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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Monkeyleg on September 02, 2012, 05:20:35 PM

Title: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 02, 2012, 05:20:35 PM
A CNN camerawoman says that RNC visitors threw peanuts at her and said "that's the way we treat animals around here".

I really question the validity of this story. I've only seen it published on lefty websites and MSM outlets. I would think that something like this would get coverage at Fox, the WSJ, or somewhere else.

Story is here (

Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 02, 2012, 05:43:40 PM
The two white people were immediately removed from the Tampa, Fla., convention arena by security officials on Tuesday....

GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign said Thursday that it has apologized to CNN for what happened.

"We find it absolutely deplorable. We condemn it in the highest possible way," said Russ Schriefer, strategist for the Romney campaign. "That behavior is just reprehensible."

Very interesting how the statement from the Romney campaign is called an apology, when the quoted statement doesn't apologize at all. It condemns. Calling it an apology gives the impression the Romney campaign was responsible, or that the offenders were part of Romney's campaign staff. Very interesting.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: RocketMan on September 02, 2012, 06:05:48 PM
Video, or it didn't happen.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: drewtam on September 02, 2012, 06:11:43 PM
Video, or it didn't happen.


Democrat Congressmen made the same kinds of charges a couple years ago during anti-obamacare rallies in Washington. Video later provide the allegation was false.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 02, 2012, 06:37:03 PM
apparently it was brought to the attention of security by other folks and they got tossed.  it happened i believe and it was handled  promptly
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Jamie B on September 02, 2012, 07:09:35 PM
apparently it was brought to the attention of security by other folks and they got tossed.  it happened i believe and it was handled  promptly
Agreed. Video, while helpful, is not a requirement for truth.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 02, 2012, 07:10:54 PM
nice to see something handled quickly and appropriately   though a beating might have been nice
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: MillCreek on September 02, 2012, 08:26:46 PM
I saw a subsequent interview of the camerawoman, and she did not blame the Republicans.  She said it was a Southern thing from her being a black woman.  She said that she had lived in the South all her life and was quite familiar with Southern idiots.  Or words to that effect.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 02, 2012, 10:40:35 PM
Video, a statement from a named witness, a statement from the security people, or something that verifies it happened.

This reeks of the same tactics drewtam mentioned with black congressmen and the Tea Party.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Blakenzy on September 03, 2012, 10:19:26 AM
Meh, rude dumbasses exist everywhere. This is neither news, nor an extraordinary event. If they say it happened, it very well could have. The issue is how it is spinned and for whose benefit.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 03, 2012, 10:21:41 AM
Video, a statement from a named witness, a statement from the security people, or something that verifies it happened.

This reeks of the same tactics drewtam mentioned with black congressmen and the Tea Party.

all of the above exist   if one wanted to look  the "it didn't happen" has an al jones flavor
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 03, 2012, 10:29:56 AM
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Hutch on September 03, 2012, 11:07:23 AM
 [tinfoil] [tinfoil] [tinfoil]This just has to be agents provocateur, doesn't it?  Add that to Todd Akins jackassery, and put it on my paranoia tab.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 03, 2012, 11:26:35 AM
the "it didn't happen" has an al jones flavor

 ;/  Waiting for confirmation that a reported event actually happened makes one a conspiracy-monger, now?
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 03, 2012, 11:31:53 AM

 ;/  Waiting for confirmation that a reported event actually happened makes one a conspiracy-monger, now?

ignoring days old confirmation and roleplaying conspiracy is an al jones favorite
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 03, 2012, 12:54:51 PM
CSD, two blog links and a link to a USA Today story that used a blog as a source does not constitute "confirmation". I can post a blog story about how it didn't happen, and Fistful and drewtam can do the same. Voila--confirmation that it didn't happen!

This was the RNC presidential convention, for crying out loud. The woman supposedly pelted with peanuts was a camerawoman, which suggests to me that she had the means to record the event just by pushing a button. I would think there would have been other still or video cameras nearby.

Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: roo_ster on September 03, 2012, 01:20:59 PM
CSD, two blog links and a link to a USA Today story that used a blog as a source does not constitute "confirmation". I can post a blog story about how it didn't happen, and Fistful and drewtam can do the same. Voila--confirmation that it didn't happen!

This was the RNC presidential convention, for crying out loud. The woman supposedly pelted with peanuts was a camerawoman, which suggests to me that she had the means to record the event just by pushing a button. I would think there would have been other still or video cameras nearby.

That is what I was thinking.

Still, coulda happened.  If it did, she deserves a lavish apology from the perpetrators. 

These days, though, I am no longer crediting such claims until I see the proof.  Too many crying wolf or arranging the outrage themselves for the attention.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: RocketMan on September 03, 2012, 04:19:10 PM
That is what I was thinking.

Still, coulda happened.  If it did, she deserves a lavish apology from the perpetrators.  

These days, though, I am no longer crediting such claims until I see the proof.  Too many crying wolf or arranging the outrage themselves for the attention.

Exactitorily (one of my favorite made up words).  There are many opportunities for an aggrieved party to document an abuse like this under those circumstances.  Certainly too many at the RNC convention with hundreds of cameras of all kinds scattered around the venue and thousands of people all over the place as potential witnesses.
I'm betting she was not isolated or alone at the time, so for the event to go unwitnessed is just not believeable to me.  I've done the TV camera gig at large gatherings before.  You're with other camera people, on an intercom system talking to crew, there is a floor director and other support folks nearby.  She could/should/would have mentioned this to someone else as it occurred, and that would have provided some sort of documentation of the event.  There were probably even bystanders around just attending the convention that would have seen it happen.
This thing does not pass the smell test for me.  Hence my 'video or it didn't happen' comment.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 03, 2012, 04:44:29 PM
CSD, two blog links and a link to a USA Today story that used a blog as a source does not constitute "confirmation". I can post a blog story about how it didn't happen, and Fistful and drewtam can do the same. Voila--confirmation that it didn't happen!

This was the RNC presidential convention, for crying out loud. The woman supposedly pelted with peanuts was a camerawoman, which suggests to me that she had the means to record the event just by pushing a button. I would think there would have been other still or video cameras nearby.

you don't think the rnc rep confirming and apologizing is enough? :facepalm:
i see
what would be sufficent?
the rep confirming that it happened and that they were ejected is insufficent too?
This kind of behavior will not be tolerated," convention spokesman Kyle Downey said in a statement.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 03, 2012, 05:09:48 PM
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 03, 2012, 07:47:00 PM
you don't think the rnc rep confirming and apologizing is enough?
i see
what would be sufficent?
the rep confirming that it happened and that they were ejected is insufficent too?
This kind of behavior will not be tolerated," convention spokesman Kyle Downey said in a statement.

No, I don't see it as necessarily a confirmation any more than I see companies paying out to settle nuisance lawsuits as admissions of guilt. It's possible that she heard about this, apologized whether she knew it to be true or not, and hoped it would pass.

I'm not saying it did not happen. I'm saying it's possible that it did not happen, and I think that because with all of the cameras and cell phones with cameras at the convention, for the event to not be recorded is almost implausible to me.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: roo_ster on September 03, 2012, 08:06:06 PM
No, I don't see it as necessarily a confirmation any more than I see companies paying out to settle nuisance lawsuits as admissions of guilt. It's possible that she heard about this, apologized whether she knew it to be true or not, and hoped it would pass.

I'm not saying it did not happen. I'm saying it's possible that it did not happen, and I think that because with all of the cameras and cell phones with cameras at the convention, for the event to not be recorded is almost implausible to me.

What ML wrote.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 03, 2012, 08:39:55 PM
ah and you imagine the rnc guy acknowledged and apologized because....?
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: kgbsquirrel on September 03, 2012, 09:01:46 PM
ah and you imagine the rnc guy acknowledged and apologized because....?

He just explained that to you! This is exceptionally obtuse even for your normal level of willful ignorance. Seriously, are you being paid to be the APS pet troll or something?
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: MechAg94 on September 03, 2012, 09:22:21 PM
ah and you imagine the rnc guy acknowledged and apologized because....?
The repubs apologize for anything regardless of fact. 

Either way it appears that the proper action was taken according to the stories.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 03, 2012, 09:28:53 PM
so to recap  no one actually at the convention has attempted to deny what happened.  but we have folks here who have scooped al jones on the latest conspiracy?  shoot did you listen to her interview? the part where she said it coulda happened just as easy at the dem convention or on the street?  what a clever comspirator to throw folks off the scent like that. >:D :facepalm: :rofl:
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 03, 2012, 09:30:06 PM
The repubs apologize for anything regardless of fact. 

really?  could you give some examples of them apologizing "regardless of fact"?
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 03, 2012, 10:50:27 PM
so to recap  no one actually at the convention has attempted to deny what happened.  but we have folks here who have scooped al jones on the latest conspiracy?

CSD, I haven't heard anyone on the right cover this story at all. The only place I've seen it has been on leftist blogs. And I'm not saying I "scooped" any conspiracy. I just find all of this odd. No mention of the story in the MSM, the same MSM that dutifully reported that Tea Party members spat on black congressmen, despite the fact that no proof has been brought forward, even with a $100,000 reward for such proof.

Apparently the MSM either: a) thinks it's a non-story or; b) doesn't believe it or.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 03, 2012, 11:03:05 PM
if you enter "republican commitee statement on camerawoman" on google you get 275 news articles  excuse me make that 794

your belief system may vary   

and shoot i apologize for slandering al jones  hes leaving the conspiracy alone  apparently he believes the rep national committees statement has merit. not often you fool old al
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 04, 2012, 06:40:25 PM
you don't think the rnc rep confirming and apologizing is enough? :facepalm:
i see
what would be sufficent?
the rep confirming that it happened and that they were ejected is insufficent too?
This kind of behavior will not be tolerated," convention spokesman Kyle Downey said in a statement.

One small problem there. Where's Downey getting his information? Did he take CNN's word that it happened, or did he actually check, before he made the statement? You don't know. And note that he's just condemning a certain type of behavior. There's nothing about his statements that suggests he is in a position to confirm that it actually happened. But you're treating that like a confirmation. That doesn't make sense.

And let's look at a couple of sources you cited, and apply the usual skepticism you seem to reserve for certain types of news stories (but apparently not this one).

CNN was initially tight-lipped about the incident, and has declined to provide much detail since. It published a sparse report online, saying there were multiple witnesses to the exchange. Wedneday evening, Wolf Blitzer reported the story on air, calling it “truly shocking.” CNN political analyst Donna Brazile said during the segment that she hopes the two attendees have their convention credentials revoked.

CNN released a statement Thursday afternoon saying it doesn’t know the identity of the two people removed from the convention and neither do convention officials.

Convention officials condemned the attendees’ actions, calling the behavior “deplorable.”

“This kind of behavior will not be tolerated,” convention spokesman Kyle Downey said in a statement.

Carroll told the Maynard Institute that no one took down the names of the attendees who pelted her.

You must admit it would be suspicious for any news organization to be "tight-lipped" about such a juicy event, about which they have inside info, since it happened to one of their own. And then we are told that no one knows who they are, making it all appropriately vague.

The head of the delegation -- she was not certain of the state -- told her the perpetrators must have been alternates, not delegates.

So she talked to the head of a Republican delegation about it, but she doesn't know which state. Vague, again.

So, yeah, a reasonable person would want a little more fact-checking on such a conveniently incriminating and conveniently vague story than what you've done.

But just to make you feel better, here's a bit from the second search result from your link below.
if you enter "republican commitee statement on camerawoman" on google you get 275 news articles  excuse me make that 794

The RNC released a statement today which reads: “Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated.”

See, now that quotation is at least written as if to acknowledge that the event happened. So you at least have something there.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Lee on September 04, 2012, 08:34:55 PM
I think it was a member of the Carter family throwing the peanuts. They thought they were throwing them at Condi Rice, but got her confused with the other black woman, who was there because she had to.
Title: Re: Black CNN camerawoman says RNC members threw peanuts at her
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 05, 2012, 09:28:48 AM