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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Bob F. on June 18, 2006, 04:50:44 PM

Title: Warning: Long political post!
Post by: Bob F. on June 18, 2006, 04:50:44 PM
Received some interesting e-mails in last couple days; here's the first. I don't personally know any of this to be true, but................

Subject: Here's the real Jack Murtha
>What is a War Hero?
>I've been listening to Congressmen Jack Murtha's
>negative comments about the war in Iraq for some
>months now. I've heard him repeatedly described as a
>"war hero".
>Thirty-seven years in the Marine Corps.
>I visualize a burly ex-Marine, his chest bedazzled
>with medals, the survivor of countless combats in
>Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. A man who knows war
>and combat from the inside out. A man with the
>experience that allows him to see that the war in Iraq
>is hopeless, and we should all quit and go home.
>Although I've been turned off by Murtha's remarks, I
>never questioned his war hero status.
>Nor has our liberal press which is why Murtha has been
>getting away with his charade&
>Then the other day, bingo! I suddenly knew something
>was rotten in Denmark about Jack Murtha's war hero
>status. I've been bothered by his comments in the past
>but his latest remarks about Marines killing civilians
>in cold blood caught my attention. Whether this turns
>out to be true or not, something just didn't compute.
>No real Marine who's "been there" would prejudge
>combat troops prior to the release of a military
>That was the moment when I woke up and said, "Hey, I'm
>going to check this guy out."
>And what did I find? Did I find a man of vast
>operational experience with an extensive combat
>record? No. I found a man whom fellow congressman Don
>Bailey of Pennsylvania, Silver Star and three Bronze
>Stars, calls a liar and a phony. A man who came to
>Bailey crying and sobbing, thanking him for saving
>Murtha from the ethics committee (on ABSCAM-related
>charges) at which time he admitted to Bailey that his
>Purple Hearts weren't earned.
>I found a man with a couple of years of active duty,
>and the rest of his 37-year career spent in the Marine
>Corps Reserve.
>I found a man who served in the Marines during Korean
>War, yes, but somehow never actually made it to Korea.
>I found a man with one year in Vietnam, not up front
>but in the rear area, as a staff intelligence offer.
>I found a man who's no more been in combat, or is a
>war hero, than I am.
>Even John Kerry has more combat experience than Jack
>I know flight attendants who have spent more time in
>Danang than him.
>So what is a War Hero? Well at the bare minimum, a war
>hero would have to be somebody who's actually been in
>combat, somebody who's been in direct contact with the
>enemy over some extended period of time, somebody
>who's been shot at and/or had their life repeatedly
>threatened like the Infantry or the Army, Navy, Marine
>Corps, and Air Force pilots who flew over Vietnam;
>somebody who has performed his or her duties in a
>heroic manner.
>So, what is Jack Murtha?
>Just one more scheming politician, a Democrat, sensing
>a change in the direction of the political winds. A
>man who volunteered for a year's duty in Vietnam as a
>staff intelligence officer, so he could come home and
>run for Congress in 1968 as a war hero.
>Sound familiar? A man who's thinking about the next
>election, and hoping he's on the right side when it
>As a citizen and as a Congressman, Murtha has every
>right to express his opinion on the Iraq War - but not
>cloaked in the mantle of a Marine Corps war hero with
>vast experience in such matters. His comments are very
>destructive to the morale of our troops and have only
>one objective - to get re-elected.
>Now read Congressman Don Baileys comments, and his
>letter to Jack Murtha, which follows below.
>As youll see from his record, Bailey ought to know
>what hes talking about. And falsifying his combat
>record, it appears, isnt all Congressman Murtha may
>have done.
>We hope there will be a full explanation of this.
>After all, Murtha has recently smeared the men of his
>own Marine Corps before theyve been given the benefit
>of due process.
>The least we should ask for is that Murtha complies
>with Baileys requests for proof.
>More to follow.
>Murtha's War Hero Status Called Into Question
>By Marc Morano and Randy Hall
> Staff
>January 13, 2006
>A Cybercast News Service investigation reveals that
>one of Murtha's former Democratic congressional
>colleagues and a fellow decorated Vietnam veteran, Don
>Bailey of Pennsylvania, alleges that Murtha admitted
>during an emotional conversation on the floor of the
>U.S. House in the early 1980s that he did not deserve
>his Purple Hearts.
>"[Murtha] is putting himself forward as some combat
>veteran with serious wounds and he's using that and
>it's dishonest and it's wrong," Bailey told Cybercast
>News Service on Jan. 9. Murtha served in the Marines
>on active duty and in the reserves from 1952 until his
>retirement as a colonel in 1990. He volunteered for
>service in Vietnam and was a First Marine Regiment
>intelligence officer in 1966 and 1967.
>Murtha and Bailey, once allies, were forced to run
>against each other in a Democratic congressional
>primary in 1982 following redistricting. Murtha won
>the election.
>Murtha has, in the past, publicly dismissed any
>questions about whether he deserved his two Purple
>Hearts, noting during his 1994 congressional campaign
>that "I am proud of my service in Vietnam."
>'He's a phony and a liar'
>Bailey said during the time Murtha was being
>investigated for his role in the Abscam FBI sting in
>1980, Murtha made a confession on the House floor.
>... you admitted, back in our corner, that you didn't
>earn your purple hearts (sic) (you indicated you had
>small scratch on your cheek that wasn't even directly
>related to an APC [Armored Personnel Carrier] that ran
>over a small antipersonnel mine that was behind you).
>The other purple heart [sic] you even declined to
>explain," wrote Bailey in an open letter dated May 5,
>2002 (see full te xt below).
>Bailey is also a decorated Vietnam combat veteran. He
>served in the U.S. Army's 82nd and 101st Airborne
>Divisions and was awarded a Silver Star and three
>Bronze Stars.
>"At the time (of Murtha's alleged admission), you were
>feeling particularly vulnerable because it wasn't too
>long after you had called me crying and sobbing,
>thanking me for 'saving your life' before the ethics
>committee (on Abscam-related charges). There was no
>doubt in my mind that you were expressing to me that
>you did not believe you did anything sufficient to
>earn the purple heart [sic] and that you didn't want
>to be active in my efforts to laud Vietnam veterans
>that served with us," Bailey wrote in his May 2002
>"You may deny that all you wish -- but you and I know
>that that conversation took place," he added.
>In the Jan. 9 interview with Cybercast News Serv ice
>Bailey affirmed the contents of his 2002 letter.
>"The issue here is this idea or pretense that [Murtha]
>knows combat and he's got two Purple Hearts. He's a
>phony and a liar," Bailey said.
>Bailey also questioned why Murtha has thus far
>declined to release his full military records in order
>to clear up the controversy.
>"The Marine Corps ought to be able to produce all the
>orders, the medical stuff, the citations and the
>orders granting [the Purple Hearts] and everything
>else. Where is that stuff?" he asked.
>According to a May 16, 2002, edition of the
>Washington, Pa., Observer-Reporter, Murtha "produced
>military paperwork indicating he was entitled to the
>awards," and a Murtha spokesperson was quoted as
>saying that "the media for years has investigated 'and
>found nothing.'"
>But Murtha's paperwork did nothing to sway Bailey's
>opinion. < BR>
>"You may fool a few reporters into believing that
>merely because you got some perfunctory paperwork made
>out by a friend, that that means you earned the purple
>hearts [sic]. But even if you were awarded the medals
>later, there should be affidavits from witnesses.
>These things should be easy to get," Bailey wrote in
>his letter while demanding an apology from Murtha for
>questioning his credibility.
>Murtha could end the controversy at any time, Bailey
>added, simply by calling a press conference and
>producing the evidence of his wounds.
>"Explain where you were and what you were doing when
>you got the purple hearts.[sic] Explain who was with
>you and treated your wounds, but most important, Jack,
>describe your wounds or the lack thereof, as you did
>for me, years ago," Bailey wrote.
>"Unless the Marine Corps gives out medals for
>unsubstantiated noncombat-related telltale scratches,
>procured for use in political campaign -- then show me
>the money, Jack," Bailey a dded.
>Murtha: 'I'm proud of m y service in Vietnam'
>During the 1994 congressional campaign against GOP
>opponent Dr. William Choby, Murtha's two Purple Hearts
>became a political issue.
>"Explain your Purple Hearts. He (Murtha) used them to
>get elected," Choby charged in 1994.
>In responding to the charges, Murtha claimed that he
>"didn't ask for the Purple Hearts.
>"I'm proud of my service in Vietnam. I don't know if
>he (Choby) served in the service at all. I left my
>family and my business to serve in Vietnam. My family
>made great sacrifice for me to make that service in
>Vietnam, so I'm very proud of that," he told the
>Uniontown Herald-Standard in the newspaper's Oct. 26,
>1994 edition.
>"I am disappointed that a guy (Choby) would say
>something like that when I volunteered in the reserves
>and I felt it was important that I go. What's the
>point in all this? It's irritating," Murtha added.
>Choby also challenged the validity of Murtha's Bronze
>Star with Combat 'V' during the 1996 congressional
>"I find it very curious that Combat 'V' doesn't even
>exist in any of the materials he had distributed,"
>Choby was quoted as saying in the Herald-Standard of
>Oct. 13, 1996. "His military record improves over the
>years," he added.
>The Murtha controversy is reminiscent of the flap
>surrounding the war record of 2004 Democratic
>presidential nominee John Kerry. But while critics
>like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attacked Kerry
>in 2004 because of his anti-war activism of the 1970s,
>Murtha's three chief accusers all made their al
>legations years and in some cases decades before
>Murtha emerged last Nov ember as a prominent anti-war
>Choby told Cybercast News Service on Jan. 5 that
>Murtha's entire political career is based on his war
>record. "Without that credibility of those combat
>medals, he would have never been elected to office,"
>Choby said.
>Letter from Congressman Dan Bailey to Murtha:
>May 5, 2002
>Dear Jack,
>Im writing on matters of joint concern. A number of
>weeks ago I was talking with someone who is a mutual
>acquaintance and your name came up. It was an
>unusually frank discussion and I considered it
>private. I did relate some opinions about you and
>shared some recollections about experiences with you
>in Congress. I was, to be honest, critical about how
>you misled me about ABSCAM where you convinced me you
>had voluntarily told federal agents about the offer of
>money to you and I learned later, after I had
>successfully defeated the ethics charges against you,
>that you had merely manipulated the system to
>cooperate with federal agents to avoid prosecution.
>I also shared my recollection of when you admitted,
>back in our corner, that you didnt earn your Purple
>Hearts (you indicated you had a small scratch on your
>cheek that wasnt even directly related to an APC that
>ran over a small anti personnel mine that was behind
>you). The other Purple Heart you even declined to
>At the time you were feeling particularly vulnerable,
>because it wasnt too long after you had called me
>crying and sobbing, thanking me for saving your life
>before the ethics committee. There was no doubt in my
>mind that you were expressing to me that you did not
>believe you did anything sufficient to earn the purple
>heart, and that you didnt want to be active in my
>efforts to laud Vietnam Veterans that served with us.
>Given what I know about the brave men who served in
>the Marine Corps, I did not criticize you, but to be
>honest, I was shocked and disappointed in you
>personally. We both knew what was at issue, and we
>both know what happened and that you wanted to avoid
>the limelight. Later, we ended up having to run for
>the same seat. It was a good clean race and I admit I
>knew I couldnt win, simply on the basis of voter turn
>out alone. During that time some people came to me
>with documents indicating you had used influence,
>after the fact, or had embellished your Purple Heart
>awards. I did not respond, and I said nothing. In
>doing so I may have betrayed my comrades in arms
>because I knew then what you had told me in the corner
>of the house - but I had told no one about that and I
>stood mute. But a few weeks ago my conversation was
>private and I was not seeking to do you a ny harm,
>though it would be ridiculous for me to infer that I
>have any respect for what youve done.
>Regardless, shortly thereafter a reporter called me
>and I was put in a very different position. I could
>either deny what I said in private conversation, and
>thus lie, or I could fess up to the truth, or, I could
>take the cowards way out and stand mute. If I say
>something, I should either have the courage to back it
>up, or I shouldnt open my mouth. Regardless it was
>too late, and I did not choose to lie. So I admitted
>to what I had said. However, I later received two
>calls from two different aides of yours, and later I
>was called a liar in the press. I am not a liar and I
>want an apology for the remarks you authorized that I
>didnt tell the truth about our conversation. I dont
>know how you got yourself awarded the Purple Hearts,
>but I know you indicated you didnt earn them.
>By the way, Im not an ingrate. I deeply appreciate
>the help you gave me for the last governors primary.
>In fact, out of respect for you, when I realized that
>the race was going no where, I didnt even cash the
>check you sent, (which I kept). Being grateful for
>your help, I have not sought to hurt you - but I will
>not betray or exploit the young men who died while
>fighting, with me, for this country. Never coming
>forward is one thing - I never have. Lying is another.
>Coincidentally I just settled an 11-year old law suit
>with Barbara Hafer where she apologized in writing for
>campaign defamation and admitted that federal agents
>(Thornburghs political friends) lied to her. I will
>not accept your falsehoods now. Enough is enough.
>You clearly indicated to me in a moment of weakness,
>that you hadnt deserved the Purple Hearts and there
>was no confusion on that. You may deny that all you
>wish - but you and I know that that conversation took
>place. Please apologize now. You may fool a few
>reporters into believing that merely because you got
>some perfunctory paperwork made out by a friend, that
>that means you earned the Purple Hearts. But even if
>you were awarded the medals later, there should be
>affidavits from witnesses. These things should be easy
>to get - where are they?
>I bet they dont exist, Jack, because you are the one
>whos lying. Luckily theres one easy way to settle
>all this. Call a press conference. Explain where you
>were and what you were doing when you got the Purple
>Hearts. Explain who was with you and treated your
>wounds, but most important, Jack, describe your wounds
>or the lack thereof, as you did for me, years ago.
>I am absolutely certain that you wont do that -
>because, though you may have manipulated some
>paperwork that says you were awarded the medals (for
>political purposes) you cant produce the witnesses or
>documents to show any wounds or circumstances under
>which they occurred.
>Unless the Marine Corps gives out medals for
>unsubstantiated non -combat related telltale
>scratches, procured for use in political campaign -
>then show me the money, Jack - because there should at
>least be evidence by affidavit, or record of the
>scratches, thats what getting a Purple Heart requires
>- show me.
>You may be able to take advantage of a few Washington
>reporters who dont have sufficient experience to
>understand - but you cant fool combat veterans of the
>Vietnam War by hiding behind unit losses - were
>used to those stories. I have my orders describing my
>combat awards, Jack - to back up my DD-214. Wheres
>And Jack - dont you ever call me a liar.
>Don Bailey
>Do You Yahoo!?
Title: Warning: Long political post!
Post by: Mannlicher on June 19, 2006, 03:58:30 PM
60 views and not a single reply.  oh my
Title: Warning: Long political post!
Post by: cosine on June 19, 2006, 04:28:39 PM
Quote from: Mannlicher
60 views and not a single reply.  oh my
Well, I'm one of the person who viewed it once and didn't reply 'cause I didn't read more than two or three lines... Wink
Title: Warning: Long political post!
Post by: Sylvilagus Aquaticus on June 19, 2006, 07:31:42 PM
I was wondering when someone would dig up Murtha's involvement in the pointy end of ABSCAM.  It was only through his friends and allies in Congress that he wasn't brought to trial and subsequently jailed for it.
