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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Ben on July 04, 2006, 08:28:00 AM

Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: Ben on July 04, 2006, 08:28:00 AM
Two quotes from the article that I find comical:

We have to put our own lives on the line, and Im willing to do that, said activist Diane Wilson, who pledged to fast until the United States withdraws from Iraq.
Followed by:
Dearborn said 2,700 other activists nationwide, including actors Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn, would work as a relay team passing the fast daily from one to another.
...which kinda negates the severity of "putting their lives on the line".

And I guess a third funny line was:
The demonstrators crouched in the muggy evening next to a piece of pink plastic, spread down the road as a table and tablecloth in one. It was covered with wilted pink sunflowers and plates of vegetarian curry, white rice and beans.
That was their "last" meal. Me, I'd choose a big old T-bone followed by a few hamburgers for dessert, but whatever floats your boat I guess...

Sheehan, antiwar protesters begin July 4 fast
Some say protest will last until American troops return from Iraq

Updated: 6:36 p.m. PT July 3, 2006

WASHINGTON - About 150 protesters sat in front of the White House Monday to savor their last meal before starting a hunger strike that some said will continue until American troops return from Iraq.

The demonstration marking the Independence Day holiday was organized by CodePink, a womens antiwar group that called on volunteers to abstain from eating for 24 hours from midnight on Monday.

Some protesters said their fast would continue beyond July 4.

Antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, said she would drink only water throughout the summer, which she said she would spend outside President Bushs ranch in Crawford, Texas.

This war is a crime, Sheehan told a crowd of clapping, cheering protesters. We represent millions of Americans who withdraw their support from this government.

The demonstrators crouched in the muggy evening next to a piece of pink plastic, spread down the road as a table and tablecloth in one. It was covered with wilted pink sunflowers and plates of vegetarian curry, white rice and beans.

The demonstration aimed at highlighting the costs of the war, in which more than 2,500 U.S. soldiers and thousands of Iraqis have died, said CodePink spokeswoman Meredith Dearborn.

We have to put our own lives on the line, and Im willing to do that, said activist Diane Wilson, who pledged to fast until the United States withdraws from Iraq.

Dearborn said 2,700 other activists nationwide, including actors Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn, would work as a relay team passing the fast daily from one to another.

Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: Fly320s on July 04, 2006, 09:07:35 AM
Let 'em fast.  In three weeks they won't be a nuisance anymore.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: The Rabbi on July 04, 2006, 09:12:24 AM
If I thought about it, I'd get angry at their expressions of "putting their lives on the line."  Let them go over to Iraq and see people really putting their lives on the line so we can get out of there.
But I can't get angry at people so obviously clueless.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: grislyatoms on July 04, 2006, 10:13:41 AM
"Dearborn said 2,700 other activists nationwide, including actors Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn, would work as a relay team passing the fast daily from one to another."


 I am underwhelmed.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: garrettwc on July 05, 2006, 07:29:22 AM
If you do the math 2700 fasters working in a relay could fast for one hour, eat the other 23 and still only have to do it once every 112.5 days. If they fasted for one day, allowing for the usual three meals a day, they would only have to do it once every 900 days, basically skipping a meal once a year.

In other words, once they get their 15 minutes of TV time they still can make their reservation at Spago's.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: Chris on July 05, 2006, 08:58:33 AM
Wait.  I think that I can get into this type of protest.  Until Class III weapons are made readily available to we, the peaceful members of APS/THR, I am going on a hunger strike.  I will henceforth fast from breakfast and coffee until I have an affordable CLass III weapon in my home!

(nevermind that I've been skipping breakfast since I was 20, and haven't had a drink of coffee since I left the army.)
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: TMM on July 05, 2006, 09:51:38 AM
Hah- that should be an embarresment to them... not a claim to fame...

Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: Ben on July 11, 2006, 04:30:21 AM
A funny update on the "Fast for Peace". I'm not sure which is more comical to me, substituting ice cream for Jamba Juice, or the unintentionally attrocious writing (e.g., "...successful coup attempts").

VIA Michelle Malkin:

I find traveling out of the country very challenging being on a fast. When I was on a layover in Madrid on my way to Venice, Italy yesterday, the closest thing I could find to a smoothie to get a little protein was a coffee with vanilla ice cream in it. Traveling for 22 hours is very taxing under normal circumstances--but then again, when have we had normal circumstances since the 2000 and 2004 successful coup attempts that have brought BushCo into power?

I traveled from Venice to the frontier of Italy to the province of Udine which is right at the foot of the pre-Alps. I am here for a huge youth festival which includes many elements of social justice and peace work. It is beautiful and the air feels different from other places that I have travelled. It is strangely soft and gentle as is the natural light. However, there is not a Jamba Juice on every corner, so blended juice drinks with protein powder are impossible to find.

I have also received so many emails from worried, wonderful, and well-meaning friends and supporters in the US who are concerned about me and all of the others who are fasting. I don't like being on this fast, trust me, but 3 Marines were killed in Iraq today---3 unsuspecting families are about to head into a tailspin of senseless grief and we won't ever get an accurate count of the Iraqis who were killed today. It is going to be 112 degrees in Baghdad tomorrow. The occupiers and the occupied are suffering terribly.

It is important to keep our focus on saving the people of Iraq and our soldiers.

It is important to keep our focus on ending the war crime in Iraq.

The Troops Home Fast is a moral response to an immoral act. We can, and must be, morally strong so we can feast on the day that the last troop is brought home from the war crime in Iraq.

Then our focus can change to holding BushCo responsible for the war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace and focus on never allowing this to happen again.

Come to Camp Casey. August 16 to September 2nd.

Cindy Sheehan began her hunger strike against the war in Iraq on July 4th.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: K Frame on July 11, 2006, 07:46:08 AM

I just completed a leg of my fast, the one between my Tuesday morning, 8:45 a.m. bagel w/cream cheese and my 12:30 turkey sandwich on rye.

That was tough. I really wondered if I was going to get through it. I must have lost 1/1000th of a pound.

It's actions like that that will get those bastard war monkey politicians in Washington to hear us!

I wonder if these retards have ever even heard of Bobby Sands? Like him or not, like his cause or not, he carried through on his principles.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: m1911owner on July 11, 2006, 07:48:26 AM
Quote from: BenW
Come to Camp Casey. August 16 to September 2nd.

Cindy Sheehan began her hunger strike against the war in Iraq on July 4th.

I wonder what their spin will be when they've failed to expire in two weeks?
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: Mongo on July 11, 2006, 09:51:44 AM
I fasted at lunch in honor of IANSA.

Went to the range and ran 10 mags through my 1911...

I feel much better

I officially pass my Range Fast on to the next poster
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: jefnvk on July 11, 2006, 11:53:03 AM
24 hours of fasting is nothing.  Even more nothing if 18 of that is spent sleeping, which is usually why I end up fasting for 24 hours.  I don't think any healthy life is on the line though.

I haven't seen pictures, but if this is a true crossection of America, 24 hours of fasting will probably do them some good anyways.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: crt360 on July 11, 2006, 12:31:47 PM
Quote from: jefnvk
I haven't seen pictures, but if this is a true crossection of America, 24 hours of fasting will probably do them some good anyways.
If their idea of a good last meal is vegetarian curry and they can't get through the day without blended fruit drinks, they're not part of the crossection of America that I encounter daily (unless "vegetarian curry" is just a code word for steak and "blended fruit drink" really means margarita).
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: jefnvk on July 11, 2006, 02:00:47 PM
Good point.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: Stand_watie on July 11, 2006, 04:30:33 PM
Want to impress me with your self sacrifice and dedication to your cause?

Relay fast. Pbbbbbbbtht.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: m1911owner on July 29, 2006, 11:05:32 AM
Umm... Why aren't they dead yet?
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: Ben on July 29, 2006, 12:33:34 PM
Umm... Why aren't they dead yet?
Based on what I've seen, that would be because they've all gained at least ten pounds since the fast started.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: m1911owner on July 29, 2006, 12:56:57 PM
Well, OK... I guess.

They're sure dedicated to they're cause.  If that's all the dedication they have, why should I listen to them?

For that matter, it appears that they are less than truthful.  Why should I believe anything they say?
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 29, 2006, 01:56:26 PM
Quote from: m1911owner
Umm... Why aren't they dead yet?
I could be wrong here, but I don't think you should be expecting anyone to die after only a month of fasting, even if they were actually fasting continually.
Title: Anti-War Protestors Begin July 4 Fast -- Sort Of
Post by: Antibubba on July 29, 2006, 08:46:33 PM
Cindy Sheehan began her hunger strike against the war in Iraq on July 4th.
Obviously her body has begun breaking down brain tissue for survival.