Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: AmbulanceDriver on May 16, 2012, 05:29:57 PM

Title: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on May 16, 2012, 05:29:57 PM
So, just came across a news piece about how Obama's budget got rejected unanimously in the senate.  Apparently the R's forced a vote by pushing it to the floor.  Ok, yeah, whatever. that's not what caused the aneurysm....

Nope, it was the talk of what was in the budget.....   I think it was by 2022, Obama's budget would have generated an additional 6.4 TRILLION in deficit....   Even that wasn't what caused the apoplectic fit I'm having right now...


Why the [censoredcensored] do we let these [censored] keep doing the [censored] same [censored] thing to us every [censored] time?????  Why isn't the whole [censored] country having a conniption over what they're talking about over there?

Oh yeah.  There's a new season of Survivor: Idol with the Stars! on.....   

Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: brimic on May 16, 2012, 05:44:22 PM
That's why I' not very enthusiastic about romney- he's going to be obama-lite.
Another obama term might mean the reset button gets pushed while I'm still young.
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: RevDisk on May 16, 2012, 05:49:42 PM

AD, if I ever meet you, I'll shake your hand. Welcome to the club that now FULLY understands that both parties are economically functionally identical. Just vary in a bit velocity, depending on who is POTUS.
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: Tallpine on May 16, 2012, 05:53:27 PM
Is driving off a cliff at 50mph better than driving off a cliff at 100 mph ???

Cheer up - I don't think the USSA is going to make it to 2022  :lol:
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on May 16, 2012, 05:57:09 PM
oh, i've been in that club for a while now.   It's just the fact that it's not even hidden anymore that boggles the mind.

To quote LawDog, "What would I do if I were elected President...."

Granted, it'd be more like "what would I do if I were elected Dictator..."  But I'd take a flamethrower to the federal budget.  No "surgical cuts," no "drastic measures," oh, we're talking cuts of Biblical proportions...   Any office that wasn't specifically allowed for in the constitution?  Gone.  Any spending that wasn't specifically allowed for in the constitution?   Gone.  My goal would NOT be to balance the budget.  My goal would be to get this country completely out of debt in 4 years, provided the congress critters didn't impeach me first.  Somewhere in there the current tax code would get completely scrapped and replaced with a flat tax.  No one is exempt from it.  Not churches, not schools, not non profits, no one.  Probably something like a 10% flat tax.   No loopholes, no tax shelters, if you earn money in this country, it's taxable.  No sending it overseas to avoid it. 

This would of course send everyone into a complete and utter frothing rage.... 

Granted, it'll never happen....

But one can dream....
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: erictank on May 16, 2012, 06:00:49 PM
Is driving off a cliff at 50mph better than driving off a cliff at 100 mph ???

Cheer up - I don't think the USSA is going to make it to 2022  :lol:

I don't think the velocity differential is quite that large, myself, but yeah, that's the general gist.
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: Jim147 on May 16, 2012, 06:07:08 PM
This thread brought to you today by the letter "F".

Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on May 16, 2012, 06:21:58 PM
This thread brought to you today by the letter "F".


No, I'm thinking more along a word that begins with that letter, but....
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: drewtam on May 16, 2012, 06:50:37 PM
On one hand I feel for ya. I also don't want a gov't with so much power, so much corruption, so much money and debt.

On the other hand, I think you make the problem insurmountable with such exaggeration.
The debt does not have to be erased in 4yrs, the budget does not have to be perfectly balanced to put this country on firm financial footing. As long as the debt grows slower than the economy (over rolling 10yr periods), the debt becomes a non-issue.

Going for an absolute solvency immediately makes the problem so difficult that it takes extreme measures. It is a hollow and useless position that will never win the public.
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on May 16, 2012, 06:59:17 PM
drew, as I said, a man can dream.   However, getting gov't to stop stealing from generations down the line to the tune of 3.1T, or even worse, 6.4T over the course of the next 10 years has got to be a priority.  I know there's not much hope of seeing this country even out of deficit spending in my lifedtime, and I'm only in my mid 30's, but dagnabit, something has *got* to change.
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: Jamie B on May 16, 2012, 08:14:37 PM
Actually, this thread is brought to you buy the letter G, for Jesus Christ, are you kidding me?

I have also been on the 'disgusted by all politicians train' for some time now.

Strip away the party designations, and all we have left are arrogant, power-hungry, selfish little trolls who are starving for power that they will squander when making senseless and stupid decisions..
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: RoadKingLarry on May 16, 2012, 09:26:29 PM
This thread brought to you today by the letter "F".

And the word "Derp", "dumbass" and "moron" .
All spectacularly demonstrated by our illustrious elected overlords.
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: MechAg94 on May 16, 2012, 10:18:48 PM
I heard a radio guy comment today that the reason the establishment Republicans fear the Tea Party and don't like them is because they seem to have an equal amount of energy for opposing establishment Repub candidates as they do opposing Democrats.  This is a very good example for why. 

If you don't like Romney and don't want to vote for him, fine.  Please look at your Senatorial and House elections and see if anyone is worth voting for there.  It is the Congress that will have more impact on this and that will only happen if we kick out the people doing this stuff.
Title: Re: Breathe, AD... Breathe..... (budget aneurysm)
Post by: HankB on May 17, 2012, 12:39:08 PM
I heard a radio guy comment today that the reason the establishment Republicans fear the Tea Party and don't like them is because they seem to have an equal amount of energy for opposing establishment Repub candidates as they do opposing Democrats. 
Paging Dick Lugar . . . Paging Bob Bennett . . . Paging RINOs of every stripe . . .