Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Werewolf on June 22, 2006, 04:34:27 AM

Title: We're Freakin' WARMONGERS! Yipeee!
Post by: Werewolf on June 22, 2006, 04:34:27 AM
Military provocations by U.S. warmongers against (North Korea) are reaching their extreme, the Norths Korean Central News Agency said Thursday. The series of illegal infiltration and spying by reconnaissance planes of U.S. aggression forces is creating a danger of military clash in the skies.
Full News Article

Don't you just love the way commies spin things? Gives me a laugh every time I see something like this. It must really suck to live in a country where the powers that be are either insane or all bluff and bluster which is all statements like they made in the quote above are.

Do the knotheads in N. Korea actually believe they could take us on and have a snow ball's chance in hell of winning. Hell, with most of our troops tied up in the middle east if we did have to project power into N. Korea we'd really have no choice but to do it with cruise missiles and carpet bombing (bet the Air Force and Navy would love that) and blast 'em back into the stone age (wouldn't have far to go either).

Or maybe the NK's are counting on China to support them. I'm not sure they would and that is I suppose a big question which makes Mr. Bush's current blow off the NK's and not talk to 'em tactic somewhat questionable.

Title: We're Freakin' WARMONGERS! Yipeee!
Post by: charby on June 22, 2006, 04:42:47 AM
North Korea just wants our aid dollars.

Title: We're Freakin' WARMONGERS! Yipeee!
Post by: Werewolf on June 22, 2006, 04:47:56 AM
Quote from: charby
North Korea just wants our aid dollars.

Which would be like paying your next door neighbor not to throw rocks at your house...

Not a solution and one of the (many) reasons why I despised Klintoon's foreign policy.
Title: We're Freakin' WARMONGERS! Yipeee!
Post by: K Frame on June 22, 2006, 05:08:58 AM
Carrot & stick diplomacy with North Korea is a technique far older than President Pants-around-ankles.

Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush I all practiced it with North Korea to one degree or another, directly or approvingly as our Asian partners have practiced it.

Unfortunately, they were all dealing with with the elder Ding Dong Dung, or whatever the hell their names are, and he was a bit more practical and pragmatic than psycho sunny.