Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: never_retreat on September 15, 2012, 07:22:12 PM

Title: Any red heads here?
Post by: never_retreat on September 15, 2012, 07:22:12 PM
If you are a read head do pain killers effect you differently?
I've always noticed that I have to take a handful of Tylenol to get rid of a headache.
I hurt my back Thursday and Went to the doctor. Got anti inflammatory, muscle relaxers and pain killers. The pain killers have not worked at all. They were a 5/325 hydrocodone. I took 1 at 4pm another at 10 pm no relief. I took another 10mg oxy at 11pm still nothing. The only relief was that I passed out around 1am.
I was doing some searching on the subject I came up with this.
A mutation in the MC1R gene (which is what causes red hair) can also cause some sort of pain reduction, as well as a lesser sensitivity to anesthetics.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: MillCreek on September 15, 2012, 07:36:26 PM
I had a red-headed girlfriend who swore this was true.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Tallpine on September 15, 2012, 07:39:40 PM
Ladypine says pain meds/anesthetic affects her more  =|

Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 15, 2012, 07:40:50 PM
Something about the abscence of a soul more then likely.... :-*
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: zxcvbob on September 15, 2012, 07:44:00 PM
Not a redhead, but can vouch for high pain tolerance also means very tolerance for pain killers.  My dentist drills my teeth without Novocain as long as he goes slow; he thinks it's fascinating that I can take it.  But if I do need Novocain for something, it takes a *lot* of it and it's slow to act. 

Also if I need narcotics I take APAP 10-500's where most people would take 5-500's, and sometimes even that doesn't do much.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: never_retreat on September 15, 2012, 07:44:58 PM
Something about the abscence of a soul more then likely.... :-*
This is more likely.
Red hair was thought to be a mark of a beastly sexual desire and moral degeneration.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: MillCreek on September 15, 2012, 08:29:36 PM
This is more likely.
Red hair was thought to be a mark of a beastly sexual desire and moral degeneration.

Well, the red-headed former girlfriend was pretty good in the sack. I have learned that Ms. MillCreek does not wish to hear this.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: AJ Dual on September 15, 2012, 08:45:00 PM
I've woken up in surgery.  =D

Appendectomy back when I was 19 , and a heart cath I was supposed to be out for two years ago.

"Oh...that feels weird."

Then I hear the surgeon get irritable sounding.. Giving orders... "Push this... Push that  cc's something."
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Tallpine on September 15, 2012, 08:54:07 PM
Red hair was thought to be a mark of a beastly sexual desire and moral degeneration.

Is there a downside ?

Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: French G. on September 15, 2012, 09:26:57 PM
Yeah, sometimes you marry them.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: grampster on September 15, 2012, 09:36:35 PM
I do remember a particular red head from my very distant past single life.  I would concur with Millcreek.  Lusty she was. =D
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Tallpine on September 15, 2012, 10:17:44 PM
Yeah, sometimes you marry them.

Wedding cake is a powerful ANTI-aphrodisaic  =(
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Jim147 on September 16, 2012, 01:03:41 AM
I've woken up in surgery.  =D

Appendectomy back when I was 19 , and a heart cath I was supposed to be out for two years ago.

"Oh...that feels weird."

Then I hear the surgeon get irritable sounding.. Giving orders... "Push this... Push that  cc's something."

I'm not red headed. A little brown with a lot of grey.

I woke up in surgery. I said my right side hurt. The Dr said it can't hurt. What was my right side? I raised my right hand. He repeated that it can't be and said something to the anesthesiologist. I work up again. I heard, "Why the *expletive deleted*ck is that still bleeding?"

I put myself back to sleep at that point.

Lot's of ginger in the family from the Scot's and Irish. But I didn't get the hair.

Wedding cake is a powerful ANTI-aphrodisaic  =(

When did you meet my wife?   ???

Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Stand_watie on September 16, 2012, 08:27:38 AM
If you are a read head do pain killers effect you differently?
I've always noticed that I have to take a handful of Tylenol to get rid of a headache.

Poison ControlThe National Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222) can be called from anywhere in the United States. This national hotline number will let you talk to experts in poisoning. They will give you further instructions.

This is a free and confidential service. All local poison control centers in the United States use this national number. You should call if you have any questions about poisoning or poison prevention. It does NOT need to be an emergency. You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

See: Poison control center - emergency number

What to Expect at the Emergency RoomThe health care provider will measure and monitor the patient's vital signs, including temperature, pulse, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Blood tests will be done to check how much acetaminophen is in the blood. The patient may receive:

•Medicines to treat symptoms
•Activated charcoal
•Medicine (antidote) to reverse the effect of the poison
Outlook (Prognosis)If treatment is received within 8 hours of the overdose, there is a very good chance of recovery.

However, without rapid treatment, a very large overdose of acetaminophen can lead to liver failure and death in a few days.

Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: seeker_two on September 16, 2012, 08:32:53 AM
Wedding cake is a powerful ANTI-aphrodisaic  =(

Maybe for the bride.....but it gets the bridesmaids rev'ed up..... ;)
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: never_retreat on September 16, 2012, 11:00:49 AM

However, without rapid treatment, a very large overdose of acetaminophen can lead to liver failure and death in a few days.

Yes you are almost correct, more than 4,000 mg a day can cause liver damage. Not necessary death.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: BryanP on September 16, 2012, 01:11:22 PM
Yes you are almost correct, more than 4,000 mg a day* can cause liver damage. Not necessary death.

*subject to other modifiers such as alcohol consumption, pre-existing liver conditions, use of other substances that can affect your liver, and individual sensitivity
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: JonnyB on September 17, 2012, 09:45:11 AM
Used to have red hair - when I *had* hair...

I've had dentistry done for years without novacainne. It makes the driller very aware of what he/she is doing. One dentist asked how I could stand it, and I replied that, if it hurt, I wouldn't do it.

I also have a high tolerance for certain pain relievers. Nitrous Oxide does absolutely nothing for me. Tylenol sucks (I use Ibuprofen). Vicodin has a very slight effect. Years ago, I allegedly tried smoking pot, which was a waste of effort. Could have been regular 'baccy. Friends allegedly swore it to be good stuff, as it (allegedly) had a significant effect on them.

Since my recent bout with a kidney stone cost the insurance company and me ~$3500, I've decided that future events will not go to the ER. I'm gonna grin and bear it. I did it before; I can do it again!

I am, after all, a Tough Mudder!  ;)

Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 17, 2012, 10:03:47 AM
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: HankB on September 17, 2012, 10:39:18 AM
If you are a read head do pain killers effect you differently?
Not a redhead, but prescription meds don't work on me the way they do on some people. Some years ago after surgery I was prescribed Percocet and Tylenol 3. The Percocet just shut down about 50% of my brain cells (making me almost stupid enough to vote Democrat!  :O ) but . . . I still hurt. The Tylenol 3 was no better than common Tylenol at the maximum recommended dose; just threw the majority of both pills away. More recently I had some surgery on my hand, and was prescribed Vicodin; never bothered getting the prescription filled, one or two Tylenols the first day as the local wore off was all I needed or wanted. **

Could be genetic; my mother's not a redhead either, and after a heart bypass she was prescribed some pain meds, and they a) were no better than Tylenol; and b) weren't needed anyway.

I don't remember Dad ever taking any pain meds other than a rare aspirin.

( ** - Probably could have made a profit selling the leftovers, but not having any shady connections I know - I mean, I absolutely know - that anyone I'd try to sell to would be an undercover narc.)
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Tallpine on September 17, 2012, 11:32:55 AM
Redhead Ladypine has high pain tolerance, but low tolerance for pain killers.  =|

She has the dentist use the minimum dose of a fast acting anesthetic - otherwise she is numb for a day or two afterwards.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: RevDisk on September 17, 2012, 12:11:43 PM

Very dark brown hair.

Dentist: "Wait, did the novacainne wear off?"
Me: "About five minutes after you injected it."
Dentist: "Why didn't you say something?"
Me: "Meh, it's not very bothersome. Actually, I was near napping the entire time."
Dentist: "I know, you started snoring."

Apparently, falling asleep while having teeth drilled with no local is not considered normal. I have a high pain threshold (usually), but pain meds don't seem to do a whole lot. 

Red hair was thought to be a mark of a beastly sexual desire and moral degeneration.

No comment.  =D

Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 17, 2012, 12:59:25 PM
I don't like dentists.  I have a small mouth believe it or not and having two hands in there rooting around causes me several days worth of discomfort.
Then there is the time I had a navy doc attempt to pull my extracted wisdom teeth under local anestesia.  She botched it and was still inside my gums rooting around when the maximum novicane dose finally wore off.  Its a cautionary tale of life under socialized medicine.....
Despite my obviously Irish roots, I'm nowhere near ginger.  Which is good, since I rather like having a soul.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: grislyatoms on September 17, 2012, 01:14:31 PM
The red that used to be found only in my beard has now gone gray...

I can handle pain pretty well. Anticipation of pain, not so much. [barf]
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: French G. on September 17, 2012, 01:36:30 PM
Pain tolerance is ok, mind you I have a lot of family tradition to live up to. The old guy has only been put under twice in his life, once when he was a kid and now for triple bypass. He had his appendectomy under local. Broken knee, walked in, didn't like the doctor's plan, walked out. Broken back, yeah probably. They gave him fentanyl post-op, he had to get off quick, really bad hallucinations.

I cannot take percocet. My one experience it made me homicidal. I kept the almost full bottle for a few years then trashed them. Gave the vicodin that I had been prescribed pre-surgery to my wife when her vicodin script ran out post pregnancy. Never took any.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Jocassee on September 17, 2012, 03:07:21 PM
I'm not redheaded but I'm pretty sure I have the gene recessively. I do have an above average tolerance for pain and I have to eat a lot of painkillers to feel good. Not to the level of some of you guys though.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: Sergeant Bob on September 17, 2012, 03:21:12 PM
I've woken up in surgery.  =D

Appendectomy back when I was 19 , and a heart cath I was supposed to be out for two years ago.

"Oh...that feels weird."

Then I hear the surgeon get irritable sounding.. Giving orders... "Push this... Push that  cc's something."

I was awake enough to feel the anesthesiologist trying to forcibly the vent tube down my air way, till the surgeon took over and did it in one easy try. I had stressed to him several times I was hard to intubate (been there before) but he ignored me. I put in a complaint to the hospital and the quack no longer works there. I hope I was instrumental in his leaving.

When I had a heart cath I was awake and alert for the whole thing. It was pretty interesting to watch the whole thing on the screen.

Yes you are almost correct, more than 4,000 mg a day can cause liver damage. Not necessary death.

I guess 3,995 is OK then?  ;)
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: 41magsnub on September 17, 2012, 07:15:40 PM
Red beard, blondish brown on top.  I'd say I have a fairly normal pain threshold.  I've never had major surgery.  Didn't feel anything but some tugging when my wisdom teeth were pulled.  When I had a heart cath apparently I was awake for the whole thing but they gave me versed so I don't remember it.

That said, I do have thick cheeks and a heavy jaw so I take A LOT of Novocaine for dental work before I am really numb.
Title: Re: Any red heads here?
Post by: ArfinGreebly on September 17, 2012, 10:04:12 PM

Reddish-brown (sandy) hair when young.  Freckles front and back.

High pain threshold.

No members of the 'caine family, when drilling, for decades.  Extractions, yes.

Lately, however, I find that the fun has gone out "proving I can," and I go ahead an let 'em numb me up.

Normal response to anesthetic, out like a light when they did my double hernia.  Which was good, considering the size of the scar (way bigger than the two-inch thing they promised).

I'm finding that arthritis is testing my pain threshold.