But comeon, have you seen Paula dean? Have you seen the "food" she hawks?  You can only eat so much of that stuff before your body rebels.

Your right and decision, absolutely. And I didn't mean to imply a direct association between boycott and regulation, so that's fair. But your certitude and rectitude concerning the facts and her motivations is a hair judgmental, don't you think? Is it plausible her silence was driven by a commercial motivation? Sure. Proven? not so much. Not everyone diagnosed with diabetes is categorically a "fat ass who pigs out", as mak observed. It's also a remote possibility that, despite her status as a celebrity cook, her initial thought was that her personal health information was, well, personal. Food for thought.

It certainly makes her motivations suspect.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: SADShooter on January 18, 2012, 04:44:02 PM
Sure. After reading the link in full, I've got more questions, I'll concur with suspect motives. I just think there's some walking room between that and "She is a grade a class I *expletive deleted*ing hypocrite."

We'll have to agree to disagree.

edit for t;po.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 18, 2012, 04:49:03 PM
Uncle Sam says eating crap and having extra body fat increases ones risk.

Uncle Sam tells us lots of things.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on January 18, 2012, 04:50:29 PM
Dean/Brimley 2012
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 18, 2012, 05:11:55 PM
this is being touted as "hypocrisy at its finest?  really?  some of you guys need to get out more or ease up n the hyperbole tea
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: MechAg94 on January 18, 2012, 05:21:17 PM
this is being touted as "hypocrisy at its finest?  really?  some of you guys need to get out more or ease up n the hyperbole tea
I fall on that side as well.  There is a LOT of hypocrisy in the world today.  This stuff falls short of that IMO.  The reason it falls short is that most of you are guessing at her motivations and the causes of her condition.  You don't know.  You are just assuming that which is convenient to fit to your argument against her.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 18, 2012, 05:31:57 PM
and hes not that great a chef  typical cia grad

Interesting that you should mention the "other" CIA (Culinary Institute of America).

A number of years ago I read an article about how some of their students had just won some prestigious international chefs' competition. There was a lot of discussion about food preparation and , especially, presentation (how it looks on the plate), along with a number of photos of the winning entries on their plates.

What struck me as interesting (being a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy) was that there was NO mention of anyone actually tasting the dishes, nor any mention of how it tasted. In fact, there wasn't even anything to suggest that these food dishes were even intended to be eaten.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 18, 2012, 05:42:17 PM
often aren't intended to be eaten.

my experience makes me prefer johnson and wales grads.  more rounded  and less ego

you know the difference between a chef and a cook?  arrogance and about 50 k a year
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 18, 2012, 05:54:17 PM
often aren't intended to be eaten.

I know ... but it IS purportedly "food," so IMHO preparing food that isn't intended to be eaten pretty much misses the point.

my experience makes me prefer johnson and wales grads.  more rounded  and less ego

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 18, 2012, 06:15:04 PM
i won a special class in a new york food show. it was sponsored by a manufacturer that marketed a prepared egg product.  it was aplastic tuba couple foot long with eggs in in  cooked with the yolk as a long thin cylinder surrounded by the white. great for garde manger. when i won they asked me "how would you use this product at your hotel?
i said "i'd never buy that *expletive deleted*it and if i used it my boss would fire me then kick my butt." i had a couple hours before my boss the exec chef's part of the show and figured 500 bucks was easy money so i entered
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 18, 2012, 07:54:06 PM
Sure. After reading the link in full, I've got more questions, I'll concur with suspect motives. I just think there's some walking room between that and "She is a grade a class I *expletive deleted*ing hypocrite."

We'll have to agree to disagree.

edit for t;po.

Fair point.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Matthew Carberry on January 18, 2012, 08:27:15 PM
Bourdain doesn't push cigs and booze on folks personally, nor does he advertise for either product, nor do his books or show market them.  There's no hypocrisy in simply publically living an admittedly unhealthy lifestyle as opposed to marketing it, particularly if you make no positive claims about it.

Further, he has never claimed to be a particularly "great" chef.  He is a competent cook who knows how to run a kitchen and knows good food by the eating.  That's all the qualifications he's ever claimed.  In that self-awareness he's much like Alton Brown.

You don't have to be a great chef to understand and judge cooking competence and quality, any more than a pro judge or referee need to have played at that level.

Paula Dean the public persona is her unhealthy menu.  I don't watch her but I'd be surprised if her show contained any admonishments about portion control, or "only make this once a month" or "couple this food with a sound exercise program" or "this food is tasty but inherently bad for you" or anything to offset her marketing of it.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 19, 2012, 08:06:52 AM
I don't watch her

says it all  but it does allow "artistic license" with your comments/judgements huh
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: red headed stranger on January 19, 2012, 09:53:34 AM
it does allow "artistic license" with your comments/judgements huh

The irony is strong in this one.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Pharmacology on January 19, 2012, 10:37:44 AM
I'm sorry, but I fail to have a problem with this. Even diabetics could eat the food she makes safely, if done in moderation. Also, while sugar is a problem for diabetics, fat is not. I have also never heard her claim that the food she makes is healthy and doesn't pose any health risks.
I also find the outrage of certain people to be rather distasteful. Last time I checked, this is a free country. People should be able to eat what they want, even at the expense of their own health. Further, eating such food is, again, fine in moderation, and is generally mighty tasty. The people who are outraged are generally a bunch of pompous busybodies who believe that other people's choices are the own business. Frankly, I think they should all FOAD.Edit: And if you want to find a Grade A hypocrite, look no further than Anthony Bourdain, who is a heavy smoker and drinker.
This post gets all of my "What?  =|"
I guess all of the diabetics who have glucose readings of 300 after a giant, carb and fat filled breakfast at Denny's have faulty glucometers.

Public health is important, and public figures have always been held to different standards.

Dean/Brimley 2012

I LOL'd!!

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Matthew Carberry on January 19, 2012, 11:51:05 AM
I don't watch her

says it all  but it does allow "artistic license" with your comments/judgements huh

Nope. I don't watch her show. I am familiar with her persona from other food network programs, her recipes on the food network website, reviews of her recipes and show, and, most on point, her advertisements.

Your "Gotcha" missed the mark.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 19, 2012, 12:06:37 PM
Nope. I don't watch her show. I am familiar with her persona from other food network programs, her recipes on the food network website, reviews of her recipes and show, and, most on point, her advertisements.

Your "Gotcha" missed the mark.

you'd have to watch it to make that statement have any real meaning.
i've watched her twice less than a whole show each time
and that short exposure made me chortle at this "
"I'd be surprised if her show contained any admonishments about portion control, or "only make this once a month" or "couple this food with a sound exercise program" or "this food is tasty but inherently bad for you" or anything to offset her marketing of it."

particularly the part i bolded.  but then again my opinion is colored by actually watching the show so its inhibited by fact
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: MicroBalrog on January 19, 2012, 12:26:32 PM
I don't get it.

Is it your argument that it's immoral to promote unhealthy things, period?
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Matthew Carberry on January 19, 2012, 12:54:29 PM

Then surprise me.  What does she do or say in part of two of her shows that offsets all of her outside marketing and persona?  I didn't say she didn't do it, just that I've not seen any sign from anything else she's done.  

For example, I don't read everything Ladd Everett puts out but from everything I know of him from what I have seen and all his other exposure I am familiar with, it'd surprise me if he isn't actually a *expletive deleted*bag.  But if I could be shown something to the contrary I missed by not being intimitely familiar with his entire CV I'd be willing to change my mind.

In any event, I shouldn't default to dick mode with fellow APS'ers.  

Thinking about it, Paula Dean isn't a hypocrite as that would require her to behave and believe differently than she espouses, which I can't say she does.

In part answer to Micro, it's more that, as far as character goes, it is unseemly for someone to build a career on obnoxiously unhealthy foods (as in unhealthy almost by design as opposed to simply "rich" like much fine cooking) and then not acknowledge their own situation which requires they limit or modify their enjoyment of that kind of food for health reasons.

What I, for instance, would have done if I were "Paul Dean, Master of Butter By the Pound" and found out I had diabetes would be to go on my show, talk about my diagnosis and begin a new program of explaining how to eat the same kind of foods but prepared in healthier ways.  Talk about living with diabetes but still loving American comfort foods, bring Wilford Brimley on and cook with him, that sort of thing.  Let the medical companies come crawling after me.

She appears to have not acknowledged her diagnosis in order to protect her marketed persona until she could cash in on it.

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Pharmacology on January 20, 2012, 06:07:18 AM
I don't get it.
Is it your argument that it's immoral to promote unhealthy things, period?

LOL, you may not like it, Micro, ( I sure don't) but the whole concept of Public Health revolves around the perspective that people are largely unaware of what's good for them.  And, sadly, that's the truth.

Actually... now that you mention it... I don't get it either.
Sure, she's an idiot, and anyone who eats like her is an idiot...  but where's the foul?

I mean, there's a lot to be said about patient autonomy (from my perspective)  I dealt with a dumbass recently that listened to the PA I was working with go on and on about his blood pressure, cholesterol, etc...  only to reply "BUT I LIKE TORTILLAS."   He then rolled his eyes at us when we mentioned cutting the amount of tortillas in half, and replacing them with veggies.   Was he an idiot?  Yes!  Is there anything I can do about his idiocy??  Nope!   Will I lose any sleep when he eats himself into an early grave?  Possibly.   Does he have the right to?  Most certainly.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: makattak on January 20, 2012, 08:51:29 AM
LOL, you may not like it, Micro, ( I sure don't) but the whole concept of Public Health revolves around the perspective that people are largely unaware of what's good for them.  And, sadly, that's the truth.

And here I thought the whole point of public health is that certain activities have externalities, creating either benefits or costs to the population as a whole. Things like vaccines, sanitation and the like.

I thought the purpose of a health specialist was like the purpose of a mechanic. He studies and specializes in fixing your body so you can do something else. Of course individuals may not know what is good for them. That's what they pay a doctor for.

Further, your example does not illustrate one who does not know what is good for him. It illustrates one who rejects your advice because he prefers eating tortillas. That's not ignorance, that's preference. (Now you can argue that you don't like his preference, but not that he is ignorant.)
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Pharmacology on January 20, 2012, 03:48:04 PM
And here I thought the whole point of public health is that certain activities have externalities, creating either benefits or costs to the population as a whole. Things like vaccines, sanitation and the like.

I thought the purpose of a health specialist was like the purpose of a mechanic. He studies and specializes in fixing your body so you can do something else. Of course individuals may not know what is good for them. That's what they pay a doctor for.

Further, your example does not illustrate one who does not know what is good for him. It illustrates one who rejects your advice because he prefers eating tortillas. That's not ignorance, that's preference. (Now you can argue that you don't like his preference, but not that he is ignorant.)
Yes, yes, yes and yes.  That's pretty much what I said. There are tons of people walking around thinking that vaccination causes autism, and no amount of education will change their minds.  There are also people that participate in horribly unsanitary practices, and don't care what I say (google about people from singapore or micronesia making eachother bleed with coins in order to "cure" illnesses)

 An individual is capable of being willingly ignorant.
I'm pretty sure I could've lectured that guy on TLC and diet modification for hours, and he'd be no less ignorant five minutes after leaving the clinic than when he walked in.
Trans theoretical model, and all.

I mean, as a practitioner, maybe I have a different perspective, but that's the way I see it. 
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Lee on January 20, 2012, 09:34:29 PM
And here I thought the whole point of public health is that certain activities have externalities, creating either benefits or costs to the population as a whole. Things like vaccines, sanitation and the like

True...until people receiving government retirement/medical subsidies started living long enough to develop (and be treated for) all the diseases associated with eating too much of the wrong things.

I've got no "'beef" with Paula.  Everything in moderation.  Is there anyone in the US that doesn't know that saturated fatty foods, or tobacco, booze, etc., are probably not good for you in excess?

Beer commercials don't show pot-bellied, red-faced guys going in for dialysis.  Paula is a brand, just like Budweiser.

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Azrael256 on January 21, 2012, 03:16:07 PM
How many fat idiots actually cook?

I know everybody knows one or two, but doesn't it seem that Ronald McDonald is far more dangerous?

But anyway, I'm an adult as far as I know.  When Paula Deen force-feeds me this stuff, I'll complain.  When Nigella Lawson does it, I will probably not complain.
Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Pharmacology on January 21, 2012, 07:25:54 PM
How many fat idiots actually cook?
I know everybody knows one or two, but doesn't it seem that Ronald McDonald is far more dangerous?
But anyway, I'm an adult as far as I know.  When Paula Deen force-feeds me this stuff, I'll complain.  When Nigella Lawson does it, I will probably not complain.

Wait a minute... Can you imagine if McD's announced that Ronald McDonald has High cholesterol, and they did an ad campaign with Tricor??!!??

Title: Re: Hypocrisy at it's Finest!
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 21, 2012, 11:28:26 PM
I can understand that people don't like her profiting off of diabetes-inducing food on the one hand, and diabetes-treating drugs on the other. What I don't get is the idea that her own personal health issues have anything to do with it.