Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: dm1333 on October 03, 2012, 10:51:45 PM

Title: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: dm1333 on October 03, 2012, 10:51:45 PM
I can't decide the best part.  Seeing the look of annoyance on Obama's face, or the way the geeks on MSNBC are crying about the debate. One thing is certain, the MSNBC bias has never been clearer than it is tonight.   [popcorn]
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: kgbsquirrel on October 03, 2012, 10:55:59 PM
"Truth Squad." We have well stepped through the looking glass into an Orwellian horror.   :facepalm:
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: AJ Dual on October 03, 2012, 10:56:21 PM
Mitt B+

Barak D

Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: dm1333 on October 03, 2012, 11:00:10 PM
Somebody on MSNBC just said Obama looked and acted presidential.  Annoyed and petulant was my read, but hey, I'm just an average schmoe.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: zxcvbob on October 03, 2012, 11:01:07 PM
I'm watching reruns of Big Bang, after watching reruns of Family Guy for the first hour.  Are the "debates" over yet?
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: dm1333 on October 03, 2012, 11:02:37 PM
New watchword of liberals.  I just heard it.  It was Bush Jim Lehrer's fault!
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: charby on October 03, 2012, 11:03:39 PM
Transcontinental Railroad?

Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 03, 2012, 11:06:05 PM
Didn't watch or listen, but I just saw this quip:

"I've got 5 boys. I'm used to people saying something that's not always true but just keep repeating it and ultimately hoping I'll believe it," he added.

That's how you debate a leftist. Like lying brats who should be put in their place. (Oh, wait, I guess that's racist.  ;/ )
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: MrsSmith on October 03, 2012, 11:07:41 PM
I'm watching reruns of Big Bang, after watching reruns of Family Guy for the first hour.  Are the "debates" over yet?

Yeah. I can't watch them. I just get angry and end up spending half the night writing letters that, if sent, would probably get me sent to Gitmo, and I have too much to do tomorrow to do it sleepless.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: MillCreek on October 03, 2012, 11:08:21 PM
Governor Romney did a better job than I expected.  There needs to be stronger moderation, though.  Perhaps they should give Jim Lehrer a Taser.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: dm1333 on October 03, 2012, 11:12:37 PM
I don't agree with the stronger moderation, the press has been playing moderator for years by not bringing up big issues. 
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: seeker_two on October 03, 2012, 11:23:37 PM
Considering that Romney is the first viable presidential candidate that Obama has ever debated (thanks for the last 4 years, McCain), Obama didn't suck as epically as I thought.....well, yes he did.

As for Romney.....he won't be the conservative FEDGOV-gutter that we need, but he'll be a lot more small-business-friendly than Mr. You-Didn't-Build-That. Romney's biggest win was that he came across as more classy and personable than Obama. That will count.....

Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: LadySmith on October 03, 2012, 11:27:06 PM
Romney won. He came across as earnest, stood his ground, and was animated at the right times.
Obama struck me as stiff, programmed, and snotty. He lost points for his condescending attitude.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Azrael256 on October 03, 2012, 11:34:20 PM
The Wife reads Dennis Miller on the twiddlerbook thingy who evidently says something to the effect of "He'd better hope a kicked ass is covered under obamacare."
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 04, 2012, 12:05:25 AM
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: brimic on October 04, 2012, 12:06:11 AM
Mitt sort of impressed me with his ideas of putting a lot of programs into the hands of the states- he turned out to be only 95% as big governmenty as I thought he was.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: dm1333 on October 04, 2012, 12:12:50 AM
I also hear that Ezra "Journolist" Klein is going to explain exactly what was wrong with Romney's points tonight.  That should be interesting.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: slingshot on October 04, 2012, 12:15:32 AM
I think Romney did a pretty good job.  He faltered a little with health care, but what he said was believable.  Obama ran on "change" 4 years ago.  Change is coming.  The government needs to be better grounded in reality versus pie in the sky ideals.

I suspect that Obama supporters will make excuses for their man; their vote will not change.  I know my two brothers will still vote for Obama and it is beyond me to understand their reasoning.  Both say they are dissatisfied with Obama, but both are bedded in social issues and feel that they are the most important when it comes to making progress.  Their thinking is that the jobs will come regardless and the progressive agenda will remain as serious gains for the people.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 04, 2012, 12:23:48 AM
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Cliffh on October 04, 2012, 12:53:54 AM
I think Romney did a pretty good job; he did talk a bit too fast and interrupted too often.  He did get his message across.

Obama looked pissed at times, uneasy at others; seemed unable to look at Romney, he spent too much time looking at his notes and/or the moderator.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on October 04, 2012, 12:57:04 AM

Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 04, 2012, 12:58:49 AM
Obama...spent too much time looking at his notes and/or the moderator not being deported to Denmark.

Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: gunsmith on October 04, 2012, 01:04:38 AM
Barry is an investor, we just have to keep on giving our money to him so he can invest with it. Education, green jobs, women! :rofl:
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on October 04, 2012, 02:21:11 AM
I watched about half of the damned thing, alternating between:

-being bored to tears by the lack of contrast between them
-hurling feces at the screen when Romney went 100% communist (cut medicare for the rich, give more medicare benefits to the poor) which stank of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."  And won't even put a microdent in the budget shortfall (because rich people comprise a micropercentage of the retired public and even cutting their benefits 100% only engages in feel good class warfare).
-hurling more feces at Stephenopolous for being so blatantly biased (Obama gets first and last say so often).
-hurling more feces at Romney for even being there instead of Ron Paul, who would have created STARK and DECISIVE contrast with our Statist Leader.

Just confirmed my intention to not vote at all.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: lupinus on October 04, 2012, 05:29:21 AM
Romney made his points and came out strong and stayed that way through the debate. He did a very good job IMO.

Obama, OTOH, crashed and burned.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: makattak on October 04, 2012, 08:07:41 AM
Their thinking is that the jobs will come regardless and the progressive agenda will remain as serious gains for the people.

And that was EXACTLY the elected Democrats thinking in 2009. It's no surprise their supporters still believe in the magic power of the "economy."

Democrats loaded up the stimulus and Obamacare, thinking the economy always gets better on its own and those dirty Republicans just take credit for it. Well, THIS TIME, we'll pass our big goals and then be able to say WE made the economy better!

They don't understand economics at all. It's a magic box to them. They honestly don't think anything the government does makes the economy run better or worse. (Or, rather, anything the government spends will make the economy better, cause, hey! It's spending!)

Sounds like your brothers are in the right party, at least.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: SADShooter on October 04, 2012, 09:21:12 AM
"It's math. It's arithmetic". Precisely the expertise I'd expect of a Harvard lawyer who won't release his grades. ;/

I actually appreciated the loose moderation. The point of the exercise is, at least in theory, to let the candidates speak at meaningful length about their philosophies and approaches to issues. Soundbite intervals preclude that. Could have been a bit tighter on topical transitions, but better to err on the side of letting the candidates interact
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Ben on October 04, 2012, 09:55:10 AM
This quote from the below linked story really hit the nail on the head for me regarding Obama and progressives in general:

I thought President Obama opened and closed strong. He repeated his core messages. But the only time he appeared to have any passion was in his opening statement and his closing statement. Romney dominated the middle section of the debate and he made it clear that he offers a real alternative to the president.

Read more:

Progressives are really good, better than conservatives usually, at "writing books" with fancy, eye-catching covers. Not so good at putting a story between those covers. This really sums it up for me regarding Obama. He catches people's attention with "gee whiz" stuff, and truly, at the right times to leave an impression -- when he meets them and when he departs. It leaves a memorable impression (one way or the other) on the surface, but when you start reading his book, there's nothing there. The way the MSM generally covers politicians and things political, it's often hard to get past the cover of the book and see what's inside.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Ron on October 04, 2012, 10:03:02 AM
Reading all the left wing meltdown editorials has been fun this morning  :laugh:
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: brimic on October 04, 2012, 10:17:02 AM
Progressives are really good, better than conservatives usually, at "writing books" with fancy, eye-catching covers. Not so good at putting a story between those covers. This really sums it up for me regarding Obama. He catches people's attention with "gee whiz" stuff, and truly, at the right times to leave an impression -- when he meets them and when he departs.

Tp paraphrase what I've heard Rush say once- Liberals are good at making bumperstickers-their thoughts fit neatly into a handful of words, but beyond that they don't have much to offer.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: HankB on October 04, 2012, 10:22:24 AM
Barry looked downright pissed at times - staring down at his lectern, he seemed to be struggling to keep his temper in check.

I wondered about this a while, and then it hit me: he's surrounded himself with "Yes Men" and has only been questioned face-to-face by his allies in the press; he simply isn't used to someone challenging him, and is downright outraged that it should happen on national TV; everyone is obliged to kiss his . . . ring . . . since he IS POTUS. (Why should he even have to campaign for what is rightfully his anyway?)

I notice Romney effectively made it clear that Barry was a liar - several times - without actually using the "L" word.  =D

One of my favorite exchanges happened when, in reference to "green" energy firms like Solyndra, Romey mentioned picking winners and losers, and that Obama was picking losers. (It went by pretty quick, but did you catch Obama's expression when Romney said they'd donated to Obama's campaign?  =D )

If this was a boxing match, I'd say there was no knockout (a zinger which will become legendary, like "There you go again" or "You're no Jack Kennedy") but I'd score it around 12-13 rounds for Romney vs. 2 or 3 for Barry.

And I read that Chris Matthews said something along the lines of "having knives out" to protect Obama, a tacit admission that MSNBC is backing Barry.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Scout26 on October 04, 2012, 11:07:14 AM
Got this in my e-mail this morning:

Friend --

I hope I made you proud out there explaining the vision we share for this country.

Now we need to go win this election -- the most important thing that will happen tonight is what you do (or don't do) to help in the little time we have left:

Thank you,


Why yes, Barry you did make me proud... Proud to be supporting Romney.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Ron on October 04, 2012, 11:13:51 AM
Got this in my e-mail this morning:

Why yes, Barry you did make me proud... Proud to be supporting Romney.

on a side note, I'm seeing Romney/Ryan signs about four to one over Obama/Biden signs here on my side of Dupage County. Already more signs than I saw for McCain.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Ron on October 04, 2012, 11:48:06 AM
heh, heh, I just read that Al Gore was wondering if the altitude was a factor in the presidents poor performance!
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 04, 2012, 11:57:00 AM
nope, atitude
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Ron on October 04, 2012, 12:10:16 PM
nope, atitude

Yep, the whole election thing and having the proles determine his fate is sooo annoying! It must be demeaning to him to have to jump through these hoops. The way China does it is so much better, it would give him time to really get things done  ;)
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: brimic on October 04, 2012, 12:12:48 PM
heh, heh, I just read that Al Gore was wondering if the altitude was a factor in the presidents poor performance!

We can now blame Gore if Obama loses.
More global warming=higher sea levels= Denver being less above sea level.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: longeyes on October 04, 2012, 12:38:39 PM
Romney was good at being Romney, and, if you've read my posts, you know that means we might be able to buy a few years if he wins.  Buy time to figure out what the hell to do next--because I doubt Romney-Ryan have the right formula to save America.

But last night was Romney's night, so let's applaud him.  He came, he saw, he conquered.  Obama was the kid who shows up for his exam unprepared and thinks he can wing it.  Massive fail.  And most people recognized it.  Romney will gain a lot of indie votes and probably plenty of Dem votes too.

Obama, to me, looked distracted, angry, and unwell.  He looked older than Romney.  Too many (funny) cigarettes?  And definitely the first observable case of Teleprompter Deficit Disorder.


I think America is just tired of Obama, and Obama, last night, looked tired of Obama
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 04, 2012, 03:06:59 PM
All those lamestream media commentators that had to admit that Romney won - does that make them all racists?
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: RoadKingLarry on October 04, 2012, 03:11:25 PM
Barry looked downright pissed at times - staring down at his lectern, he seemed to be struggling to keep his temper in check.

 I'd giggle like a little school girl to watch Obama have a meltdown level tantrum during a deebait.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: lupinus on October 04, 2012, 03:15:32 PM
I'd giggle like a little school girl to watch Obama have a meltdown level tantrum during a deebait.
Hell we could put a dent in the national debt if they played it on pay per view
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: roo_ster on October 04, 2012, 03:24:26 PM
New watchword of liberals.  I just heard it.  It was Bush Jim Lehrer's fault!

Jim Lerher looked remarkably lifelike.

I don't agree with the stronger moderation, the press has been playing moderator for years by not bringing up big issues. 

Here, hear.  Responding to each other and longer format answers is better.  Let the moderator pick the topic and make sure neither goes apey and brains the other with a club.

Mitt sort of impressed me with his ideas of putting a lot of programs into the hands of the states- he turned out to be only 95% as big governmenty as I thought he was.


Barry looked downright pissed at times - staring down at his lectern, he seemed to be struggling to keep his temper in check.

I wondered about this a while, and then it hit me: he's surrounded himself with "Yes Men" and has only been questioned face-to-face by his allies in the press; he simply isn't used to someone challenging him, and is downright outraged that it should happen on national TV; everyone is obliged to kiss his . . . ring . . . since he IS POTUS. (Why should he even have to campaign for what is rightfully his anyway?)

Ayup.  Barry is not used to having to actually back up his BS.  Mitt has no steamy divorce for him to get the judge to open up and disqualify Romney due to the lurid nature of the contents.

The contrast between the two was quite remarkable.  Mitt represented a man of accomplishment, who (despite whatever his politics may be) has Made Stuff Happen.  OTOH, Barack represented a man of hot air, who has always been able to advance himself whilst purveying baloney.

Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: AJ Dual on October 04, 2012, 03:43:41 PM
Obama, to me, looked distracted, angry, and unwell.  He looked older than Romney.  Too many (funny) cigarettes?  And definitely the first observable case of Teleprompter Deficit Disorder.

I think America is just tired of Obama, and Obama, last night, looked tired of Obama

They say the job of POTUS ages you. There was all that speculation a few years back about the sudden appearance of salt-n-pepper in his hair etc. Imagine how much it would have aged him if he'd been following Bush's schedule?

Despite clearly being a man who wanted the title and the power, but not the WORK of being POTUS, all the vacations, more golf in a year than GWB had in a term, maybe two, all the gaps and "free time" in his daily schedule, the skipped intel briefings, it all points to my theory of Obama being a dilettante President.

If there were someone suitably to the Left that he could hand the reins of power over to, without looking like a quitter or a loser, I think Obama would be quite relieved. It's an admittedly long chain of speculation, but with Obama's dead father, single white mother and guilty grandparents, then being the "American Boy" in Indonesian schools as the stepson of Sotero where not much was expected of him, then the affirmative-action token black who coasted academically through college (sealed transcripts, one can only assume they're not flattering, or even fraudulent), then on to his sinecures as "community organizer" and the non-teaching "Constitutional Law Professor" at UIC, Chicago Machine appointment to the IL legislature, Ayers ghost-writing "Dreams of my Father" for him, the lucky break of a sex-scandal shooing him into the U.S. Senate... then POTUS.

It all just fell in his lap. Meshes perfectly with his infamous "You didn't do that!" comments from this summer. He achieved the highest office in the land. Arguably (before diminishing it) the most powerful position in the world. And he "didn't do it". It just fell to him.

Unfortunately for him, there is no higher power than POTUS, and people expect things of him. Even as an amateur with no executive background, operating as a figurehead at 100% delegation, it's still demanding. Poor Obama.

So his performance in the debate comes as no surprise.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: gunsmith on October 04, 2012, 04:01:46 PM
Teleprompter Deficit Disorder.

oooooh, I'm stealing that!
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: HankB on October 04, 2012, 04:02:50 PM
. . . Unfortunately for him, there is no higher power than POTUS, and people expect things of him. Even as an amateur with no executive background, operating as a figurehead at 100% delegation, it's still demanding. Poor Obama . . .
But . . . but . . . but . . . you can't change things from inside - Barry said so himself!!!
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 04, 2012, 04:06:45 PM
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Scout26 on October 04, 2012, 04:30:25 PM

I've seen all of two Obama signs between Wheaton and Elmhurst, and one of those was in the house window.  I've seen hundreds of Romney/Ryan signs.

Plus given how bad the economy is in Illinois, I don't think the margin of fraud in Chicago will be enough to keep Illinois blue this year.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: AJ Dual on October 04, 2012, 04:33:09 PM

I've seen all of two Obama signs between Wheaton and Elmhurst, and one of those was in the house window.  I've seen hundreds of Romney/Ryan signs.

Plus given how bad the economy is in Illinois, I don't think the margin of fraud in Chicago will be enough to keep Illinois blue this year.

With the recent WI recalls, and the elections sticking solidly GOP, I don't see WI going for Obama either, and there's really not an electoral college "roadmap" to the White House without WI.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: roo_ster on October 04, 2012, 04:39:30 PM
On Obama the pissy:

Quote from:
For the first time in his life, Barack Obama was cornered. For the first time in his life, he was to be held accountable for his achievements. He was the ultimate affirmative action baby, and he had always been given a free pass. He had always run -- for chairman of the Harvard Law Review, for the Illinois state senate, for the United States Senate, and for the Presidency -- on promise.

And more:

Obama inherited a recession and, without bothering to disguise what he was up to, dedicated himself to exploiting it for the purpose of jamming through a radical program, dear to his party, that never had public support. About the recession, he did nothing, assuming that the economy would bounce back quickly, as it usually does, and that he would get the credit for the recovery.

And one more:
Quote from:
Some people eat when they get depressed. I hope Michelle put Bo outside for the night.

Quote from:
That wasn't a debate so much as Mitt Romney just took Obama for a cross country drive strapped to the roof of his car.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: SADShooter on October 04, 2012, 05:06:12 PM
On Obama the pissy:

And more:

Obama inherited a recession and, without bothering to disguise what he was up to, dedicated himself to exploiting it for the purpose of jamming through a radical program, dear to his party, that never had public support. About the recession, he did nothing, assuming that the economy would bounce back quickly, as it usually does, and that he would get the credit for the recovery.

The magnitude of this political gambit is staggering, particularly in light of the consequences of its failure.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 04, 2012, 05:11:10 PM
Just confirmed my intention to not vote at all.

Please reconsider.

Philosophically, I understand your sentiment and I even agree with it. However, as the Buddha taught, "Moderation in all things" is the path to enlightenment. There are times when making an exception is worthwhile. IMHO, this is one of those times. Don't think of it as voting for Mitt Romney. Think of it as voting to exterminate the vermin in the White House.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: AJ Dual on October 04, 2012, 05:26:31 PM
Quote from:
Some people eat when they get depressed. I hope Michelle put Bo outside for the night.

Stole that for FB.  =D
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 04, 2012, 05:42:48 PM
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: MechAg94 on October 04, 2012, 06:23:49 PM
Please reconsider.

Philosophically, I understand your sentiment and I even agree with it. However, as the Buddha taught, "Moderation in all things" is the path to enlightenment. There are times when making an exception is worthwhile. IMHO, this is one of those times. Don't think of it as voting for Mitt Romney. Think of it as voting to exterminate the vermin in the White House.
Please also consider voting for your non-democrat congressional candidates and such.  A congress that helps keep Romney pulled to the right would ba a good thing, assuming you have halfway decent candidates. 
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Fly320s on October 04, 2012, 06:29:40 PM
heh, heh, I just read that Al Gore was wondering if the altitude was a factor in the presidents poor performance!

Damn, Al Gore has gotten fat.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Scout26 on October 04, 2012, 07:12:51 PM
Damn, Al Gore has gotten fat.

Gotten?!?!?  Dude, he blimped out after he lost in 2000.    I bet it was him that lady in Florida was riding, not an alleged sea cow.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Lee on October 04, 2012, 08:18:44 PM
I watched it.  I agree  that Romney did a good job and seemed very natural and relaxed.  But thinking today, that Obama is a working President - while Romney is... what?  What does he do while everyone else is at work or getting poorer?
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: roo_ster on October 04, 2012, 09:01:40 PM
Obama inherited a recession and, without bothering to disguise what he was up to, dedicated himself to exploiting it for the purpose of jamming through a radical program, dear to his party, that never had public support. About the recession, he did nothing, assuming that the economy would bounce back quickly, as it usually does, and that he would get the credit for the recovery.

The magnitude of this political gambit is staggering, particularly in light of the consequences of its failure.

The policritters and activists who conceived of it and made it happen bore no consequences.  On the contrary, they benefited greatly from political patronage and later sinecures in the "private" sector carve-outs for the politically connected.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Scout26 on October 04, 2012, 09:04:14 PM
IBD had a great front page article today that just rips into the president, right where Romney left off.

Is no one willing to walk up to Obama and tell him he has no clothes he's a liar?
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 04, 2012, 10:10:48 PM
IBD had a great front page article today that just rips into the president, right where Romney left off.

Is no one willing to walk up to Obama and tell him he has no clothes he's a liar?

But, but, but ... but Obama said Romney is a liar.

Durn it, now I'm gettin' cornfuzed. This here's gettin' ta be like that old riddle about meeting a strange Indian and having to figure out whether he's a lying Blackfoot or a truth-telling Whitefoot when you ask for directions to where yer a-goin'.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 04, 2012, 11:07:17 PM
I watched it.  I agree  that Romney did a good job and seemed very natural and relaxed.  But thinking today, that Obama is a working President - while Romney is... what?  What does he do while everyone else is at work or getting poorer?




Please tell me there's a punchline.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: gunsmith on October 04, 2012, 11:32:23 PM
Stole that for FB.  =D
  me too!
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: makattak on October 04, 2012, 11:45:53 PM
I watched it.  I agree  that Romney did a good job and seemed very natural and relaxed.  But thinking today, that Obama is a working President - while Romney is... what?  What does he do while everyone else is at work or getting poorer?

I really have to contest your premise that Obama is a "working" president. From what I've seen, William Henry Harrison is the only president to have done less work in office...
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 05, 2012, 01:02:33 AM
I really have to contest your premise that Obama is a "working" president.

Do you really have to contest an obvious falsehood? :lol:

No, Lee, I'm sure it was hard work for Obama to ghost his way into Osama's compound and fill him full of lead.

But I still don't understand how Romney is at fault for not being "a working president." He applied for the job more than four years ago.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: roo_ster on October 05, 2012, 07:47:31 AM
Quote from:

    The White House today announced that it was offering a “substantial cash reward” for information leading to “the location and safe return of President Obama’s mojo.”

    White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced the search with an air of urgency: “We will use every resource at our disposal to ensure the return of the President’s mojo, and that goes double for his groove.”

    Mr. Carney said that as of late Wednesday afternoon no one at the White House knew the President’s mojo was missing, but minutes into last night’s televised debate “it became clear that something was terribly, horribly wrong.”
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: roo_ster on October 05, 2012, 08:38:50 AM
Quote from:
This gives us throbbing levels of immensely transcendent galaxy-tripping joy not because we think Romney is anything to write home about or that any substantial issues were raised during the debate, but because Obama’s lapdogs and water boys and bootlickers and lawn jockeys and Fourth Estate concubines have been trying their gosh-diggety-darndest to declare that Romney had already lost the election.
The reprehensibly fat and oily prog-pundit smarmball Cenk Ugly Uygur of The Young Turds Turks went so far as to declare on Monday that “This Election is Already Over – Obama Won.”

But after Wednesday night, when Romney made creamed corn out of Obama, it is our sincerest wish that Uygur is curled up in a ball in the shower, trying to wash away all the shame while attempting to eat his own body fat.

I wish I had written something like that.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: slingshot on October 05, 2012, 10:57:51 AM

Despite clearly being a man who wanted the title and the power, but not the WORK of being POTUS, all the vacations, more golf in a year than GWB had in a term, maybe two, all the gaps and "free time" in his daily schedule, the skipped intel briefings, it all points to my theory of Obama being a dilettante President.

If there were someone suitably to the Left that he could hand the reins of power over to, without looking like a quitter or a loser, I think Obama would be quite relieved. It's an admittedly long chain of speculation, but with Obama's dead father, single white mother and guilty grandparents, then being the "American Boy" in Indonesian schools as the stepson of Sotero where not much was expected of him, then the affirmative-action token black who coasted academically through college (sealed transcripts, one can only assume they're not flattering, or even fraudulent), then on to his sinecures as "community organizer" and the non-teaching "Constitutional Law Professor" at UIC, Chicago Machine appointment to the IL legislature, Ayers ghost-writing "Dreams of my Father" for him, the lucky break of a sex-scandal shooing him into the U.S. Senate... then POTUS.

It all just fell in his lap. Meshes perfectly with his infamous "You didn't do that!" comments from this summer. He achieved the highest office in the land. Arguably (before diminishing it) the most powerful position in the world. And he "didn't do it". It just fell to him.

Unfortunately for him, there is no higher power than POTUS, and people expect things of him. Even as an amateur with no executive background, operating as a figurehead at 100% delegation, it's still demanding. Poor Obama.

So his performance in the debate comes as no surprise.

Pretty good post!  It was quite a mouthful and about the way I feel about our president.  He really didn't DO IT.  Hence he believes that nobody had done it for themselves through hard work.

Six years ago (or actually during the Democratic national convention where Kerry was nominated), the liberals saw a man in Obama who could deliver a good speech, was reasonably smart, had good progressive credentials, and generally believed the way they do.  Hence he was the perfect candidate and they found ways through manipulation of the truth to get him elected.  He had really no idea how to be president and felt that his tool set would carry him through both here and abroad.  His tool set is essentially being able to give a good speech and smile.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Balog on October 05, 2012, 10:59:21 AM
Governor Romney did a better job than I expected.  There needs to be stronger moderation, though.  Perhaps they should give Jim Lehrer a Taser.

I hear this a lot from liberals (no offense MillCreek). Is there going to be a moderator when the potus is dealing with Putin? During Senate negotiations? Maybe "Can the candidate handle themselves without someone telling the other guy to be nice?" is a good thing to find out. Whatever you think of Obama in general, the idea of that cringing loser nodding and avoiding eye contact with Ackmydinnerjacket et al brings shame on our country. He should've bowed to Romney...
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 05, 2012, 11:55:39 AM
I awoke this morning to see a news article proclaiming that (drum roll, please) the unemployment rate is suddenly at 7.8%, the owest it has been since Obama took office.


Then I found an article (or blog) from yesterday in which it was predicted after Obama got thrashed in the debate that the Feds would conveniently announce an unemployment rate somewhere around 7.9%. I don't recall who wrote it, but he/she was right on the money. The .gov will do anything they possibly can to prevent the populace from knowing the truth.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: kgbsquirrel on October 05, 2012, 12:01:01 PM

U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force: Sept 2012 - 14.7%

Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: longeyes on October 05, 2012, 12:09:21 PM
Lies piled on lies.

But we rejoice in the debate.

Wait a minute...

What debate?

There was no debate.

How could there be a debate when Romney was not there, when there was a phantasm pretending to be Romney, and when Obama could not be Obama because he didn't want to look like like the chimerical Angry Black Man?

No, folks, there was no debate, and if there was Obama had to win it.  Repeat after me.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: TechMan on October 05, 2012, 01:33:41 PM
Obama: Uhs (
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: RocketMan on October 05, 2012, 01:42:55 PM
Obama had his fanny handed to him in the first debate, and it was highly entertaining.  However, I don't expect that to happen to him on the second go around.  You can bet that, 1) The Obama team is going make sure The One is prepped and properly practiced for the next debate, 2) The moderator of the next debate, Candy Crowley of CNN, has been given instructions to make Romney pay for winning the first debate.
Plus, the Stupid Party is well known for squandering victories.  I'd expect nothing less from Romney's team.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Doggy Daddy on October 05, 2012, 01:55:08 PM

Dammit Harold!!

I can't not watch this!!   :lol:

Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Ben on October 05, 2012, 02:06:21 PM
With the next debate being a "town hall", I fully expect Obama to "win", at least by MSM standards. It's an arena where he performs well, because it goes back to being all about the fancy cover to the book. He'll have an audience to dazzle with slogans.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: TechMan on October 05, 2012, 02:22:44 PM
Okay the debate that I really want to watch is the VP debate.  [popcorn]  [popcorn]
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: makattak on October 05, 2012, 02:31:43 PM
Okay the debate that I really want to watch is the VP debate.  [popcorn]  [popcorn]

Precisely. I can't stand, CAN'T STAND, listening to the dissembler-in-chief.

And, although Biden lies just as much, he, at least, is entertaining and occasionally inadvertantly tells to truth.

A comment from another website I thought nailed it:

Quote from: thatsafactjack link=

Did I tell you about that hot biker mama I met a while back? I’m thinking of getting her name tattooed on my…


What mic?

This one?

Its on?

Oh… its ON!

Yeah… gotcha! Okay.

Anyway… she was so…
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: slingshot on October 05, 2012, 03:16:51 PM
Thought maybe some of you may find some humor in this.  This is an article about the fungal meningitis outbreak.

Robert Barry, 71, received an injection from one of the recalled vials about six weeks ago.

"They told me that if I begin to develop headache, nausea or trouble walking -- if I believe that Obama won the debate -- I should go to the emergency room," said Barry, who lives in Berlin, Md. As for the pharmacy at the center of the outbreak investigation, Barry said, "I understand they're closed, so that's a good thing."

(bolding added)
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: HankB on October 05, 2012, 03:27:42 PM
I heard that the people in Kenya have done a full 180 and are now insisting that Obama was born in the USA after all . . .
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: slingshot on October 05, 2012, 03:57:51 PM
They must have watched the first debate.  I will cut them some slack to wait until the election for their decision.  Either way, BO will not be writing any checks to Kenya unless someone else pays for it.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: AJ Dual on October 05, 2012, 04:29:36 PM
Obama had his fanny handed to him in the first debate, and it was highly entertaining.  However, I don't expect that to happen to him on the second go around.  You can bet that, 1) The Obama team is going make sure The One is prepped and properly practiced for the next debate, 2) The moderator of the next debate, Candy Crowley of CNN, has been given instructions to make Romney pay for winning the first debate.
Plus, the Stupid Party is well known for squandering victories.  I'd expect nothing less from Romney's team.

Romney seems unflappable when he has accusations or trap-questions laid out for him. He flatly says, "That's not true, what I stand for is XYZ..."  I don't think it'll work.

And if Obama does all the debate prep he should have done for the first debate, well, you know, that's like actual work. So I fully expect Obama to be crabby, tired, and frustrated, and the net result will be pretty close to the first debate.

I predict the best the MSM will be able to do is call the second debate "a draw" with a straighter face.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on October 05, 2012, 04:34:33 PM
Romney seems unflappable when he has accusations or trap-questions laid out for him. He flatly says, "That's not true, what I stand for is XYZ..."  I don't think it'll work.
Yeah. Romney has been able to slap down questions on his biggest weakness, Romneycare, ever since the primary debates. Mad skillz - and unlike McCain, he seems interested in actually winning.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Balog on October 05, 2012, 04:47:59 PM
Given that one of the biggest hits on Obama was how passive and weak he appeared, it'll be interesting if he comes out of the gate trying to over compensate.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: lee n. field on October 05, 2012, 04:53:19 PM
It's an admittedly long chain of speculation, but with Obama's dead father, single white mother and guilty grandparents, then being the "American Boy" in Indonesian schools as the stepson of Sotero where not much was expected of him, then the affirmative-action token black who coasted academically through college (sealed transcripts, one can only assume they're not flattering, or even fraudulent), then on to his sinecures as "community organizer" and the non-teaching "Constitutional Law Professor" at UIC, Chicago Machine appointment to the IL legislature, Ayers ghost-writing "Dreams of my Father" for him, the lucky break of a sex-scandal shooing him into the U.S. Senate... then POTUS.

It all just fell in his lap.

A malevolent Chauncey Gardenier (
Title: Re: Re: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: lupinus on October 05, 2012, 06:32:41 PM
Obama had his fanny handed to him in the first debate, and it was highly entertaining.  However, I don't expect that to happen to him on the second go around.  You can bet that, 1) The Obama team is going make sure The One is prepped and properly practiced for the next debate, 2) The moderator of the next debate, Candy Crowley of CNN, has been given instructions to make Romney pay for winning the first debate.
Plus, the Stupid Party is well known for squandering victories.  I'd expect nothing less from Romney's team.
Perhaps, but these people are downright delusional with their thoughts of grandeur.

I expect he will over compensate and crash and burn.

Sent via tapatalk
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: RocketMan on October 05, 2012, 07:37:51 PM
Perhaps, but these people are downright delusional with their thoughts of grandeur.

I expect he will over compensate and crash and burn.

One can hope.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Ron on October 06, 2012, 09:14:20 AM
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Scout26 on October 06, 2012, 11:44:01 AM
WOW, the New Yorker throws Obama under the bus with that cover !!  (And yes, it is real, it's the cover of the next issue.)

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: dm1333 on October 06, 2012, 04:22:26 PM
Clint Eastwood doesn't seem so crazy now does he?
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 06, 2012, 05:21:24 PM
WOW, the New Yorker throws Obama under the bus with that cover !!  (And yes, it is real, it's the cover of the next issue.)

The best part is that an egotistical narcissist like Barry does not appreciate being the butt of jokes. With any luck, at the next debate he will be angry ... and angry people do not think or speak carefully. If we are extremely fortunate, we might even see a melt-down on the stage, although it's doubtful it could possibly as epic as what's-her-name at the Demagogic convention.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: kgbsquirrel on October 06, 2012, 05:37:09 PM
5 second delay. Bet a meltdown never makes it on the air.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 06, 2012, 08:40:04 PM
If we are extremely fortunate, we might even see a melt-down on the stage, although it's doubtful it could possibly as epic as what's-her-name at the Demagogic convention.

Who? Guess I missed that one.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: Ben on October 06, 2012, 09:00:51 PM
Ha! Latest claim is that Romney had a "crib notes hanky".

Which is funny, because in this video by the Brietbart people, Obama supporters think it woulda been A-OK for Obama to use a teleprompter:
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: zxcvbob on October 06, 2012, 09:35:40 PM
I've been watching the Kennedy-Nixon debate @ tonight.  The video quality is pretty bad (kinescope) but the actual content is so much better that what we get now.

Nixon looked like crap.  He should have insisted they debate on radio instead of television.

Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: TommyGunn on October 06, 2012, 11:05:38 PM
I've been watching the Kennedy-Nixon debate @ tonight.  The video quality is pretty bad (kinescope) but the actual content is so much better that what we get now.

Nixon looked like crap.  He should have insisted they debate on radio instead of television.

Nixon was sick and refused make-up so that's why he looked so ... "charming."
It's been said that those who heard the Kennedy vs. Nixon debates on radio (yes it was broadcast on radio too) thought Nixon won because they listened to the content, while those who watched it on TV believed Kennedy had won, because he looked prepared, sharp, handsome, attractive and.... well, not so "charming." ;)
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: TechMan on October 08, 2012, 11:11:36 AM
Obama-Romney presidential debate 2012: Mitt clobbers Obama (Next Media Animation) (
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: longeyes on October 08, 2012, 12:06:22 PM
A malevolent Chauncey Gardenier (

Chauncey had an excuse: he was dim.  He did not have an agenda.
Title: Re: Presidential debate thoughts
Post by: TechMan on October 16, 2012, 12:18:23 PM
2012 Debates Memorandum of Understanding Between Obama and Romney (