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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Scout26 on October 06, 2012, 10:52:01 AM

Title: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Scout26 on October 06, 2012, 10:52:01 AM

Wow, Romney = The KKK.  I guess I missed the speech where  Romeny called for lynchings and the killing of Catholics.  Must be part of the secret Mormon plan to take over the world from the Masons and the Illuminati.  (Once they exterminate the Bilderburgers.)

The "teacher" should be fired.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: kgbsquirrel on October 06, 2012, 11:16:45 AM
Must be part of the secret Mormon plan to take over the world from the Masons and the Illuminati.  (Once they exterminate the Bilderburgers.)

Who told you?! Err, uhh, I mean, I don't know what you're talking about. Hey, why don't you come with some friends and myself up to the mountains for a picnic.....   >:D

Back on-topic: Yeah, could the leftist infiltration of our education system be more obvious? Guess that teacher must not be the history specialist. The KKK was a product of one of our major political parties, but it wasn't the Republicans.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: zahc on October 07, 2012, 10:53:06 AM
I don't know much about the KKK, but I would have assumed they are/were openly anti-mormon.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: kgbsquirrel on October 07, 2012, 10:57:54 AM
I don't know much about the KKK, but I would have assumed they are/were openly anti-mormon.

Not sure, thought the Klan was protestant-centrist. *checks* "Anti-catholic, antisemitic..."
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Ben on October 07, 2012, 11:06:18 AM
Also weren't the KKK founders mostly democrats?
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Boomhauer on October 07, 2012, 11:18:32 AM
Also weren't the KKK founders mostly democrats?

Ayup. Came out of the post Civil War era. Democrats also came out with true militant groups such as the Red Shirts (not the Star Trek type red shirts). When the Red Shirts were getting all spun up in my area, they tried to force my great great grandfather to join them. When he refused to have anything to do with their *expletive deleted*it, they beheaded him with an axe. And Democrats were the ones behind segregation and such. Also, don't forget Sen. Robert Byrd (D), who was a member of the KKK and against the 1964 Civil Rights Act yet was in office up into this century.

But you won't hear about any of *that* sordid history of the Democrats. No, they were always for the blacks, while the evil Republicans have always been about keeping the black man down.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 07, 2012, 11:19:52 AM
I don't know much about the KKK, but I would have assumed they are/were openly anti-mormon.

One would think so. But then, who wasn't? The Republicans were anti-Mormon, and the KKK were anti-Republican. So maybe the KKK had a secret, the-enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend alliance with the Mormons. That right there is enough evidence to run a Mitt-Romney-as-Klan-Member campaign ad.

I, personally, would never riducle a Mormon. Ridicule them, maybe.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Marnoot on October 07, 2012, 11:31:03 AM
I don't know much about the KKK, but I would have assumed they are/were openly anti-mormon.

SO far as I know there weren't any lynchings, but the klan did subject Mormons to whipping, tar & feathering, etc.. A couple relevant quotes from J. Golden Kimball, who was an LDS missionary to the South in the late 1800's:

(from a letter to his brother back home): "They cover themselves in a white sheet and there’s a hood for the head with two small openings for their eyes. This hood has a point to it, which is more than could be said for their beliefs."

Mormon missionaries were accused by the Klan of seducing their wives and daughters to be taken back to live in polygamous slavery in Utah. Golden said, "one only had to look at their wives and daughters to know that such a thing couldn’t possibly be true. Even polygamists have standards."
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: HankB on October 07, 2012, 12:09:40 PM
As far as the 16 year old is concerned, by that age she should have been able to verbally hold her own with that teacher . . . for example, "No ma'am, please look closer . . . maybe you need to have your eyes checked, its a Republican T-Shirt for Romney, not a Democratic T-shirt for Robert Byrd. You're old enough that you should be able to remember its the Democrats who support and celebrate Klansmen, not the Republicans."
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 07, 2012, 12:34:44 PM
One would think any that any American with a high school diploma would understand that the Klan, as originally constituted, was founded to oppose the Republican Party.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Boomhauer on October 07, 2012, 12:40:26 PM
One would think any that any American with a high school diploma would understand that the Klan, as originally constituted, was founded to oppose the Republican Party.

You do realize that they don't actually teach history in high school anymore, don't you? The only history we were taught was concerning the Civil Rights Movement era, and not a word was said about which political parties were on which sides, that's for sure. Not a word about any other history during normal history classes. I did chose to take AP US history where we actually learned a great deal about history but that was a class that was taken by very, very few people.

Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: lupinus on October 07, 2012, 01:14:43 PM
Yes, I firmly believe that at 27 people within a class or two of me were the last batch having classes that were recognizable as history and or the classes along those lines. And even then, massively watered down from previous generations.

My wife, 23, came out of school without a lot of knowledge of basic history, civics, etc. especially. About the only cursive she knows is how to sign her name, they don't even bother teaching it these days.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Boomhauer on October 07, 2012, 01:23:18 PM
About the only cursive she knows is how to sign her name, they don't even bother teaching it these days.

I can't really say that's a bad thing. Cursive sucked, I did learn it but it was a complete joke. I had good print handwriting until the teachers started going powerpoint crazy (gotta use technology in the classroom!!!111!!!) and started writing fricken novels on each slide and making us copy them down word for word while flipping through the slides at a ridiculous rate.

Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Scout26 on October 07, 2012, 01:48:36 PM
Had you asked my son immediately after they finished the Civil War section on 5th grade, he would have told you that Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth defeated Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg so that Lincoln could give the Gettysburg Address which freed the slaves.

 :facepalm: :facepalm:

Forty hour round trip to Houston, and then the trip to Gettysburg and Northern, VA.  (Chancellorsville, etc.), gave me a chance (Along with Boy Scouts' Citizen in the Nation Merit Badge work that he did.) to correct and fill in the gaps in his education.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Boomhauer on October 07, 2012, 02:06:46 PM
Had you asked my son immediately after they finished the Civil War section in 5th grade, he would have told you that Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth defeated Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg so that Lincoln could give the Gettysburg Address which freed the slaves.

 :facepalm: :facepalm:

Forty hours round trip to Houston, and then the trip to Gettysburg and Northern, VA.  (Chancellorsville, etc.), gave me a chance (Along with Boy Scouts Citizen in the Nation Merit Badge work that he did.) to correct and fill in the gaps in his education.

Good deal. If you are going to send your kids to public school, in most cases you are going to have to do quite a bit of teaching and reeducation yourself, and it's not just history. I've seen plenty of people who are in high school or graduate high school and they can barely read!
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 07, 2012, 02:08:22 PM
Good deal. If you are going to send your kids to public school, in most cases you are going to have to do quite a bit of teaching and reeducation yourself, and it's not just history. I've seen plenty of people who are in high school or graduate high school and they can barely read!

Read? So many Americans can barely speak English; how can you expect them to read it?
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: RevDisk on October 07, 2012, 02:44:14 PM

Any public school teacher that associates a student with a hate group for wearing a common political t-shirt needs to be canned. Immediately. Constitution applies to kids as well.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: lupinus on October 07, 2012, 03:58:45 PM
Good deal. If you are going to send your kids to public school, in most cases you are going to have to do quite a bit of teaching and reeducation yourself, and it's not just history. I've seen plenty of people who are in high school or graduate high school and they can barely read!
Just as important, IMO, is the fact that not only can the barely read even the ones that can have very poor reading comprehension.

Even the ones that can read simply can't read something and have it translate into any sort of useful knowledge. Of course, the same could be said about being able to turn any sort of input into useful knowledge. It jsut goes in one ear and out the other or causes a meltdown.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: dogmush on October 07, 2012, 04:56:10 PM
Any public school teacher that associates a student with a hate group for wearing a common political t-shirt needs to be canned. Immediately. Constitution applies to kids as well.

I'm pretty sure the courts have held that it doesn't. At least not in public schools.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: RevDisk on October 07, 2012, 05:46:02 PM
I'm pretty sure the courts have held that it doesn't. At least not in public schools.

 Tinker v Des Moines (393 US 503 [1969])

Nope. SCOTUS ruled that a) while kids don't have full rights they have some and b) free speech is one of those.  Government suppression of political expression, with some cavets, is not legal if it is not disruptive to classes.
Title: Re: Riducled by teacher for wearing the "Wrong T-shirt"
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 07, 2012, 05:47:49 PM
Yeah, but supporting a racist presidential candidate is obviously disruptive to classes. Duh.