Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Scout26 on September 15, 2012, 01:57:59 AM

Title: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Scout26 on September 15, 2012, 01:57:59 AM
I got a Groupon or Living Social (I disremember) "deal" e-mail for a Memory Foam Mattress.  King size for $399.

My son has one for his bed and likes it (Not that we would know, because of Poltergeist and Alien I have an 11 year old that sleeps in my bed.  ;/  :facepalm:)

Anywho, anyone have one of these and what do you think of it?
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: charby on September 15, 2012, 02:00:30 AM
I'm curious also, wife and I are seriously looking at one to replace our 10 year old mattress.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: brimic on September 15, 2012, 02:25:32 AM
You really got to go to a matress/bedding store and try them out.

I wanted to get a memory foam mattress because of my lower back problems a few years ago when we bought a new bed.
I ended up trying out various memory foam, latex rubber, and coil mattresses out and ended up getting an adjustable air bed. It was very pricey but very worth it. The memory foam came in a distant second for me. YMMV.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 15, 2012, 02:56:16 AM
Edited to remove really lame attempt at humor.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: vaskidmark on September 15, 2012, 05:33:10 AM
Whose memory foam is it?  There are differences between manufacturers, and it does make a big difference.  $399 for a king mattress, when "regualr" prices are in the $1K+ range, makes me wonder just what is being offered.  Caveat emptor and all that.

I've spent an odd night here and there on memory foam.  Let's just say the entire experience is "different" - it takes more than one short roll at the mattress store to decide if you really like it or it is the most claustrophobic experience you have ever had while asleep.  See if they offer a 30- or better, 80-day trial period.  If it turns out it is just not for you it will be worth the price of being able to return it for a refund.  (However, you must store your old mattress during the trial period and dispose of it yourself if you decide to keep the foam.)

If you are going to let a cranky old curmudgeon influence your purchase decision then you deserve whatever you get.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: TechMan on September 15, 2012, 07:25:54 AM
We had one of the memory foam toppers and had to get rid of it because it retained our body heat and made it uncomfortable to sleep.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Fly320s on September 15, 2012, 07:45:03 AM
We have a Tempurpedic and love it.  We bought ours about 2 months ago. Sleepy's/Mattress Giant had a 0% interest deal that we used. They also offered a 90 day test drive. Tempurpedic offers 30 days.

Previously, we had a no-name memory foam mattress that wasn't nearly as good.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: BryanP on September 15, 2012, 08:59:51 AM
We have a king sized memory foam mattress, but it's not a cheap one (over $1500) and worth every penny for my wife's back.  That said, even a topper can be a great improvement.

Go to a mattress store and try laying down on some.  Give it several minutes (10+ if you can) to deform to your shape. 
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: AJ Dual on September 15, 2012, 10:03:44 AM
We have a high density 4" Sealy memory foam topper we got off of Mrs. Dual is all about beds being soft and "deep". I'm not very picky.

I wake up with back and neck pain most days and it hasn't helped, and it hasn't made things worse. I haven't had a problem with the heat issue yet.

One thing is that it's a PITA to move around on, sit up on etc. if you're the sort who spends non-sleeping time in bed, like watching TV, or using the computer. It robs you of a lot of your leverage.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: BobR on September 15, 2012, 11:24:32 AM
We have had a Tempurpedic for a little over 10 years now.

I used to wake up with my left arm useless, hasn't happened in 10 years now. My wife swears by it for her back and hip pain. I get hot, but not to the point it bothers me much, I also like a lot of covers, it may be connected. My wife doesn't have the problem, but she throws back at least one blanket.

When the mattress is cold, it is hard and very cold. You have to lay in one place, cold, until your body heat softens the foam and you sink in a little. We always sleep with a window open in the winter. There were times when I would come home in the morning and the mattress would be like lying on a slab of concrete, but that was Montana and the temps were near 0F (+/-). It would warm up fairly quickly and I could get to sleep. The manufacturer say not to use a heating blanket or pad on the mattress, so we haven't.

The one question I have always had about this foam; how well does it stop bullets? If I were to use it for a barrier, would it stop, or slow down a bullet? The company won't give me a sample to test, maybe I can find someone getting rid of their mattress and I can chop it up. :)

The transfer of movement, or lack of, is nice. I seldom, if ever, feel my wife come to bed or get up if I am sleeping.

All in all, we are glad we went with the mattress. There have been a lot of improvements made in the bed since we bought ours, such as different models, thicknesses, etc. If we have to replace it in the next ten years or so, we will probably get another one.

Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Hutch on September 15, 2012, 12:46:12 PM
The one question I have always had about this foam; how well does it stop bullets? If I were to use it for a barrier, would it stop, or slow down a bullet? The company won't give me a sample to test, maybe I can find someone getting rid of their mattress and I can chop it up
Only on APS would this come up...
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Scout26 on September 15, 2012, 12:51:53 PM
I bet it would do much better then a coil mattress.....

Maybe e-mail Box O' Truth.....
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: drewtam on September 15, 2012, 01:02:36 PM
There are more things to consider in a mattress than just sleep.
I leave this here for your gentle consideration.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Scout26 on September 15, 2012, 03:22:16 PM
Sadly, that is currently not a consideration.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Sergeant Bob on September 15, 2012, 10:57:27 PM
Mrs Sergeant Bob and I have an air bed (not Select Comfortâ„¢) but of good quality and I love it. I like my side soft enough to imitate a mud bath and I sleep like a baby.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Gewehr98 on September 16, 2012, 04:30:55 PM
I understand there are now gel memory foam beds that don't retain so much body heat?

Anybody remember waterbeds?  My sister decided to mess with me and unplug the heater in mine many years ago.

Woke up hypothermic, and yet to get even after all this time...   
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Doggy Daddy on September 16, 2012, 05:00:32 PM
I understand there are now gel memory foam beds that don't retain so much body heat?

Anybody remember waterbeds?  My sister decided to mess with me and unplug the heater in mine many years ago.

Woke up hypothermic, and yet to get even after all this time...   

Revenge is a dish best served....
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: BryanP on September 16, 2012, 08:45:16 PM
I understand there are now gel memory foam beds that don't retain so much body heat?

Mine is supposedly one of those, but I've never slept on one of the older ones so I have nothing to compare it to except an innerspring mattress.  It does hold more heat than an innerspring, but it's so comfortable that it's well worth the trade off.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Scout26 on September 16, 2012, 10:41:12 PM
Given my chronic anemia, body heat retention (especially in Chicago winters) is probably a plus.
Title: Re: Memory Foam Mattress?
Post by: Blakenzy on September 16, 2012, 10:54:11 PM
I now have a memory foam pillow. I used to have two 'normal' pillows that I replaced with the one. I think the new one offers better elastic-like support specially when sleeping on my side. It's heavy though. No neck pains since.