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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Perd Hapley on March 21, 2012, 01:43:35 AM

Title: Why tablet computers?
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 21, 2012, 01:43:35 AM
I have wanted to get a lap-top for some time. I own some "grampabox" desktop PCs and a smartphone. I see the laptop as a compromise between the power, configurability, and ease of use of the former, and the portability of the latter.

But now everyone seems to want these tablet things. I am not sure why. They seem to be only slightly more portable than the laptop, but don't they sacrifice a lot, in the other areas? That is, they don't have a physical keyboard, and they seem much less modular/upgradeable.

That being said, I have never seen a tablet in action. Maybe they are better than I thought.

So what's with the tablets?
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: seeker_two on March 21, 2012, 06:15:57 AM
I have a Kindle I'm not sure if that counts....

The main thing I like about it is the portability factor....I can take it to any room of the house and access the Internet. It's easy to pack and carry to work or on trips. The on-screen keyboard is OK for small jobs (like posting on APS), but I wouldn't want to have to take notes or write large documents with it. And it handles different media jobs well enough (video, streaming audio, etc.)

For tasks that require something larger than a smartphone but not a full-sized laptop, tablets in the Kindle Fire/Blackberry Playbook-sized range are great. And, with accessories like dockable keyboards and cloud storage, it could work as a makeshift netbook.

I like 'em.....
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: mtnbkr on March 21, 2012, 06:59:08 AM
Tablets are smaller, lighter, and turn on faster than any laptop or netbook.  They're less cumbersome (don't have to rest one on a flat surface or your lap during use).  Battery life is much longer (6-12hrs per charge).  They'll do most of what a person needs in a portable device.

They suck for data entry, aren't as flexible, and are obviously pretty locked into a specific design/purpose.  They aren't a replacement for a computer, but they do replace most functions of a laptop for non-geek users.

These days, I could get by quite well with a desktop for fixed position, "serious" work and a tablet for portable computing.  The laptop is neither here nor there and you pay a premium for it.

Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: drewtam on March 21, 2012, 07:13:12 AM
My wife has an Asus tablet that is able to attach to a physical keyboard and transform into a traditional clam-shell laptop.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: RevDisk on March 21, 2012, 09:21:07 AM
So what's with the tablets?

They're oversized cell phone tech, essentially.

The OS is basically purpose built (sorta) so it loads a lot faster. Your PC could boot up as fast or faster. IF Windows stripped out all of the junk that does not match your specific hardware configuration. Some NetBSD lunatics actually do this, and have fully running systems in a few seconds. Before tablets were cool, I was partial to netbooks. For the mobility, they basically sucked as computers. I see tablets as keyboard optional netbooks.

Now, I doubt most folks use tablets for what I used my old netbook for.  Wifi scanning, passive sniffing, metasploit, my technical notes, etc. But it was downright handy. Now I use my cell phone instead of a netbook. With incorporated compass and GPS, you can do some interesting mapping stuff. Yes, there are apps that cache map info.

Basically, I want a spare tablet to essentially be a spare cell phone with a larger screen.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: AJ Dual on March 21, 2012, 09:36:40 AM
My wife has an Asus tablet that is able to attach to a physical keyboard and transform into a traditional clam-shell laptop.

We have the Asus EEE Transformer as well.

I can't use it for long before there's a post I want to make or a reply I want to type, so for me the lack of a keyboard is keeping me from using it as much as I could.

We could add the keyboard Asus offers, but for me, there's plenty of laptops around the house to grab.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: Nick1911 on March 21, 2012, 10:28:05 AM
In my mind, tablets are computers for people who only use a computer for the internet.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: makattak on March 21, 2012, 10:43:21 AM
In my mind, tablets are computers for people who only use a computer for the internet.

Or, for people who want a computer only for the internet.

I have real computers. I can't lie in bed and read my computer. I can with my tablet. (or recline in a comfy chair or head to the park, etc...)
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on March 21, 2012, 10:47:07 AM
They're oversized cell phone tech, essentially.

The OS is basically purpose built (sorta) so it loads a lot faster. Your PC could boot up as fast or faster. IF Windows stripped out all of the junk that does not match your specific hardware configuration. Some NetBSD lunatics actually do this, and have fully running systems in a few seconds. Before tablets were cool, I was partial to netbooks. For the mobility, they basically sucked as computers. I see tablets as keyboard optional netbooks.

Now, I doubt most folks use tablets for what I used my old netbook for.  Wifi scanning, passive sniffing, metasploit, my technical notes, etc. But it was downright handy. Now I use my cell phone instead of a netbook. With incorporated compass and GPS, you can do some interesting mapping stuff. Yes, there are apps that cache map info.

Basically, I want a spare tablet to essentially be a spare cell phone with a larger screen.

Maybe you should test out that new phone that just came out. It's inbetween the size of a tablet and a smartphone and it comes with a pen. If the pen really works, I could see that as being handy. I bet it would go over big with engineer types who like to scribble diagrams and such.
My biggest issue on the touchscreen as oppsed to a keyboard/mouse is presision. Sometimes links are small and close together, so I hit the wrong one, and, as has been said, sitting down an typing something more then a paragraph or two is a PITA.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: MicroBalrog on March 21, 2012, 10:48:04 AM
Reading with tablets is also far more comfortable than with a laptop or a PC, IMO.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: geronimotwo on March 21, 2012, 11:03:25 AM
i fiddled with my nephews ipad, and was very impressed with what it could do.  my favorite app was "star walk".  it was an intuitive star gazing program that helped you find and identify stars and constellations.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: RevDisk on March 21, 2012, 11:05:49 AM
In my mind, tablets are computers for people who only use a computer for the internet.

Oh, there is quite a bit of local things one can do with a tablet...  Or to a local LAN...


Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: Balog on March 21, 2012, 11:30:01 AM
Tablets are better than laptops for the sort of things most of the people do most of the time. If you aren't using lots of processing power, don't need tons of on-board storage, and aren't typing extensively they beat laptops hands down in some very important areas like ease of use, portability, and battery life.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: Blakenzy on March 21, 2012, 11:31:53 AM
For most, Tablet= lounging on couch while playing Angry Birds, updating Facebook, watching Youtube.

The lounging on couch is the main part.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: Tallpine on March 21, 2012, 11:33:22 AM
These days, I could get by quite well with a desktop for fixed position, "serious" work and a tablet for portable computing.  The laptop is neither here nor there and you pay a premium for it.

I have a docking station for my laptop, so I can use regular keyboard and monitor, etc.  Actually, it's the docking station for my company laptop, which is the same model as my laptop - or my laptop is the same model as my company laptop :)

I got it for about $200 "refurbished."  Going on two months now and it seems to be okay.

Wouldn't really have needed a laptop at all, except the client I am working for now requires everything to be done in house on their network, so my company laptop is of no use for travel (don't want to do much or any web surfing on it as it only works through their VPN).  My old PC needed updating, and having two laptops that fit in the same docking station frees up a lot of desk space.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 21, 2012, 11:35:54 AM
Thanks. All very interesting.

I shouldn't bother to ask, though. By the time I can afford either one, there will be some newer gadget that's better.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on March 21, 2012, 12:40:49 PM
Pr0n. My galaxy tab has a fantastic voice recognition system, which can eliminate the need for a keyboard. I will probably get a keyboard for it for word processing, though.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: erictank on March 21, 2012, 05:26:16 PM
Maybe you should test out that new phone that just came out. It's inbetween the size of a tablet and a smartphone and it comes with a pen. If the pen really works, I could see that as being handy. I bet it would go over big with engineer types who like to scribble diagrams and such.
My biggest issue on the touchscreen as oppsed to a keyboard/mouse is presision. Sometimes links are small and close together, so I hit the wrong one, and, as has been said, sitting down an typing something more then a paragraph or two is a PITA.

I'm interested in that, but just upgraded to my current phone (a Droid Bionic, so I'm not exactly crying here) 6 months ago [soupnazi]No upgrade for you![/soupnazi]. Otherewise, I'd totally make the jump. It'd just be too expensive for me to do so now, and I've got so many other things I need to spend money on - new windows, deck repairs, one or more actual new computers to replace my current aging systems and let me run the software I'll need for class in the summer or fall semester (which I also need to buy, come to think of it)...

I suspect it would be uncomfortable to use as a phone due to its size, though a Bluetooth headset would mostly solve that; I wonder if it's big enough to function adequately (for most people, I mean) as a small tablet? The pen thing seems cool, again if it works.

I'd take an Ipad if someone gave me one - I'm entered in a couple of giveaways for the new one, actually, and think it'd be pretty cool to play with if I won - but wouldn't pay for one; I'd be more willing to pay for a Galaxy or something like that, probably, but am still not about to run out and pick one up.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on March 21, 2012, 05:49:18 PM
I'm interested in that, but just upgraded to my current phone (a Droid Bionic, so I'm not exactly crying here) 6 months ago [soupnazi]No upgrade for you![/soupnazi]. Otherewise, I'd totally make the jump. It'd just be too expensive for me to do so now, and I've got so many other things I need to spend money on - new windows, deck repairs, one or more actual new computers to replace my current aging systems and let me run the software I'll need for class in the summer or fall semester (which I also need to buy, come to think of it)...

I suspect it would be uncomfortable to use as a phone due to its size, though a Bluetooth headset would mostly solve that; I wonder if it's big enough to function adequately (for most people, I mean) as a small tablet? The pen thing seems cool, again if it works.

I'd take an Ipad if someone gave me one - I'm entered in a couple of giveaways for the new one, actually, and think it'd be pretty cool to play with if I won - but wouldn't pay for one; I'd be more willing to pay for a Galaxy or something like that, probably, but am still not about to run out and pick one up.

I can see that as a phone it could be ackward, but if you use the headset, or speakerphone (which is something I do a lot) it becomes a non issue.
The pen is the thing (if it works) would be the real improvement over current smartphones, especially if its not one of the annoying tappy things they used to have with Blackberrys.

My biggest concern would be pen retention, how its stored in the phone and how hard it would be to replace if (well, lets be real, WHEN) you lose it. Teathering it to the phone would be annoying, but losing it could be more so.
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: erictank on March 21, 2012, 05:55:29 PM
I can see that as a phone it could be ackward, but if you use the headset, or speakerphone (which is something I do a lot) it becomes a non issue.
The pen is the thing (if it works) would be the real improvement over current smartphones, especially if its not one of the annoying tappy things they used to have with Blackberrys.

My biggest concern would be pen retention, how its stored in the phone and how hard it would be to replace if (well, lets be real, WHEN) you lose it. Teathering it to the phone would be annoying, but losing it could be more so.

I remember seeing a device not too long ago which had a stylus attached with a retractable lanyard.  Don't know how tough the lanyard was, but it'd be better than losing the stylus. I only ever saw the one device that did that, though - most manufacturers are perfectly happy with you losing the thing and having to send them money for a new one...  ;/
Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: Boomhauer on March 21, 2012, 07:28:44 PM
I'd get a laptop instead of a tablet if you don't have a laptop yet. It is NOT a laptop replacement.

Title: Re: Why tablet computers?
Post by: coppertales on March 21, 2012, 10:54:01 PM
When all these young guys that have these tablets and phones grow up and get old eyes, things will change.  That is why I have a PC with a 24 inch monitor.  Another thing, my fingers do not work the touch pad on lap tops.  I have to attach a mouse if I want to use one.....chris3